tsunderefandomer · 4 years
You guys love skeletons. You guys adore frogs.
So Tumblr, how much do you rate...
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tsunderefandomer · 5 years
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tsunderefandomer · 5 years
Wolves are just Lawful Evil dogs.
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tsunderefandomer · 5 years
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TAG YOURSELF: Korean Fonts Translated
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tsunderefandomer · 5 years
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This is the one anime I’ve been hype for. TBH I haven’t gotten far in the manga but seeing @netflix’s magic touch to create a fandom for anything. I can’t wait for this to blow up. [Even if it this adaptation sucks, I’m ready for the odd ships you guys will come up with. ;) ]
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
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I don’t know what Sony was thinking when they decided to make their emojis have sentience but the face they chose for the meh is definitely a creative choice. If someone were to ever send this meh to you. You know they are the type of person who knows how to express themself. 7/10
Emoji Review: Meh Emoji
So here’s a scenario: That girl you like from class sends you a text. You an anti-social don’t know how to respond in words so you send a Meh Emoji. Now which of those are the best mehs.
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Is clearly bored or isn’t bothered at listening. Doesn’t give a damn that you haven’t gotten a date for homecoming. Gets the message across. 8/10
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Doesn’t bother listening not because they don’t care but because they are half tired. Odd gradient placement at the bottom. 3/10
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Eyebrows on this fellow is more suspicious than bored. Receiving this variant will probably make it seem like you don’t believe a thing they say. 2/10 Might I add that the colour of the eyebrows doesn’t match well with the other lines.
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The colour palette on this doesn’t go well. It’s trying to be Apple with its overall appearance but when getting into the nitty gritty, it’s just not meh enough. It’s more focused on whatever is on its left than whatever you’re doing. 6/10
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This one is in essence a shrunken down version of Apple’s. That aside, this meh shows utter disregard. 6/10
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You can tell that this meh has seen the exact same crap enough times to understand now but you still don’t get it at all and he’s just done with it. The type of meh that we all understand.  10/10
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Shows that it had some interest but gave up after a minute. Not the type of meh you’d want to use. Plus, the misplaced mouth just brought it’s score down. 5/10
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More cringing than meh. This one has just reached a phase where it’s going to become a meh and is intentionally trying to ignore the conversation. 3/10
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Whoever made this one must’ve gotten tired making the other emojis and decided that using the line tool was the quickest way to finish this one. Maybe it’s because the rest aren’t quite angular but I give it a 1/10.
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Has the face down. I also appreciate the choice of having the shading come from the side. 10/10
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While the button badge aesthetic is creative, the face looks horribly disfigured. Add the blush used and that face is just an embarrassed face. Wrong emotion. 0/10
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Like the Twitter counterpart, this one’s is officially done with the incompetence shown. However, it looks like the situation has just elevated into something far more dramatic. Not somebody you’d want to invite to a comedy night. 4/10
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I’m still not sure how I feel about the Mozilla emojis having ears but all the better to hear my opinion. It’s good. It clearly shows boredom they have with the situation. The simplistic design is good enough. 8/10
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Another blusher, this one’s far more embarrassed and wants everyone to forget about it and is purposefully looking away. Not ‘meh’ enough. 3/10
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
Emoji Review: Meh Emoji
So here’s a scenario: That girl you like from class sends you a text. You an anti-social don’t know how to respond in words so you send a Meh Emoji. Now which of those are the best mehs.
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Is clearly bored or isn’t bothered at listening. Doesn’t give a damn that you haven’t gotten a date for homecoming. Gets the message across. 8/10
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Doesn’t bother listening not because they don’t care but because they are half tired. Odd gradient placement at the bottom. 3/10
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Eyebrows on this fellow is more suspicious than bored. Receiving this variant will probably make it seem like you don’t believe a thing they say. 2/10 Might I add that the colour of the eyebrows doesn’t match well with the other lines.
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The colour palette on this doesn’t go well. It’s trying to be Apple with its overall appearance but when getting into the nitty gritty, it’s just not meh enough. It’s more focused on whatever is on its left than whatever you’re doing. 6/10
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This one is in essence a shrunken down version of Apple’s. That aside, this meh shows utter disregard. 6/10
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You can tell that this meh has seen the exact same crap enough times to understand now but you still don’t get it at all and he’s just done with it. The type of meh that we all understand.  10/10
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Shows that it had some interest but gave up after a minute. Not the type of meh you’d want to use. Plus, the misplaced mouth just brought it’s score down. 5/10
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More cringing than meh. This one has just reached a phase where it’s going to become a meh and is intentionally trying to ignore the conversation. 3/10
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Whoever made this one must’ve gotten tired making the other emojis and decided that using the line tool was the quickest way to finish this one. Maybe it’s because the rest aren’t quite angular but I give it a 1/10.
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Has the face down. I also appreciate the choice of having the shading come from the side. 10/10
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While the button badge aesthetic is creative, the face looks horribly disfigured. Add the blush used and that face is just an embarrassed face. Wrong emotion. 0/10
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Like the Twitter counterpart, this one’s is officially done with the incompetence shown. However, it looks like the situation has just elevated into something far more dramatic. Not somebody you’d want to invite to a comedy night. 4/10
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I’m still not sure how I feel about the Mozilla emojis having ears but all the better to hear my opinion. It’s good. It clearly shows boredom they have with the situation. The simplistic design is good enough. 8/10
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Another blusher, this one’s far more embarrassed and wants everyone to forget about it and is purposefully looking away. Not ‘meh’ enough. 3/10
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
The most unrealistic part of the Harry Potter universe is that there is no need for further education after high school in order to get a good job.
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
However, now we’ll get complaints from angry werewolf parents saying they don’t want their children to abandon their heritage.
Here’s a PSA idea: Some kid discovers that they’re from a long line of werewolves and it’ll eventually manifest during puberty. However, the kid doesn’t want to so they decide to get some prescribed hormone blockers. Now you’ve got an allegory for transitioning.
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
Here’s a PSA idea: Some kid discovers that they’re from a long line of werewolves and it’ll eventually manifest during puberty. However, the kid doesn’t want to so they decide to get some prescribed hormone blockers. Now you’ve got an allegory for transitioning.
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
Exec: That’s every show about the devil. ALL OF THEM. (There’s a trope page on that.)
TV show pitch: hey… you know that guy Satan who’s supposed to symbolize all evil and hatred in humanity…?? What if he’s actually just a… misunderstood hot guy…
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
do you ever see a character that’s worshipped by a fandom and go “you’re not that great”
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
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Decided to make a parody of @ghost-church‘s The Beacon Post from the perspective of a Haven student. Further issues will probably take place during the episodes that have not been done yet. In the meantime, here’s Volume 5, Chapter 1.
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
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I told this Joke to my extremely religious father and his first reply was “funny but don’t tell it to your mother”
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
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Is it Better than Pingu in the City?: Yuri!!! On Ice
MyAnimeList User score for Yuri!!! On Ice: 8.21
MyAnimeList User score for Pingu in the City: 8.40
Conclusion: No
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
Part 2.5: First Twenty Words Out of 1.1111111111111111111 times 10 by the power of 20: Disown a general who might save China with dad powers. Broken when he found out Ping was female all along.
Part 3: The Epic DDLC Poem (tl;dr edition): Strawberry cakes are what... music to my ears...his treasure will become the King... due to the contamination of zombie disease... two princesses began to sing about proof... Raindrops, drop tops... something infallible... the beach episode has some good swimsuits... Mickey Mouse died from the Organization... the wind began to twirl... went to buy some milk... give Doki-Doki Literature Club a good review... It was all a daydream... it was her destiny... they went to the graveyard... their love was unrequited... everybody laugh at the meme... fickle rhymes with pickle... their adventure was secretive.
No: Yes
I’d like to thank @popelickva & @shelbeanie once again for streaming DDLC. Shit-poeting was an enjoyable experience. And now back to your regularly scheduled music.
Charbyshelb’s Collection of Poems
During @popelickva‘s, I wrote some poems using keywords (in bold) from his Doki Doki Literature Club stream. He read them out so these count as quotes I guess.
Top 20 Words by Charbyshelb: There once was a tenacious ribbon flying through the starscape and hopped vivaciously to boop the ambient but sticky socks. Suddenly, disaster struck and an afterimage of Misery, the nightgown wearing waterfall appeared in the uncanny valley, upon further analysis, there was some disorientation when the Crimson Chin was revealed to be her papa.
20 More Words: As the empty Uncle Fester encountered the whirlwind, anxiety struck. What misfortune! The infinite sadness of uncontrollable bowels and the horror of Final Fantasy XIII. He stared at a portrait depicting entropy occur as the variance in the inferno. With closer analysis, it was all just a daydream on his covet while for all eternity wore a vivacious, tenacious nightgown. Boop, doki-doki.
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tsunderefandomer · 6 years
Damn, save some for the rest of us
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