ttyusb0 · 4 years
pinephone ussd code with response
I am using mobian and am unable to respond to ussd codes, so I searched and found a solution: cd /usr/src/ git clone https://github.com/JochenHoch2/gsm-ussd.git cd gsm-ussd/ apt-get install libexpect-perl make make install systemctl stop ModemManager gsm-ussd -m /dev/ttyUSB2 "100*8#" gsm-ussd -m /dev/ttyUSB2 "1" systemctl start ModemManager
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
wifi hotspot on pinephone (arch + sxmo)
pacman -S dnsmasq
IFNAME="wlan0" && CON_NAME="pinephone" && PASSWD="somepassword" && sudo nmcli c add type wifi ifname $IFNAME con-name $CO\ N_NAME autoconnect yes ssid $CON_NAME 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk wifi-sec.psk "$PASSWD"
nmcli con up pinephone
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
sxmo on barebone arch
1. download arch barebone image from: https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/releases 2. download jumpdrive image from https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Jumpdrive/releases/ 3. dd if=jumpdrive0.7-pine64-pinephone.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 4. boot pinephone with sd card NOTE: make sure that your pinephone device is sdc, or change sdc accourdingly 5. if you want to take backup from your pinephone emmc: dd if=/dev/sdc of=./emmc.img 6. dd if=archlinux-pinephone-barebone-20210214.img of=/dev/sdc 7. turn off pinephone, remove sd card and turn it on 8. connect your phone by usb cable to your laptop 9. ssh [email protected]    password is 123456 10. sudo nmtui    Activate a connection 11. pacman -Syyuu 12. pacman -S wget emacs-nox git 13. echo "(setq backup-directory-alist '((\"\" . \"~/.emacs.d/backup\")))" > /home/alarm/.emacs 13. passwd 14. sudo reboot 15. ssh [email protected] 16. git clone https://github.com/justinesmithies/sxmo-alarm.git 17. cd sxmo-alarm/ 18. chmod +x sxmo-alarm 19. sudo ./sxmo-alarm 21. if something fails (for me downloading of yay_10.1.2_aarch64.tar.gz fails) re-run the script 22. it fails for me again an again so I downloader yay_10.1.2_aarch64.tar.gz via tor and copied it to build-sxmo-dev/yay-bin also I deleted the file yay_10.1.2_aarch64.tar.gz.part from that directory and re run the script. 23. sudo reboot
optional steps:
1. install some good apps: pacman -S telegram-desktop element fractal aircrack-ng mc screen virt-manager iftop iptraf-ng iotop vlc mplayer tor polipo tmux base-devel gimp remmina unrar stardict arduino arduino-cli arduino-avr-core minicom picocom tigervnc kiwix-desktop android-tools tcpdump nmap ntfs-3g ettercap wireshark-qt wireshark-cli libreoffice gnome-passwordsafe abiword powersupply geary gnome-todo gparted gedit anbox anbox-image
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
dwm status bar with battery status and time and date and a lot more info
cat dwm-status.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash
while true do    bat0="`acpi -b | head -n 1 | cut -d\% -f1 | cut -d\, -f2`%"    bat1="`acpi -b | tail -n 1 | cut -d\% -f1 | cut -d\, -f2`%"    mem="`free -h | awk '(NR==2){ print $4 }'`"    time="`date +\" %a %d %b %Y | %I:%M %p\"`"    vol="`amixer get Master | awk -F'[][]' 'END{ print $4\":\"$2 }'`"    layout="`setxkbmap -query | awk '/layout/{ print $2 }'`"    disk="`df -h | awk '{ if ($6 == \"/home\") print $4 }'`"    cpu_temp="`sed 's/000$/°C/' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`"
   xsetroot -name "$mem | $bat0 | $bat1 | $vol | $layout | $disk | $cpu_temp | $time"
   sleep 1m; done
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
some useful dwm shortcuts
alt+shift+enter: st
alt+enter: make active window master
alt+number: opens a tag (switch to a tag)
alt+k: cycle between windows
alt+j: cycle between windows
alt+i: make one more master
alt+d: demote current master
alt+shift+number: re-tag current window with number
alt+ctrl+number: look at current tag + number tag at the same time
alt+shift+ctrl+number: add current window to number tag (in addition to it’s currently assigned tag)
number can be 0: it means all 9 tags
alt+l: make master bigger
alt+h: make master smaller
st shortcut: ctrl+shift+page up/down: increase/decrease font size
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
st on arch
cd projects/my/suckless/
wget http://dl.suckless.org/st/st-0.8.4.tar.gz tar -xvf st-0.8.4.tar.gz cd st-0.8.4 make sudo make install
alt+shift+enter : opens a new st
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
dmenu on arch
cd projects/my/suckless/
wget http://dl.suckless.org/tools/dmenu-5.0.tar.gz
tar -xvf dmenu-5.0.tar.gz
cd dmenu-5.0
sudo make install
alt+p opens dmenu and then you can type the name of app you want
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
dwm on arch
cd projects/my
mkdir suckless
cd suckless
wget http://dl.suckless.org/dwm/dwm-6.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf dwm-6.2.tar.gz
cd dwm-6.2
sudo make install
cd ~
echo dwm > .xinitrc
alt+shift+q to quit dwm
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ttyusb0 · 4 years
my pacman cheat sheet
-S means synchronize
-Sy means check for new updates (like: apt-get update)
-Syy allways force check update
-Su means install new updates (like: apt-get upgrade)
-Syu (like: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)
-Ss is seach (like: apt-cache search) it laso supports regx: pacman -Ss ^emacs
-Ssq same as above but do not print descritions
-R remove apps (uninstall)
-Rs remove app with it’s dependencies
-Rn remove app with it’s system config files (not . files in ~)
-Q lists all installed packages
-Qs search local repo (installed apps): pacamn -Qs emacs
-Qe exclude dependencies
-Qq emits printing version numbers
-Qn programs installed from main repo
-Qm programs install from AUR
-Qdt lists garbage apps (unneeded dependencies)
note: to remove all these garbage: pacman -Qdtq | pacman -Rsn -
-Sc removes cached packages
location of config file: /etc/pacman.conf
for example: uncomment Color
mirrors: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
reference: this video
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