tuncselam · 3 years
One Last Farewell
Hey everyone,
Just like all good things must come to an end, this is the end of our semester and also, the end of our journey.
I have learned many different tasks that I can use in my future classes and I learned about a lot of new online tools. For example, I didn’t know about WebQuests, Wiki blogs, and flipped classrooms. I think these are really good to know where education is becoming more and more technology related. 
I thought I was good with technology before this class but after facing this many different online tasks and tools, I had to get even better. Sometimes it was hard to use the online tools because everything isn’t made to your liking and you have to find your way aronud these tools in order to create what you want. 
I wish we could have this course face-to-face and share our work with our friends so that we could get better feedback. It would also be very entertaining to see other peoples’ work as well. Even in a technology related course, you want a touch of real life related things happening as well, which is a bit ironic:)
It’s been a good journey and hope you learned as many things as I learned throughout this semester.
Thanks for being here, and farewell...
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tuncselam · 3 years
Nature WebQuest!
Hey everyone, 
This week we made a WebQuest task with my friend Kaan. I just learned about WebQuests in my course and I really like how they work. You create a small online task for your students and you can easily include all the instructions and the evaluations for the task as well. I think this would be good online task for students.
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We made our WebQuests with the site questgarden.com where you can create your own WebQuests. Site is a bit outdated but it’s easy to use, and gets the job done and that’s what matters.
We decided to make 2 tasks about bad human impact on nature because we thought it was an important topic that everyone should have a few opinions about. We found the first task on our coursebook and we decided that we can make it better by adding a podcast as a second task. This way, the students can also state their opinions about the topic of their choosing and share it with their friends. What’s better than just a poster is a poster and a podcast!
Here’s the link of our WebQuest and I hope you like it:
Here’s my friend Kaans’ own blog:
Thanks everyone, and goodbye!
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tuncselam · 3 years
Augmented Reality Task!
Hey everyone, 
This week we have prepared an augmented reality worksheet with my friend from previous weeks’ tasks, Kaan.
Our worksheet aims to give the experience of visiting a city without even being in the city. We chose different landmarks, a museum and a famous dish of Barcelona and we’ve put QR codes on the worksheets which directs the students to different videos about these locations and the dish. Some of them are videos and some are 360 view videos. We also prepared some questions in order to make the students more interested in the landmarks and also make sure they’re paying attention. 
The main problem we faced during our task was that it was kind of hard to find the material to include in our worksheet such as 360 videos and augmented reality related content. 
We used canva for our worksheets which is an online tool that helps you create different kinds of visual content such as spreadsheets, posters, slideshows, etc.
We also made a video explaining the process of how to use the QR codes and what our worksheets include: 
And last but not least, here’s a link to our worksheet:
Here’s my friend Kaan’s blog as well: 
Hope you liked our task for the week. Thank you and see you next week!
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tuncselam · 3 years
Flipped Grammar Teaching
Hey everyone!
Just like my previous post, we’ve made another flipped class teaching video with my friend Kaan. Difference from last time is, we tried to teach grammar instead of vocabulary this time.
I think grammar teaching is a lot harder than vocabulary and a supporting video like this might help students understand the topic better. I wouldn’t say neither flipped vocabulary or grammar videos are enough by themselves but they’re a good additional source of learning.
While making the video, we had lesser problems because after creating the vocabulary video, we knew what to do. The programs and tools we used kind of gave us trouble but it was fine in the end.
Just like the last time, we mainly used moovly for our video which is a platform where users are able to create multimedia content such as animations, slides, graphics and much more.
Here, you can see our video. Hope you like it!
My group members’ blog: https://kaan-kucuk.wixsite.com/kaan
See you next week everyone!
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tuncselam · 3 years
Flipped Vocabulary Teaching
Hey everyone! 
For this week, we have created vocabulary videos using “Flipped Vocabulary Teaching.” It is a good way to teach as it supports all kinds of learners such as visual and verbal learners. Young learners would be interested in them as they include a lot of visuals and audio. It’s not very extensive so it wouldn’t be enough as it is but I believe it could be used as a supportive teaching method.
We had many problems with the video as we both were very bad with animating and video making. My friend Kaan did the animation and I tried to come up with the video concept itself so we tried to share our work evenly. 
We used moovly and Nearpod for our video. 
Moovly is a platform where users are able to create multimedia content such as animations, slides, graphics and much more.
Nearpod is a digital tool that lets teachers create slide-based learning resources that are interactive.
Below, there’s a link to our vocabulary video. Hope you enjoy it and find it useful!
My group members’ blog: https://kaan-kucuk.wixsite.com/kaan
Thank you, and see you next week!
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tuncselam · 3 years
Tasks Based on Corpus Use!
Hey everyone, we’ve prepared a language awareness task based on corpus use with my partner Kaan Küçük. We made this task to teach our students the difference between “who” and “whom” by using different methods. We use the approach of data-driven learning where we, as teachers, give our students guidance but instead of teaching them everything, we let them research the data on their own. Through the use of a corpus, which is a collection of linguistic data, students research and try to come up with their own solutions to these problems. Students look at their findings and use them in their own speaking and writing. While implementing all these, we tried to promote self-discovery of language. We tried to make students learn the info by themselves to help them get a better understanding of what they’re learning, which is the language awareness part of our task. You can see our worksheet down below and hope you find it useful. I’ll put a link to my partners' blog, don’t forget to check his work out as well. Hope to see you soon, goodbye! 
Link to Kaan Küçüks’ blog: https://kaan-kucuk.wixsite.com/kaan
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tuncselam · 3 years
I’m Back!
Hey everyone, I’m back. This semester we have our material design in ELT class. So lucky for you, I will be posting more. Hope you’re ready to get informed even more! See you on the next post
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tuncselam · 4 years
End of our Journey!
Hey everyone! Since our term is about to end, that means that this course is about to end as well. Even though I'm sad that I won’t be posting anymore, it was great going interesting tasks all semester long. 
I learned that the use of technology and tasks that use 21st-century learning can contribute greatly to the classes and help students be more competent and creative. Before this class, I knew technology could be integrated into classes but this class especially taught me how fun it can be. 
During our classes, we’ve prepared many things but I would say the online posters and the wiki book reviews were really fun to do. I’m really satisfied with my results. I honestly don’t have a least favorite task as they were all pretty easy and fun to do. I enjoyed doing all of them. 
During our tasks, we’ve had some limitations to shorten the tasks but I thought it would be better if we could do more. During the book reviews, we had to follow an outline, and not gonna deny it, it helped a lot. But, at the same time, it was a bit limiting too. It’s not the biggest problem but I thought I could share it.
It was great doing all those tasks and sharing them on this blog but everything good has to end at some point I guess:) Take care, everyone!
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tuncselam · 4 years
Digital Storytelling!
Hey everyone! this week we’ve prepared a how-to video with my group mates. We made a video about making toothpaste with natural ingredients at home. We found this idea after brainstorming for a while and then we wrote our script. We recorded the script separately and used movavi to create our video. We generally managed to do everything we wanted to so we didn’t have many hardships. Coming up with the idea was the hardest part in my opinion. Digital storytelling can help both visual and auditory learners at the same time. It’s a good way of giving information while not being so boring. Hope you like our little project and see you next time!
Also, here are links to my group mates’ blogs:
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tuncselam · 4 years
Hey everyone, this week we’ve prepared infographics on how to be better with online education. It was a pretty easy task and I used canva while making it. I think infographics are very useful for students like me who have short attention spans and learns better with visuals. They could be used on a lot of topics and they could give students context before getting into learning about the topic. I attached my infographic on the blog and hope you like it! See you on the next weeks task!
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tuncselam · 4 years
Online Posters!
Hey everyone,
This week, for our edu-tech class, we’ve created online posters! Me being a fan of science fiction, I decided to make a cover for a sci-fi magazine. I did my cover using canva. Since I’m not the most creative person ever, I had a hard time coming up with ideas for the name, background cover and my theme, but luckily I was able to figure it all out:) I’m really happy with the end results . Just like the book-review task, I think it’s a fun and creative task to implement in lessons. It’s a nice way for students to express themselves.
This is it for this weeks task, hope you liked my cover and hope you enjoyed this whole online posters task. See you next week!
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tuncselam · 4 years
Padlet Walls!
Hey everyone, for this lesson of our class, we’ve formed groups and created padlet walls together. We wanted to create a wall on the freedom of animals. We’ve created a padlet wall under three main titles which are: What we know, What we want to know, and what we learned. After that, we’ve made our distinct points under the titles. You should check our padlet after reading this!
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Padlet was really easy to use as a group and it’s a good tool to inform people on matters such as ours in my opinion. Since it’s pretty fun and interesting for the reader, it’s a good way to inform people.
In my opinion, this would contribute to the development of 21st-century learning skills a lot. Students form groups and it’s easy for them to exchange info. They can easily get creative with their use of walls and posts. While using a media outlet such as padlet, it’s really easy to direct people to other outlets this way too.
For last but not least, you can see our little padlet project below and I hope you like it! See you on our next project!
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tuncselam · 4 years
Wiki Blogs and Book Reviews!
This week we learned about wiki blogs and how they can be used in our lesson. We’ve made book reviews and I made a review of a book I love: Childhood’s End. It’s a science fiction book which takes another look at the utopia topic. You should check my review after reading this!
Writing a wiki page was pretty fun and I felt like an adult while doing so. The whole process is pretty easy to use so I haven’t had any problems. It’s pretty cool to write a wiki. You feel like you’re contributing to something.
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If i was a teacher, I would definitely make my students write a wiki. It’s a great way of sharing information and learning new things. This was by far my favorite task we’ve done in the class.
Before I forget, here’s the link of my review. Hope you like it and see you on the next weeks topic!
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tuncselam · 4 years
Vox-Pop Podcast!
Hello everyone, this week we've made podcasts for our Educational Technologies Class. It was overall pretty fun to make. I did a Vox-Pop where I had a topic and asked the public opinion about it. I liked hearing different ideas about my topic. I asked my friends to help me find other people to get opinions from. If I had to go outside and find people, it would be hard as a lot of people don't speak English and sometimes people just don't want to get into an interview. Finding my topic was not hard at all. Since Vox-Pops can be about almost anything, I just went with the first thing that came to my mind. What I thought while doing the podcast was, maybe I could do something like this in the future too.
I would give my learners a task like this in the future. They take responsibility, they create something with their ideas and creativity and they learn something that they could do apart from the lesson. It could be a little hard for learners that don't have an easy access to internet and technology. Other than that, it's a pretty fun to task for both learners and the teacher.
Hope you enjoyed my podcast and also learned something about my Vox-Pop topic! See you on the next weeks task!
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tuncselam · 4 years
About 21st Century Learning
As we progress through time, we find better solutions for many things. In this case, 21st century learning is the solution for modern education.
21st century learning has a system where student is centered instead of the teacher and learning happens in an environment with collaboration, technology and context.
Students learn a set of different skills that will guide them while learning. These skills can be shortened as the 4 c’s of the 21st century learning:
Critical Thinking
After getting the hang of these skills, students will easily be able to engage in technology use for educational purposes.
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In 21st century learning students learn how to use technology in a much more deep sense. They learn how to use technology to gather meaningful information, engage in information creating. Students communicate and collaborate with each other with the help of technology. They share their gathered information and their ideas. They get creative with their ideas through the use of technology and share them with others.
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tuncselam · 4 years
Welcome Everyone!
Hey there! This is the blog for my Educational Technologies class and I will be using it to share what I’ve learned in class with you. I will be posting about the use of technology in language teaching education as I learn about it too:)
Hopefully this blog can help you about different topics on educational technologies. Enjoy!
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