tupsukorva · 3 months
I will die on this hill.
outdoor cat defenders really are simply some of the most Delusional people on the planet, like you can list fact after fact all with verified sources about how bad it is to let cats outside for both them & the environment around them and people will cover their ears and be like "umm not my frumpkins he knows not to play in traffic & he has magical resistance to coyotes and disease"
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tupsukorva · 3 months
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When Veilguard comes out, please keep it in the back of your mind every single time you interact with Varric and Lucanis that their writer got laid off with little to no warning and that she is and always will be a Dragon Age legend and one of the reasons why the franchise has stayed afloat for as long as it has
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tupsukorva · 2 years
Hey, do y’all remember how Tencent said they were developing faceID AI to identify people in riots, and then they suddenly created an AI art generator to turn your selfies into anime?
Do y’all remember that time that someone discovered facial recognition cameras couldn't see through Juggalo makeup, then Facebook had a fun “see what you'd look like with Juggalo makeup” thing, and then facial recognition cameras could suddenly see through Juggalo makeup?
Do y’all remember how, on Twitter, Elon started a tirade against artists who ask for credit when their art is reposted, and he suddenly he created one of the first big art AI programs?
Do y’all remember how AI destroyed the field of translation, despite the inferiority of the machine translations, because people didn’t care about the quality of the translations? They just wanted it done for free?
Do you know how companies will see a lot of money going into a New Tech Thing (like, say, AI art apps) and will jump to try and implement that New Tech Thing into their tech? For example, how it felt like every big company and celebrity had an NFT to sell?
Just wondering.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
Non-vegan leftists and environmentalists talk a good game about ecological restoration and giving the land back, but are so often resistant to so much as a conversation about reducing global meat consumption.
You guys realise about a third of the planet’s ice-free land surface is used solely for animal agriculture, right? It uses about 77% of all agricultural land, despite only producing 17% of food, making it a woefully inefficient use of land. It is just not possible to rewild or decolonise on anywhere near the scale we all want to see without a global shift away from animal agriculture and towards more efficient, sustainable land use.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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tupsukorva · 2 years
“100 companies carbon blah blah I’m gonna do whatever I want” is the new climate change denial.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
I really should get to having my tubes cut and tied while it's still possible. Of course I don't live in 'Murica, for which I'm happy, but you never can predict the elections even here in Europe (I'm looking at you, Sweden). Fascists and other backward people can get a grip into power very quickly, even in a democracy.
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Don't use Facebook (including Instagram and WhatsApp), Twitter, TikTok, Tumblr, really any social media app or messenger, forum, or even Discord if you are seeking an abortion. Only use things like Signal (assuming it's still safe) that are heavily point-to-point encrypted.
Tech corporations aren't your friends, they will rat you out to fascists.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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tonight's niloy discord art stream request is from @cthu-boo - Aloy as the cat from Stray going down into the Daunt in a bucket!
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tupsukorva · 2 years
Can confirm. Personal experience: I went into vetmed, became a veterinary technician/nurse to help animals. Became a vegan during my school years. My plan was to go into wildlife care or something like that after getting some experience and gathering savings (sidenote; impossible. Nurses are paid very little, even with a degree, and it's becoming a trend to have a small business "side hustle" or doing other extra work, just to make ends meet). Now I'm thinking of quitting the field altogether...
Anyway, turns out, most people in vetmed are very much in the animal exploitation/cognitive dissonance thought patterns. They don't see the animals as individuals with rights of their own. It's just a means to an end. Especially with people who've worked in the field many years. It numbs you to see so much pain and suffering. There are so many things wrong with vetmed in itself, like compassion fatigue, burnout and suicides, that going any further in ethics just means more personal suffering. So we/they shut it out of their minds. Even those who do care about the patients, it's about making their life better in the situation they are at the moment.
It's not even about agriculture, it's the thought of having a pet and "owning" them, even though people care about them, it's still using that individual's life to make your own better.
So, many or most vet nurses and veterinarians don't go into the ethics of animal keeping. It's a business of exploitation, a branch of pet business AND animal agri. As long as there is animal exploitation, there will be vet medicine, and I'm not saying we're all horrible people, but I'm not suggesting we're saints either. It's how society itself is built as a whole, and that has to change.
I'm not going to say I don't have double standards in that regard. I have a cat currently, a rescue of course, but still I know I don't have the right to "own her". But it's a difficult topic. I wouldn't buy a kitten of a certain breed from a "kennel", but rescues and strays are "our fault" so to speak, and I try to make my cat companion's life as good as I possibly can, better than it would out on the streets.
Do you know of any vegan vetenary blog on here ? All th ones I've reblog from the notorious anti vegans... thanks
I know of bloggers that have been involved in veterinary care/science but nobody who is running a vegan veterinary blog, I'm afraid. It's largely because of how linked animal agriculture and veterinary science is that we don't see it more, and it's also why they're actively anti-vegan more often than not.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
That small flinch in his eyes 😍
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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Crow babies are important
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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Happy Labor Day
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tupsukorva · 2 years
Veganism isn't a rich people's choice only. To frame it so is ignorance. There is power in many people making a choice.
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Always Recycle ♻️
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tupsukorva · 2 years
Honestly, even if it was guaranteed that my being vegan would do absolutely nothing to change the world, I would still be vegan. Once you truly start to develop a love for the animals we commodify and start to really appreciate their intrinsic value, you just never see their flesh, secretions, byproducts, skins, etc. as something for us to use. I love these animals so dearly and it hurts me deeply to think about what they have to suffer in order for their bodies to be exploited for humans. That’s not something I could ever, ever overlook. My veganism is a sign of solidarity and a way for my actions to reflect my sympathy for their suffering.
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tupsukorva · 2 years
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