turtlebaiq · 4 years
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(Source: Pinterest)
Kalau suatu saat saya dihadapkan dengan sebuah sesi wawancara, dan pertanyaannya adalah “apa kelebihan kamu?” Dengan tenang saya menjawab, saya mampu menilai semua makanan yang saya makan enak pak/bu”. Saat ini saya menyesal kenapa saya tidak menyampaikan hal ini ketika wawancara LPDP kemarin, setidaknya ada alasan kenapa saya bisa sampai belajar Food Science. Yang kalau ditanya lulus jadi apa, jelas jawabannya bukan polisi. Apalagi dokter.
Anyway, kemampuan terpendam itu baru saya sadari setelah beberapa kali mendengar testimoni teman-teman, kalau saya memang punya standar makanan yang agak “rendah”. Di beri bakso enak, cheesecake juga enak, cilok pun enak, salad buah dan sayur yang bahkan tidak pernah tau itu tumbuhan apa, pun enak-enak saja. Bahkan, biskuit yang expired saja, saya anggap enak (dulu, sekarang sih liat-liat tanggal) (beruntungnya , Tuhan yang maha kuasa masih memberikan kehidupan). Ternyata dari kecil memang bukan seorang picky eater. Kecuali sambal. Saya mohon maaf. Bukan tidak suka, tapi tidak tahan pedas.
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(Source: Pinterest)
Singkat cerita, dulu ketika masih duduk di bangku SMA, kebiasaan anak remaja, tidak langsung pulang ke rumah, malah menghampiri rumah teman (sebutlah squad). Tuhan tau betul, saya kalau soal makanan tidak banyak komplain. Teman-teman saya sangat variatif, mereka berasal dari Sumatra sampai Papua, dan semuanya mahir dalam urusan memasak. Suatu ketika, selepas meminjam komik, saya main ke rumah salah seorang teman, keluarga beliau punya warung padang yang cukup terkenal di Jayapura. Ayahnya selalu membawa left over (makanan sisa) dr warung. Biasanya kami masak-masak, tapi kali ini makan nasi padang. Bagaimana tidak bahagia, nasi padang seporsi 16-20 ribu tahun 2008 itu lebih baik saya pake buat beli komik atau novel, eh ternyata di beri percuma. Percakapan singkatnya kurang lebih seperti ini “til, aul, kitorang makan nasi padang kah?”; “Ale, mahal we”; “ah trada sa Pace bawa, potem” ; “oh ok sip” . Kami akhirnya makan. Kenyang. Sholat. Lalu pulang.
Ketika pulang seperti biasa, mamak saya selalu nyisain lauk makan siang karena saya pulang paling lama. Namun, makanan itu nanti saya habiskan sore hari atau malamnya.
“Til, makanan diatas meja e, semua sudah makan”
“Sa sudah makan”
“Lagi? Ko banyak uang e? Ko palak makanan teman mu jangan-jangan? ”
“ Ah trada, itu tu Juli pu bapa yang kasi makanan, nasi padang lagi” bapak saya nyambung,
“Ah.. ko ni kayak anak kucing saja”
Saya membatin, “lah mereka berdua induk kucing dong?!” . Saya melanjutkan, “nanti lah sa makan itu, tenang saja. Habis nanti”. Dan ternyata benar sebelum magrib makanan diatas meja habis. Tulang2 ikan yang tersisa saya share bersama anak-anak kucing kampung yang sering lalu lalang di belakang rumah.
Kemudian, Beberapa semester yang lalu saya sering dapat materi tentang pengelolaan makan, dan dampaknya pada masyarakat. Sebutlah Food waste. Jika tidak terkelola dengan baik, banyak hal yang terjadi, contohnya seperti beberapa negara di Australia atau beberapa negara bagian di Amerika Serikat. Makanan organik yang dibeli oleh konsumen kadangkala tidak termakan semua, dan berakhir di tong sampah. Belum lagi sistem grading yang diterapkan oleh supermarket untuk kualitas makanan tertentu. Jika tidak sesuai standar, akan di tolak. Itulah yang di maksud dengan Food loss. Mungkin dari fenomena tersebut, belum ada potret Indonesia. Atau tidak ter ekspose sama sekali. Tapi, bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia aman-aman saja mengenai kecukupan gizi dan akses pangan. Saya orang yang sangat suka kuliner, tapi kadang-kadang orang selalu melihat saya terlalu perthitungan terhadap sendiri ketika berurusan dengan suatu makanan diluar sana. Padahal, saya sedang berpikir, cara menghabiskannya bagaiman ya ? Kalo tidak habis, bukan saja menentang kaidah-kaidah akademik yang sudah saya pelajari. Tapi norma agama, adat istiadat pun saya langgar.
Masalah ini bukan cuma dipikirkan oleh orang-orang yang konsern dengan pangan seperti saya, tapi semua latar belakang pendidikan. Karena ini adalah efek timbal balik dari apa yang kita lakukan. Mohon maaf, anda belajar hukum. Sekarang mungkin belajar hukum tentang pertikaian manusia yang berpolitik. Membela mana yang salah untuk menjerumuskan yang benar atau sebaliknya. Namun, jika suatu saat kita dihadapkan dengan kondisi seperti Amerika saat ini, fokus bidang akademik anda bisa beralih pada makanan. Maksud saya, banyak dokter di US contohnya akan concern pada masalah obesitas, karena prevalensi penyakit tersebut terhadap kematian penduduknya sangat tinggi.
Hari ini kebetulan sebagian besar dari kita berada di dalam rumah, dalam rangka melindungi diri kita, anak-anak dan juga masyarakat dari Pandemi COVID-19. Saya berharap, dengn bijaknya kita mengelola makanan yang kita peroleh, tidak ada limbah makanan yang akhirnya bisa menyebabkan penyakit apalagi kelaparan. Bahkan lebih buruk lagi sebagai penyimbang emisi CO2. Sayangi bukan hanya anak cucu kita, tetapi generasi kita. Indonesia. Anda tidak perlu menjadi anak kucing seperti saya, yang suka dikasih makanan apa saja asal halal dan tidak pedas. Gunakan intuisi anda untuk memilah, mengatur makanan agar tidak terbuang-buang.
Jayapura, 15 Juli 2020
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turtlebaiq · 4 years
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Hi, I just created a new podcast channel, please listen to it. Hope you enjoy. https://open.spotify.com/show/7DXZlwSFARKsIIy51OLY5w
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
I remember a comedian from Canada talked about equality. He is a Cristian I think, because he kept mentioning “Jesus is the coolest guy” he has ever imagined, then people started laughing their ass off. I put this as a credit so people won’t think this is a one sided opinion. Hehehe
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He said “women and men are different” in a university collage, then he got terrorised from many women empowerment communities. And he sticked to the point that men and women will never be the same. Even the best thing about women for him, he said, they’re not a dude. Biologically we are different, he added. And that’s true I think. He said again, none of you (either feminists or sexists) will make a stupid choice to let the guys baby sitting your babies in a whole day, other ways your children will be in the balcony. People laughed so hard, so was I.
BUT he agreed that women and men should be treated equally, given the chances of being paid equally. This is the point and I agree with him.
Regardless of what should be equalised, do you think being a woman is such a burden? I mean, back then more than 1400 years ago women were killed brutally. If the leader knew that the family had a baby girl, he would command his soldiers to buried them alive. Not only that, adult women lived ironically. Imagine you have a wife, when you bored you asked your friend to exchanged his wife with yours. Those women had no RIGHTS. At all.
Guess who changed it? The most powerful man alive, and irreplaceable, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). You may say I am bias yo, but nah, check it by yourself.
In his era, he influenced people to think critically that no women, no generation, even worst no nations. It doesn’t mean women is a generation factory that can be used over and over again just to please the men. Let’s check the facts what was happening back then.
Name a wealthiest women you’ve ever known. Who run HER OWN business at her age in 40s. She was Siti Khadijah rha. She was a rich widow, even she proposed our Prophet Muhammad SAW (Dudeee, I mean, can I even do that ?🤣).
I really can’t describe them one by one, some of them were in the wars. This doesn’t mean our Prophet forced them, he even didn’t allow them, but you know the women always have smart reasons when they want something 😌. They said they wanted to help people who get injured, bring some food, mostly for medical purposes. Not only that, they were not DUMB, one of them was Saykhah Shunda. She taught statistics, poems and linguistic. Choose your fighter, gurls!
One more time, do you believe that your intelligence is coming from your mother? Women have two chromosomes (XX), one of them is used to determine the cognitive function for her child. If you think Obama is smart, think of his mother. If you think Trump is a dumb guy, think of his mother (?) 😑
I have a friend, she is so smart, like i dunno how to describe her because of her intelligence. She was born in a poor family, her mom can’t even speak BAHASA, she only knows Javanese. Guess where she got that brain?
So what’s the purpose of this post? You can ignore the illustrations above, I mean if you have someone to look up, that’s up to you. But, make sure that the one who you look up was looking up someone else, and so on.
Above all of injustice, oppression and abuse of women, I just wanna say you deserve the equal rights. BUT once you know your values, you may surpass the rights of men, which is incredible!
Happy International women day!
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
Itinerary For Your Holiday!
Have you ever imagined that vacation is gonna be way more adventurous when you set it by yourself? Or probably you have a lot of money so you can use a tour guide instead.
Well, sorry to say, without any intention I personally prefer wandering by myself to following a group of people. Because the point of making your own itinerary is a me-time. Seriously.
So, here I will share my typical itinerary for holiday, you can take a look if you like 😉
1. Traveling to South Korea and Japan
I have written about how hilarious I was in Japan, and that was the silliest part of my life as an end-of-master student’s perks. You know sometimes you should do something you don’t except and let alone the nature judges you.
Here are some tips before you visit South Korea and Japan. My very first advice is you better make your visa as early as you can.
Now the question is, how the visa would have been processed without an airfare ticket? Well, I just found out that the embassy doesn’t really care with the physical form of the airfare. I mean, you can give them the booked one, if you like. It worked and I looked damn surprised. But, another part of me was pretty sure, this must be working.
I planned my itinerary from Indonesia to Indonesia. But, I still in Melbourne and they needed me to show them that I would go back to Indonesia from Melbourne. I was out of my mind that time and impossible to book the ticket at same time, at least you need an hour. After talking to the embassy officers (Japan) they accepted the non purchased one. So, basically I gave them a printed screen shot of the e-ticket . One thing that still be my question, why the countries like Korea and Japan are still collecting paper applications. I think, it’s wasting time and not sustainable. But still, I have no idea the reason behind that.
Talking about Holiday, money is an unstoppable sticky partner, to be honest. Everything’s about money nowadays. I am kidding. I mean even though you are broke a hell, you still cannot afford this holiday. Unless you have saving, indeed. Well, I was broke as hell, but I still can manage how to have fun after asking everyone To lend their money for a momment hahaha. Just so the embassies belive that I have enough balance to visit their countries. In fact, I only had around 700 Australian dolar in total (you convert it by yourself) both for Korea and Japan. In Japan, particularly, it excluded JR Pass (Japan Rail Pass). Well I spent more money in Japan because I planned to enter Universal studio and One piece Museum.
I’ll go for Korea first. It’s easier to travel around Korea because I have someone I know there. She took me around but, we didn’t go to Busan and other places outside Seoul, except Nami Island. Transportation expenses for 8 days was around 40k won. PS: it’s only for your transportation around seoul. They will charge your card based on your travel distances. Nami Island is an exceptional, because it has a different price and separate payment.
Anyway, talking about Korea. I am not a person who visits korea for a make up purposes or anything related to that. My point to go there was just visiting, taking pictures, and if I still have money left I’ll buy coffee hehe. So, if your purpose is for shopping you better bring a lotta money. Then yes, money is important now.
Well, what should be visited?
I recommend you to visit the entertainment companies in Korea. Since Halyu waves came from this country lol. Guess what, I went to YG and SM entertainment. And I think, the coolest one is SM, it’s building is super cool and modern (kinda mall or something) and it’s near by the famous library in Korea, Starfield Library. They are all located in one area, Gangnam.
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Next, the castle. The castle is really huge, again cuz I am a dead broke, I didn’t buy an entry ticket. sightseeing as a proof that you have visited Lee Min Ho’s country was enough lol.
Another thing is Food. I don’t really have a spesific recommendation for food. I am neither a picky eater. But when it comes to halal food, It is complicated. I may ask many things that make people uneasy. If you think so, don’t worry you can go around Itaewon. That place will provide a lot of halal food options. My friend said if she wants to eat halal meat she needs to go to this place. The distance from her house to this place is about 45-60 minutes away. Sounds far away, doesn’t it? Yup. That’s why I ate a lot of cake fish ( a cake that has a shape like fish with the red bean filling) and the egg buns. Don’t ask me what’s their korean name lol.
Hongdae. This place is a melting a point, same as Myongdong, a shopping center for make up and many things. This area will be very crowded after 4 pm. So if you think you want to sway your money away without crushing people around, come a bit early. Oh also, there are lots of good deal for make up lovers. Like you can get 10+10 masker for 10K won.
Visiting university is kindda compulsory in my itinerary. It’s very good to see and compare the good and bad things of education system and the institutions themselves. What am I talking about?
Well, I actually had no specific reasons to visit university, but you’ll always get the perfect spot for taking pictures in some universities in Korea. Their places are like......never land, if I could say. And of course you have to take sip of their coffee. Even though they import coffee a lot, the vibe is so different.
Starbuc*s? Who? What? We don’t know it here!
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Traveling to Japan!
Let’s move on to Japan.
My journey was started from Incheon, and had a flight to Osaka at 7.15 in the morning. Korea and Japan are pretty close, it only needs 2 hours by plane to reach Osaka. As you arrive there, you need to make sure that your JR pass should be with you. In case you can’t get it from your home country, try to manage it to get it in Japan’s Airport. As I said in my previous post, JR pass is very essential if you are a tourist. Cuz if you take the ticket by yourself without JR pass you may spend more than paying the JR pass itself. Unless you live there.
My first short stop was in Osaka, Machiya Tatami House. You can search the accommodation that fits you, I found this one randomly when we about visited japan a day before. 1 house with completed home appliances, for 4 people 2 nights 3 days we only paid $213 AUD. It’s close to bus stop and super market. WHAT A DEAL!
Anyway, when we got to this place we took JR rapid train to Tennoji Station, and we continued again by using subway, which must be paid in cash then finally took the bus. Also paying in cash, cuz both of these transportations are not covered by JR pass. I didn’t visit many places there, because I spent a lot of time in Universal studio.
After that we visitid Kyoto and Wazuka Tea plantation in our last day. I believe there must be abundant of intersting places to visit but I personally think, it’s just it. So yeah at night we directly went to Tokyo.
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From Kyoto we took shinkansen to Tokyo. Please bare in your mind, JR holder cannot take Nozomi and Mizuo Shinkansen line (see my previous post), but you get privilege to get in other than those 2 trains. Anything. As long as it has JR logo.
My long stop in Tokyo basically for visiting ONE PIECE Museum. My favourite japan animation. That’s all. But, it turned out I suddenly missed Shinjuku so bad. Compared to other places like Shibuya and Harajuku, Shinjuku is more alive. I like to stay there a bit longer cuz there are a lot of halal food option. In Tokyo we lived in Itabashi city, one stop away from Ikebukuro which known as the place for shopping. All of places my heart belongs to Shinjuku. No valid reason, it’s just the place feels alive.
One day left, we spent a night back in Osaka but in different neighbourhood. It was exactly 13 minutes away from Kyochera Osaka Dome.
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Just in case you guys curious about my expenditures, here’s the list.
1. Airfare (SUB-ICN-KIX-SUB): around 550 AUD
2. Stay in Japan 8 days (Osaka-Tokyo-Osaka): around 980 AUD for 4 people. If you are single, devide it into 4.
3. Money cash for Korea prepare at least 300 AUD for 8 days; and Japan 400 for 8 days as well. It includes your transportation. If you’re big eater consider bring extra money. In total - prepare around 700 AUD / person
4. JR pass in Japan is around 370 AUD
5. Korean Visa : 45 AUD and Japan visa: 30 AUD. In total 75 AUD. PS: the application fee might be various, according where you apply it.
16 days travelling on budget, I only spent around 2000 AUD.
PS: It’s because I lived with my friend in Korea, so it might be more than that.
Enjoy! Next review is my itinerary to New Zealand. Yeayyy!
Surabaya, 6th February 2020.
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
Holidays went wrong when you are on budget, but worth to try.
It has been a long time since I wrote my last post, but now it’s not about how you achieve your academic carries anymore, cuz I just graduated yeayyyy! Congratulations to myself though.
Anyway, in this section, I’ll share you some funny experiences during my short visit to Japan. Yas, it’s Japan, the country that I dreamt of since I was a child.
So, why I ended up in this place? It is because I made a stupid promise to my friends for visiting Japan one day,exactly after I finish my study -and one fine day, suddenly they sued my promise. I was in a very difficult situation, I mean I am no longer scholar, run out of money, also end of study means no more supply from my scholarship institution. In some points, I thought why I didn’t do that earlier so I shouldn’t be this desperate. Well there’s no way out, only god knows how much I needed the money.
At that momment I tried my best to figure out where else I invested my money at. I mean, who the hell borrowed my money but haven’t given it back yet. Well well well, lucky me, I got the money from transferring my room to the new tenant, so I got my deposit. Yeay. And the adventures begun.
Getting close to our departure date, 2 of my friends invented a drama. It’s our fault though, we took everything easily about our fancy but actually not really fancy holiday. from the visa problem, money, inn and many things.
An hour before our arival to the Inn, We almost be the bum near by the airport cuz the payment couldn’t be processed. I was so furious and curious at the same time. Why this kind of small thing happens, again. After checking my balance, well I had inadequate balance lol, so asked my friend to send me 100 bucks to make sure that the money can be withdrawn. And yes, as you expected we finally have a nice sleep and sweet dream in that inn.
Just in case you guys wanna have a recommendation for holiday, this place is totally my top notch option to stay. It’s called Tatami house machiya.
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We really had the beautiful nights in Osaka until we decided to go to Tokyo.
Well, FYI, as a tourist it’s better to buy a JR Pass for traveling accros Japan Island, why? It’s more efficient and effective to reach one place to another across Japan. For example, 2 days in Tokyo and move again to Kyoto, then go to Nagoya and so on, you better hold JR pass. It’s kind of magic card, when everybody is struggling with their transportation card, we just showing off with our JR pass and immaculately get in the rail line without any problem hihihi. About the price.. when you act like you are rich holding that card, basically you just trading your money almost $ 200-400 USD. Pricy isn’t it? But I bet it’s worthier than you expect.
JR pass covers all of transportation with JR logo. Most of JR logo are for train include the famous and the coolest bullet train in Japan, aka shinkansen. But for some subways, they are not covered. Don’t worry, you guys still can pay it directly to the ticket station or on the bus, it’s only 200 Yen in Osaka and Kyoto for adults, and 220 Yen in Tokyo and surrounding.
Back to the previous topic. It’s so nice to know Japan is very welcome with google map application which makes it more accessible and understandable. Since in some areas you need to download a specific app to access their location, such as in Korea, people there do not use Gmaps. How stressful I was, luckily I have friend there and she helped me a lot. Well anyway, I may overlap talking about this. If you plan to stroll around South Korea, you better download Kakao Map, Line, or anything relate to them. My friend said they are very useful.
Using gmaps for our travel to Tokyo is such the coolest thing I have ever done. You know it right, gmaps will always show us the fastest alternative to get to the place we’d like to reach. From Kyoto, Gmaps recommended me to take platform 12, taking the Osaka shinkansen line called Nozomi to reach Tokyo. It’s crazy, you can reach about 460 km within 2 hours by train with only 2 stops, that’s insane.
Well, I am not that sharp to read the map and I think my geospatial skill was totally damaging in this journey. I didn’t want to waste my time by looking for the direction back and forth like stupid tourists, I better ASK a simple question to the officers.
For those who haven’t visited Japan, the people are goddamn nice and helpful, they will never ever give you a wrong instructions. Note my words. I won’t tell you twice. That’s the lesson for myself as well. And for everyone, obviously.
When asking the guys in a uniform, confirming weather my platform is right or wrong, he said that we couldn’t take platform no 12. He probably said the reason why, but their English was not clear enough to understand so I only caught the important information. The point was, instead of waiting in platform 12, we better stand in platform 11.
When heading up to the platform, we found that the train has already waited the passengers in platform 12. we checked again the information board this platform (12) was exactly the train for tokyo. While another side of platform showed the information that we didn’t understand, like the name of trains and etc. we even asked the one who stand beside the train, and he still convinced that we should take the train in platform no 11. Well, my logic denied that cuz in the information board there’s no information that the train in platform 11 would go to Tokyo. Also, my google map didn’t say so. It’s kinda weird. Without showing any guilty, we entered shinkansen in platform no. 12.
As we got in, we were amzed by its interior design, and how fast that train reach on place to another, even sharing the fun facts about shinkansen with my friends. We totally looked like the people from ancient era who mesmerised moderation of Japan transportation. I bet you wouldn’t want to see our faces. Suddenly 2 of my friends texted us in a group showing the picture that the train we took was not suppose to be used by JR holder. My friend who sat beside me was freaking out, and started panicking. We tried to roll up our memory, remembering that the information we saw that time about 2 TRAINS that will not be covered by JR pass. Yes, we got the wrong train, it was Nozomi train. If they know that we got in without any tickets they’ll kick our ass off out of the train and pay around $180 USD. Which is a lot. And we were broke as hell.
I don’t want that happen cause I had no idea where to get more money that time. My friend started looking for alternative while freaking out. She started blamming everything, include herself, or probably myself or I dunno, since I am having such a terrible memory, or she probably disappointed of herself because didn’t recall such a thing. She thought Japan is so strict and we gonna end up our holiday that day, while me trying to calming her by saying there must be a solution. And yes, I remained to find the possible solution by talking to the officer that we genuinely got the wrong train and we were sorry for that. I thought, even though people in Japan are very strict, they must be very considerate, at least.
When the lady officer came across my car (aisle), I held her hand then told her that we got the wrong train, cuz the Gmaps showed this train is going to Tokyo. She stopped for a momment, taking up a pocket book and a piece of paper and took a note. I didn’t know what to do, I assumed she wrote the fines as the distance we reached already. Well at least we shouldn’t pay that much, but still we run out of money. I wanted to cry, where to get the money?
My guess was wrong anyway, in a very limited English skill, she tried to explain that I could get off in the next station and just change the train to the next platform. The reason why she took a long time to write it’s because she still figuring out writing romaji from japanese alphabets. I am soooo touched. I almost crying like a baby at that momment. I wasn’t so sure why I was so emotional. Was it because her kindness or because I didn’t have to pay a certain amount of money. Probably both.
Once again, she gave us a note to take the fastest train to reach Tokyo. In the same platform. But our stupid stubborn brain didn’t work properly. It’s just because taking a little bit of time to wait HIKARI train (the one that had been recommended by the lady officer) we took another train, called it KODAMA. And we just knew that HIKARI is the second fastest bullet train after Nozomi and Mizuo (I swear to god, we didn’t even know whether we were stupid, innocent, or stubborn). The last one, obviously, Kodama. We need more than 3 hours to reach Tokyo. Can you imagine what we did in 3 hours in a train without food? Nothing. Probably when I know the brain is an app, I’ll try to use it.
I’ll continue my writing soon. Bye.
Osaka 5th February 2020
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
When you have to find a deep meaning of conspiracy, go back with the question, and ask yourself “Is it related?”
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
Scholarship Journal, Part 3! (Final)
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Now here I am again. Can’t wait to end this dead-ass trilogies experience.
So, in this part, I’ll tell ya’ll what scholarships I had tried. I used that pop up picture cuz I think, that one is the most memorable experience.. I mean,the most a pain in the ass momment.
But, to be honest that experience opened my eyes. Wider than before.
Anyway, I belive that you guys have a thrilled moment in your life, more than I have. Yet, somehow, I consider myself as someone that wants to know every detail of people’s life achievements. So, what do we call it again? KEPO (Keep Everything in Particular Object).
Do you believe me? I said do not ever! Well, let’s cheers on.
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After finishing my undergraduate degree, I didn’t plan to continue my study. I literally wanted get money as much as I can and go vacation. Very-very bad plan. You know, I was a kid, and my head still thinking about everything I saw. The shimmering world that will never happen.
Long-story-short, I got an offer from my spv to work in his field, which is good but not cool. And you know? What did I say to him? “Nah, I’ll continue my study” I stopped right there, and continued again “Abroad” with my palm face.
His jaw was dropping and couldn’t believe what I said. And he said “you... little... it’s impossible”.
Well well well, I didn’t know that he became that furious. But my FACE still that shit showing that, “I’ve got the uni that accepted me already” But, actually. No.
After buzzed out from his room, I had no idea, how could I continue my life, I regretted myself talking that stupid statement. Until I saw a poster on the wall magazine. TO JAPAN. TOKYO UNIVERSITY. Deyyyyyyyyymmmmmmn. I couldn’t scream. But I was excited inside.
My thoughts automatically connected to “akihabara, gibli’s studio, one piece museum” anything related to wibu’s world. OH MY GOD. But wait, I couldn’t say all those things tho. Hmm... whatever, I’ll think about it later on.
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Right after a horrible moment in my spv’s room, I applied that scholarship. You know the requirements were soo hard. Like it only accepted gpa at least 3.5. And, tehere I was.
Regretting that I was so stupid at studying, but there’s no time to think like that. So, I applied without worrying that I’d be qualified or not.
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It was like a gambling, I didn’t expect that I was accepted. I mean for the selection. And, I didn’t know that a friend of mine applied that scholarship as well. She is one of the brightest friend in my course, her gpa was 3.75. Isn’t it crazy? I don’t like smart people.lol. But I should be a friend to learn more from them.
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I had no idea, how many people applied this scholarship. They said it’s more than six hundred, but I don’t believe it. And 12 applicants were selected to proceed the next test. All of them had a very excellent gpa, excluding me. At once, I didn’t expect to be an awardee, cuz they would only choose one of us. For a moment, I was thinking that I wasted my time.
After long selection, the fact that the interviewers choosed me until the last selection (the last candidates were 3 people), had me so confused. Like how? Are they blind? That moment made me so flattered, cuz I did think others than studying.
What’s more, I shared the same room with the future awardee. What a mess.
As what you guessed, I wasn’t the one.
But this company is so generous, they gave us money from each section of selection. In total you can buy new iphone 6 se in 2016.
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Anyway, the company that gave the scholarship is MSG company, which is very popular in Asian countries. So, there’s a belief that, if you don’t put msg in your food, it will be nothing.
At first, My thought was dragged by the stereotype that msg is bad, it makes you stupid, can’t think clearly, certainly bad for kids.
The fact is, there’s no scientific evidence for those claims. So how?
Let me straight up your mind, have you ever heard that much sugar or salt in your food will affect your health? Yes our parents experience that. Is there any scientific proof of that cycle-loop effect? I’m pretty sure yes. Please find it out. On the other hand, the research specifically on MSG reducing your stupidity hasn’t been made. So, wake up. I mean, it doesn’t necessarily turn your logical thinking into illogically mess abruptly.
But here, I do believe that MSG can REDUCE people brain to think, why? MSG is an evidance of a tasty flavour, the umami taste. It won’t stop you from eating and after you full enough, there’s no time for thinking but sleep. Lol.
That’s why, if you find out the academic articles about MSG, it’s only affect on the way it boosts kids appetite, so they were prevented from malnourished issue.
Let’s go back to our discussion about scholarship. I am too damn scientific explaining such a thing. Hopefully you can understand. So, how’s my life today?
Pretty much funnier. I got scholarship from my country which is not my priority, and now I’m wandering in Australia with the kangaroo. How did I get it?
Find me on ig/twitter: @tartilb
See you. Don’t forget leave your comment about this content. I’ll try my best to write the new things.
Ps: sorry for the typography, I’ll check it later.
Anyway, what about a book review? Ciao bella!
25th August 2019, Melbourne
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
Scholarship Journal Part 2
I’ve been talking trash in the first part, so let’s move on to the real thing right now. I’ll be discussing the steps to achieve the scholarships. Before we go a bit further, I just want you to know that, not every single word in my writing can be taken into account, if you don’t think it’s helpful please leave a constructive comment.
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So what’s the best thing to start with?
1. A strong will
This first step is undeniable. The old proverb. There is a will, there’s a way. Don’t trust me. Trust the proverb. If you can’t strengthen your will, but you want it so bad, find out some friends who are ambitious. In this part, you can take my advice.
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2. Discuss with your previous supervisor / your boss in work place
If you plan to continue your study, better to talk with these people. Why? Cuz you guys need their permission to go for the next requirement. Let’s say, if they don’t agree, where will you get the letter of recommendation? Your spouse? Don’t be kidding me. It may be scary, but yeah... on behalf of having a better life.
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3. Prepare all documents that needed to be submitted
This step might be a bit tricky, cuz if you feel busy to do this funny thing, you will stop right there. Some documents such as an English proficiency certificate, for example. If you think you should study, so plan it well before. Look, you probably think that English is an easy peasy, huh? Wait until you see how disastrous the academic version is, good luck!
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3. Find out how good your course is, not the university.
This is a very wise and nice advice, I encourage you to take it. Why? Because every university has its own label of graduating scholars. Let’s put it like this, you are a brilliant engineer, and it’s nice to know you want to enter the best university in the world. Harvard. But, think again, isn’t it wasting your time to study to the university that is very notorious on its law school or whatsoever it is ?
Or, let’s say you want to achieve your MBA, but then you choose RWTH, an engineering university in Germany. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you can predict what will you expect there. All good.
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4. Foreign language proficiency
Check out your eligibility of language used. It’s easier to study English, but the academic one? It’s the whole new thing. Don’t believe me, I insist. You can tell me after you experience it.
Once more, you have to burn your brain off if.. your written academic uses English but, your daily language must be ... the other ones. Japanese language May be? Sorry, don’t be intimidated. I mean, people know something cuz they learn, don’t they?
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5. Find out the scholarship.
I don’t want to add the“appropriate” word in the subtitle number five, cuz it means that you’ll be determining your life, which is wrong. But it might be right. But not that significant. It is significant, if.. you know already that the scholarship is not credible from others’ experiences.
Unless, you’re rich peepz, then go for it.
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6. Make or find a link!
Do you trust what I write here? Be smart, if you think this information is inadequate enough to give you what you want, then go find out some group of friends, either online or offline groups to share it with. Don’t just sit on your couch.
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Alright, everybody see you on the next topic. Leave the comments if you think it’s good to be commented. Bye.
I sorry for the typography. I’ll check it later. Bye
24th August,2019
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turtlebaiq · 5 years
Scholarship Journal Part 1
Hi everyone, this is my very first time using this platform again after reinstalled it like few weeks ago. This app has been so lit in the previous years, but I had no Idea what to write in this app. But now, here I am. I actually got inspired from those poetic people, tho I’m not going to post that kinda things, so I’ll give you anything I can share. Including book review or my itinerary for vacation.
Well, some of you may think that “ why yo don’t try to make it in other blog providers?” You know, I felt a bit distracted with the visual features in blogs and I always compared mine with others, tho I know I shouldn’t. So, this one is appropriate for now.Lol
Anyway, I’ll be talking about scholarships, cuz I have no other topics to start with, you just can swipe it down if you think it’s irrelevant.
So, who doesn’t want a scholarship? Cuz I’m dying for it. Relax, I’m not talking about a dilemma of having a job or getting your ass off from your bachelor degree. You choose, that’s your life.
Well these are scholarships that you can try, if you have free time, of course :
1. Scholarships in the USA.
Lot of people achieve their American dream through this way, cuz this way is much easier to get a permanent residence. Two sponsors that I know in providing money for higher education are Aminef and Fulbright scholarship. Well, I got the trick to get into it from my friends, you just need to be clear on your objectives taking the course and the University.
You may say, well yes every scholarship requires the same way. But trust me this one is different, it’s like they’re asking you to plan more detail about the future that you want to build after you graduate from that scholarship. Of course, your contribution can be so helpful for the sponsors.
I have no idea about Aminef scholarship, but Fulbright it USUALLY requires students that want to study in social science. Kind of priority.
2. Scholarship in Europe.
I can tell them all if I want to. Europe is my second list from the bottom as the most visited place to...study, but as the top choice of my vacation. Well a flat broke like me will have a chance for it after saving the money.
Anyway, from what I searched, they have many scholarships available. Like you can find two different sponsors for each country. ... emmm sorry I generalise it, lol. Like England, it has two fancy scholarship institutions such as Chevening scholarship and Gates Cambridge Scholarship. As what you noticed guys, the second one is definitely for those who want to study in Cambridge University. Hella prestige! I don’t know how the hell to get into that and, how freaking smart you must to be.
Let’s go fly to Germany, a country for the scientist and, where stiff people live, like Einstein, the founding father of relativity. When you smart enough to know that his or her feeling is relative. Ok, let’s stop here.
There is a scholarship that’s called DAAD an it is only for the universities in Germany . I used to plan to go there after high school, just because I love the teacher that we called “frau” when she taught us Deutsche. I still can memorise some basic lesson of this language. But my parents didn’t allow cuz I still young and broke. Hahahaha
Another scholarship, you should try is Erasmus. I think this one is quite popular within academicians. This sponsor is so cool, imagine you can get 4 graduate certificates from 4 different universities and different countries.
Once more, Netherlands! People call it OTS , Orange Tulips Scholarship. This one literally just popped out in my mind. I’m pleased if you want to surf it by yourself.
3. Scholarship in Asia
Even though many people from Asia get their education in the western worlds, they actually provide some fancy scholarships as well.
If I said, the USA is my American dream, Europe is a place for throwing my money, so.. to be honest Japan is the place where I want to study. I love this country since I was 5 yo man, so little. I’ll tell you my experience to approach the scholarship in the next part.
You can search what short of scholarships you want in Japan. As what I see, this country offers the chance to study in higher level like master degree through its companies. Like, my cousin’s wife got scholarship from Toshiba. Or Ajinomoto, a food company and many others.
But, you need to know that Japan is the whole new different world, the way they conduct their life, and their culture. Do not ever mess with their time, I warn you darling. And, as what I experienced, after you get the scholarship, you need to find the university by yourself. Don’t stop there baby, if you’ve done it, you must find the available supervisor in that university, otherwise you need to change to another university. That’s why the outsiders said “ the supervisor is like a god”.
If you are students in Japan don’t hate me, that’s what other people think. But, I do believe that, if the student enjoy to study there, they must have a very good relation with their supervisors. Again, it’s just a stereotype, in fact very little of the students are frustrated.
One place that shouldn’t be forgotten is a place where a pretty guys live and the most seamless women take their breath. South Korea. I only have little evidence there, but what I’m sure about, they are a bit “old fashioned” when assessing your documents. Well, I wouldn’t tell you this if I didn’t know this before. Yup, I have a friend who studies there. She said, aside from how the teaching process, people are a bit racist. That’s the information I got. Or maybe my friend is a bit disappointed with this country. Well, we leave it here.
Wow, I write a very long review for Asia. Ok, that’s fine. The point is, if you eager to study there, prepare yourself, cuz you need to move. I mean, literally moving.
4. Scholarships in Australia and New Zealand
I deliberately put them together because they are like a sister and a brother. No. Because many references refer to this term. Enough with the term, let’s move on to what we discuss now.
The scholarship that you can apply is Australian Award Scholarship (AAS) to study in Aussie. But not all of you can apply this, cuz the Australian government targeting the students in developing countries. I know a bit more of this scholarship, I recommend you to take this one cuz the money... man, they said, you can buy a car, house. Or I dunno. Hmm.. that’s only working for thirty prople. Lol
If you plan to take your education in NZ, AAS is not relevant. Cuz Australian government doesn’t accommodate the payment or any academic activity in NZ. Unless you have a study excursion in there, I guess.
My friend told me you can try scholarship that is opened by NZ government as well. Unfortunately, another friend of mine told me, for this term, the scholarship didn’t open the application.
5. Scholarship from Indonesia
I put the best for the last! Hahha Sorry if I didn’t put this on the list of Asian Sponsorships, cuz this is my blog and I want to do so. So what ?
Good! No interruption.
Just from the name you can tell, it must be from Indonesian government and it pays the scholars either to study in Indonesia and abroad. Like you can go anywhere using this scholarship. Even to Harvard University. It will fully support you. Of course, After you are announced as an eligible student to study there, so that time the scholarship will pay it all.
There are like many sponsors but I believe the most reliable and responsible one is LPDP. This body is directly commanded by ministry of finance in Indonesia. I can’t tell you more about the detail, cuz it’s wasting my time, darling.
Alright, that’s all. I’ll see you on my next post! Bye.
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23rd August, 2019
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turtlebaiq · 7 years
Halal is my bae, Halal is a must!
Is that a forceful Title? I guess no, it is stressing, and strictly biased. *mock
As a muslim I believe that, everyone has their own limit to understand something, and it based on their comprehension of something. It is related to our curiosity to acknowledge our surrounding further. For instance Allah will never give a test for a muslim who concerns only about their simple daily meal. If the understanding is still in the range of "unless it isn't a pork, that's fine" they will never be resurrected by Allah, until they get their own intuition of it.
For me personally, having a meal which is allowed to eat it is totally fascinating, tho it isn't my “thing” when it is in my home. This is a great test from Allah to me, be more curious, critical, and anything that related to "annoying person" if it's in my country. I always double check everything when I traveled somewhere, beverage, meal, even make up brush. Talking about food, muslim should consider it is not only "unless it's not pork", but the way it's butchered, the way it's cooked, the fat and oil. Or let’s say, how they were processed.
Frustrating right?
Duh? Not for me. i don't feel it frustrating, the only one considers it frustrating is who doesn't want to understand.
Why should you understand? Because Allah had given us a brain, a mind, to think clearly. I am not an immaculate muslim, much flaws (why do say much? You know water? Uncountable right? That's mine I guess, sticky, can not be counted) on me, but why I contemplate a lot about this? It’s not because I learned food science and stuff, but I think like, there’s something inside my heart, calling me to keep questioning? (Now, what the heck I’m talkin’ about). Well, I mean, you've been given more more from Allah, and why should complain?
Move to another perspective, those who don't understand about muslim creed will say " too religious", or " not enjoying the life". That's common, and I used to be a deaf one who doesn't give a damn with those uncertainties. Am I judging? No, totally not, even not qualifying. But not all people like that. Yas once more, NOT ALL PEOPLE, it means some, even as a sisterhood or brotherhood they often mock another Muslim creed. Funny right. Still, not to my new friend, she loves to know what I should and I shouldn't eat, what do's and dont's, even she always tells me what kindda food that can be eaten in her ethnic . She'd felt pity of me cause I only eat a monotone meal, and I said it's still fun, then she laughs.
Well this gonna be a super simple rule :
We, I personally never ask for people understanding of it, but sometimes they call it "respect". If I can respect you with all of your pork, so why you don't? If I don't care with your kinda style, so why you do?
First, we don't pay bill to each other. Second, don't force your way of life to people if you don't want to be pressured. You ain't get me in to heaven. So, chill babe!
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5th March 2018
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turtlebaiq · 7 years
Still gonna be my favorite song.
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turtlebaiq · 7 years
Jobless Activities
Hi, i am here again after contemplating the topic for writing today. Guess what, I am thinking the topic in the whole week, but i always ended up by yawning when i got the one's element. So yeah, sleep is the best excuse to postpone the fling activity.
Actually I am a little bit passionate in cooking stuff and food decorating or many things that I suppose to be more beneficial ( this is indirect way to describe you are an amateur and a professional jobless). Well sometimes, I go the extra miles for those activities until my family find me as a crazy person and a dead wood. I admit it, and I proud of it. Let's take some activities which blow away the cobwebs (heart's voice) .
1. Hanging out with friends
Since I have nothing to do, I dedicate myself as a professional assistant in my house. I mean a cleaner, or whatsoever. Alright before we go for the further random story, lemme tell ya'll why I do this. After hearing that I got accepted on the thing that I craved for so long long time ago, I still continuing my activity, let’s say, a social worker. You know, I am actually not that jobless, I am only too creative so maybe some jobs were not fit on me ? Lol.
Well well well, being socialist is not that cheap and easy, what’s more, you were an ex-laboratory warrior. If you know what I mean. Indeed, this is the top list activity when you have nothing to do. Scrolling up and down your social media accounts, and find some pals who available for hanging out. Still, you have to receive the reality that we are not we used to be. Ok, your smart phone actually the witness in this case. So yeah, you know when you tried so hard to catch what your friend and his or her other friends talked about and you had no idea about it but faking laughs and claps can save you all the time. Believe me that's what I did. Oh gosh, I hope they’ve never read this, or I am ready to die.
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2. Food Experimentation
Hell yeah this is gonna be the best thing that I've ever made in my life. Let’s check it out! Some of them are inspired by the restaurants that I called on.
a. Eggplants with salted and so on
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I dunno what exactly the trade mark but I bet everyone can make it, it's so easy like 1 + 1 is 2. Well, you only have to cut the eggplants as big as your index finger, and marinate them into the water or spray them using a lime, to prevent the color-turning into more brownish. Why? I don't wanna talk the food chemist in this section, as i know eggplants have a lot of antioxidants so to keep its freshness do the step above. While waiting the raw material is marinated, blend the garlic, onion, pepper, candle nuts (optional), and Kencur (rhizomes family's I have no idea what's in english but it's an optional too, it is usually used by Javanese people when they make some traditional food. Like they literally put this on everything!). Certainly don't forget to add a sugar, salt, and MSG (if you wish). Put them all in a quarter of wheat flour then stir it, while stirring the batter, put the water little by little. After that, sink the eggplants into the batter (after it filtered), and finally fry them all. Well, it is better to do it in deep frying.
For the topping, you can saute some red big chilies and mix it with the small ones, garlic and onion. One last thing a lemongrass, slice it only in the basis part of the plant. Once more, if you have no issue with hypertension you may add a little bit salt. Bon appetite yeay.
b. Sandwich
Hm, sounds really captivating and so American, doesn’t it? but hey you will not expect what I made. Okey well some basic ingredients might be available here but, I didn't choose it. As a dumb cook, an amateur I mean, I tried to make it more Indonesian. I didn't use instant sauce , yet a traditional chili sauce that i made before. Sambal terasi we call it.
First of all, toast the breads. 2 or three, as you wish, and spread the breads with the traditional sauce (one side only) . Put a single layer of cheese, a slice of lettuce and, smoked beef or chicken or whatever you can add it or not, avocado. Ok once again AVOCADO slices ladies and gentlemen, fried egg, and the crackers and mayonnaise. Sort them all together, whichever is in the first layer doesn't matter, taste is taste!
So this is the result. Yeay
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C. Folding Rice (what the hell it is?)
Ok, calm down calm down, I have given it name since few hours ago. And the question is why? Physically it looks like a sushi or kimbab (I spelled it wrongly and my friend like laughing at me a whole day. Thank you!) but it is not like that, you know I mean like sushi has a very complicated ingredients and the technical way to make it and so on, while kimbab, it is easy tho but I failed. That's why the name ended up with that gross name lol.
Should I explain how did I make it? Ok, no need, because it is too humiliating. I suppose, a good photograph won't hurt your eyes *blink. In the end, I’m the only one who ate it. Poor me.
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d. King Mango Thailand and not-an extraordinary avocado juice
Have you heard that one? King Mango? I guess so. It's so lit tho in some commercials, and of course so many retentions about this beverage. Well, I've traveled along Western Indonesia and the good news is you can find it easily there in some stands. But i didn't taste it. One side of myself felt so curious to that drink, yet my left brain hemisphere convinced me to find it in YouTube and try it. What genius!
Yup, I think my brain works properly and you know it is so piece a cake to be made. You just need a Mango, now that the name is King Mango. Then make it as a glass of juice, then add yogurt, the dice slices of mango and the last is Whipped cream. Just so you know, honestly i didn't put yogurt and the taste still so mouthful and mesmerizing. Words couldn’t explain it. Whatever. And what about the avocados? C'mon guys, really? Should I? Ask your mom then.
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Well, it's enough for today. See you and thank you for reading my post.
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Jayapura, 23rd November 2017
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turtlebaiq · 7 years
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Talking about personality, we contemplate a lot about it. What’s more, because we don’t know our true self then we become afraid of one’s shadow which is made by our own delusion. I got so much inspiration from T. Lannister. His thoughts are so flawless in his flaws. I have no words for this guy, Tyrion such a cunning smart character. He knows what he lacks in. He fairly knows he couldn’t stand a chance to swing his sword, so that’s why he used to read a lot to break of his enemies’ dull plan. Jakarta, 10 October 2018
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