twinssuck-blog · 12 years
Danny's smile faltered a bit as she stated what he was, his first instinct being to lie and deny what he was. He hardly wanted the whole world to know. "What makes you say that? I'm not too pale am I?" He laughed softly, though it was a bit awkward. Surprisingly, he'd never been in this situation. People had guessed what he was maybe once or twice before, but it was due to his carelessness. There had to be something strange and off about this girl for her to know what he was. "Vampires are a thing of legend." He eyed her for a moment, trying his best to assess how she would take his lie, but gave in after a moment or so. "What are you?" He asked, losing all traces of smile. His expression displayed merely curiosity now.
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“Trust me, if you were a figment of my imagination I’d be aware of it.” She replied laughing slightly at his goofy imitation of a ghost. Nodding at his words, she raised her eyebrows, “You really should learn how to properly converse with others, because they’d probably just get tired of trying to talk to you and walk away. I on the other hand, find you quite interesting.” She paused, taking a step closer as she kept her eyes locked onto his, “A vampire huh?” She asked not expecting much of a reply in return, she just like pointing out the fact that she knew what others were when they weren’t..human.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Is that sarcasm I sense?"
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"Oh! That's a good one. Love that movie."
“Really?  I couldn’t tell.”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Do I? How do you know I'm not some figment of your imagination? Your conscious knows you're lonely," he said the last bit with a faux ghost voice, waving his fingers as though it added to the effect. Danny grinned at the girl, lowering his hands and putting on a serious face- or his version of it. "Well, I guess I do count as someone. Not that that means much. Suppose you don't like talking to me- then it wouldn't matter what sort of someone I was, I'd just be another boring man who really should learn how to properly converse with others."
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Turning around at the sound of someone’s voice, Kiyomi offered the stranger a slight smile, “Funny, you seem like a someone.” She replied, turning around fully to face the boy who she’d collected was a vampire. Well this should be interesting, she thought to herself. She hadn’t really payed much attention to what else he’d said, considering she was too busy gathering information about him after they’d managed to make some sort of eye contact. 
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Still got it, then. My wits, I mean. I swear, they're steadily decreasing."
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"And you as well, Miss Bradley. What sort of scary movie were you watching?" 
“No, you’re good.”
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“Claire Bradley.  It’s nice to meet you, Ronnie.”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
Send me a ★ if you are crushing on muse send a ☆ if you are crushing on mun
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Fantastic, thought I was missing something for a moment there."
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"Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. Ronnie Luchere."
“Yeah, you’re right.  That’s the point.”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"No," Danny grinned, glancing around. "No one at all. Which is a shame, really. It would be nice to at least be around people. Don't even necessarily have to speak, just... stand there."
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Kiyomi looked around, her arms crossed over her chest. She was bored, it seemed like that was a common trend lately. Letting out a slight huff, she spoke up, “Anyone lurking around?”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the point?"
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“Scary movies are scary.”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
Danny attempted to keep up, but it was mostly in vain. By the end of her spiel, he found himself very much tempted to laugh- not at her words, of course, which, once he understood, he totally agreed but. More at the fact she could speak so quickly and smoothly. "That would be an accurate depiction of what just came out of your mouth," he said, nodding as he laughed airily. "You always this excitable?"
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"I guess my mind doesn't have a fantastic handle on rhythm," he mused, but was quick to look down at his feet. "Or perhaps that's my feet." He looked back up at her shrugging. "Either way- no rhythm. Totally uncoordinated."
“Yeah, I doubt anyone out there thinks they have bad taste. I mean, if you thought you had bad taste, then all you would have to do is change it. But if you liked it you wouldn’t want to change it. And then again if you actually liked it, I doubt you would consider it to be bad taste.” Lola paused, tilting her head to the side slightly as she blinked. “Sorry. Sometimes words just whoosh right out of me,” she said, making a wild hand gesture and grinning sheepishly. “You’ve never danced to a song playing only in your head?” She asked, looking surprised. Was that normal? Sometimes Lola felt so far gone that she couldn’t differentiate between normal and weird. “That’s when the best dancing is done, though!”
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Well, I make it a point to be slightly interested in all those who serve as a unique human being," he grinned. "I mean, genuinely interested, not... all that odd science-y stuff. That would just be weird."
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"Let's get this over with."
“Alright, alright. No need to be snippy about it. Simply trying to get to know more about a stranger- any harm in that?” He rose his hands up, as to imply that he was being completely innocent in asking his questions.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
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Ronnie glanced around the park, offering the boy a smile as her gaze rested on him again. "Well, I can hardly blame you for wanting a quieter place to study," she said. "Pleasure's all mine," Ronnie said, her hand moving up to her throat, rubbing it uncomfortably. 
Brandon wondered if she was being honest, he gently scratched his neck trying to look casual. “I um.. well just couldn’t concentrate back home so I decided to do my homework here at the park” he was telling the truth, well most of it. “It was very nice to meet you Ronnie” he smiled feeling awkward and not sure if she wanted to keep talking.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"A fairly long while," she joked, turning a corner. She was beginning to think this flat might be a myth, but she was still determined to find it. After all, she'd just seen the sign up yesterday. Couldn't have been sold in that little time, could it? She listened to him about England, nodding in agreement. "Mm, it is. A bit more so than I'd like, but I guess its better than having people shouting in the streets. Be less of a quiet town and more of a free for all. I'd like a nice in-between, myself." She quirked an eyebrow towards him, her look expectant and warm as she asked, "do you like quiet towns very much?" Her lips stretched upwards in a wide smile, her shoulder moving up and down in a shrug. "Twins, actually," she said with a quiet chuckle. 
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“Well you still have a while to gain wisdom with your age.” Aeron chuckled slightly, although he was well aware of the fact that she did have quite the lifespan in her pocket. Not nearly as old as he was, but still a large lifespan nonetheless. “I’m sure I’d manage.” He replied, referring to visiting Europe, “It seems like a quiet town.” And it did, Aeron hadn’t sensed a lot of weird things going around like he’d imagined he would, but maybe his senses need a little bit of tuning. Aeron noticed the slight change in her demeanor as he’d asked about her brother, it seemed—by her answer that they had the typical brother and sister relationship, although he personally didn’t have much knowledge of it, his vessel did. “Is he, older? Younger?” He questioned, still keeping the attention on her instead of him.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
Replying to everyone soon! Like this if I owe, dearies. Or if you want a starter or something, like you could message me, idc.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
Okay its time for me to log off. Night!
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, I could see where that could get a bit tedious," he chuckled, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to tame it. Today he left it rather messy- he really was in need of a cut. "I'd like to think I have good taste in most thing. Then again, doesn't everyone think that?" He quirked an eyebrow, maintaining his grin, in a questioning manner. "I wouldn't judge you if you did- though its sort of difficult to dance when there's no actual music playing."
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Lola grinned as he clapped, even if it was short lived. “They’re alright,” she said, shrugging. “I just got sick of them…especially that song. My dad used to think it was funny to blast the song whenever I got home from school. Real comedian, that one.” She rolled her eyes fondly at the memory. “But you have a good taste in music then, it seems. It’s such a catchy song…I want to dance just thinking about it.” She laughed, shaking her head and grinning.
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twinssuck-blog · 12 years
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