two--faced--angel · 4 months
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Dark Imagination Patron Warlock by StriderT
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two--faced--angel · 4 months
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Witch Class by Zarieth
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two--faced--angel · 4 months
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Eidolist Class by PoundTown00
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two--faced--angel · 1 year
i know kindness exists because i am kind
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two--faced--angel · 1 year
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two--faced--angel · 1 year
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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two--faced--angel · 1 year
You know what? I really fucking like what they're doing with Su-Won. It would've been so ready to make him a scumbag or a predatory pretty boy who wants to possess Yona at any cost. But instead, he's something closer to a G-rated Griffith, someone who genuinely cares for his people and does everything he can to ensure the kingdom of Kouka prospers. He knows full well that killing King Il was a sin, but he still believed it a necessary evil. All of his actions, even the most despicable, are made with the intent of being the best ruler for good people that he can possibly be.
And that makes his relationship with Yona so goddamm fascinating. Because through Yona's travels, we've seen all sorts of reasons why Su-Won kind of had a point! King Il may have sought peace, but his laissez Faire approach to governing let so much corruption and ruin slip through the cracks in his kingdom. His ideals were noble, but blindly pursuing peace with no regard to the effort of making that peace stable arguably caused as much damage as fighting endless wars would have. And Yona's had to accept, over and over again, that she needs to stray from her father's path and get her hands dirty to fix the messes he left behind. So really, Su-Won and her are on the same side now, fighting for the same ideals. But he's still the man who killed her father. And now Yona has to grapple with the realization that not only does she agree with a lot of the reasons that drove Su-Won to regicide, but that he may just end up being the king that Kouka desperately needs, thus kind of justifying killing her dad in the first place.
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
Wilson: Oh Audrey, the Ink Demon will be no match against my oc! He will dethrone and humiliate him, and take his place as the deity of this world!
Said Ink Demon 5 seconds into meeting Dudley:
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
The ship name is Bendry-
The only thing I seen so far in BATDR is Ink Bendy being a simp for Audrey /hj
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
A giant guide to Kagerou Project and Mekakucity Actors for beginners (version 2!)
written by Emma (destination-of-fate.tumblr.com) Polish version translated by Takkkane (http://takkkane.tumblr.com/) Playlist with all videos in this guide compiled by Uraomotelover (http://uraomotelover.tumlr.com) (Use it to follow the guide more easily :)) Hello there! If you’ve heard of “Kagerou Project” or its anime adaptation “Mekakucity Actors” and want to check it out, this guide is going to be here to hold your hand through what you’ll need to know to join the fandom. This guide is not meant to be a compilation of facts about Kagerou Project, but a guide to those who don’t know where to start in the series and basically a roadmap through literally all of it. And most importantly, it will make sense to those who both have and haven’t watched Mekakucity Actors before reading this! Now, if at any time you get really confused and don’t feel like you can move on, you’re always welcome to send me a message on tumblr and I’ll try to help you out personally! I can’t guarantee that I’ll respond immediately (sleep, school, time zones, etc.) but I’ll certainly do my best to give you a good answer as soon as I see it. It would also help if you provide me some context with your questions, like where you are in the guide, so that I can decide if it’s something you’re supposed to be shown later. And if you’re already a Kagepro fan, you can send this guide to any friends you would like to join the fandom! That’s why I’m writing this, after all. Also feel free to read this over and let me know if I missed something important, or got any facts wrong. Let’s begin!
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
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Play stupid games win petty prizes
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
People who has been calling damian a brat, is he really a brat though? 
Firstly, damian isn’t a bully in nature. We have never seen him bully anyone once except for one time with anya and he didn’t decide to bully her at first sight. He also didn’t bully her because he likes her. He first started by asking her about her family status and only got pissed off after she showed him her heh face. He then started to bully her after that because he felt that anya was making fun of him previously. 
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He recognised anya’s effort & stella and defended her & the school when the other students were doubting her. He never once belittled her and he was only pissed she beat him to it. 
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
I feel like I joined the Strange Magic fandom way too late which is sad. I saw it years ago and love it and then moved on but lately ive been in a tough spot in my life and something reminded me of it so I watched it again and now im obsessed and cant stop watching it. It's giving me so much fluff and comfort during this dark time in my life. I really wanna watch it with others who like it but I dont know who is still active or cares about the fandom or movie anymore. If you do, let me know 🥺 I would love to host a lil event where we watch the movie together..
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day
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(via @magic-and-moonlit-wings​)
“The key thing, Boggy, is to remember to breathe.”
“Yes, that was a very good exhale. Now breathe in again.”
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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two--faced--angel · 2 years
In 2022 the spn fandom should bring back having a gif for everything
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