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Blackadder: I swear if my life was made into a movie no one would believe it.
Captain Darling: Mostly because of the poorly-written dialogue and unlikable main character.
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Lt. George Colthurst St. Barleigh from Blackadder Goes Forth is a ray of sunshine!
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crowley: demonic mastermind
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Hogwarts Houses: Blackadder Goes Forth
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Captain Blackadder - Slytherin
This Blackadder is just trying to survive a terrible war, which makes his cunning schemes and plots to get out of going over the top understandable and allows the audience to sympathise with him more than his predecessors. That said, this iteration still only usually looks out for number one and has been driven to apathy by his circumstances. He has a dark sense of humour - like all Blackadders - and is one of the only sane characters we meet in this series. A Slytherin through and through.
Private Baldrick - Hufflepuff
The stupidest Baldrick the world has ever seen finds himself in the trenches of WWI. By now, he can't even deliver a letter to the correct person and takes almost everything literally. His cooking skills also appear to have taken a plunge (although, to be fair, he doesn't really have the ingredients in the trenches) That said, he is Captain Blackadder's batman and does what he can to help him, even when there is little to no benefit for himself.
Lieutenant George - Gryffindor
His loyalty to those he cares about - even when they give him little reason to be - does make George a candidate for Hufflepuff. However, he also has bucket loads of courage and is a glory seeker (not that he fully understands what glory will entail). George stands up for what he believes to be the right thing to do and will go to great lengths to help fellow soldiers in need. He is stupidly brave and only actually realises the truth about war that Blackadder already knew towards the very end but, even then, he faces his fate unwaveringly. George is a very tragic character, in my opinion, because he has a certain likeability amid his pompous ignorance. His one of the lions led by donkeys.
General Melchett - Slytherin
Speaking of lions led by donkeys - here is one of the donkeys. Perhaps the single most insane character of the entire four series, General Melchett is hard to sort. Slytherin seemed the best fit because he has managed to climb to rungs of the army and has his sights set on possibly becoming Field Marshal one day. He sends men to their deaths whilst not ever getting his hands dirty, which unfortunately is one of the less desirable Slytherin stereotypes. As well as this, his lack of a brain and lack of loyalty (particularly to Darling) mean many of the other houses are closed to him.
Captain Darling - Hufflepuff
The argument for Darling being placed in Slytherin is a strong one - he, along with Blackadder, is one of the few sane characters we meet and has a harsh survival instinct, which means he considers his own safety first. All this aside though, the fact that there is a war on has to be taken into consideration; he may be quite different in peace time. Like Blackadder, Darling is just trying to survive. He has managed to land himself a cushy job and therefore is a suck-up to Melchett - a negative trait Hufflepuffs are thought to have is that they are mindless followers. It is also clear that he is a hard worker and likes to do everything by the book. In the Harry Potter universe, I would say he is the same kind of Hufflepuff as Zacharias Smith.
Lord Flasheart - Gryffindor
A textbook Gryffindor - this iteration of Flasheart is still every part as much the hero character as his ancestor. Unlike the Slytherin-esq Blackadder, he revels in the danger and thrill of the war and loves the attention... especially from the ladies. Flasheart also has that Gryffindor ego and self importance that members of the red house do sometimes posses.
Bob Parkhurst - Gryffindor
Unlike the Elizabethan Bob, this one walked the line between two houses and came out a Gryffindor. Her motivation for disguising herself as a boy this time is that she wants to help out with the war effort - a very brave and selfless action. She too, like her ancestor, has some kind of affair going on with Flasheart and this further demonstrates her love of adventure and excitement.
Nurse Mary - Ravenclaw
Poor Nurse Mary. Blackadder is drawn to her once he realises her fluffy bunny act is just that: an act. She is a tad aloof but is not self-serving enough to be a Slytherin. Mary cares for injured soldiers in the field hospital, implying she has a sense of duty and a good heart. She wants to help. Of course, maintaining her fluffy bunny act and being able to work as a nurse require intelligence and charm, both attributes of Ravenclaws.
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Blackadder: Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Darling: Bold of you to assume I was held as a baby
Blackadder: ...
Blackadder: Kevin...
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Rimmer: You lost a lot of blood and passed out. Do you remember anything?
Lister: Only the ambulance ride to the medibay.
Cat: There wasn’t an an ambulance ride! I piloted Starbug.
Lister: But I remember sirens.
Rimmer: That was Kryten.
Kryten: I was worried!
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if you (Anne Hathaway) were ever single and you (Anne Hathaway) happened to be looking for someone to kiss you (Anne Hathaway) just know that I am always down to love you (Anne Hathaway) and cherish you (Anne Hathaway) unconditionally
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literally NOTHING can compare to found family stories like that trope is the actual physical beating heart in my chest. choosing your family, who you want to love and heal with, who you believe in and viciously defend and trust. forming those bonds on your own is SUCH a lovely, compelling narrative that we should NOT sleep on. thanks.
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@the-mad-march-hare42 Us tbh
do you ever feel like you love a character more than their own writers do
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Ultimate Disney Meme - 2/20 Movies - Hercules (1997)
For a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart. 
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You ever have those mutuals who are really really into a certain character, and you’re just like “that’s a bit weird and I can’t join fully you on this, but you’re so goddamn valid and I would defend you and your odd passion with my life”?
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