#brightens up your day but can also give you a headache
ssahotchnerr · 3 months
jack & ellie trying to make soup for a sick aaron🥺🫶 they’re like tossing around dry pasta noodles in a pot 😭😭🫶
- 🧶
sick day
WAIT you just gave me an idea so let me elaborate i hope that's okay 🫶🏻 cw; mentions of sickness, dad!aaron, fem!reader, fluff <3
Jack and Ellie were huddled underneath the shade of a tree, heads together and busying themselves away with something.
The window above the kitchen sink allowed clear visibility into the backyard, letting you keep an undeviating eye on them. It was a bright summer afternoon, all windows in the house were open, a cool breeze sweeping in. You could easily hear and observe the two of them, while also doting on your sick husband.
This morning, you awoke to a sweaty Aaron beside you; cowlicks and t-shirt drenched. He was sporting a sore throat along with his fever, as well as a lingering headache. Last night he had even returned home early, the fluorescent lights of the BAU not having mercy on his head.
"How's it going?" You peered your head into your bedroom, Aaron buried deep under the comforter. While it was quite warm outside, he had stated he was freezing.
A muffled, "Fine." came from beneath.
"Need anything?"
Another incoherent mumble in response.
After obtaining him more water (and making sure he drank some) you went forth with your day, cleaning up the kitchen's mess after lunch. As you did so, the screen door rolled open, slamming with a shut.
"Watch fingers." You advised, continuing to place dirty cups into the dishwasher. With the two of them coming in and out of the house so hastily, you were eager to prevent potential broken fingers.
In your peripheral they passed, rather slow for their usual nature. It raised your suspicions immediately, causing you to slow, before committing to follow. Especially when Ellie recalled the word dirt.
They ventured upstairs and into your bedroom. It was dimly lit; lights off and curtains pulled, the slight sheerness of the fabric allowing the sun to subtly brighten the room. Again the windows were agape - allowing fresh air to circulate through the room.
"Daddy." Ellie whispered, her face close enough to his whereas he could feel her breath on his face.
"We made you soup."
Her words snapped him out of his feverish haze, both his eyes opening and heart melting in one go.
"You did?" Aaron gingerly sat up, using his elbows for leverage and leaning against his pillow. He purposely strained his voice; finding his soft, Dad tone and attempting to push past the hoarseness; sounding as normal as possible.
Jack produced a small bucket, one that usually remained within the sandbox. Instead it was filled with water, dirt, grass, miscellaneous leaves; anything the backyard could provide.
The contents took Aaron by surprise, stalling for a split second once in his grasp. Dumbfounded, but extremely touched.
"Do you like it?" Ellie asked, clambering onto the mattress besides him.
"I do." Aaron commented, offering her a smile. "It's... organic, that's for sure."
"Bunnies eat grass." Ellie explained, looking from the 'soup' to him. "'member when we found the baby bunnies? You said they eat grass to be healthy and strong. So this will help you not be sick."
Aaron's face softened more; the logic making complete sense in her little mind - why wouldn't it? He laughed gently, and naturally he didn't have the heart to tell her it was inedible. "Thank you sweetheart, that's real kind of you. Did you make up this recipe all by yourself?"
Ellie nodded, a thoroughly pleased expression on her face. "Jackers helped too. He put the water in from the hose and added the leaves."
"I didn't tell her you couldn't eat it," Jack quickly whispered to him, "she really wanted to give you something that could make you feel better."
Aaron offered him a look, an understanding between the two of them. "Well, it definitely is making me feel better. I can promise that."
"Really?" Ellie blinked up at him.
"Really. I had no idea I had such skilled chefs for kids." He coughed; his voice was slowly beginning to give out, the more he spoke.
"Like Grandpa Dave!"
Aaron laughed brightly, ignoring the burn in the back of his throat and the heaviness in his body. "Just like Grandpa Dave."
"Here," You pushed yourself off the doorframe, where you had been silently (and pleasantly) observing. Ellie had been a bit too close for too long, and you could tell Aaron was gradually fading.
You took the 'soup' from him, internally grateful all of it had stayed in the bucket despite traveling up a flight of stairs. "Why don't I take this. Daddy needs to get some rest, that'll help him feel better too."
"Peace and quiet."
"That's right, peace and quiet." You echoed Ellie as she hopped off the bed, touching her head gently to gesture her out. You flashed Aaron a smile as the three of you exited, one tugging onto his lips too as he drowsily eased back against his pillow.
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emotionalsupport-ljh · 2 months
Breaking and Entering
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You don't want Jihoon to worry.
Fluff (a miniscule amount of angst) - woozi x fem!reader
A hell of a lot of words for a sick fic :D Described as "princess treatment" by my friends 😌
AO3 link
Word Count: 3.1k
Before you even open your eyes, you feel a scratch in your throat that burns like hell. You reach for the water on your nightstand and take large gulps trying to soothe the pain. As your eyes open, they droop heavily and take a moment to adjust to the early morning sunlight that makes its way past your curtains. A chill suddenly attacks the uncovered parts of your body. You duck back under your comforter only to have an oppressive heat come in waves that cause sweat to cling to your forehead. On top of all that, you can’t breathe out of your left nostril. You’re terribly sick.
As you lament in your miserable state, a notification brightens your phone and you have to shut your eyes. You blink them trying to get used to the light, but all it does is give you a headache. You brave through the pain to turn your brightness down and check the notification. It’s a text from your boyfriend, Jihoon.
Jiji: good morning babe~ 😘
You: Good morning!
Jiji: what are ur plans for today? work?
You: No
You pause for a moment before continuing your response. You wonder if it’s a good idea to tell him that you aren’t feeling well today. On one hand, he might want to know that kind of stuff so that he can take care of you. On the other hand, it could cause some unnecessary stress in his already stressful life. Also, with his busy schedule, he probably wouldn’t be able to do much. You decide ultimately that this illness would probably be over quickly, and you don’t want to make Jihoon worry about nothing a little cough medicine and tea would fix.
You: I'm going to take the day off to relax and be lazy lol 😏
Jiji: that sounds nice
i wish i could do the same 😮‍💨
You: Busy schedule today?
Jiji: yup 🙃 but im excited for our date later this week
You: Me too!
Jiji: i have to go to work
text me later
You: Will do! I love you 🩷
Jiji: love u too~🖤
Putting your phone down and taking the chance to move from your bed to at least retrieve some relief in the form of medicine or warm tea, you feel your muscles ache in a way that makes you never want to move again. For now, you stare at the ceiling with the resolve to get over this silly little cold. You fall asleep soon after and stay asleep for many, many hours.
When you finally awaken again, the chill in your bones still hasn't subsided, no matter how many layers of sheet and blanket cover you. You have to force your eyes to open against the deeper sunlight now pouring through the cracks in your curtains. You power through the discomfort to get them to adjust to the brightness. Again, you reach a hand out for your phone and see that it is afternoon and that you have some missed texts from your boyfriend.
Jiji: hey~
wuts up
Jiji: taking an afternoon nap huh
text me when u see this
The messages were all sent about 45 minutes ago. You feel a little bad about lying, but it only strengthens your resolve to get better and put the whole lie behind you. You text back like normal, hoping that he has the time to read and respond even for just a few minutes.
You: Sorry! I fell asleep watching anime
It doesn’t take too long for a reply to pop-up. You had been dating Jihoon for months now, but you still got butterflies every time he texted you. Even now, aching all over and dripping from your face, he makes you feel a warmth you swore would make you even healthier than you were before.
Jiji: oh rub it in my face 🙄 lol
dont get too far without me
You: I would never!! 😫
How’s it been today? You're not too stressed, right?
Jiji: eh
im coping lol
nothing im not used to
You: Don’t push yourself too hard ok? 🥺
You're doing such a great job!!!!!!
Jiji: thx lol
i gotta go. love u~ 🖤
You: I love you too 🩷
You decide to try to come up with the ultimate healing game plan for the rest of the day. You plot out your meals and activities to maximize the time you can spend getting better. Or at least you try to as you come to realize that sleeping an extra 4 and a half hours without getting out of bed means that you’ve yet to relieve yourself. This kickstarts your game plan as you rush to the bathroom.
You power through the aches in your body to finally brush your teeth and put your hair in a manageable bun for the day. You put on your sweats and some socks to keep warm and make your way to the kitchen where you heat up some soup and make a mug of herbal tea. You take medicine and take it easy all day. The change in scenery from your bedroom to the living room not only motivates your mind to change, but also it motivates your body to move. You swear you already feel better.
Unfortunately, the next two days look the same, and you do not, in fact, feel any better. Even with minimal movement throughout the days, you still manage to leave a mess of dirty dishes, clothes, and tissues strewn about the apartment. You are miserable and finally starting to come to terms with it. The delusion of your ability to heal quickly and on your own was finally starting to dissipate. You thought seeing a doctor was a waste of time, but you start to see the necessity of an appointment the more time you spend with a scratch in your throat and a headache hammering your skull.
The worst part, however, is not the pain, nor is it the constant sweating or the need to breathe through your mouth. No, the worst part is that today is Jihoon’s one day off; you are supposed to be ready to go on a date.
It's a little late in the morning when you wake up. You thrash in your bed frustrated that you are still sick and very tired. When you check your phone, there are no new messages. It isn't unusual for Jihoon to sleep in on his days off. You dread having to tell him the truth that you had been sick all week and couldn’t go out tonight. You could anticipate his response: a string of crying emojis and then a laugh where he says he’s just kidding and he’s fine as long as you get better. He wouldn’t really be okay with it, but he would say he is. He would be really disappointed; he isn’t very good at showing his true emotions, but you know he feels them so deeply. You don’t want to cause him any undue stress or heartbreak. At this point, it unfortunately is inevitable.
You grab your phone and hover over Jihoon’s contact, trying to muster the courage to send your good-morning-text and your confession followed by a long apology and promises to make it all up to him one day. You don’t expect your phone to ring, brandishing a very familiar sweet smiling selfie with the name “Jiji” underneath. You are startled then you take a deep breath, clear your throat, and answer.
“Good morning, my baby,” a sleep-rasped voice calls out from the other side.
“Good morning,” you try to answer in a normal voice, doing your best to hide your congestion.
“You sound different. What’s up?” Jihoon caught on immediately.
You whine a little over the phone, only prolonging the inevitable. There’s only silence from the other side. “I’m sick,” you say, then blurt out, “I’ve been sick for the past three days. I really, really tried to get better, honestly. I’m so sorry, Jiji. I can’t go out tonight.”
Your heart beats quickly in your chest, maybe from the nerves of finally coming clean, maybe from the extra exertion on your sick body. The five seconds it takes for Jihoon to respond feel like five hours. All he says is, “Oh. Okay.” After that, he hangs up the phone, leaving you stunned and with a horrible pit in your stomach.
You’re in shock. The kind of shock people feel after breaking a limb or recovering from a disaster. It pushes every other feeling out of your body. You do your morning routine in a fugue state. When you sit back in your bed, it all hits you at once. Tears stream down your face almost unconsciously, and you lay down with your face in your pillow. Eventually, you fall asleep again, too tired from the illness to continue to cry or feel anything.
Jihoon makes up his mind quickly. After abruptly hanging up the phone, he immediately gets up and goes through his own routine faster than ever, even taking 30 minutes off of his normal workout just to have more time for his own plan. After coming home, he does something a little out of character. He goes to the kitchen to cook something that isn’t chicken breast and white rice.
This surprises his roommates. Soonyoung tries to help him with the big pot of what was so far just stock and vegetables. He gets distracted easily, and it takes him a long time to cut up an onion. Jeonghan takes a picture of Jihoon and sends it in the group chat asking if this is normal behavior for Woozis. Seungkwan tries to taste it before the dish is ready and whines when his hand is met with a smack from a wooden spoon.
“This isn’t for any of you. Leave it alone,” Jihoon says in a stern voice.
“Wait, what? Then who is it for?” Soonyoung raises an eyebrow at him.
“Y/N, my girlfriend. She’s sick.”
The mood in the apartment changes. Now, Jeonghan is texting more furiously in the group chat about how Jihoon cares so much about his poor, sick girlfriend. Seungkwan now insists on tasting the dish the whole way through the cooking process to make sure it’s suitable for such refined tastes as his and yours. Soonyoung calls his mom and asks what the best thing is to cure illnesses. It becomes a whole big thing that has Jihoon a little bit annoyed but also grateful his friends care about you almost as much as he cares about you.
Jihoon’s morning and the better part of his afternoon off of work are then filled with surprise visits from Mingyu, Jun, and Seokmin who bring an array of dishes that could feed you for a month and Minghao who brings a special tea blend that he uses when he's feeling sick. Vernon sends a playlist of chill music for you to listen to while you recover, and Wonwoo writes a list of movies he recommends you watch to rest. Chan makes a special delivery of his grandma's famous kimchi, which has the rest of the boys groaning that they don't get any this time. Joshua sends the best essential oil wax melts so you can indulge in some aromatherapy. Finally, Seungcheol makes sure that Jihoon tells you that he can send anything in the world to your house using his card whether it be medicine or a treat from your favorite bakery or even a new designer pajama set to make sure you are at maximum comfort levels.
As he makes his way over to your apartment, Jihoon feels silly carrying a bunch of bags filled with various gifts from everyone on top of the soup he made that seems to pale in comparison. He curses Jeonghan under his breath for telling everyone his plan to bring you supplies, effectively making him the delivery boy because he is the only person who has the passcode to your apartment. He tries to call you on his way over, now adding his phone to the pile he was juggling. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. He tries again and meets the same outcome. He assumes that you’re resting; being sick for multiple days sounds exhausting which is why he is so willing to bring over everything he (and the others) could possibly think of to make you feel better.
Jihoon reaches your front door and knocks loud enough that you would be able to hear it from your room, but soft enough that you wouldn’t wake up if you were resting. He waits a beat before just typing the code and letting himself inside. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets down the various bags on the countertops. Only once his arms are empty does he realize the state of the apartment. He slowly takes in the dirty dishes and various random stuff left on the floor. The trashcan is full, and tea bags litter the countertops. There are tissue boxes everywhere, each one full of used tissues.
He walks slowly to your room and, opening the door, he almost couldn’t make out your sleeping shape on the bed. You’re curled up into a ball under many layers of blankets on one side, and on the other was a pile of clothing. There’s more clothing on the floor. Jihoon goes back to the kitchen and takes a deep breath. He meticulously puts all the food everyone prepared into the fridge, rolls up his sleeves, and decides to start there. He makes a list in his head of all the things he could realistically do in the few hours you would be asleep.
The next moment, Jihoon is elbow deep in soapy water scrubbing dishes and wiping countertops. He finds all the cleaning instruments and proceeds to sweep and vacuum. He fills a trash bag with tissues, tissue boxes, and food containers. He gently tiptoes around your room, gathering up the clothes from the floor, which he assumes are dirty, and putting them in the wash. The clothes on the bed, which he checks are clean, are now folded and put in a hamper for later sorting. He even has time to reheat his soup and make a pretty plating of it paired with some rice and a cup of some of Minghao’s herbal tea.
You awaken when you hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. Someone is in your home. You freeze until the noise stops and begin to get up from your bed. With your legs swung over the side of the bed, ready to stand and possibly defend yourself, the door opens slowly and in walks Jihoon with a tray of dishes.
He looks surprised, then flashes a big smile, then says, “Good, you’re awake. It’s time to eat.”
All you can do is stare at him in disbelief as he sets a tray of soup and rice and tea on your lap. He sits cross-legged in the empty space beside you and scrolls through his phone as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
“W…what’s all this?” you stutter out, utterly confused.
“Lunch,” Jihoon answers nonchalantly.
Looking at him beside you, you realize that there is indeed empty space on your bed for him to sit where there was once a pile of clothes. Tears appear behind your eyes when you look around at the spotless floor of your bedroom. You look at your boyfriend as one tear falls.
“Did you…”
“Yeah, it was a real mess in here.” He turns to look at you and uses his thumb to wipe the one tear from your cheek. “Start eating. I bet you haven’t eaten all day. How are you supposed to get better if you don’t eat?”
He was right. You take a spoonful of broth and bring it to your lips. It tastes wonderful. Alternating between tea and soup and rice, you feel fuller, and the heat from the meal eases your throat just a little more. Jihoon looks at you and sees how happy you look to be having a meal that wasn’t microwaved from a package. You are already almost done with the meal after only a few minutes.
“See, you were hungry, huh?” He teasingly shakes his head.
You lightly push your boyfriend's arm. You make a face, suddenly feeling awkward to be around him. “I thought you were mad at me.”
“What? Why? Because you lied to me for days and didn’t let me take care of you? Or because you canceled our date on the day of because you assumed I cared that we went out somewhere?” he starts sarcastically, “I actually hadn’t thought about it all day.”
“I’m serious, Jiji!” you try to whine but end in a cough. He’s laughing at you as you get a little frustrated.
“I’m seriously not mad. I wish you would’ve told me, but being mad won’t fix anything.” His smile is soft, and he’s looking at you with love in his eyes.
“I’m really sorry. I just didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t know it would last this long. Honestly, I don’t know what I have, and you probably shouldn't be sitting so close to me right now.” You weakly try to push Jihoon away, but he sits like a rock, not budging at all.
“I’m fine,” he chuckles, “The plague couldn’t even keep me away from you.” He leans to kiss your forehead.
All your muscles relax as the last few bites on your plate disappear. Jihoon takes the empty tray in one hand and uses the other to guide you to your feet with him. He wordlessly walks you both out of the room. You see that not only is the entire apartment clean, but there are small gifts left out on the coffee table.
“What is all this?” you ask your boyfriend as take a seat on the couch, waiting for him to put the empty plates and bowls from the tray in the sink.
He takes a seat next to you and rubs the back of his neck with one hand and avoids eye contact when he answers, “The guys heard you weren’t feeling great, so, of course, they had to help out, too.” He goes through and shows you the wax melts, medicine, and self-care products. He also tells you about your new stock of homemade meals from the best cooks in the group. You get really excited about the kimchi from Chan’s grandma. He sends you Vernon’s playlist and Wonwoo’s recommendations. He even shows you the text Seungcheol sent him about using his card for whatever you might need.
Everything is perfect for the rest of the evening that was supposed to be a fancy, romantic date night. It turns out that watching movies and listening to music while snuggling and talking is the best medicine for illness and the most romantic date you have ever been on.
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moremaybank · 1 year
day seven 3+1 with rafe cameron
pairing rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary three times you were clumsy, and the one time rafe was.
warnings mentions of blood, mentions of a cut (on the forehead), slipping, tripping, rafe gets slightly burned, soft!rafe, whole lotta fluff between rafe and his clumsy baby
author's note last post for obx week! another special thank you to @surftrips for inviting me to be a part of this! i hope you guys enjoyed all the content all the writers and myself have put up for you this week. i hope we were able to brighten your days, even if only for a moment. much love ♡︎
obx week ‘23 masterlist ;; rafe masterlist
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Rafe walked through your shared front door. He tossed his keys onto the entryway table, and called out for you. “Baby? I’m home!”
His voice echoed through the quiet house, and he expected to hear your cheerful reply, expected to be smothered with your kisses. But instead, he was met with a tensity in your voice. “Okay, don’t freak out.”
His brows furrowed. “Don’t freak out about what?”
When you didn’t answer as quickly as he’d hoped for, he entered the kitchen, where he saw the pantry door slightly ajar. It was more than unusual for you to be hiding in your pantry, and his confusion only heightened. 
Pushing the door open, his eyes found you. His sweet girl, giving him a nervous smile as your hand stayed plastered to your forehead. “You gonna tell me what’s going on?” 
“Only if you promise me you aren’t going to freak out.”
“You know,” he started, “the more you say that, the more I feel like I’m going to have to.” 
Taking a deep breath, you moved your hand, and Rafe’s eyes went wide. His eyes found the gash etched above your eyebrow, and his hands immediately found your face. They cradled it delicately, drawing you closer to him. His thumb carefully traced the cut with his thumb. You winced, and he retracted instantly. 
“What happened, baby?” He cooed, voice soft and dripping with concern. 
Blood rushed to your cheeks as the embarrassment overtook you. “Nothing. I was just cleaning the counters, and I stood up too quickly. I hit my head on one of the cabinets. It’s not a big deal, though, I’m fine.” 
“It’s a big deal to me if you’re bleeding,” he spoke. His lips pressed a quick peck to your lips, both in greeting and in trying to provide you with some comfort. “Why didn’t you call me?” 
“I didn’t want to bother you at work. You’ve been so busy lately, so stressed. Calling just would’ve made it worse.” 
Rafe’s expression softened, and he granted you another kiss. Not fleeting his last one. No, this one was longer, as if he was using his lips to tell you that your stress was ridiculous. “Listen to me. You are never, ever bothering me. I don’t care if I’m in a meeting or if I’m a thousand miles away. I’ll drop everything for you if you need me.” 
You smiled, touched by his words. You knew he’d always prioritized you, put you over any and everything. “I know you would, handsome.”
“D’you feel okay? You have a headache? Dizzy?” His hand left your face, and he held up four fingers. “How many fingers, sweetheart?”
You giggled. “Four, Rafe. I can see just fine. It stings a little when I touch it, just like any other cut, but I’m fine, I swear.” 
He couldn’t shake the worry that gripped at him, but he also couldn’t deny the overwhelming sense of relief that washed over him knowing that you were in his arms. He squeezed you tightly. “My clumsy girl. We gotta get you a helmet or something. I don’t think I could take it if something like this happened to you again.” 
“You’re so dramatic,” you laughed. “And don’t you dare get me a helmet. It’ll ruin my hair.”
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You and Rafe planned to have a relaxing weekend. You’d lounged in bed on and off for the entire forty-eight hours, just enjoying each other’s company while being shielded from the rest of the world and its needs. 
Rafe was lounging on the couch, hooked on one of your silly teen drama shows that he’d always teased you about. It was hilarious, really. He mocked them constantly, but the minute you’d flip one of them on, he’d soon become consumed. 
You moved about in the kitchen with enthusiasm as you started to make breakfast for the two of you. Rafe never failed to sport a child-like grin when he devoured your waffles, and you’d longed to see that smile today. 
However, your heavy-handed self got to work, and it wasn’t long before the bag of flour ended up on the marble floor, covering you and the kitchen in a powdery mess. “Shit!” 
Rafe, always alert to the sound of your antics, leaped up from the couch and rushed over to you. His eyes landed on the cloud of flour that had taken over the room, and then landed on you with the most adorable and embarrassed look he’d ever seen. 
“I, uh, I might’ve had a little accident with the flour.” 
“Might’ve, huh?” He couldn’t help but chuckle as he approached you. “You look cute. Like the Pillsbury dough boy.” 
You smacked his chest with a playful glare. “Shut up.” 
“Come on, you lil’ ghost. Let’s clean you up.” 
You nodded, and as you took a step forward, you slipped on the flour and it sent you tumbling toward the floor. Rafe, with his lightning-fast hands, swooped in and caught you. 
“Graceful,” he teased, a wide smirk on his lips. “Ten out of ten.” 
“Don’t be mean.” 
“‘M starting to think that we should get you some bubble-wrap. Gotta protect the goods.”
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It was a busy weekday evening, and you had just returned home after a hectic day at work. Your arms were loaded with file folders, each containing a mountain of paperwork that required your attention. You huffed as you finally reached the top of the stairs, making a beeline for your bedroom. 
Rafe, who had been lying on the bed and staring at the screen of his laptop, looked up and raised an eyebrow at the sight of you and your obvious struggle. “Hey beautiful, need some help there?” 
You grinned, trying to balance the precarious stack of folders. “I’ve got it, baby. Just a few more steps. You stay there and look handsome.” 
However, just as you were about to reach the desk, your foot caught on the edge of the rug, and you tumbled forward (you had a real knack for losing your footing, evidently). In what seemed like slow motion, the file folders went flying, papers scattering like confetti around your room. Luckily, you caught yourself, your hands planting on the wooden desk. 
Rafe watched in shock as you both became surrounded by a sea of documents. He tried to hold it in, he really did, but he burst into laughter. “Baby, did that really just happen?” 
You groaned, crouching down and starting to gather up the hundreds of papers. “Are you freaking kidding me?” 
Rafe got up from the bed and joined you, helping you collect all of the documents. “You know, if you wanted to have a paper party, you could’ve just asked.” 
You swatted at him. “Very funny, Rafe.” 
As you worked together to sort the papers, Rafe couldn’t help but tease you a little more. “I tried to tell you that you needed help.” 
“Whatever,” you grumbled. You stood up, placing one stack on your desk, and upon turning around, your hand knocked over the cup that held all your writing utensils. The pens and pencils flew everywhere, and you just stood there, jaw-dropped. 
Rafe made his way over to you, carefully walking around the papers and your writing tools, and braced his hands on your shoulders. “Alright, you need to relax. Go take a shower. Actually— scratch that. I don’t think I can trust you to stand up in there. Run yourself a bubblebath, and call me when you’re finished. Looks like ‘m gonna have to carry you out.” 
You pouted adorably, nodding. He kissed your pursed lips, and lightly smacked your butt. “Get goin’, baby.”
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It was a rare evening when Rafe decided that he was going to cook dinner for you. You knew he’d been working all day, and you hesitated to take a step back from cooking, but he insisted. He bragged about his quickly-improving skills, and you agreed, deciding to see if he could walk the walk. 
You sat at the kitchen table, sipping on a glass of wine, and watched Rafe confidently maneuver around the stove. He looked delicious in that apron, his sleeves rolled up and thick muscles rippling. The focused look on his face was a sight as well. He was so effortlessly dominant all the time, something that gave you butterflies (and not just in your stomach). 
It was all beyond impressive until Rafe looked over at you, drowning in your beauty. He grinned, but it fell instantly when he touched the heated pan. He pulled his hand back from he stove and shook it vigorously. “Ow, fuck!” 
You rushed over, concerned. “What happened?” 
Rafe grimaced as he inspected his finger. “I touched the pan by accident. It’s nothin’, just a minor burn.” 
You inspected the red mark on his finger yourself, and sighed in relief when you realized it wasn’t too serious. “Come here, let me get some cold water on this.” 
You tugged him over to the sink gently, and turned the tap on cold. Rafe winced as the soothing sensation washed over him. “You were right. I should not be handling shit in the kitchen.” 
“Don’t say that, you were doing great. This stuff happens,” you assured him. “Besides, don’t you know who you’re talking to? How many times have you had to clean me up?” 
He nodded, but he still looked disappointed. 
“Baby,” you cooed, “it’s fine.” 
You rose onto your tiptoes and pressed a delicate kiss to his cheek. He smiled, and your heart warmed. But then, you let out a laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing,” you shrugged. “It’s just nice not to be the clumsy one for once. My clumsy boy.”
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The Vow
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Summary: Being married to the rouge prince was no easy task at least most thought so, being his wife and best friend did nothing but make everyday of your life better and better....until you forget all about him
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Word count: 4.4k
You softly groaned as you stretched in the large bed that had enough room for what might be a small feast, until you rolled over onto your other side and slowly opened your eyes seeing your husband who was often nothing but a brute cuddled up to your side also slowly waking up which caused you to smile to yourself. Lightly dragging your fingertips across his pale skin taking in the slow tender moment before your days were started even if you knew you could go see him throughout the day.
He felt your fingers on his skin and stir, his eyes remaining shut as he leaned in slightly and bury his face in your neck. Scenting your skin, he savours your presence while he still can, before eventually opening his eyes. "Hello." He nuzzled your shoulder. Daemon smiled as your fingers traced his skin. It was a soft way to wake up, rather than the way he was normally woken up. He rolled his hand around searching to take your hand in his own. "We could stay here like this, you know." Daemon spoke softly to you, his hand tracing your face.
Feeling your eyes flutter shut at your husband's tender touch not able to help the smile that brightened due to his words, shaking your head knowing as much as you loved to stay put in his arms wasting the day away together you knew you both would be far to busy and everyone would never let up about needing something from one or the other "I love the way you think my darling, you know I'll be around when you need attention just come simply find me." Daemon sighed, knowing you were right. He rolled on top of you, giving you a kiss upon your lips. "Oh don't you worry, my love, your Daemon will find you wherever you are." He spoke in an amusingly formal tone, his hands now moving down your body.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders smiling up at him, kissing him back softly as you enjoyed the feeling of his firm lips against your own then smiled at his words "I know you will...you always do my Daemon". Giving him another sweet kiss on the lips as you felt his rough hands move across your body before you slowly pushed him up as you sat up "I'm not falling for another five minutes today my love." Daemon laughed slightly at your tease but he was still slightly on the offensive. He pushed you back down to the bed and laid next to you. "You sure? Seems to me like you're enjoying this very much." Daemon spoke with a bit of a smirk on his face, his eyes tracing your bare body. I am a lucky man. He thought.
You sighed playfully as you were forced to lay back down as you looked up at him, nodding your head happily as you cupped his face in a delicate manner "I always enjoy being with you, but we're meant to be busy today my darling". Doing your best to not wrap your arms around him and simply go back to sleep as you attempted to sit up once more. Daemon sighed slightly but made no effort to hold you down this time. Instead he leaned over you once more, planting a soft kiss on your lips once more. "Fiiiine, my love." Daemon said in a playful tone, before leaning back and rolling over to get dressed. "I suppose I should probably get out of this bed…I'm sure that our duties have been waiting too long." Daemon spoke, as if the prospect of dealing with all of his affairs was already a headache.
Laughing as you kissed him back once more before finally getting up and getting dressed, working like a well oiled machine along side of him as he helped you tighten your gown before you tenderly helped him get dressed after being married for so long neither of you saw need for servants anymore. gently cupping his face in your hands as you smiled then pulled him close as you placed kisses all over his face only ending with placing a kiss on his forehead "Only for a few hours I promise love, I believe you can handle that much." Daemon laughed as you kissed him all over and placed one upon his forehead. "I suppose I can handle it, but only if I get to return here when we have some time." He said with a sly smile, his hands still resting on you. Daemon loved being married to you, and he would want nothing more than to spend every waking moment of his life with you, but for now he needed to return to his duties. Perhaps you can help me with some of them…afterwards. Daemon smiled to himself.
Daemon laughed as you dressed him and then put more kisses on him. You were such a tender woman and Daemon loved your touch, your kisses. "I don't think I'll be able to survive such a long separation." Daemon said, his mouth in a small smirk as he placed his hands upon your face. He kissed you back, lingeringly this time. "Perhaps we can escape just a few more minutes…" Daemon whispered against your lips. You leaned into his touch as your eyes closed taking in the comfortable feeling of being wrapped in his arms, looking up at him as you kissed him back lovingly before taking your time to pull away as you looked into his violet eyes and smiled "I said I wasn't falling for it" You spoke before giving him a few quick kisses before you had started walk out of the room ready to start your day so you could finish early and be back beside him as if you both were still newlyweds.
Daemon's face widened at your smirk, as if you were teasing him. Which he supposed you were. "Oh, my sweet lady wife of mine, why are you so cruel?" Daemon said in jest, as if you were actually doing anything wrong by leaving him. "I miss you already." Daemon would tease back as he did not pursue you, for he knew you would return. You always did after all. You couldn't help but laugh at your husband's playful words as you walked away from him knowing he was going to be even more dramatic, going about your day making sure your focus was only on the work in front of you even going out of your way to help Rhaenyra a little bit as the two held a small awkward conversation. Going outside toward the dragonpit seeing your baby Saphira taking some time to yourself as you got fresh air on top of the large beast going into the air with a smile on your face at least before your dragon turned which left you unstable as you fell hitting your head and blacking out as the workers quickly got help.
Daemon was in the middle of some sort of royal affair or meeting with important lords and ladies. It wasn't that terribly important, it was just something he had to do to make sure the realm was properly run. He would get the most important tasks done earlier in the day as to not disrupt his wonderful schedule. Daemon was just stepping out of his chamber for the day when he spotted something unusual. He saw one of the dragon keepers carrying out a woman who had seemingly been knocked out. His curiosity was piqued at first but he quickly turned to concern as he rushed to your side after noticing it was you.
"What in the seven hells happened?" He asked the keeper as he took you away from him. As he spoke to you he lightly grasped your hand, hoping you would wake up soon as your consciousness was all he cared about at this moment in time. The workers all stiffened once the rouge prince especially knowing how protective Daemon was over you, clearing their throats as well as sharing looks before one finally spoke up "She said she wanted some fresh air with Saphira but the next thing we knew she had hit her head and passed out" Not wanting to be on the bad end of the prince's rage they knew to take anything with you seriously even with hitting your head and now as a maester was going to look you over.
"And you just left her alone?" Daemon questioned. "Saphira?" He asked, looking to see if the dragon had attacked you. He knew the dragon would do no such thing, but he wanted to cover all his bases. He knelt by your side and felt your forehead, hoping it was nothing serious. "Please dear, wake up." Daemon whispered, his voice laden with anxiety as he felt your hand. The workers shrugged having been tending to the other dragons while you were with Saphira "We figured she'd be fine, the dragon is fine nor does Saphira seem as if anything happened", Helping take you to the maesters where they laid you down and left as the maester started checking and looking over you better after getting the details of what happened.
Daemon's face was full of worry as he stood beside your unconscious form. He couldn't help but feel guilty. His mind raced as he wondered how he could have left you alone and this happen. I have failed to keep her safe. Daemon whispered to himself. Daemon's heart seemed to skip a beat when the maester was checking you. Not knowing if you were even alive or not. When you were being treated he waited alongside you, just watching you in anxious anticipation for you to open your eyes. After enough time passed the maester sighed before looking over at you with a slight shake of his head as he spoke "She's still breathing but might be out for longer due to the heavy hit to the head, it might take some time but I'm unaware of how long."
Daemon was relieved to find out that you were still breathing. He was in a position of power and yet he couldn't do anything for you. All he could do was wait. Daemon looked at you, watching your gentle features and waiting for you to wake up. Daemon's hand caressed you gently, he hoped you couldn't feel it in your state but he wanted it to anyway. Weeks passed of not much changing nor did anyone attempt to mention perhaps it was best to let go especially with how angry the prince had become, that not even his brother Viserys or Rhaenyra could help calm him down like you often did but once you slowly opened your eyes with a heavy breath as you slowly looked around confused even as the maester came to check on you as your voice came out hoarse "Where am I?".
Daemon rushed to his feet as your eyes reopened. "Y/n! Thank all seven gods you are alive." Daemon spoke with a mix of relief, happiness and guilt. "The gods are merciful today, I thought I had lost you." Daemon said with a breath of relief. "You're on King's Landing, the seat of House Targaryen. You got hit in the head and I've been here for weeks waiting for you." Daemon admitted, feeling nothing but shame for himself. You looked over at the tall man as you winced feeling as if his voice was echoing in your head heavily, tilting your head slightly as you tried to process his words but shook your head not remembering anything as you tried to recall what you were last doing especially hearing you had been out for weeks now "Who are you? and why am I in King's Landing?".
Daemon felt the blood drain from his face. You didn't remember him? You were joking. He looked at you, waiting for you to crack a smile and start laughing. It never came. Daemon slowly moved towards you, taking your hand gently. "My love, I am Daemon Targaryen. We have been married for years now. Your life, it's only just started. But… You don't remember anything?" Daemon questioned, his voice filled with panic. You continued to look at him curiously as you listened closely and tried to place him somewhere you might remember him, feeling bad that he seemed so hurt out about you not knowing him but shook your head as you pulled your hand away from his "No I'm sorry, all I remember is taking a walk than everything went black" Not knowing you had lost years of your life but looked over at the maester who started asking you questions to see what you could remember before he looked over at Daemon scared of his reaction "She has a small case of amnesia."
Amnesia is a kind word for what you have. Daemon thought to himself, his anxiety increasing. He didn't handle the news that you didn't remember him as the man had hoped. Daemon took a moment to gather himself from your sudden news. "Amnesia?" Daemon asked the maester, ignoring the explanation initially. He looked at you, his eyes wide with concern and even a twinge of fear. "My lady wife… Please tell me you remember my name at least." Daemon asked, his voice full of need. You slowly sat up with a small groan of pain as you gently rubbed your head feeling a dull but painful throb, looking up at him once more as you tried to really look at him from his lilc eyes, platinum hair, tall and strong build, only to shake your head again "No I really don't know who you are". Listening as the maester spoke up about how it might take some time for you to feel better but it might do you some well to continue getting rest.
Daemon could feel his heart sink into his stomach. You didn't remember him… You had lost your memory. "You don't know me?" Daemon questioned again. He couldn't believe that that was truly an option. His head was reeling, what did this mean? How does he deal with this? As the maester continued to talk Daemon listened but the words hardly registered in his brain. Slowly he reached his hand out, holding your hand once more. He was not going to let you go again. During the next few days, you had been moved into your own private chambers since you felt weird being alone with Daemon still not remembering him, opting to even sit next to Rhaenyra more even if you couldn't remember her or Viserys who seemed nice when you did talk to him but also who had pushed your work onto someone else in the meantime. Sitting down at the dining table with them all as you bowed your head for prayer waiting until it was done before you started eating feeling excited that Rhaenyra and yourself would be hanging out.
Daemon sat at the table with you and Rhaenyra, his eyes on you at all times. As you prayed Daemon did the same, taking some time to himself pleading witht the gods new or old to hear him. It was good to see your face smiling, even if you didn't remember him. As all of you sat down to eat Daemon kept looking at you, still hoping you would suddenly remember him and everything that had transpired during your marriage. He hoped that deep down he had left his mark on you. That his memory was buried deep within you and only needed to be uncovered. Speaking with Rhaenyra as if nothing was wrong even as the blonde princess agreed that you were married to her uncle, doing your best to go about your routine each day you woke up only to have to ask servants what it was you normally did which often left one of the Targaryens to be told as they stepped in to help you like a small child. Glancing up as you chewed on your food only to see Daemon watching you which caused you to look down at your plate as your brows furrowed "Do you always watch me so closely?".
Daemon smiled softly at your observation, it was as if you were beginning to return your wits even if it was slowly. Daemon had been watching you closely, for you were a puzzle piece he didn't understand. Your amnesia was just a road block that Daemon was determined to overcome. "Of course I do." Daemon said with a smirk, his eyes looking to you, his wife. "It's only natural that I desire to stare at my beautiful wife." Daemon said with a flirtatious tone, hoping to earn some sort of reaction from you. You nodded your head slightly at his words as you squirmed around in your seat slightly instead of flirting back with him like usual, getting up with Rhaenyra once you both finished eating as Rhaenyra gently took you by the hand leading you around as she did most of the talking unless you had questions even as Rhaenyra started to enjoy spending time with you wondering why it had taken so long and you getting hurt for it to happen.
Daemon took notice at your change in demeanor, it seemed as if you were less inclined to flirt and be cheeky when compared to your normal self. You didn't even remember the man you married. It was concerning but Daemon wasn't entirely bothered by it. He felt almost as if you were a new woman to woo, to earn. Daemon wasn't opposed to the idea of winning you over once more. He watched Rhaenyra take you by the hand and lead you away, the two of you looking almost as if you were friends. "Have we found you the perfect friend now?" Daemon asked with a smirk. You looked at Rhaenyra once you felt a nudge in your side and realized he was talking to you, nodding your head as you smiled even if you didn't recall the friendship between yourself and the princess "Rhaenyra has been very helpful with helping me and my day-to-day basics." Having even been spending more time with Viserys as he helped reteach you everything you did before since he had grown to like your way best even if others had an issue with it "She and Viserys have been teaching me about the Targaryen family tree apparently I use to be able to say everyone in order with no mistakes."
Daemon nodded at your words with a soft smile. "I'm glad to see you have company. And the knowledge of the family tree will certainly come with time. You are my wife after all." Daemon said, his voice dripping with flirting even in the presence of his family. He gave you a kiss upon the hand then turned to Rhaenyra. "Keep a close eye upon her and keep her safe." Daemon told Rhaenyra, the tone in his voice a more sincere one. He felt comfortable knowing you were in Rhaenyra's care. You nodded your head feeling good that everyone seemed happy with your progress even if you were still missing so much of your life, watching him closely before pulling your hand away from him as Rhaenyra nodded her head at his words almost offended that he would think she'd let anything happen to you. The two women started walking away as Rhaenyra led you to the gardens feeling the quiet might help as you bit down on your lower lip and looked over at Rhaenyra "Can I ask you something? it's about Daemon himself."
Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at your request but she shrugged. "Yes, of you course you may." She said with an open smile, curious as to what curiosity you may ask of her. Daemon, as usual, was also listening in on this conversation. He wanted to know what you wanted to know of him. Maybe it was something he could use to slowly get you back on track to remembering him. Sighing but nodded your head happy that the princess had been nothing but easy-going as she helped you remember things, looking down at the ground as you tried to piece your words together before shrugging your shoulders as the words tumbled out past your lips "I've heard...unsavory things about Daemon, that he's quite a brute and has done unspeakable things....is that true?".
Rhaenyra thought for a moment, unsure of how much to tell you. Daemon was her best friend, but he was also her uncle. She did not know how to answer your questions, because honestly, they weren't completely false. Rhaenyra looked for a way to answer without making Daemon seem like a terrible person. "Daemon can be very stubborn." Rhaenyra started, "Sometimes he let's his anger get the best of him. But that's only when he is pushed too far. But what is most important, is that he loves you." Rhaenyra said. You nodded with a small pout on your lips at the answer thinking it over as you recalled some of the things Daemon had done from what you've heard, looking over at the blonde woman again as you shrugged your shoulders at her words "How did we even get together? it sounds like we're nothing but polar opposites, how do he and I even work together in marriage?" Having been too embarrassed and shy to go to Daemon with these questions even if he would be the best person to answer them.
"You two have always been very different, but that's what has drawn you two together." Rhaenyra said with a smile. She believed it too, the differences in Daemon and you were what created the bond between you two. "He may be quite gruff, but he has the softest spot in the Kingdom for you." Rhaenyra said, hoping the words would make you feel better. They were true, Daemon loved you in a way he loved no one else, not even Rhaenyra or his brother Viserys. You slowly nodded along as you listened closely to the words feeling like you were listening to a fariytail, feeling your eyes sting with tears at the thought of Daemon being so tender and you couldn't remember any of it you let out a soft sigh, and nodded your head feeling determined "I want to remember, I'm gonna need more stories about him."
Rhaenyra chuckled at your need for stories which she was not opposed to. "You'll definitely need to remember your wedding to Daemon." She said with enthusiasm. "It was the grandest affair ever. What else do you want to know?" Rhaenyra asked, eager at the idea that your memory might return soon. "I would be more than happy to share anything you want to know." She continued, with a smile on her face. She believed that Daemon deserved to have you back at least. During the next few weeks, You had been learning more about your life and your marriage with Daemon even going as far as to show him small bits of affection, slowly but surely you began to push other's help away wanting to do things for yourself and show you could do it again but kept growing curious as to small gifts for you or being shocked by grand plans before learning it was from Daemon which caused you to seek him out.
Daemon was happy that you were showing him small bits of affection. He knew he would have to earn your love all over again but small touches were good. As you grew curious of gifts and grand plans Daemon was only too glad to tell you whom was behind them. He felt you were beginning to return to him bit by bit, and he wanted nothing more. Daemon felt at ease when you were back with him, and you were beginning to spend more time with him and less time away. It gave Daemon a new sense of hope. You had thanked Dameon for all the sweet and tender gestures he had been giving or showing you, which you found hard to keep the butterflies in your stomach under control but had been doing well as you were still learning more and more only getting curious about certain things but had been spending more time with Rhaenyra and Viserys both of which only now continued talking Daemon up even as you joined Rhaenyra late into the night talking about most things.
Daemon was over the moon to see that little by little you were remembering him and your life with him. He was always so cautious about his love, but as of late Daemon had felt nothing but comfort and happiness when with you. His smiles had become much more frequent. You were back in his life and Daemon was thankful for it. It was the small things that Daemon noticed, seeing how you would speak with confidence, laugh a little more freely, it all added up in his mind. He was on the verge of getting you back. He was certain of it. You rested your head against your arms listening to Rhaenyra speak about all different things, feeling your curiosity grow at mention of something that sounded familiar to you and asked about it which caused the blond princess to explain in detail that it was something connected to Daemon and yorself. Letting out a sharp gasp as your eyes shut tightly and you held your head as the pain from when this all started seemed to be the worst you had ever dealt with even as the blond princess tried asking if you were alright only taking a few minutes before nodding your head as you stood up with no explanation going back to the chambers you once shared with Daemon and opened the door as you stood there shocked and tears in your eyes softly whispering.
"I remember."
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Loved the diabetic reader x slytherin boys head cannons💜💜 you can totally ignore this, but could we get slytherin boys x anaemic reader🙏🏻🙏🏻 how they help with certain issues… e.g fainting, head rushes, fatigue, headaches, cold feet/hands, etc….i think it would be super cute 🥰 have a lovely day, your writing is *chef’s kiss* 🤌🤌
thank you so much lovie! and of course, hope these are alright! <3 this includes Mattheo, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Pansy and Tom!
The Slytherin Boys dating a anaemic!Reader Headcanons
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♢ Mattheo's quiet and introspective nature belies a deep well of empathy and compassion, especially when it comes to you and your struggles with anaemia. He's incredibly intuitive, often noticing subtle changes in your energy levels before you even realize it yourself.
♢ Whenever you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, Mattheo is there to offer you a calming presence and soothing words of reassurance. He has a way of grounding you, of bringing you back to the present moment and helping you find peace amidst the chaos.
♢ Mattheo believes in the power of nourishing your body and soul, always keeping a stash of healthy snacks on hand to help boost your energy levels when needed. Whether it's a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or a square of dark chocolate, he's always ready to offer you a nutritious pick-me-up.
♢ He's also skilled at giving gentle massages to help alleviate any tension or discomfort you may be feeling, whether it's a headache or cold hands. His touch is soothing and comforting, and being in his presence always makes you feel safe and cared for.
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♢ Theo may have a reputation as a recluse and for being unemotional, but when it comes to you and your well-being, he's fiercely protective and incredibly supportive. He's always there to lend you a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to lean on whenever you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted.
♢ He's incredibly patient and understanding, never pushing you too hard or expecting too much from you. He knows that living with anaemia can be challenging, and he's always willing to make accommodations to ensure you're comfortable and cared for.
♢ Theo has a knack for finding secluded spots around Hogwarts where the two of you can retreat for some quiet time whenever you're feeling drained or fatigued. Whether it's a hidden alcove in the library or a secluded corner of the courtyard, he knows just the place to go to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
♢ He's also a great listener and always lends a sympathetic ear whenever you need to talk about how you're feeling. He never judges or dismisses your experiences, and his quiet strength and unwavering support mean the world to you.
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♢ Enzo is a ray of sunshine in your life, always brightening your day with his infectious smile and boundless enthusiasm. He's surprisingly knowledgeable about anaemia, having done extensive research to better understand how he can support you.
♢ He's always there to offer you his arm or shoulder for support whenever you're feeling lightheaded or dizzy, offering you stability and reassurance in moments of uncertainty. His touch is gentle and comforting, and being close to him makes you feel safe and secure.
♢ Enzo loves to surprise you with small gifts or gestures of affection to brighten your day and lift your spirits when you're feeling low. Whether it's a bouquet of flowers or a handwritten note expressing his love and support, his thoughtfulness never fails to bring a smile to your face.
♢ He's a big believer in the power of laughter and is constantly cracking jokes or teasing you in a playful way to help distract you from any discomfort or pain you may be feeling. His playful antics never fail to lift your spirits and remind you that you're not alone with this.
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♢ When it comes to you and your well-being, Blaise is surprisingly tender and caring. He's fiercely protective of you and will stop at nothing to ensure your comfort and well-being, always putting your needs above his own.
♢ He's incredibly observant and perceptive when it comes to your anaemia, always attuned to your needs and ready to spring into action when necessary. He knows just how to read your body language and anticipate your needs before you even have to ask.
♢ Blaise believes in the power of creative solutions to help alleviate your symptoms, whether it's using charms to keep your hands and feet warm or brewing potions to help combat fatigue. He's always researching new ways to help make your life easier and more comfortable.
♢ He's a firm believer in the power of relaxation and mindfulness, often guiding you through breathing exercises or meditation techniques to help calm your mind and body. His soothing presence and unwavering support are a source of strength and comfort to you, and you're grateful to have him by your side.
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♢ Draco's demeanor may be prickly to some, but when it comes to you and your well-being, he's surprisingly gentle and attentive. He's learned to recognize the subtle signs that indicate you're not feeling your best, whether it's the way your shoulders slump slightly or the faint shadows under your eyes.
♢ Whenever you feel faint or experience head rushes, Draco is quick to step in, offering you his arm for support and guiding you to a nearby bench or quiet spot to rest. He'll sit beside you, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your back while the other offers you a small vial of a restorative potion he always carries with him.
♢ Draco takes great care to ensure you're comfortable and cared for, whether it's wrapping you in a warm blanket, brewing a soothing cup of tea, or simply holding your hand to provide comfort. He's not one to express his emotions openly, but his actions speak volumes, showing you just how much he cares for you and your well-being.
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♢ Despite her outward confidence, Pansy's heart softens when it comes to you. She's fiercely protective, with a deep understanding of your struggles and an unwavering commitment to your well-being.
♢ Pansy's keen intuition is finely tuned to your needs. She can sense the subtle shifts in your energy levels and mood, always ready to offer a comforting embrace or a reassuring word when you need it most.
♢ When dizziness or fatigue threaten to overwhelm you, Pansy is your steady anchor. With a gentle touch and a knowing smile, she guides you to a quiet corner where you can rest without worry, her presence a balm to your weary soul.
♢ Beyond mere physical care, Pansy's support is a lifeline. She's your confidante, your advocate, and your unwavering champion. With her by your side, you feel seen, heard, and cherished in a way that words alone cannot express.
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♢ Tom's enigmatic nature conceals a surprisingly compassionate side, only when it comes to you and your health. He pays close attention to your well-being, intuitively sensing when you're feeling unwell.
♢ Whenever you're struggling with dizziness or fatigue, Tom is there in an instant, offering you his steadying presence. His touch is gentle yet firm, providing reassurance as he guides you to a quiet spot to recuperate.
♢ Tom approaches your health with a scholarly curiosity, delving into ancient texts and potions to find solutions. He's constantly seeking new knowledge to alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
♢ Despite his reserved demeanor, Tom's support runs deep. He's a steadfast presence in your life, offering understanding and empathy without judgment. With him by your side, you feel both protected and understood.
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drthugitout · 2 months
My ver of dream :00000 AND RANTS ABT MY AU
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I ws going for a more princesssy vibe if ykyk if ya like dream do u wanna have more hc on my au in stuff
So a lil rant, but this ver of dram takes place ofc after the whole being trapped n stone thing passses but more in the mist of trying to save his brother, not knowing that he’s already dead ((couldn’t be me type shi.))
He’s way more trusting and open arms meaning he could eager hurt easily, even if your mean he just assume he need to try harder to make you happy or to trust him n vice versa.
He’s also just not good with helping ppl who don’t want to be helped which his can never understand especially with people like killer or early on cross and even sometimes ink.
He can’t read. I mean he can read but not to the best.
Dawg hates getting treaeated like a child, he’s not a child he’s an adult man, yes trapped in stone for a long time sucks and he dose have some problems with not getting a lot of adult topic but prefers for them to get explained and not gatekeeped, with that in some ways even core could be considered more mature then him ((not like they aren’t though))
He gets wat to excited for missions but it’s not jus him so do ink and swap that dose change though
He’s not above overworking himself for the greater good no matter what it is.
He’s scared of going blind, random but it makes sine seeing as he was practically Lind for 500 years trapped in some weird purgatory.
Yes he try’s to make every one happy but if there’s really nothing he can do he won’t keep trying to make you better n be near your negative ahh.
Sometimes British.
His magic is sometimes hard to control as ink describes it he’s ’rusty’ training with him and swap so they all can up there strategy’s
Continuing the theme of the last hc of this au, he hates fighting especially and of corse against nightmare, from his eys he got stuck in a endless loop of nothingness for years only to wake up the the sweet kinda kid he knew as his brother know the most well known asshole across the world, along with getting teased and pushed during battle against nightmare for nights own sadistic personal gain, AND HE JUS LETS IT SLIDE BCZ HE WANTS HE BROTHER BSCK it actually hands to be stud dyed how overlooked that is.
He can fly, to some existent. Nobody is truly sure how?! But he can.
Trap rap scares him like that aggressive stuff ((I also don’t like it I LIKE MY RAP CATCHY N MUISCAL NIT HEADACHE RACING)) He also don like hardcore rock
The king along with his right hand men. ((Ink and swap)) along with core
His main friends are just the main sanses besides the bad guys.
Loves cosplayer n dress up
But HATEDSSSSSS holloween
To scared to accept his friends as family dispute how close they act the fact they sometimes live together feed each other and share clothes, I luv them<33
Hes open to showing affection in almost every way so yes he dose so time give ppl kisses on the cheeks and hugs and say how much he loves them bcz ipit brightens there day.
Gets annoying headaches from nightmares voice mainly when he yells, it just brings back pain and damn, that sucks. Smh smd
He’s seen as royalty but hates getting treated like that as he feels like he shouldn’t be looked highly in for what he dose ((mainly because he feels like he should be able to do more, and hates that he can’t help everyone mainly because of his childhood))
lowkey fuck them villagers.
Cusses n it catches ppl of guard but for him it’s not shown as bad at all
Says some things that would get him canceled but doesn’t know that so he has to get explained that
One when angered he best nms ahh n once night left came to the realization of what he did n cried, ink swap and pretty much everyone were so proud though.
Everyone is his best friend
513 ((A GROWN MAN))
Actually scared of octopus/ squid’s ect. Like when he would cry cuz nightmare scares the fuck out of him. ((He actually got over his fear a bit with freshs parasite
Sleeps in dirt, a weird calming thing for him especially since he like to sleep in the sun. I dunno his ass weird but yeah needs sunlight like a plant.
Swap carries him around somtimes I dunnod I jus though that was sweet
Also wears anything, this goes for slot of the skellys n my aus but he would wear the most gorgeous ball room dress ever n never bat an eye.
A rly good singer. Who can play the piano kinda sometimes.
Hates wearing headphones or annoying boarding noises.
For some reason he dependent on helping cross mainly him because of how bad he feels but how much he relates to him especially after that one battle with nm around when he gets closer to cross n more open to the fact most ppl suck. He stops being less of a bitch.
Seen as the leader even though swap would make a better one out the three
Along with his sleep he doesn’t have the best eating habits swap of then haveing to help him out and vice versa as they love overworking them selfs
The thought of a muiltverse overwhelmed him. A lot. ((Cuz ur saying I gotta make allll these ppl happy? Damn.))
his smiles contagious.
Ngl the drawing kinda gives “I will fight n the name of Rose Quarts n every thing that she believed in.” Very Steven universe coded though.
Can’t flirt or take a romantic hint
Pretty gender neutral
He pokey prob likes gross food btw like nuts, ew.
His highest priority is children as he projects on the highly.
((Note I came up with half up these from the top of my head, I don know hc were so easy, n I don even like dream like that))
That’s most of my hc but yeah there less silly fun ones n most jus to do with his character n my au.
Uhhh he likes frank ocean.
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dhiings · 8 months
𖦹 Jane w/ Vocal Unit
Jane’s masterlist ⋆。˚ Moodboards ;0
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જ⁀➴ Woozi x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : friends through happiness and weirdness, "i like her, she's weird" "i'M WeIRd?! look at yourself bro. but i like you too" Nickname given by Jane for Woozi : uji/lee pd Nickname given by Woozi for Jane : jein/uki
• How do i explain this, woozi and jane have a different and unique kinds of relationship. They could be "normal", joking around, being weird, and doing stuff that carats could not fully understand (even the member themselves). • Sometimes, they will look at each other through silent stare then laugh. Making the other member around them confused. • Jane likes to vidcall woozi, especially when he's in the recording studio. And vice-versa. • Jane loves to write poetry especially when she's alone in the beach or mountains. Then, she will call him to give her writing and asks for feedbacks.
જ⁀➴ Jeonghan x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : grandpa that is not too old with her granddaughter, cared for jane wholeheartedly, "i cared for you so stop pushing me and the others away" Nickname given by Jane for Jeonghan : hanie/halabeoji Nickname given by Jeonghan for Jane : jein/uki
• Making sure Jane is okay when he's with or without him. When he can' t be with her, he make sure to call her to hear about her day. • During pre-debut, he always made sure that Jane's well being are okay especially when it comes to cooking her food because she's too lazy to buy or make anything • Loves helping drying her hair when she showered at night/swimming/any scenarios because jane's too lazy to do so. He kept scolding "Jein, you should dry your hair before going to bed or else it'll give you a major headache", while drying her hair ofc • During TTT water sport, jeonghan kept making sure that Jane have her towels by her side to protect herself from the wind.
જ⁀➴ Joshua x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : fun uncle with her niece vibe, "remember that time we first met that i said that you're cool? i take that back" Nickname given by Jane for Joshua : josh/uncle hong Nickname given by Joshua for Jane : jane/jennifer(?)
• When joshua first join pledis, she strike up a conversation immediately, getting too excited knowing that there will be someone also having a hard time with advance korean comes from a country that speak english as their first language too (even tho he's way older than him) • Joshua always throwing the most corniest dry joke (which sometimes other member hate it), but not jane and vernon, SHE LOVES IT TOOO MUCH • He's always there to brighten up her day when she's feeling down. Don't get me started when out of nowhere he played a guitar from a mobile app just to sing "sunday morning". • He confessed during a v-live session that when they first met, he thought that jane is short for jennifer.
જ⁀➴ DK x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : dumb and dumber that has a big heart. that's it. "will you jump if i jump off the cliff?" "... i literally jumped after you jumped off the bungee thing 30 seconds ago" Nickname given by Jane for DK : dikey/seokmini Nickname given by DK for Jane : jein/ok
• We know both of them is an "I" aka introvert.. but whenever they were stuck together... people don't think they're an "I". Especially DK tho... • Jane will never miss a single musical show that DK stared in. Even when she misses attending one of his show, she always made it up by buying huge bouquet flowers or buying foods. • DK is one of the reason she can express herself freely and be "wild-free" during her pre debut. (being one of the few female trainees among bunch of male trainee + a super shy introverted person makes it harder to become herself) • Even tho they seems like a 3 year old children running around, deep down DK cared a lot about Jane and vice versa.
જ⁀➴ Seungkwan x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : duo of "i was going to give you a nasty look but i see that you've already got one" Nickname given by Jane for Seungkwan : kwanie Nickname given by Seungkwan for Jane : jein/uki
• We all know that Seungkwan.. is not that patience. But, Jane can be the only exception for this. Maybe, this is because she always defend seungkwan in mafia game to not get killed on the first round (even though she's one of the mafias) • Jane really love listening to his tips and tricks about losing puffiness (even though the other have enough of it). • Jane likes to suddenly came by to one of Seungkwan's friendly game match with his friends to show support and brought some snacks and drinks. • Both of them are known for their "honest reaction", which is iconic.
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aphroditeslover11 · 9 months
Secret Santa
Thanks to @nimnim-girl for her help with the ideas, couldn't have done it without you lovely 💕
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Warnings: Alcohol and allusions to adultery, author didn't proofread!
It December at Los Alamos and the ground was dusted with snow. It was freezing all the time now and the mesa was turning into some sort of desert winter wonderland. The scientists were all huddled in winter coats as they moved between buildings and the army men were doing their best to look unphased by the biting wind. You were here working as an assistant to Hans Bethe who was heading the Theoretical Division. You weren’t a scientist yourself, actually studying philosophy, but Dr Oppenheimer had picked you up during his travels, intending that you would work under him before he handed the role over to his friend.
There were ten days remaining until Christmas and you were determined to try and spread a little more festive spirit around the place. Yes, some lights had been put up and you had badgered Oppie to have some carols playing over the radio of the base, but everyone still seemed miserable. You were close to the director, regardless of how much his wife hated it, and you were hoping that you might have his ear on this. At the end of another day you made your way to his office, feeling lucky that there were no other secretaries around and knocking on the door.
“Come in, if you must,” you heard, pushing open the door. Robert looked up from his desk and his face brightened a little when he saw you. Everyone knew how much pressure he was under, so it was a rare sight now.
“Please, y/n, I apologise for my greeting. I thought you might have been Groves. How are you? Do take a seat.”
“Groves giving you a headache again Oppie?”
“When is he not?” He laughed, but you could hear the weariness behind it.
“I have an idea, I want to help the others.” Robert leant forward on his desk.
“My dear, we have been through this. You don’t understand the ridiculous things that the men here are trying to do, hell, I don’t half the time. I know you’re trying to help, but there is nothing…”
“Oh lord no, you can keep your physics to yourself. I mean that you need to make more of an effort on morale.” He looked puzzled.
“What do you mean?” He took his pipe from his desk, lighting it and starting to smoke, as he always did when a matter perplexed him.
“This place is suffocating in depression, almost as much as I am right now in your pipe-smoke.”
“I can open a window…”
“I’d rather be warm. Anyway, it’s nearly Christmas, I don’t care what Oppie but please, I’m dying here, you have to do something for the season.”
The conversation had gone on for a while longer, the culmination being that he agreed to hold a Christmas party for all of the scientists to attend. There was already a plan, from Feynman predictably, to have a piss-up in the bachelors dorms, but you were hoping that this might prove to be a little more of a unifying force. On top of this, you had also suggested a secret Santa exchange, which he agreed to. Typically when you pulled the names out of the hat you ended up with Oppie - what on earth do you get for the  man who owns Picassos and Van Gogh paintings? 
When the day of the party finally came Robert turned up to the main hall of Los Alamos on his own, wearing a suit and tie with his usual pork pie hat. He had just had a row with Kitty who had decided to stay at home. His mood was clearly compromised, but he managed to pull a smile onto his face. He immediately made his way over to where the alcohol was being kept, fixing himself a whiskey before going to find Ravi, needing someone to take his mind off things. By the time you arrived, late after one of the typewriters had jammed itself and you were left to fix it, he was a fair few drinks down.
There was a big crowd around the director, who was telling a ridiculous story of how he had returned from a trip collecting minerals with trench dysentery as a youth. This story coming out was the hallmark of a fairly intoxicated Oppie, and Isidor gave you a knowing look as you made your way over. As soon as Robert saw you he raised his arms in a slightly exaggerated welcome, before wrapping one around you and planting a sloppy kiss on your cheek. Great - he decided that you were going to be his distraction for the night.
“My dear, how wonderful of you to finally join us. I was just telling the story of when…”
“I know Opp, you’ve told me it before remember.” You cut him off, feeling an acute sense of second hand embarrassment. 
The evening wore on and it was mostly a case of forcing water down your boss’s throat until he was sufficiently sober to go back into polite conversation. He spent most of the party trailing after you with an arm around your waist. You’d tried to shake him off but we’re getting nowhere, you just hoped that his wife didn’t suddenly show up out of the blue. It was clear now that he was ashamed of his actions, but he was slowly getting back to his usual self. After a heavy day you decided to call it quits early when you heard a shout from behind you. 
“Y/n, hang on, I need your for one more thing.” He pulled a neatly wrapped present from a nearby surface. That was when you remembered the gift you had in your bag for him. What were the chances of getting each other?
“Well this is a coincidence, I seem to have got you as well.” 
You made your way to a corner before exchanging gifts. His was slightly messily wrapped, you could picture him getting frustrated as the tape stuck to itself and the colourful language coming out of his mouth just looking at it. Yours was much more neat, complete with a bow and all. After exchanging a few words about the coincidence of getting each other in the draw you swapped, unwrapping the gifts opposite one another. Your mouths dropped open when you saw what you were holding - an anthology of the poetry of Byron, different editions, but the same work. Robert was the first to break the silence.
“Well, it would seem that we both thought alike my dear…” he was chuckling as he said it. 
“Oppie, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t had any idea…” You were stuttering, trying to make some sense of the situation.
“Y/n, stop worrying, I love Byron or I wouldn’t have bought it for you and I’m guessing you would say the same thing to me, yes?” You nod in response.
“Clearly we have bought the perfect thing for one another then. Let’s just say it’s a sign of how well we understand one another.” He lifted an arm to your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“Now go home and have a good night of sleep, I think we both have a little reading to do, and I have some other things to sort out.” He placed a kiss on your cheek, though a lot more dignified than earlier, before leaving you to go on your way.
The next morning you opened the door of your room to find a singular red rose with a ribbon wrapped around the stem, there was clearly going to be more to come.
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let-them-read-fics · 1 year
Dreamcatcher Reaction To Having A Really Affectionate S/O
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Pairing: Dreamcatcher x GN!Reader
Requested By Anon: "hii can i request dreamcatcher reacting to having a really affectionate s/o (their love language is physical touch)?"
A/N: Hello hello, my lovely readers! I'm back again with some Dreamcatcher fluff, just for you. I hope you like all of these! Don't forget to like, comment, and reblog; it keeps me motivated :)
Info: Each member has a reaction, a story snippet / oneshot, and their love languages ranked. It's loooong, so enjoy!
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Adores it. She’s mentioned before that she feels the safest when she’s in your arms, so it’s really a no-brainer that she’s happiest whenever you’re loving on her
Just as much as she loves to take care of you and the girls, she secretly loves to get taken care of, too
Especially by you
You just know all the right ways to hold her and help her relax. Your back rubs are elite, according to her. She lowkey thinks you were a professional masseuse in your past life
You’re her personal heater
And pillow
On particularly rough days, she’ll just fall into your waiting arms and let you work your magic. She vents about her stressors, gradually releasing all of the pent-up tension that she’d been unable to get rid of on her own, until her complaints eventually subside and dissolve into quiet, sulky mumbles as she teeters on the edge of sleep
When you see her so cuddly and relaxed like that, you just…*heart clutch*
Likewise, Jiu regards you with those exact same, astronomically high levels of adoration
You’re literally the most precious and pure thing in the world to her. When you peer up at her with those bright eyes of yours, so starry and full of love for her, she always ends up blushing. She wants to protect you and your cuteness from the world
“My sweet Y/N… what did I ever do to deserve you?”
Without even trying, the two of you naturally gravitate towards one another whenever you’re together. You never have to ask for her attention or affection because she gives it just as readily as you do
When you’re out in public, she never lets you stray too far from her. Both because she’ll inevitably be holding some article of clothing up to you to see if it would fit, or pointing some piece of nature out to you, or discussing what you should grab for lunch….and also because she just wants you nearby. 
Though she doesn’t mind admiring the view she gets when you walk away, too ;)
She loves to play with your hands while you cuddle, and she also loves when you put your head in her lap
She sings to you
Whenever her schedule gets busy or the girls go on tour, she leaves some of her hoodies behind for you and makes sure to spray her perfume on them. She also presets a weekly reminder in your phone to display a sweet message for you, aware that you’ll be missing her a lot. She programs it to sound off around the time you typically wake up in the mornings because she wants it to be the first thing you see. If she can’t be there with you physically, she’ll gladly do that to make up for it
Video calls whenever you’re apart. She doesn’t feel fully at ease unless she knows you’re safe and happy
Seeing you never fails to brighten her day
Overall just a total ball of sunshine who is super super soft for you 
Story Snippet
7:32 PM 
About an hour and a half had passed since your last check-in on her, and you decided it was time to peek in again. 
Quietly, so as to not disturb the rare bout of calmness that had befallen the dorm, you approached her bedroom door and turned the knob, opening it gently. A sliver of light from the hall rushed in, cutting through the relative dark. 
Her bedside lamp was still on – dimmed to the lowest setting, just like you left it before. The bottle of water on her nightstand was a little closer to being empty than you remember, and the headache pills you had set out were gone. 
Your eyes tracked over to her soft form on the bed, finding her tucked in but awake. A sleepy, exhausted smile showed on her face when she realized it was you at the door, just barely visible in the low light. Like always, though, it had a way of shining and brightening up everything around her. 
Even when she was feeling under the weather, she couldn’t help but be radiant.
“Hi, baby,” her gentle voice greeted, sounding a bit strained.
The overexertion that she'd subjected herself to over the past few days was rearing its ugly head. 
“Hi, my love.” You smiled pitifully, stepping inside. You shut the door behind yourself and approached the bed, standing at the foot of it. “How are you feeling now?”
“Drained,” she admitted. “I’m still tired; I haven’t been able to wind down.” 
You nodded. “You’ve worked hard this week, so that makes sense. Can I get you anything to help?”
“Yeah, actually.” She pepped up the slightest bit. 
“Name it and it’s yours.”
A grin pulled at her lips of the irony of that. 
“You,” she answered. “Come here, I want to hold you.”
She opened the fluffy covers and waved you in, patting the space next to her. The smile on your face widened shyly at that, but you didn’t hesitate to do as she asked. You climbed in and settled close to her, letting her arms wind around you in the special way they always do.
Her lips pressed to yours, once… twice… three times, before she regained control of herself and opted to keep things PG. It was a bit difficult, with how soft and warm you were, sliding up against her and oh so tempting, but her better judgment managed to prevail in the end.
“I’ve been worried about you today,” you confessed, the words slightly mumbled as your cheek pressed to her chest, “...and I’ve missed you.” 
You pouted, and she could feel it. Though she couldn’t see it, she knew it looked adorable.
“I’ve missed you, too, baby,” she chuckled quietly, easing your worries a little in the process. “The bed feels so empty without you in it… I think that’s why I haven't been able to rest very well.”
You melted at her words, feeling so loved. How did she always manage to do that so easily?
“You mean it?”
She nodded, running one of her hands down your back as she scooted a little closer to you. “Absolutely, I do. So you’re not allowed to leave, okay? No slipping away.”
“Okay. I promise,” you assured her. 
You smiled when she released a sigh and relaxed into you, letting herself succumb to the exhaustion she felt. She knew you’d keep an eye on her – that she was safe and cared for – and that seemed to be the missing puzzle piece for her.
After just a couple of minutes of being in your presence, she was finally able to fully wind down; you felt it in the way that her breathing evened out and the tension in her muscles dissipated. 
The throbbing of her head mellowed, no longer unbearable. You were comfortable and easy to melt into, serving as the perfect distraction from the pain. With every gentle kiss you pressed to her skin and every pass your fingers made through her hair, she took another step towards the edge of sleep. 
A little later, as you went to ask her if the pills had helped any, you were halted by the sound of her soft snores. They filled the air of the bedroom around you, making it impossible to hide your grin. 
So precious.
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Her “Giving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Physical Touch
2.) Quality Time
3.) Acts of Service
4.) Words of Affirmation
5.) Gifts
Honestly she's pretty much the human embodiment of all five of them put together. She will quite literally do anything to make you happy. Always, always, always watching out for you. 
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She never gets tired of your touch, and she really enjoys being with someone as clingy as she is
When you both get excited about something, it gets so loud and wild
High pitched laughing, yelling, jumping around, squealing… the whole nine yards
On the rare occasion that she’s busy doing something and not actively seeking affection or already clinging to you, you’ll initiate things. It goes straight to her head and she doesn’t shut up about it for the rest of the day. Gloats and brags about how cute and cuddly you are for her
But it also tends to make her blushy and flustered, and you're the only person capable of doing that.
She says you’re the only one who really understands her and her ways of showing love
Although she hides it well, sometimes she’s afraid that she does too much and annoys other people with her affection. But you’re always there to reassure her of the opposite (because you’re just like her)
Squishes your cheeks a lot and gushes about how cute you are
She protects you and your cuteness with her life. 
If anyone ever brushes you off or rejects your affection, she'll sweep you up in her arms and hold you close while yelling at them for it
Sometimes she'll literally just lay on you. She's a firm believer that being "too close" is simply impossible
Plays with your hair when you're cuddling 
When you’re walking together she usually slips a hand into your back pocket and keeps it there because she loves your ass so much
She loves it when you show affection in public, whether that’s by holding her close, pressing sweet kisses to her lips, holding hands, etc. Knowing that you’re proud of your love for her and you aren’t afraid to own it or show it makes her happy
She also really enjoys it when you show her off
Play fighting is basically a daily occurrence for you. She chooses violence at least once a day
Despite the fact that she can be super aggressive and loud with her affection, she’s also equally as soft for you
Like when you’re all snuggled up in bed and waiting on her, she’ll just admire you from the doorway and smile to herself
Morning cuddles are a must for her. She never wants to get up when you’re at her side because you’re just so soft and warm and holding you is so comforting
She loves the way the two of you fit together
You’re her assistant chef whenever she cooks for everyone. She trusts you to try all of her creations and help her fix everything
That also definitely includes back hugs and a few kiss breaks because the sight of you in an apron drives her a little crazy
“Can you be on my menu tonight?” *wiggles eyebrows*
You’ve always made her feel safe, and she’s never afraid to be herself around you. You appreciate and accept all of her – every insecurity and perfect imperfection included
Story Snippet
The day’s taping of Show Champion was coming to an end as you snuck your way into the girls’ dressing room, aided by one of the backstage workers that was privy to your plans. She helped you hide within one of the closets and wished you luck before leaving just as inconspicuously as she had arrived.
10 Minutes Later
You nearly cracked your head on the back wall when the seven of them burst into the room, loudly conversing and joking with one another. The stems of the flowers in your hand squeaked together quietly, almost as a silent plea for release as you unconsciously tightened your hold on them.
From what sliver of the room you could see through the doors, all of the girls still had wide smiles on their faces. They were exhausted, sure, but happy and content with how the evening was going. 
Well, all but one.
Garbled bits and pieces of their conversations made their way over to you as you watched Sua sit down at one of the mirrored stations, putting some distance between herself and the other girls. She took out her phone and began scrolling soon after, most likely as a means of distraction.
Your heart ached a little at the sight. You knew she was feeling down – the girls had told you as much, through texts – but seeing it happen right in front of you made it all the more real.
For the past week and a half, your busy schedules had combined to form the most awful amalgamation of missed opportunities; anytime one of you happened to be free, even for a short while, the other was booked for some important task that was incapable of being canceled or otherwise wormed out of. 
All of the girls had missed you, but Sua was the one most affected by your absence – and everyone knew it. 
Her spirits had been low, and her normal vibrancy was diminished; it was strange, frankly – a little dystopian – for her to be so unlike herself. The girls depended on her chaotic energy to keep things running smoothly; their dynamic was simply thrown off without it. 
But Sua couldn’t even find it in herself to bother entertaining their banter, let alone join in. She didn’t have it in her to keep up with them today. 
Although the sight of her so dejected was upsetting, it made a small smile show on your lips; you would be able to cheer her up in no time, and the 180 that she would undergo would undoubtedly make all of the waiting she’d done be worth it. 
You counted down silently, wanting to time your entrance perfectly.
Just as your free hand went to push the door open and kick off your big reveal, your cell phone began to ring in your pocket. 
You faltered, fumbling quickly to retrieve it. Sua’s contact image shined brightly, cutting through the dark around you. 
The outside world went silent – everyone quickly hushing up at the sudden noise.
You shut your eyes in defeat, sliding up on the green button, while simultaneously opening the door with your foot. 
“Surprise.” You said into the phone, locking eyes with her from across the room. 
Silence prevailed… one beat, two…. Until the earlier chaos returned with even more spirit than before. 
Shouts of your name rang out from the girls, staccato and shocked as they attempted to figure out how you had managed to get there. Sua, on the other hand, didn’t bother with that; she ran up to you, her face lighting up like an eager child’s as you emerged from the closet and turned your phone off. You slipped the device into your pocket and extended the flowers to her.
“Hi, baby,” you grinned, “I finally convinced my boss to let me have a day off, and now I’m he—”
She cut you off at once, wrapping her arms around you at the speed of light and pulling you into the tightest hug you’d ever experienced. What remained of your explanation fizzled out in an instant, knocked from your lungs right along with all the air you had left. 
The bouquet fell from your hands when she picked you up and wiggled you around in the air. Your shoes slightly brushed the ground between sways, and you groaned.
“Can’t…breathe…” You struggled out, constricted as she squeezed the life out of you.
Her arms only further tightened around you in response, full of days and days worth of pent up affection with no other place to go.
“Unnie, let go!” Dami scolded, coming up to slap her shoulder. “Y/N/N isn't going anywhere.”
Mere seconds before you went fully limp in her arms, your assailant – AKA the love of your life – put you back down on your feet and took a small step back to look at you. 
Glorious, glorious air returned to your lungs in a rush, and you heaved for a brief moment or two. Once your vision returned and the floating spots that had been clouding it retreated, you blinked a few times and turned your attention to Sua. 
A cute pout rested on her lips. “I’m sorry, jagi,” she muttered, the words partially aegyo-fied, but the glint in her eye told you that she wasn’t all that sorry at all. “I’ve just missed you so much.”
Wordlessly, you pulled her in close and hugged her again. She could feel the happy upturn of your lips against her neck as you buried your face there, just as relieved as she was to be reunited. 
“I’ve missed you, too.” You whispered to her, pressing a kiss to her pulsepoint, and then her jaw, and finally her cheek. 
She blushed wildly, growing increasingly more red by the second; the girls noticed, and their exaggerated coos and whoops soon filled the dressing room. When she turned to glare at them, hoping to scare them into silence, she quickly discovered that her typical method of intimidation wasn’t going to work in bringing their teasing to an end this time.
In the name of retribution, she delivered a retaliatory shove to your shoulder instead.
“Yah! We’re finally back together and you have to go embarrassing me right off the bat?” She scolded, voice shrill. “Pabo–”
You placed your lips against hers swiftly, kissing away her anger before it could accrue anymore firepower. Your arms wrapped around her waist, tugging her flush against the front of your body. 
She still attempted to mumble an annoyed protest against your lips, but when you grinned and pinched her side, she gave in and melted into your embrace, scoffing quietly. 
Dami grimaced as she stood in front of the girls, witnessing you kiss again. Sua shamelessly pushed you up against the closet, acting as though they all weren’t a matter of steps away from the both of you.
The bouquet rested in Dami’s hands, courtesy of her earlier retrieval of it from the floor. 
“Should I…”
“Just leave it,” Yoohyeon answered abruptly, sharing a similar expression. 
Dami nodded and placed it down on the couch before they all backed away and made a bee-line out of the dressing room, pretending to gag.
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Her “Giving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Physical Touch
2.) Acts of Service
3.) Quality Time
4.) Words of Affirmation
5.) Gifts
Obviously, she’s first and foremost the best at demonstrating her love physically. Like the universal master of it. But aside from that, her strong suit is taking care of you. It comes naturally, and she can almost always be found doing something to make life that much easier on you. Cooking your favorite dishes when you’re hungry, nursing you back to health when you’re sick, being your shoulder to cry on, pulling your hair up when your hands are occupied, etc. 
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Couldn’t be happier. She absolutely loooooves being close to you
She could cuddle you for hours on end
Maybe even forever 
She rubs your back when she's holding you, tracing mindless patterns against your skin. Having you close is so special to her
Sings to you, sometimes coming up with new material on the fly. You’re her muse, after all, so it’s easy with you around
When things get too hectic and hard for her to deal with, you’re always by her side in a heartbeat
You can read her like a book, and she’s so grateful for that
She thanks her lucky stars on the daily for the fact that she found you in this great big world
When you seek comfort from her and retreat into the safety of her arms, she gets so protective of you. You could simply be evading the wind on a chilly day and she’ll lowkey yell at it to leave you alone while she holds you against her. 
She bought you matching rings for your anniversary one year, and when she zones out she always has a habit of toying with yours and playing with your fingers. 
Sometimes you all even zone out together (#CoupleGoals)
She pinches your elbow and the back of your hands a lot
When you go full koala mode and just latch onto her and refuse to let go, she gets so happy. It makes her slow down and just revel in the simplicity of your touch, appreciating every second she gets to spend with you (because your schedules don’t always align, and sometimes it can be difficult to have free time like that)
You’re basically her stress reliever. When you’re holding her, nothing else matters
And once you start cuddling, don’t expect her to let you get away without a fight. If you say you want a snack, she’s not afraid to pick you up and carry you into the kitchen just so she can be with you that much longer
“Baby, I’m not gonna drop you. I promise. Have some faith in your wolfie.”
Like Sua, she enjoys PDA. Not anything extreme, of course, but she likes it when you let people know that she’s yours and you’re hers. It helps prevent her from getting jealous (which happens sometimes, but a kiss from you usually solves that)
She’s seriously down bad for you and whipped in a major way. A single touch is powerful enough to make her weak in the knees
Our wolfie is totally *heart eyes* for you
Story Snippet
Siyeon's legs intertwined with yours as you laid down on top of her, pressing her into the couch. She tugged you in, urging you ever-closer as her warm hands settled against your hips. Her thumbs rubbed circles there, soft through the material of your shirt.
The musky scent of her perfume wafted into the air with her movements; it comforted you, putting you even more at ease. Your brain had long ago associated and equated that smell with home.
She smiled brightly, peering up at you with her dark eyes as she giggled at some random joke you had just made. You always knew just what to say to make her laugh. 
"You're so beautiful, jagi," you praised, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. 
"You think so?" She played, batting her lashes.
"More than you'll ever know. I'm the luckiest person alive," you mused.
The blush on her cheeks spread, becoming more prominent as it flitted its way across the bridge of her nose. She turned her head slightly to the side, briefly glancing away; she felt small beneath your gaze. You always looked at her like she was the most valuable thing in the universe; it made her shy.
"You're such a smooth talker," she groaned. 
You chuckled and leaned down, kissing her cheek. Your lips trailed over to hers, ghosting softly across her flawless skin as they pressed a few stray kisses here and there along the way. 
Her eyes fluttered shut the moment your lips met, fitting together as if they were created for that sole purpose. The vanilla balm smoothed across hers was partially smudged and wiped off – a result of the earlier kisses you couldn’t refrain from stealing, when the two of you had first lost interest in the movie you were watching. Its flavor remained, though, just as enticing as always. 
Inconspicuously slipped beneath your shirt, her fingers curled slightly along the small of your back – where her hands had now come to settle. She drew you closer, comforted by the way you felt against her. Your subsequent hum of gratitude made her melt.
The pad of your thumb made a pass over her cheek, rubbing it gently as you deepened the kiss. It stole her breath away, but she used what little she had left to gasp lightly into your mouth. 
You smiled, unable to help yourself. 
Stomp, stomp, stomp
Heavy, authoritarian footfalls resounded in the hallway outside of the dorm's door, gaining your attention. You curiously raised your head, and Siyeon lifted her chin to peek back at it.
A mere second later, Sua came blasting in. 
"Yah! Y/N L/N!"
"Yoohyeon told me everything," she said, striding into the middle of the room. Yoohyeon trailed after, staying at a distance as she shut the door behind herself. She was wincing, appearing to heavily regret her earlier slip up.
You raised up, pushing yourself off of Siyeon and up onto your knees. She propped herself up on an elbow, clearly intrigued and confused.
"How could you take my hoodie without telling me?" Sua shrieked, approaching you with her hands out. They gripped your collar, shaking with purpose. 
"A-ah," you laughed nervously, dryly, "I was going to ask first, but I was running late this morning and had to just throw something on. My things were in the wash." 
"What if something stained it? You know how much I love it." 
"I would've bought you another," you promised, voice slightly strained as she tightened her grip, thus preventing you from breathing normally.
"You can't just 'buy another'! That line is discontinued now!" 
"Nothing happened, though–" you sputtered. "You're worrying for nothing; I already put it back.”
Disbelief gleamed in Sua’s eyes, and when Siyeon caught a glimpse of it she sat up at once. 
She knew then that your demise was imminent.
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” Sua bellowed, yanking you around. As she prepared to shove you backwards onto the couch and pounce, Siyeon selflessly put herself in front of you. She held her arms out, blocking you from all of the unnie’s methods of attack.
“Save yourself, Y/N! I’ll hold her off!”
“No…” you said, voice dropping dramatically as your head vehemently swayed left to right.
Amidst a slew of shoves and jabs from Sua, she nodded sadly, remaining strong. “Just go,” she begged. 
Her soft cheek nuzzled against your palm as you reached forward to briefly cup it, sharing one final embrace. 
“Remember me.”
“Always,” you whispered, holding back a grin at how dramatic the two of you were being. 
Following a subtle signal from her, you stumbled off of the coach as she turned and tackled Sua away from you, landing on the opposite end of it. Your sock clad feet slipped and slid on the wood flooring, providing you no sense of control as you scrambled to escape with your life. 
When you careened into the hallway wall, you shot a look over your shoulder; it was a horrific mistake, however, as it only awarded you the image of Sua slapping her elbow and jumping into the air before landing on Siyeon with it. A loud groan resounded around the living room, followed by Yoohyeon’s fading plea of “Unnie, no!” as you snapped your head forward again and set your sights on Jiu’s door at the end of the hall. 
Your legs gave out from how quickly you attempted to kick off again, sending you to the floor. 
Sua chuckled from somewhere behind you, far enough away to not pose an immediate threat, but still far too close for comfort. You pushed yourself off of the ground and sped off again, using the walls to propel yourself forward even faster. 
The knob of Jiu’s door slid into your hand and twisted smoothly, pulling a sigh of relief from you – thank God it wasn’t locked. Without wasting time on knocking, you blasted in and slammed it behind yourself, void of any and all grace whatsoever. 
You heaved, pressing your back to it and reaching down to lock it just as Sua’s frame collided with its other side. She had nearly gotten you – you’d made it just in the nick of time.
Jiu perked up on her bed, eyebrows raised and eyes open wide. The glow of her phone screen cast across her face and chest.
“Sua.” You explained, without having to elaborate. Her name alone validated your behavior a million times over.
The shock on Jiu’s face dissipated at once, turning to understanding. 
“Sua,” she repeated, nodding.
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Her “Receiving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Quality Time
2.) Physical Touch 
3.) Words of Affirmation 
4.) Acts of Service
5.) Gifts
Our big bad wolfie might have a good poker face sometimes, but we all know she isn’t all that big or bad. She’s definitely a softie at heart and loves to hear every sweet thing you have to tell her when you’re spending time together.
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Very soft about it
She adores the attention you give her, and she always enjoys having you by her side. It makes her feel important and highkey boosts her ego
Also, having you nearby makes it easy for the two of you to be (playfully) judgy together and whisper jokes without other people interfering or overhearing
Aside from that, you genuinely comfort her in a lot of ways, and when you're apart she always finds herself missing you 
“You know, now I get homesick twice as much, Y/N. Half for my country, and half for you.”
Sometimes she teases you, cheekily saying that you just can't keep your hands off of her
But tbh she can’t keep her hands off you either
She’s a fan of more subtle touches, like a simple hand on the thigh beneath the table or an arm around the waist
Honestly though she also loves it when you surprise her with a spontaneous kiss (on the cheek or lips), or hug her and spin her around. It makes her blush like a madwoman, but she enjoys it – despite the playful nagging she does afterwards
You're one of the only people who can make her blush, and when you really get her good she’s out of commission for a couple minutes, unable to piece together any witty comebacks in her love-dazed mind
Once she’s regained her bearings, though, she amps up her charm in retaliation, aware that her flirting is basically your kryptonite 
And it works. Practically 100% of the time. 
Her bold confidence gets you just as flustered as she had been, and you typically end up hiding your face in her neck or shoving her shoulder and running away.
Enjoys PDA in the form of cuddling and kissing. Nothing too wild, but she definitely wants it to happen when you go out together. She wants people to know that you’re hers, and vice versa
Hand holding is the usual go to, or linking your arms together. Kisses, too, depending on the mood and vibe of wherever you are
You jokingly touch her muscles and brag about how strong she is, especially when she gets back from a workout
She's fond of the praise, and though she wouldn’t admit it without a fight, it makes her work a little harder to keep up her physique. Staying fit is already important to her, but the fact that you enjoy her body so much is just added encouragement. She also likes to feel powerful and like she can protect you, so it’s truly a win-win
(Though she knows you’d love her no matter what she looked like, muscles or no muscles)
She puts her head in your lap a lot as a silent way of asking you to play with her hair. It relaxes her, and she usually falls asleep in the process
When she’s feeling clingy herself, you’re the first person she goes to. You’re the only one capable of melting this ice princess
Story Snippet
(I don’t know the actual layout of the mall, so excuse any errors)
Starfield Mall – Seoul, SK
Forever Yours.
Handong peered into a glass display case, rereading the words over and over to herself. Two ruby pendants hung side by side on a rack, magnetically joined together in the middle to spell out the words. 
Only when they were connected did the short message come together. 
A sentimental smile made its way to her face the longer she looked at it. It would be the perfect gift for you, she decided, as she snuck a glance at you from across the store. You were occupied in the ring section, browsing through the different rows of them. The wondrous expression on your face warmed her heart.
"Sir," she called to a nearby worker quietly, so as to avoid drawing your attention. "I'd like to buy these." She motioned down to them.
He nodded and grabbed the key for the case before making his way over. 
Childish, bubbly laughter carried over to your ears as you exited the store and entered the mall’s spacious third floor, where numerous kids chased one another around. Beanies rested atop many of their heads, and the fuzzy sweaters they wore engulfed their tiny frames in such an endearing way that you couldn’t help but smile. 
Holiday lights gleamed all around you, strung up and wound around decorative tinsel on the storefronts and windows. They shimmered, some set on timers to flicker every now and then.
A gentle smile played on Handong’s lips when she felt the careful tug you applied to the end of her sleeve, silently asking for her hand. 
She wordlessly shifted her shopping bags into her other one in order to free it up for you to hold. 
Her fingers interlaced with your own immediately, assuming their rightful position for the millionth time today. She gently stroked the back of your hand with her thumb, allowing it to make a few gentle passes over your smooth skin.
Something about the way your hands fit together, so snug and perfectly balanced, made her truly believe they were created just for one another. No one else's – not a single one of the other billions in existence out there – could've ever compared to yours. 
She was sure of it.
“Where should we go now?” You asked, still letting your eyes wander across the expanse of holiday decorations. 
The steps you took together were relaxed, void of any rushing.
Handong pondered for a moment, racking her mind for a place nearby that would award you some much-needed privacy and quiet.
"How about that place downtown we've been wanting to try?" She suggested. "You know, close to the square?" 
“Oh," you gasped lightly, remembering the quaint little restaurant that she was referring to. "That'll be perfect, jagi." 
"I'm glad you agree," she quipped, leaning over to press a kiss to your temple. Your smile deepened, and when she pulled away you watched her fondly. 
What glimmers of love showed on her face were soon eclipsed by something else entirely, though. 
Mischief, you realized, a mere second too late. 
The apples of her cheeks became prominent as her lips tugged up into a pretty smile. The kind that’s soft enough to turn you to putty, yet striking enough to light a fire in your heart. Your kryptonite – a fact she used to her advantage. 
"Race you to the car!" She shrieked, already speeding off. 
You didn’t even have ample time to pick up your stumbling heart, or to catch your breath. 
Her bags jostled in her hands, swaying with every thundering step she took. The tread of her shoes against the linoleum echoed out, broken by a squeak when she made a turn up ahead.
You pursued her at once, bobbing and weaving through numerous people – some bewildered, others cheering you on. 
Her hair whipped around as she ran, flowing in the breeze with an elegance you would never understand. 
"Last one there has to pay for dinner!" She teased, glancing over her shoulder at you.
"You're going down!" You fired back, finally gaining on her. 
“In your dreams!”
Harvest House - Bar & Grille
“Stop sulking,” you playfully chided from across the table, not even looking up from your menu. It wasn't necessary, after all.
You could practically feel her pouting.
Handong rolled her eyes and sighed, fighting the smile that tried to work its way onto her face at the fact that you knew her so well. 
She picked up her own menu and began to peruse it, comforted in a strange way by the gentle clanking of silverware and dishes that flowed throughout the restaurant. Much like your own, clusters of conversation hummed – little pockets of stories and adventures, softly recounted so as to not disrupt the others around them. 
Your eyes eventually wandered back to her, simply unable to stay away for too long. They peered at her curiously, watching with adoration as she concentrated on choosing the perfect meal. 
She felt you staring, and yet she stubbornly refused to look at you. It was her way of continuing to pout, and you knew it all too well. 
“Hmm?” She hummed, not budging. 
“Yes?” Her brow raised, and her head tilted up slightly. Not enough for her gaze to meet your own, though. 
“I love you.”
There it was. That phrase that she could never not react to. 
Your heart warmed as you witnessed an embarrassed tint of blush appear on her face, and the achingly sweet way her features softened as your words sunk in. 
“I love you, too,” she murmured, finally peering over the top of her menu at you. 
You smiled and placed a finger at the top of it, carefully tipping it down towards the table so you could see her better. 
Outside lights fought one another for the chance to shine on her through the large front window that the two of you were seated beside. Every color of the rainbow gleamed, emitted from star-shaped bulbs strung up across the square. 
In your peripheral, you could see the town's recently-placed Christmas tree standing tall on the other side of the street. People were taking pictures in front of it; some were large families, complete with a teen or two angstily brooding as they squeezed into the frame, and others were paired up or alone. 
You turned your head briefly, glancing at them.
Their interactions were so adorably human that it brought you comfort. The patient way they waited in line for their turn in front of the tree was endearing – reminiscent of childhood as they peered up at its lights, growing excited at the sight. Parents readjusted their children's beanies and mittens, ensuring that they were well protected from the cold. 
It was like a movie playing out right in front of you, reminding you of the true magic of the season. That's what it's all about. 
Handong must've noticed the dreamy expression on your face, because her next words took you by surprise, making you blush. 
"You're so beautiful it hurts, Y/N."
Your eyes widened in time with the upturn of your lips, and you shyly dipped your head down, avoiding her gaze. 
She reached out for your hand across the table, taking it into her own with ease. 
"Can I kiss you?" 
A question once asked with trembling lips, during the youth of your relationship, now spoken with a sweet confidence and nonchalance that made you fall for her all over again. 
It was a redundant question at best, when you so clearly would permit her to do anything she pleased. But, even still, it sent butterflies to your stomach. 
You nodded, leaning forward enough to meet her halfway. She did the same without missing a beat, and before you knew it her lips were on yours. 
Both of her hands came up to cup your cheeks, and she felt you grin at the change. 
She didn't understand why, in that moment, but she would soon.
Inconspicuously, you retrieved something from your pocket.
As you kissed her again, making it count in the name of keeping her distracted, she felt something being wrapped and fastened around her left wrist. It was small and thin, lightweight against her skin. 
Her brows furrowed lightly.
You pulled back after a moment with a knowing, anticipatory look on your face. The way it lit your features up made Handong’s heart skip a beat. 
Curious, she peered down to catch a glimpse of what it was. 
Polaris. A sterling silver, beautiful little bracelet with Polaris shimmering in the center. 
"Turn it over," you instructed, still grinning. 
She did as you said and found a personalized message engraved into the material. 
"Everlasting Love", it read, written in Chinese characters. 
Her lips parted in shock. "When did you…"
"A few days ago, when you went out with Gahyeon. She offered to help keep you distracted so you wouldn't find out."
"Y/N…" she sighed blissfully, shaking her head in disbelief. "How do you keep getting even more perfect?" 
You smiled again, rolling your eyes. 
"Shush," you tutted. "I'm just glad you like it." 
"Jagi, I don't like it. I love it. This means the world to me; especially coming from you. Thank you." 
She leaned forward to kiss you again, but this time her lips pressed to your cheek instead. She felt the heat there, exposing your shyness at her praise.
So precious.
Her own gift for you was practically burning a hole in the pocket of her coat by now, and she decided at once that it was time for you to receive it.
As she sat back and reached towards where the material hung across the back of her chair, you simply watched her with sweet curiosity.
You weren't expecting anything in return for the present. 
You were clueless to her plan, and yet, that made it all the more special. 
As she retrieved the box and held it out between you, finally opening it, you gasped quietly. A small treasure, discovered at last.
Her side of it peeked from beneath the cover of her shirt, daring to shimmer. 
She carefully took it out of the box and held it up, watching it catch the lights around you.
"Now we'll always have a piece of each other, no matter where we are," she mused, linking it with her side.
As it clicked into place, her eyes met your own.
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Her “Giving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Gifts
2.) Physical Touch
3.) Quality Time
4.) Acts of Service
5.) Words of Affirmation
She spoils you every time the opportunity presents itself. CEO of Rich GF™ vibes. According to her, you deserve every single good thing that the world has to offer; so it’s really a no-brainer to her that you should be able to find something new wrapped up and waiting to be opened when you visit her. Anytime you mention needing or wanting something – even just offhandedly – she makes sure that it eventually ends up being yours. 
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She loves it. There’s absolutely no doubt about it
We see how she is during interviews (always holding onto the members in some way and wanting to be near one of them), and that trait is no different when it comes to you
She always wants to be connected in some way, whether that's holding hands, linking pinkies or arms when you're walking together, piggyback rides, back hugs, etc.
Honestly she’s just as affectionate as you
She hates being away from you. She lives for your touches and kisses
And just your presence in general, really. She’s totally whipped for you
Being held by you always comforts her
And anytime you kiss her forehead or cheek? *earth-shattering squeal*
Hides her face in the crook of your neck when she gets shy
Despite her tendency to get embarrassed, she never turns down PDA from you. She enjoys the sentiment behind you letting everyone know that she’s yours (as if they had any doubts, with the way she was practically tethered to you at all times)
She sneaks into your bed when she can’t sleep
If that’s not an option, she’ll call you on the phone to hear your voice (and she ends up falling asleep with you still on the other end like 99% of the time)
“No, baby, I’m still awake." 
You're her partner in crime. The girls lowkey tease you for it and say you're joined at the hip
Whenever Sua ends up chasing her around she always runs to you, seeking safety in your arms. You take your duties as a human shield very serious
Sometimes you team up with her enemy, though, and the three of you end up fighting and wrestling like a bunch of five year olds. She acts betrayed, but once a truce is called she’s in your arms again in less than a second
Tours are honestly difficult for both of you, for a multitude of reasons. But in particular, Yoohyeon gets grumpy when she goes an extended amount of time without proper cuddling from you. The members offer themselves up to fill in and keep WWIII from breaking out, but she swears up and down that they simply can’t compare
So, anytime you’re reunited after time apart, expect to be tackled to the ground or go careening into the nearest piece of furniture as she clumsily flings herself at you
She loves lazy days with you. Laying around and just relaxing together is one of her favorite pastimes
She usually acts childish and whines whenever you pull away, even if it’s just to go to the restroom or something
Anytime she decides to start gaming, you wait on standby…
…and when she eventually loses a match, you're there to hug her and make it all better
She swears up and down that you're her good luck charm. So most of the time you end up sitting at her side and watching as she plays
You’re her number one fan
And she’s yours, always and forever
Story Snippet
DC Dorm – 11:49 PM
A brochure suddenly smacked against your face, opened to a glossy middle page as Yoohyeon's body collapsed onto yours in a heap. 
She had run from her bed to the living room, unable to keep her recent discovery to herself. 
"Can I help you?" You asked sarcastically, cradling your sore nose. 
She pushed herself up into a sitting position and apologized for her clumsiness at once. 
After you forgave her, she flipped back to the announcement she'd seen in the booklet. 
It read:
"Thundering Heights Amusement Park – Grand Opening: July 7th"
An address was listed at the bottom of the page, and you realized it was just outside of the city. Maybe a twenty minute drive or so at most.
"Will you go with me?" She asked, hope shining in her dark eyes. They almost twinkled, like a kid's on Christmas. "It looks like so much fun."
You pretended to debate for a moment, enjoying the tease. She tugged at your shirt, pouting as you made her wait. 
"Sure, jagi. I'd love to–”
She tackled you down onto the loveseat and peppered hundreds of kisses across your face, her hands cupping your cheeks to keep you in place for her onslaught.
"Thank…" kiss, "you," kiss kiss, "baby." Kiss kiss kiss.
You giggled and squirmed a little beneath her, taking the affection as it came. 
Opening Day
As usual, she was right. 
The day was off to a great start by all accounts, and you were convinced you had never smiled as much in your entire life as you had that morning. 
The sun was out, providing plenty of pretty views for you to admire together as you walked your way through the park. It livened up everything that it touched – made the trees’ green leaves a little more vibrant, the flowers a little brighter. The warmth of it wrapped around you like a hug, settling into the fibers of your clothes and staying put.
An occasional breeze blew in, mild yet so necessary as it balanced out that heat. It lifted the ends of Yoohyeon's hair, caressing them gently as she took in all of the sights around her. You walked beside her in tandem, simply admiring her. Admittedly, nothing else managed to capture your attention in the way that she did.
She caught you staring on more than one occasion and shyly scolded you each and every time, but you simply couldn’t help yourself. If there was one thing you’re sure of in life, it’s that she was created to be adored. Plain and simple. 
“Let’s go again!” She bellowed, jumping around on her sneaker-clad feet. Adrenaline coursed through her, making her jittery from residual excitement.
Much the opposite, you were bent over the nearest railing, just outside of the exit for the ride. Your stomach churned, deciding on whether or not it wanted to upturn itself. 
“I can’t,” you groaned, holding your head. “I need something to drink first. And an hour long break.”
She tsked at you disappointedly, but appeared at your side a few seconds later nonetheless. Her hand rubbed the small of your back in soothing circles, easing you through your queasy-ness. 
Once it subsided, you uprighted yourself and looked at her. Something behind you caught her eye, and when she met your gaze again a small smile tugged at her lips. 
“I know just the thing to make you feel better.” She booped your nose lovingly, reaching down to grab your hand and tug you along for the millionth time today. 
15 Minutes Later
A sunhat rested atop your head, its brim droopy to block out the now-harsh rays that the Sun had to offer. The strap beneath your chin was pulled tight to ensure it didn’t fall off or blow away. You felt like you looked ridiculous, but she had insisted that you wear it. 
…so you did. 
You held a mini handheld fan up in front of your face, listening to the quiet brrr of its motor as it worked hard to cool you down. 
Yoohyeon stood in front of a slushy stand in the middle of the park’s food court, where she had just ordered and paid for your drinks. Two workers were inside, doing their best to keep things running smoothly. 
After another minute or so, one of them handed the refreshments over to her, smiling kindly and thanking her once more. She reciprocated and left, quickly returning to your side.
“Here you go,” she chirped, handing over your favorite flavor. “They’re nice and cold.”
“Phew,” you sighed, relieved. “I was worried they might’ve gotten hot on the way over. You know, since they’re made of ice.”
She smacked your shoulder in retaliation to your sarcasm. 
“Yah! Don’t act like I won’t eat yours, too.” She pointed a finger at you, jabbing you in the chest a couple times to solidify her point. 
“Ouch, tough crowd,” you feigned hurt, putting a hand atop the impact zones and rubbing the ache away. 
Though she fought hard, she couldn’t entirely conceal the grin on her face. So instead she busied her lips with her straw, drawing it between them to take a long sip.
You mirrored her actions, appreciating the fact that she knew and remembered your favorite order. It made you fall for her a little more, though you didn’t see how that was humanly possible.
Content and now more energized, the two of you fell in step again. Yoohyeon began to discuss the next section of rides for you to conquer, and what the quickest route to get there was. She babbled rapidly – far too fast for you to keep up – so you opted to just smile and nod, still sipping on your drink. 
You both knew you’d follow her wherever she went and do whatever she asked of you regardlessly, and you were aware that her ranting kept her happy. 
So you threw in the occasional “Oh, really?” and “No way!” to keep her going. It worked; eagerly, she continued.
The happy moment was soon cut short, however, as life suddenly took on a cinematic, almost slow-motion haze right before your very eyes. 
Yoohyeon turned to look over at you, meaning to tell you that the trolley was your best bet at making it across the park in a timely manner, when you both rounded an ill-fated corner. 
A welcome sign was propped in front of a shop's side door, directly in her path. 
Before you had ample time to react and stop her, she ran into it, tripping and being sent through the air before subsequently landing on top of the now-toppled sign with a harsh clack. The puppy-ear headband she had on jolted, its two brightly colored springs bouncing in opposite directions after colliding with one another. Her cup fell from her hand, too, getting crushed in the process.
You winced, tensing up instinctively. Oh no. She'd surely die of embarrassment. You could see the beginning stages of it unfolding as she hid her face, already blushing profusely. 
So, thinking on your feet, you knew you had to act fast to prevent her demise. If you could stand in the way of her arrival at an early grave, you planned to do it. One rule that you live by played in your head: you're in it together. Where she goes, you go. 
Including the ground, apparently.
Without hesitation, you rocketed yourself forward, tripping yourself over your own foot and sending yourself crashing to the pavement that waited below. 
The slushie in your hand exploded upon impact, erupting into a fruity blitz that shot off in a hundred different directions. Some got on you as well, immediately trying its hand at staining the fabric of your shirt. Your fan dinked off the ground, too, getting scuffed up as its motor came to a sputtering stop.
Your hat jostled, no longer sitting in its proper place.
"Oww!" You shouted, both a little over-dramatic and real. Though the cause itself may have been intentional, the fall definitely didn't get the memo. The front of your body ached, having absorbed the shock first and taken the brunt of the damage. 
"Who puts a sign in a place like that?!" You lamented.
You rolled over, squinting as the blazing sun shined down on you. You squirmed a little, still suffering from having the wind knocked out of you.
Yoohyeon groaned and pushed herself up into a sitting position at your side. She peered over at you, concerned, but your antics told her that you would be okay. After all, if you had hurt yourself too badly you wouldn't have been able to yell like that.
But making such a spectacle of yourself had clearly worked, because the people passing by all looked at you, rather than her. Their attention was successfully drawn away, and you smiled. At least the pain wasn't for nothing. 
"Are you alright, jagi?" You asked her, turning your head to gaze up at her. 
She scooted forward and put a hand up, shielding your eyes from the Sun in lieu of your hat. The shadow she created held the light at bay, allowing you to stop squinting. 
"My ego's dead, but other than that, yes." 
“Good.” You said, relieved. “Wait– not good about the ego thing! I- You know what I mean.”
She chuckled at that, though the sound eventually morphed into a soft grunt of pain. Happy pain, though. The kind that you feel later on down the road and recall the memories of. 
“And you?” She asked. “Is my knight in shining armor going to live?”
You nodded, winking at her. “I think I’ll pull through.”
“Good,” she reused your word. “Because if we’re gonna make it through the rest of the park today, we need to get a move on.” She glanced down at her watch quickly. “We should have enough time to get a replacement slushie…” she eyed both of your previous ones, where they laid nearby. With haste, she leaned over to grab their trashed containers, “...and then catch the trolley. But we’ve got to hurry.”
You sighed defeatedly as she sprang up and dusted herself off, like nothing had happened. It was a good quality to have, though, for someone as clumsy as her. She balanced herself out. Uncoordinated yet resilient. It was almost poetic. 
What wasn’t poetic, though, was the unceremonious way she hauled you up to your feet, all in one motion. 
You barely had a second to catch your breath, or wheeze, or curse into the afternoon air before she was pulling you along at the speed of light again, all of her embarrassment forgotten and instead replaced with excitement once more. 
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Her “Receiving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Physical Touch
2.) Words of Affirmation
3.) Quality Time
4.) Acts of Service
5.) Gifts
Yoohyeon is prone to embarrass herself, and her insecurities sometimes tend to show themselves as a result. She also has an unfortunate habit of overthinking; but a simple and easy way to remedy that at any given moment is through physical touch and sweet words of reassurance. They never fail to comfort her and restore that confidence that you love so much.
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Dami isn't always the biggest fan of physical touch, but she makes an exception for you
She's grown quite fond of your ways of showing love 
Especially because you respect her boundaries and don't overload her with it all of the time 
The girls jokingly complain about the fact that your affection never gets rejected by her like theirs does sometimes 
You're usually the one to initiate things, but she also surprises you sometimes by beating you to it
You l o v e when she does that because it just shows that she's willing to step outside of her comfort zone to convey her feelings for you
She usually gives you back hugs and puts her head on your shoulder
Slips in little touches throughout the day
Also loves to hold your hand
If it's chilly out and she notices your hands are cold, she'll slip one of her heating packs into them without you even having to ask
Piggy back rides
Lets you poke her cheeks and toy with them
She bought a pair of touch lamps for the both of you, so when she’s away and missing you she can touch hers and yours will light up. It’s a subtle reminder that she loves you and that you’re on her mind
Gives you her jacket when it’s cold out and holds the door for you
You've made her more comfortable with physicality, honestly, and she finds herself missing it when your schedules keep you away from each other
If you get overcome with emotion and give her a spontaneous kiss or cuddle, she ends up blushing every time, without fail
Sometimes she becomes the clingy one and wraps you up in her arms, not letting you go until she’s satisfied
“Let’s stay just like this, jagi.”
Soft hours
But any other time, when it’s you who’s being clingy, it’s really endearing to her to see you visibly waiting to touch her and attack her with a flurry of affection. You hold back long enough to get permission, but the second that she gives you the green light you’re basically pouncing on her
Whenever she reads, she invites you to snuggle up with her. She typically ends up absentmindedly toying with your hair, or stroking your arm, or pressing a few kisses to the top of your head, too
Just like her, her love is subtle and quiet most of the time. But it’s endless, and it’s always there
She loves you to the moon and back and is willing to do just about anything to see you smile
Story Snippet
DC Dorm – Dami's Room 
Snowflakes fell outside in droves, heavy and thick as they added to the masses that had already accumulated on the ground over the past few hours. Biting winds blasted by occasionally, reminding everyone of just how frigid it was. They caused a branch to knock into the window of Dami’s room, scraping it lightly.
Ever since your arrival in the afternoon, it had been like this; as you spent time gathered with the girls and enjoying yourself by the fireplace, nature had been gearing up for a full-blown blizzard. 
Aware of this, they all insisted that you spend the night at the dorm and just return home once the conditions were safer. 
It didn't take much to convince you, truth be told. Their company was far too enjoyable to turn down, and you didn’t have any desire to head back to your empty apartment anytime soon, anyway.
So now, in the wake of a movie-marathon, multiple games of drunken charades, and escaping the tight clutch of a sleeping Sua, you stood in front of Dami's dresser, bent at the waist as you sifted through the drawer that she had directed you to. 
Through the speakers of her phone, a soft piano melody ambled out, basking the room in a comfortable, easy-going ambience.
"Pick whichever one you want, baby," she called, glancing up briefly from her book as she flipped the page she had just finished. The texture of it – a little rough, unsmoothed – made a scratching sound as it rubbed against the one behind it.
"Really? Even the–"
"Yes, Y/N/N, even that one." She interrupted, amused. "I washed it yesterday because I figured you'd want to wear it." You could hear the grin in her words. 
Eagerly, you continued searching through the hoodies until you finally found the one you were after. It held a title unlike any other. None of the rest even held a candle to it. 
Why was it so special?
Because you bought it for her during a birthday trip last year, and it was the coziest thing in existence. 
Oh, and it was also panda themed. Dami in hoodie form.
With a triumphant smile, you unfolded it and thrust it up into the air, showing it off. Dami watched from the bed, smiling softly to herself at the cute sight. 
You slipped it over your head and pulled it down across your body, allowing the cozy material to engulf you. Two rounded ears sat atop the hood, and they bounced lightly when you tugged it up onto your head. The grin on your face deepened when you reached up to feel their fluffiness. 
“You’re so cute,” she mused, far too interested in you to pay attention to her book anymore. Her finger rested between its pages, keeping her place marked as she openly admired you.  
“Yah,” you scolded softly, lacking malice. You could feel your cheeks and ears warming up as a result of her compliment, and it made you shy. 
“Thank you,” you added quietly, glancing away. 
She bit her lip and shook her head, completely enamored. How could a person be so adorable?
“Come here,” she commanded, when she noticed you playing with the ends of the sleeves mindlessly. The inconspicuous (yet totally obvious) way you peeked back at her let her know that you wanted to be closer. 
Hope shined in your eyes as you padded over like a puppy, and when she tossed her book to the end of the bed and filled her hands with you instead, you nearly swooned. She tugged you in by the waist, sending you sideways onto the bed. 
A second later, she was hovering over top of you; her soft hair cascaded down around the two of you, blocking out the rest of the world like a privacy curtain. You met her dark eyes briefly, highlighted by the bits of lamplight that peeked through, shining on the two of you. But her gaze soon dropped lower, landing on your mouth – which she’d been dying to feel against her own all day.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” she admitted, before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It was sweet and warm, just like her. “You made today so fun.”
“Yeah?” You grinned lazily, basking in the warmth that her body radiated. “I’d have to say that you made the day fun,” you opposed. “I mean, come on; when you saved us from losing that third round of charades with your last-second guess? That was gold.”
She nodded, pursing her lips as she recalled that victorious moment. “You do have a point there…”
“Or when you saved Jiu from getting whacked by a blindfolded Yoohyeon during our ‘What’s In The Box’ game? That deserved some kind of award.”
Her features pulled into a grimace at the memory. “I don’t know if she would’ve recovered, honestly. What do you think? Concussion? Short coma?”
Your hands trailed up to the back of her neck and gently settled there –  fingers interlocking as you took a second to consider her question. She shivered slightly at the sensation, nearly tickled when you absentmindedly toyed with the baby hairs at her nape.
“Mmm, definitely a concussion,” you frowned, feigning seriousness until the sudden sound of Dami’s laughter cut through the quiet, bringing out your own. 
She rested her forehead against yours as your combined giggles filled the air, completely and utterly happy. They were genuine and natural  – a little sleepy, a little unpolished – and that warmed your heart. 
Seeing her like that made you fall that much more in love. She shined brighter than moonlight, starlight, sunlight – all of it. You wanted to stay wrapped within the bounds of this perfect moment forever. 
“I mean it, though,” she affirmed softly, like some kind of shy confession finally given voice to, once your laughter died down into quiet chuckles. "Things wouldn't have been the same without you here."
Yet another one of her ways of saying ‘I love you’ without actually uttering the words. 
“I know,” you nodded, brushing the tip of your nose against hers a few times. You could feel her melt into you at the contact.
“I love you, too.”
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Her “Giving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Acts of Service
2.) Quality Time
3.) Words of Affirmation
4.) Gifts
5.) Physical Touch
What she struggles to show physically, she makes up for in other ways. She’ll do favors, dote on you without you even having to ask, make you food if you’re hungry, leave encouraging post-it notes on your things if you’re in need of reassurance and support… the list is endless. It’s how she shows all of the love she has for you; she’s a fantastic listener and always pays close attention to you, and she thinks it’s easier and more convenient to demonstrate her love this way. The little things mean everything to her. 
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Enjoys it a lot. Your presence alone is comforting to her, so she’s really happy to have you nearby 
When you link your arm through hers and cuddle into her side, she falls a little more in love with you. She does it to you often, too
Whenever you kiss her in front of the girls, she tends to get shy. (Mainly because of their relentless teasing). But she never turns you down 
She loves having your attention on her. 
And she'll pout in order to get it
Like Sua, she tends to get a little loud and aggressive with her love
Will literally whine and cover her eyes when you walk into the room because she says you look too good for her to handle
She loves to sit on your lap (and have you sit on hers as well)
Puts her head on your shoulder a lot
Holds onto the end of your sleeve and tugs it when she wants your attention
She lets you play with her hair and style it however you want
One time you managed to make it defy gravity, and she still hasn't lived that down at the dorm. The girls said she looked like an alien
Whenever you’re just lounging around together and scrolling on your phones, you both still like to be connected in some way. So she’ll usually pull your legs across her lap, or even lay between them. (It makes it even easier for her to show you something interesting or funny that she stumbles across)
She knows she can get her way with you really easily because you’re a total pushover for her. All she has to do is pout or give you a kiss and you’re like putty in her hands
That’s one of her favorite traits about you. Both because she thinks it’s adorable, and also because she can exploit it (big brain Gahyeon)
“Pretty please? I promise to buy you more candy in the morning if you just let me have this last one now.”  
"...or we can share it, if you'd rather." 
You make her feel powerful and important, and that’s priceless to her
She loves when you get protective over her. There’s something about that side of you in particular that really does something to her
Whenever she’s busy or away on tour, expect lots of pictures and videos from her at odd hours. The time difference doesn’t stop her from messaging you when she can
Also, sleepy voice messages when she’s laying awake and having trouble sleeping 
Whenever you reunite, she’s yelling and running into your waiting arms
Story Snippet
“Yah, how much longer are we going to be out here?” Gahyeon whined, her breath turning white in the chilly atmosphere that surrounded the eight of you. It floated away gently, catching her attention for a brief second as she lagged behind everyone else.
Exploring the city and shopping had gotten boring for her about two hours ago, and quite frankly she was over it at this point. 
Heading the group with Jiu, you stopped and turned around to look at her. The brochure in your hands lowered, no longer your top priority. 
“What’s wrong, Gah?”
She didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she scuffed the bottom of her shoe against the ground, twisting it into a rut that existed in the weathered cobblestone. Her hands flexed into fists at her sides, toying with the handles of the shopping bags that were nestled against her palms. 
“I’m cold,” she finally said, voice small as a pout played on her lips. She looked away when everyone’s attention fell to her. Admittedly, she felt a little childish for making everyone stop. The weather was simply starting to get to her, and she was tired. 
But being the maknae meant she had every right to be babied, after all, so she didn’t feel too guilty. 
You rolled your eyes and smiled softly, shaking your head. “Jiu, will you take over? Let’s go to that restaurant I showed you earlier.”
“The historic one?” She asked, clarifying.
You nodded. “It used to be a royal building, so it’s pretty massive. And there’s a fireplace there fit to match, so…” you trailed off, glancing again at Gahyeon. Her pout deepened a little at you, exaggerating.
“Sounds great,” Jiu smiled warmly. “Let’s get going.”
The girls all resumed their walking after that, conversing with one another and taking in the surrounding sights of the city as Jiu flipped open to the brochure’s walking map and led the way. You let them pass you, waiting for Gahyeon to catch up.
Her nose was red, and the fuzzy muffs on her ears had fallen from their proper place. Her shoulders sagged dramatically, making her look truly spent. 
You had to bite back a laugh. 
“Here, baby,” you offered, reaching out to take the bags from her. She gave them without any further prompting, and you quickly slid them onto your arms, allowing them to rest in the crook of your elbow. You resituated her earmuffs next, and pressed a small kiss to the tip of her chilly nose. 
Her head shook in protest, stumping you. 
“Not yet.” 
She stepped forward, just a breath away, and slipped her hands into the pockets of your hoodie. They balled in the material and tugged you closer, nearly making you stumble into her at the unexpected action. 
“Let’s stay like this, just for a second. Let me warm up a bit,” she smiled mischievously, leaning in enough to brush her nose with yours. Her fingers wrapped around the warmers that were tucked away in your pockets, reveling in the soothing heat that they provided. 
You reached in, too, covering her delicate hands so that the cold didn’t have a chance to touch them. She hummed happily, tilting her head to the side to press a thankful kiss to your lips. She giggled quietly against them, pleased to have gotten her way. 
The night sky was bright above you, illuminated by the moon as it showered down its speckled starlight in a way that seemed intimate, like it was meant just for the two of you. Your own personal glimpse of the cosmos. It provided comfort, reminding you of home. Of all of those late nights in Korea, when you would sneak outside with Gahyeon for some fresh air, talking about any and everything your sleepy minds could come up with until the delirium set in and you had to amble your way back up to bed. 
Even here and now, in a foreign country that seemed lightyears away from that place, shimmers of those moments could be found. They gleamed in Gahyeon’s sweet eyes – hundreds of potential experiences and conversations just waiting to happen. It was meaningful, to say the least, and you were beyond happy that fate had allowed you to be here with all of them. 
You kissed her cheek before pulling away enough to look at her. 
“I love you–”
“I love you–”
Both of you laughed together at the coincidence, your shoulders lifting and falling lightly. The smile on her face was precious, reminiscent of a fox’s. You studied her for a moment, just taking her in and committing everything to memory.
“We should probably get going,” she said, still grinning, though she made no move to actually leave. Her gaze dropped to your lips, lingering there for a beat before raising to your own again. You felt the subtle way her fingers tightened against the warmers, attempting to be inconspicuous. 
It was almost comical how bad she was at hiding her feelings for you. 
“Yeah,” you agreed, settling closer, teasing her. 
She looked around, peeking over your shoulder before craning her body left and right to make sure the coast was clear. Once she was satisfied, she pulled your hood over your head and leaned in, sealing her lips against yours. 
Beneath the cover that your thick hood provided, she did as she pleased. Taking her time, savoring the rare chance she got to be alone with you like this. She was a mix of sensations – from her blushing, warm cheeks, to her chilly lips that slid against your own, never wanting to part. The entirety of the embrace was perfect; you couldn’t have asked for anything better.
“We really should get going, though,” you chuckled, resting your forehead against hers once you’d parted for air. “They’ve probably already made it there by now.”
“Fine,” she sighed, feigning annoyance again. “You’re right. But I’m taking this,” she declared, stealing one of your warmers. 
She pulled away, turning to stand at your side so you could walk next to one another. “We can share this one,” she resolved, keeping her other hand in your other pocket, where it was still cradled in your own. 
You sighed as well, mimicking her. “Fine.”
To smooth things over in the wake of her crime, she cuddled up against your side and laid her head on your shoulder as she pulled you along. The soft crunch of your shoes against the cobblestone street resounded, announcing your journey forward. 
“Thank you, babe.” She said quietly, serious now. “For everything.”
“Anything for you,” you quipped with a small smile, watching as your sweet assurance turned white in the air and surrendered itself to the universe.
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Her “Giving” Love Languages Ranked:
1.) Gifts 
2.) Physical Touch
3.) Quality Time
4.) Words of Affirmation
5.) Acts of Service
She feels responsible and accomplished when she can spoil you and buy you the things that you want. There’s nothing quite like watching the smile grow on your face as you open up presents from her. She’s not afraid to go all out, either. 
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matryoshka-writes · 5 months
Overwatch male matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
Hello dear~♡ Thank you for the submission!
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I match you with:
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♡ First thing that caught his eye was your kindness towards others, it was that one thing that made him fall for you really fast. Lucio was the one to initiate the conversation first since he noticed how shy you were...it was adorable to him.
♡ Once you two grew closer he would flirt with you by physical touch while also making sure that you are comfortable with him. He would play music for you or joke and laugh with you to ease up your shyness and awkwardness.
♡ He accidentally learned the fact that you sing when you are alone and he absolutely fell in love with your voice. Lucio would encourage you to sing along while he plays his music.
♡ Lucio is a very energetic guy that radiates positive aura, and every time he is in the room somehow he always manages to make you smile and feel more confident. He can read you well and knows when you are feeling self-conscious so he would constantly shower you with compliments such as how beautiful you are or how your voice makes his heart flutter.
♡ His love language is definitely gift giving. He would constantly shower you with small trinkets he bought while he is out on the missions, at this point you have like ten keychains from various countries he had visited. Besides the gift giving he loves complimenting you always, your smile brightens his day.
♡ Lucio is well aware of your disorder, he made sure to research a lot about it so he could help you out as much as he could. Every time you feel headache he would rush to give you pain killers while holding you in his embrace giving you kisses on the forehead.
♡ Your interests in various books, video games and other things intrigues him. He is a gamer himself and watches some of the anime so he would sometimes have date nights with you where you two are snuggled up in a fluffy blanket while watching your favorite anime together, or playing your favorite video games. He would ask you about your current favorite things and learn about them for you.
♡ Lucio definitely sings for you while his eyes are lost into yours, he is a big eye contact guy which makes him feel even closer to you.
♡ He would compose music that is dedicated to you very often, it was one of the primary ways of showing his love and dedication for you. Sometimes he would overwork himself because of it, he is a man of dedication.
♡ Lucio is quite an extroverted guy, however he finds you introverted personality very adorable. He would often invite you to parties and if you feel overwhelmed or don't want to go he would stay by your side...the parties aren't the same when you are not there, so instead you two would settle for a date watching anime or playing video games.
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Dividers by cafekitsune
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judasrpc · 11 months
based on the mmorpg 'palia' developed by singularity 6. add context & change gendered language to your needs !! if multi, please specify which muse(s) !!
Welcome to the general store, pal.
[…] so I guess I should say: welcome to the livin'!
Come back when you get some cash, we'll take care of your needs.
The more you spend, the more you get back. Trust me. That's just how the world works.
What can I do for you?
Make the most out of each day, my friend.
Here I was thinking you'd be too busy setting up to say 'hello'. How goes it?
Are you new in town, or just passing through?
There's something about you that just brightens up my day.
I have a good feeling about today.
I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get sleepy.
So, I think it's safe to say my job is about to get A LOT more interesting.
Are you off on an adventure?
Today is a great day for adventure! Well… any day is a great day for adventure. But today is especially good.
What ails you, my four-legged friend?
You've got a surprise for me?
I wish I knew what you were saying…
Well, if it isn't another friend I haven't met yet!
Hey there! The day treating you alright?
I don't know it [name] was laughing with me or at me, but either way, I appreciate the chuckle.
Tonight, I'm feeling exuberant, with a bit of nostalgic ennui mixed in.
I don't need your company… but it would certainly be appreciated.
Relaxed… I envy you. I don't think I've ever felt relaxation.
It pleases me to see your thirst for knowledge is so difficult to quench.
Back again, are we?
Your mischief and wit know no bounds, neither does your desire for knowledge.
Even the most cunning hunter needs a helping hand once in a while. You hear me? If you ever need help, all you have to do is ask.
You showed up just in time.
I like you and all, kid, but there ain't nobody who can stop me from bein' me.
So, how are you feeling? I am sure this is quite a lot to take in.
Keep that positivity, and you'll overcome any troubles the world offers you.
I was just settling in for my evening meditation. Care to join me?
Name's [name], but you can call me trouble.
I see that look on your face. Up to no good, aren't ya?
Let me guess: You were just dying to see me.
Just so y'know, our doors are always open for ya.
So nice to talk to someone who wants to listen… between you and me, with the kids, it's always in one ear and out the other.
There's nothin' like the feelin' of a job well done.
Some people think it’s boring all the way out here… But I like it.
It is way too early… or did I stay up too late?
You might want to stand back. I’m working on my latest invention, and I’m not entirely sure this thing is stable.
You look as though you have something you’d like to ask.
I chose to keep them around for mostly sentimental reasons.
These daily chats of ours bring me much peace. Please continue to come by, I would miss it if they stopped.
I’m also good at lifting heavy stuff, if you need anything heavy lifted!
You lost? That's okay, I get lost sometimes too.
Oh… sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just a bit distracted. Seems to happen to me a lot…
I am just an intrepid explorer of the supernatural, a detective of the unseen divine, a pioneer of pervasive thought…
I am glad you are still able to experience joy after everything you’ve gone through.
Hello, hello! You have caught me at just the right time.
All it’s taught me so far is how to die of boredom. So stop by again later and keep me entertained, ok?
Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or did you have something to say?
Sometimes I forget how interesting the world is. Like, I’m pretty sure I saw a gnarly looking beetle over there!
Aren’t we feeling bold today?
Oh, good. Someone to talk to who DOESN’T give me a splitting headache.
This had better be important…
I was so caught off guard, I realized I forgot to introduce myself or explain why I'm here.
Why don't you come back when my head's spinning just a little less?
It's good to see you again! I always look forward to seeing your face. But you know, like a normal amount.
It is… good to see you. Why was that so hard to say?
Perhaps you should learn to become more comfortable with solitude yourself.
Oh no, I know that look.
I'm presently ruminating on the darkness of the soul.
I do fear where my thoughts might go if I linger here alone too long…
Unfortunately, I returned with many new ideas and no new direction.
Beyond that, you shall have to answer the question of "what you are" for yourself. As do we all.
You were bound to return one day… why not today?
For now, I enjoy basking in the presence of others.
Hmm… What should I make for dinner tonight…?
You’re talkin’ to me?
Been makin’ a name for yourself lately. Every time I go into town, someone’s singin’ your praises.
9 notes · View notes
universalinfo · 11 months
Easy Ways You Can Improve Indoor Air Quality
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What’s in the air you’re breathing? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about it much. But the quality of the air inside your home or office can have a big impact on your health. Indoor air quality is often poorer than outdoor air quality, and that can lead to a host of problems, from allergies to headaches.
Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to improve indoor air quality. In this blog post, we’ll share five tips for improving the air you breathe every day. So whether you’re looking to boost your own health or create a healthier environment for employees or customers, read on!
Get an air purifier to remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air
Air purifiers are an awesome way to make your house a healthy haven! Not only do they filter out pesky dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air - ensuring your lungs don't become nasal nightmares - but sometimes you can even find radon detectors in them. Buying an air purifier is almost like buying a safety net for you and your loved ones, as it will create crisp, clean air in your home to make sure everyone is comfortable. So go ahead and invest in a high-quality air purifier; it's guaranteed to be worth it in the long run!
Change your furnace filter regularly to prevent the build-up of dirt and debris
Don't let the invisible forces of radon and dirt get the better of you! Change your furnace filter regularly to eliminate nasty build-up that would threaten to play havoc with your radon detector. Plus, when we take control of our own destiny and remember to keep up with small and simple maintenance tasks around the house….it just feels so good! Being prepared makes us feel powerful and can even save money in the long run! So why don't change out that old filter today? Your radon detector will thank you!
Keep your house clean - vacuum often and dust surfaces regularly
Keeping your house clean does not have to be a chore. Just turn vacuuming and dusting into a fun habit and you won't mind, or even look forward to, doing it. To take things up a notch why not invest in a radon detector? You will feel twice as safe knowing that radon concentrations are kept under control and your abode is spic and span after every vacuuming session. Plus, regular dusting makes sure the air in your home stays fresh - making it look inviting to family members, friends, and any radon detectors that may appear.
Open up windows when the weather permits to let fresh air in
There is nothing quite like the feeling of curling up with a good book when the sun is shining and you can feel the fresh breeze coming in through an open window. Letting natural airflow into your home not only feels wonderful, but it's also healthy! Regularly letting fresh air into your home can drastically decrease radon emissions - radon detectors are great for testing levels - so you can take a deep breath and enjoy. With warmer months just around the corner, spring cleaning should include opening those windows to let nature do its work with LUFT.
Bring plants into your home - they help filter out toxins from the air
There’s no better way to ensure your house is a healthy place than to bring in some living green friends. Not only do they brighten and liven up the atmosphere, but they also help filter out those not-so-friendly toxins from the air. Have radon radon radon radon radon detector you say? Plants have got your back! Some studies suggest plants like ficus and jades trap radon gas and release oxygen for us humans to breathe. So why not give it a try? Plant shopping can be just as fun as regular shopping - plus, no pesky returns are required!
Open your windows frequently to let fresh air into your home
You know what they say: fresh air is good for you! So, make sure to keep those windows open often! Not only will it help liven up the atmosphere in your home, but it can also be beneficial for your health. It can get stale in our houses sometimes and airing them out is the natural way of keeping things comfortable and safe. Plus, if you have a radon detector - which every homeowner should - open windows are essential to detect radon levels accurately. So don't wait anymore, take a deep breath, and swing those curtains open wide!
Don't smoke indoors, as this can significantly reduce indoor air quality
If smoking indoors is a worry for you, why not get yourself a radon detector? Not only will it help to detect levels of radon in the home - an odorless, colorless gas linked to lung cancer when high concentrations are inhaled - but the radon monitor can also keep a check on indoor air pollution caused by smoking. At the end of the day, we all want clean air to breathe and radon detectors play an important role in making sure that happens - so don't light up indoors if you want to stay healthy!
Springtime is finally here! The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and nature is in full bloom. Unfortunately, for those of us with allergies, spring can also be a time of misery. It seems like everywhere we turn there are allergens floating around in the air just waiting to make our lives difficult. If you’re looking for ways to beat allergies this spring, try following these five tips. An air purifier will remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air so that you can breathe easily indoors. Change your furnace filter regularly to prevent the build-up of dirt and debris. Keep your house clean – vacuum often and dust surfaces regularly. When weather permits, open up windows and let some fresh air into your home. And last but not least, bring plants into your home - they help filter out toxins from the air naturally. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy all that spring has to offer without fear of allergy attacks!
Read More:
Test Your Home for Radon
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thebluepondstore1 · 1 year
Winter Skincare: Why Everyone Is Using Face Oils 
Foggy mornings, cozy blankets, piping hot tea…the winter season surely has its charm. And while we love those snug winter days, we certainly do not look forward to all the harsh weather's skin woes. Problems like dull, dry, cracked skin with redness and itching are extremely common during this time of the year. And that's why you need to switch up your skincare routine to suit the season.
Here’s why you need to add face oils to your winter skincare routine.
 8 Benefits Of Using Natural Face Oils During Winter
When it comes to winter skincare, if there is one product that would be the holy grail, it is face oil. Based on their make, face oils come nourished with the goodness of natural ingredients, skincare actives, anti-ageing and brightening properties, and even rest and relaxation benefits. And even though they seem to be all the rage now, the use of facial oils as part of skincare and beauty rituals can be traced all over the globe in the history of ancient civilisations.
 Here are just some of the many benefits of using face oils for winter skincare.  
Rich in antioxidants, facial oil can help protect your skin from pollution, UV radiation and other damaging elements that may lead to signs of early ageing.
Face oils can help prevent oxidative damage and slow down or prevent the appearance of wrinkles. They help stimulate the production of collagen and help minimise wrinkles.
Including facial oils in your skincare routine can help even out your complexion and brighten your skin.
Face oils can help treat dark patches and discolouration caused by excessive dryness.
Facial oils keep your skin hydrated without clogging the pores. Moreover, they do not leave behind a greasy residue.
Natural oils are needed by the skin to stay supple and facial oils can help with rebalancing the oil production (sebum) of the skin.
Certain facial oils are packed with anti-inflammatory benefits and can be used for reducing inflammation and redness.
Regular use of facial oils can aid in reducing acne breakouts. They prevent excess oil production, reduce inflammation and combat acne-causing bacteria. 
8 Benefits Of Using Essential Oils To Treat Skin Concerns
Essential oils are not the same as face oils. While they're packed with concentrated ingredients that can treat an array of skin conditions like eczema, inflammation, psoriasis, and itchiness, and even alleviate certain bacterial skin conditions, they're usually combined with a carrier oil like olive oils, almond oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, etc. On their own, they can be too harsh and may irritate the skin. However, there are many benefits of using face oils packed with the right essential oils for skincare. Together, they can nourish and hydrate dry winter skincare, treat underlying skin conditions, and even offer rest and relaxation benefits that are good for your mental health. 
Here are some benefits of using essential oils for skincare: 
They can help in reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars, giving you clear skin.
They can be effective in skin tightening and reducing signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.
Essential oils that contain vitamin C (like lemon oil or orange oil) can help control early signs of ageing.
They can help combat sun damage and repair the skin.
Essential oils can help reduce skin problems like itchiness, redness and irritation.
A few essential oils (like tea tree oil) are also known to be effective against acne.
Essential oils help soothe, rejuvenate and nourish the skin.
Essential oils like lemon oil and bergamot oil can help lighten the complexion, improve skin texture and give you naturally glowing skin.
Other than being used for skin care benefits, essential oils can be used to ease headaches, boost mood, reduce stress and calm nerves. All these reasons make the Elixir Combo Giftset - Pure Certified Organic Essential Oils a great gifting option this festive season. The magic of the nourishing properties of the oils of lavender, jasmine, carrot seed, and frankincense is just what your skin deserves to protect it from the cold clime and not clog the pores at the same time - a double treat for your skin, and your mental wellbeing!
Do Oils With Clog Your Pores & Are They Suitable For Oily Skin?
One of the popular and misinformed opinions associated with using facial oil for skin care is that they end up clogging the pores on your skin, leading to various skin care problems like acne breakouts and flare-ups. Here’s the truth.
Not all facial oils lead to clogged skin pores. In fact, if your face oil is a non-comedogenic facial oil, you don't have to worry about any of these problems. The key is to avoid heavy oils like evening primrose or coconut oil, especially if you have acne-prone skin. Using heavy facial oils can trigger problems like pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.
Non-comedogenic facial oils are lighter and get absorbed by the skin easily, offering nutrition to the deeper layers of your skin. They're suitable for all skin types, even if you have oily skin. One example of non-comedogenic carrier oil is jojoba oil. Sweet almond oil, olive oil, rosehip oil, neem oil, grapeseed oil and sunflower seed oil are some other types of carrier oils that you can bank on for maintaining healthy and glowing skin during the cold months.
How To Make Face Oils A Part Of Your Skincare Routine
A thumb rule for skincare is that you should use your prevention and protection products in the morning. This would include vitamin C, sunblock, hyaluronic acid, etc. At night, you should apply reparative and restorative products. This includes BHAs, anti-ageing products, and yes, face oils.
Take for example a face oil like The Blue Pond’s Night Ritual Facial Oil Serum - TREPHO. It can help brighten your complexion, reduce pigmentation and moisturise the skin without causing the pores to clog. Apply this during bedtime and let it work its magic. While neroli oil contains regenerative and moisturising properties, rose oil can help hydrate the skin, reduce acne, and control the apparent signs of premature ageing like wrinkles and fine lines. The grape seed oil in the mix boosts collagen production and aids in treating hyperpigmentation. The presence of jojoba oil can help your skin fight damage caused by toxins and pollutants. This facial oil also comprises chamomile oil that can help reduce blemishes and has other healing properties.
Use this product daily for healthy, moisturised, and clear skin.
Another great nighttime investment is the Anti-Ageing Facial Oil Serum - CLEO. This serum consists of highly effective ingredients like macadamia oil, pomegranate oil and frankincense oil. Macadamia oil is an effective dryness cure and is known for its moisturising and skin-softening properties. Pomegranate oil contains natural antimicrobials and can prevent acne. That’s not all! The serum also bottles frankincense oil that exhibits excellent anti-ageing and skin-firming properties, and can also help reduce sunspots and age spots.
What’s more, it helps in boosting skin elasticity and evens out skin tone. The serum also contains jojoba and lavender oils. While the former is known to protect the skin from free radical damage, the latter serves as a great natural remedy for soothing the skin and fighting wrinkles and fine lines Include Anti-ageing Facial Oil Serum - CLEO in your night skincare ritual for an even-toned and younger-looking skin.
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odayaka1 · 1 year
Chapter 9: Chakra control
After getting back, I stretched my body and laid down.
Entering back in my dimension, I started refining chakra while sleeping.
The seals help me all throughout the process. I don't  have to keep an eye on it. 
With my control and seals helping me I can multitask it while sleeping.
After 5 years of sleep, once I felt Matatabi was back with Kokuo I woke up and went outside. Due to time seal only two and a half years went by.
They came to my location to greet me with a hug, 
"welcome back" 
I hugged them back with my tails to surprise them and it was a success. " Brother, you have grown 5 tails. I am so happy for you "
She hugged my fluffy tails with stars in her eyes. " they are even more fluffy than kurama's" I laughed at the comparison.
"Ho! you have felt his tails?" I asked with a smile but my eyes were hollow as if devoid of any light.
Sensing something wrong with my behavior Matatabi panicked inside and hurriedly said "when we were just born we used to tug his tails, as he had more. we used to say 'you have so many you won't lose any if you give one to us.' "
It helped in brightening my mood a little ' I wonder why I behaved like that'. looking at Kokuo, who was looking at me with the same hollow eyes that held obsession.
I just smiled at her and gave her my tail.
Kokuo just hugged my tails interlocking with hers to my surprise with eyes closed. 'They say be careful of the silent ones, so true~~~.'
( A/N : interlocking tails is the highest form of intimacy for foxes. It's true I didn't  make any of that up. Definitely)
Matatabi also noticed and jumped on her yelling "Kokuo, you stealing cat!!".
" You are the cat here" Kokuo came with a fast reply. ' she really said it.' I thought.
It will be annoying now. " grrr, I am a tiger not a cat you slop.." she growled only to be cut off by me.
" That's enough, don't you guys think?" I said with a smile but my eyes were telling a different story, they audibly gulped and backed away.
Two most calm and collected girls acting like that, they sometimes give me headaches.
Now ignoring their adorable puppy eyes I said " I will give you seals to increase the density of your chakra once your growth is complete."
They nodded and asked " why not now? You are also training". Kokuo also nodded at her questions.
" Well you are in your growth phase which when completed will determine your chakra quantity which will be the permanent upper limit.
But that doesn't  mean you can't  get stronger.
If I start your density training now it will cause complications in the future for example irregular chakra, imbalanced chakra, poor chakra control.
So for now focus on chakra control. It will be easier and more productive in the future" they nodded indicating that they understood.
" For your chakra control you need to make chakra leave your body and for a thin layer on your body. Once done, come back to me for the next step".
They just closed their eyes and started training.
And after a day like an abandoned cat with puppy eyes came to me and said " Tsukimi nii-chan we did it."
She was literally looking like a puppy asking for attention which I gave " yep, you did well my little cat."
While patting her head with my tail, it feels weird to use a paw to pat. Anyway it worked as she was in her own world 'mine, he said I was his hehehe'.
' Oye ! Oye! What's up with those yandere-like eyes? Ah they look so attractive. Don't use such deadly weapons Matatabi.' I thought, shaking my head to get rid of such thoughts.
Standing Beside Matatabi I was thinking ' did she just accept being called a cat, hmm she didn't even hear him fully before going in her own dreams.'
I froze, feeling a tail caressing my head. It felt so good. Soon I snapped out of it hearing " you did good too Kokuo." Ah! He has been like that since we know him.
Always taking care of us. I melted in the embrace of the tail. Closing  my eyes. Grandpa was always there too but we couldn't always connect well like Kurama with him. Then big brother always helped us with everything we needed.
He hated when someone acted like a brat, since we were more mature than the rest in our behavior, he never scolded us. 
Even then he cared for us equally. He was more of a family to us than anyone was to him.
He sometimes tells us of his past but never everything. He tells us enough so that we can learn of the World's dark side and we can only imagine how he was treated as literally being a weapon for power; he called it the divine tree.
I nodded at him and asked " what next brother"
"Lets see make chakra threads between your fingers as thin as possible once you are able to create it as thin as a hair I will tell you next step." I replied after thinking for a while.
Snapping out of her day dream, Matatabi turned to Kokuo " let's go, we will do it as soon as possible and spend time with brother before the rest of the idiots come back."
I just stared at her dragging the poor girl out of the room.
' should I train as well? They may need a month doing that exercise. I should try some cool technique to pass the time.'
I just closed my eyes and made a rasengan after thinking what were the steps for it. " it's too easy for my chakra control"
I can easily control its size to the level of a meteor. ' let's add elements to it.' That was also easy to manipulate. I can manipulate every element to near perfect due to my chakra control.
I formed all styles of rasengan, then I keep on mixing more elements in a single rasengan but I need elements that accept each other like lightning with water, Wind with fire, earth with fire to form magma.
They were on another level. I can literally feel the power of the technique although it's  nothing to me but it will still do some damage to me. I need to improve my elemental resistance.
I even added yin and yang to a rasengan it formed a black hole-like  ball. These elements don't  mix but co-exist to stabilize one another along with the concept.
Once detonated this could be as lethal if not more than a tailed beast bomb. Once done playing with them I just dispersed the chakra which is only possible with my level of control.
If not the technique would lose control that's  why every jutsu formed has to be fired, especially high level ones.
I went to my dimension, formed a Huge hot spring enough to reach my chest and went into it to soak myself. This is one of my favorite things about Japan: a private open bath, so relaxing.
I remember there is a seal that I recently came to know of here due to my increase in mastery of seals and chakra, it's very hidden, that Hagoromo never trusted me not that I am surprised.
He thinks that I will revive her, well kind of true the girl had suffered enough. I'll knock some sense in her too.
The seals will trap me especially, using my chakra as base and alarms that will alert the old coot if I temper with the moon's seal. I destroyed the seal except the sensing part. I will let him know that I will be freeing her. Do what you can hehe~~.
I drifted sleeping there in my dreams. I was being pestered by some kids, ugh these demon spawns. I came out of the dream in horror. " ugh I hate kids. I can't  see myself having one. "
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dermalogicaindia · 1 year
Top 3 Eye Care Tips for Brighter, Healthier-Looking Eyes
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The eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul. They can convey a wide range of emotions and are essential to facial expression. But with constant exposure to screens, pollution, and other environmental factors, our eyes can quickly become tired and dull. That's why it's essential to take good care of them. 
Importance of eye care 
Eye care is vital for maintaining good vision and eye health. The eyes are delicate organs that require regular attention and care to function correctly. Poor eye care practices can lead to various eye problems, such as eye strain, dry eyes, and vision loss. Regular eye checkups, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking can go a long way in maintaining healthy eyes.
Furthermore, essential eye care practices such as taking breaks from digital devices, getting enough sleep, and practising good hygiene can also help relieve stress. Eye strain caused by prolonged use of digital devices like computers and smartphones can lead to headaches, fatigue, and anxiety. Taking breaks every 20 minutes and focusing on objects at a distance can help reduce eye strain and relieve stress.
Top 3 Eye Care Tips 
Tip 1: Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is the first and most important tip for maintaining healthy-looking eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause dark circles, puffiness, and other eye-related issues. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to allow your eyes to rest and rejuvenate.
Tip 2: Protect Your Eyes
The second tip is to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses when you're outside. Exposure to UV rays can cause damage to the delicate skin around your eyes, leading to premature ageing and wrinkles. Look for sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection and wear them even on cloudy days.
Tip 3: Exfoliate Your Eye Area
The third and final tip is to incorporate exfoliants into your eye care routine. Exfoliants are a great way to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and brighten your eye area. Look for gentle exfoliants specifically designed for the delicate skin around your eyes. Avoid using harsh scrubs or exfoliants that contain large beads, as they can cause irritation and damage to the skin.
In addition to the tips mentioned above, you can do several other things to care for your eyes. For instance, avoid rubbing your eyes, which can cause irritation and swelling. Also, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will help to flush out toxins and keep your skin looking healthy.
Taking care of your eyes should be an important skincare routine. Incorporating exfoliants into your eye care routine can help to brighten up your eye area and give you a more youthful appearance. So get enough sleep, protect your eyes, and exfoliate regularly for brighter, healthier-looking eyes.
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goobiegoobert · 3 years
Hi! I'm new here!
Ok so I though about a fic scenario. It's pure fluff.
How about moon's/sun's s/o bringing one night a cat at the daycare (after hidding from Vanessa and other gard's). Animatronics sure don't know what it is so s/o explain that the cat is their kid. Being a cat parent myself I totally see Sun playing with the cat with some string or even his bells while Moon will just sleep with the cat. Also feel free to make with the other Animatronics and to change the cat by another animal if you want.
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Won't you come a little closer?
A/N: oh my fucking god.. this, this is it. I love this so much <3 ty for blessing my brain with these dumb and gay little thoughts
Warnings: None, pure fluff rn Word count: 1.1k words
[ GN reader ]
Entering the pizzaplex within the day was most definitely different than the usual nighttime dread of loneliness children were screaming about, others struggling to drag their parents to attractions, teens in secluded groups simply here to relive past memories, and rather tired adults struggling to keep up with all the bustling ruckus provided. It was enough to give a normal person a pounding headache just from the already too-bright fluorescent lights adding character.
Usually within your schedule checking up on the other animatronics as polite courtesy would simply make the day feel normal, but alas clutching a bag that was shaped like the old bunny animatronic who used to perform at the diner/bowling alley here made you uneasy attempting your best to hold it away from people until arriving at your destination. You see, there was one strict rule here, any animals that weren't sanctioned by the county to be considered service animals weren't allowed. Something you knew by heart at this point that two people that seemed to plague your thoughts constantly had never seen. So it'd been your mission for the past month to bring your cat in, it was a rescue taken in long ago as a birthday present to yourself, and now you planned to brighten someone's day with them for at least a little bit. Heading into the daycare brushing past adults leaving their kids behind and others picking the rascals up to go home for now. It was perfect, all you needed to do was wait out the time and you'd finally pull this off without a hitch!
That's exactly what went down, moving over to the employee restrooms and going to the changing table of the unisex single-stall area and finally pulling out a rather sleepy cat who had been napping within the bag undisturbed by everyone's noise for a good tidbit of time till now. Allowing them to stretch out and yawn, moving a hand to scratch right behind their ears as the fuzzball purred leaning into the sensation. Only forty minutes till the plex closed down for good with the gates shutting locking you in for the night, god if you hadn't been working here as a nighttime staff member you'd have earnestly shit at the idea of being locked in some Chuck E. Cheese nightmare world pasted with 80s references and pop culture theme for its period. Shivering at the thought was just enough to keep you occupied. So putting it simply the time in this restroom messing with the cat took a while awaiting your shift to start was very quiet.
Though out of everything Sunny was in the daycare absolutely losing his shit, normally you'd already have been there chatting it up! How was he going to clean up if you weren't there to help out, it was truly a disaster as they'd haphazardly try to make do with what could try to make you happier when you did eventually arrive. You would right? Of course, you would, it was nothing to worry about really! Maybe one of the other animatronics got your attention today. Gripping one of the cans in their foam hand started to creak as it dented inwards at the thought.
When you finally did pop up to the daycare attendant he was ecstatic! Running right over to pick you up and swirl the two of you around several times until wrenching you into a tight squeeze, practically bursting at the seams to see you after being left alone for such a looong day.
❝ Heeello there little sunshine! What took 'ya so long huh, huh? ❞
Confused at your response simply being a giggle, slowly getting put down on the floor only to stop mid tracks, there you were just holding out this furry little thing like a cheeseburger up to Sunny. It was confusing, to say the least, barely able to tune into your words before snatching the little thing from your arms into his own holding it up under the daycare light getting a good look at it, before laughing a bit and dancing around with it practically jumping with joy when you mention it was your cat!
Sunnydrop truly felt like a bit of a parent at the moment and proceeded to try giving the usual treatment of nuzzling against the cat only to get jumped on, the cat climbing on top and going up and around over the animatronic then stilling to rest on his shoulder next to the warm wires curling up the attendant's neck. Sending shockwaves through his body as the creature purred almost like a reaction to tickling from Sun!
All that could be done was have you slightly be worried about Sunny getting hurt by the cat's curiosity, you hadn't even told him the name of his childhood trying to desperately get the ct back eventually leading to you chasing the lanky fellow across the daycare as he screamed for you to back off so he could keep playing with the cat! Let him live his life!!
Though what happened made you feel slightly bad, whilst chasing Sunny you'd been unable to notice the cords strewn on the floor, tripping over them far enough to tear them out of its socket causing everything to dim out. Sunny in the distance could be heard letting out a yelp in the sudden blackout, almost sounding ready to cry that this time was cut short already!
It took so long to find the attendant afterward, and it landed with a familiar rasped voice laughing to nothing in particular. Well, that's what you'd believe until getting pulled up into the air.
❝ Tsk, tsk, what a naughty thing being up so late. Breaking many, rules it seems? Poor thing. ❞
God did you hate heights, and yet here you were dangling above the daycare resorting to your arms clinging onto Moon truly hoping that you wouldn't be dropped from such a high place.. Thankfully you weren't, it was simply really you'd been dragged around until the naptime attendant found a suitable stop to rest for the night pulling a blanket up for you. Not exactly noticing the cat at first until it moved from their neck climbing up top to mess with their sleep cap, getting an annoyed grunt out of him to simply try to pull the thing off of him but to no avail. Your laughter in this truly didn't help out for this, only leading to feeling defeated at this and slamming the pillow on your face in retaliation.
❝ Naughty little things don't get to stay up past bedtime. Sleep. ❞
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