She glanced around the room.
“…I think we’re okay for now…”
And of course, Chica was eager to make herself useful to them, in any way she could.
She'd help with the ice packs again. She'd get them anything they needed. She'd even take their plates once they were done.
"Just say the word, and I'll be happy to help!" she'd insisted.
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"Sure, I'm a little tired," said Vanessa quickly, trying to skate past it. "The whole situation's just stressful, you know? But I'm fine."
And of course, Chica was eager to make herself useful to them, in any way she could.
She'd help with the ice packs again. She'd get them anything they needed. She'd even take their plates once they were done.
"Just say the word, and I'll be happy to help!" she'd insisted.
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Vanessa started when Chica came back in — she’d been sitting in her chair, rubbing her forehead. She honestly hadn’t expected Chica to come back so quickly.
And of course, Chica was eager to make herself useful to them, in any way she could.
She'd help with the ice packs again. She'd get them anything they needed. She'd even take their plates once they were done.
"Just say the word, and I'll be happy to help!" she'd insisted.
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Vanessa accepted her offers, letting her handle the next ice-pack swap during lunchtime, then take the plates…but she still didn’t say in plain English that she needed a full-on break.
"I know..."
After all, he was there to see just how much effort Eclipse poured into helping them. And that in itself was another feat that had clearly worn on him.
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Vanessa thanked her, giving the bigger cookie to Cassidy, who seemed to enjoy it. As for Vanessa, although she usually loved Chica’s chocolate chippers, she was having a hard time finding her appetite…
"I know..."
After all, he was there to see just how much effort Eclipse poured into helping them. And that in itself was another feat that had clearly worn on him.
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So the hours passed with Vanessa hardly taking a moment to sit down…
When lunchtime rolled around, she took Cassidy’s order, then sat in the chair picking disinterestedly at her own salad.
"I know..."
After all, he was there to see just how much effort Eclipse poured into helping them. And that in itself was another feat that had clearly worn on him.
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If he did, she’d likely keep dismissing him…so she got up and went back to work, heedless of her own condition.
"I know..."
After all, he was there to see just how much effort Eclipse poured into helping them. And that in itself was another feat that had clearly worn on him.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 10 days
With that exertion still taking a toll on him, plus a virus to fight, it was no wonder he was so drained.
She stood up again. “I should switch out your ice packs now. One minute.”
Sun squeezed his shoulder lightly, unable to help feeling sympathetic.
"... Anything we could do to help...?" he murmured, not really expecting an answer.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 10 days
“He’s been through a lot,” murmured Vanessa. “Give him a chance to recover…”
Sun squeezed his shoulder lightly, unable to help feeling sympathetic.
"... Anything we could do to help...?" he murmured, not really expecting an answer.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
If Eclipse heard him, he didn’t respond as he nodded off again.
It was unclear if anything they’d said had really sunk in. Eclipse still seemed incredibly exhausted.
Sun squeezed his shoulder lightly, unable to help feeling sympathetic.
"... Anything we could do to help...?" he murmured, not really expecting an answer.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
His fans were getting louder. He let his lights fade away and his head settle back against the pillow.
Sun squeezed his shoulder lightly, unable to help feeling sympathetic.
"... Anything we could do to help...?" he murmured, not really expecting an answer.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
It took an enormous effort for Eclipse to get out those three words.
... Sun sighed slightly, moving to prop himself up again.
"I'm not sure... But if we keep putting it off, he's probably going to feel horrible about staying here so long when he wakes up."
Eclipse never liked to impose... even when he wasn't.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
It was the only sound that Eclipse could seem to make. If only his head wasn’t spinning so much, if only he didn’t feel so sick…
... Sun sighed slightly, moving to prop himself up again.
"I'm not sure... But if we keep putting it off, he's probably going to feel horrible about staying here so long when he wakes up."
Eclipse never liked to impose... even when he wasn't.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
Eclipse groaned softly, and his fans began to kick up in protest.
He was trying, he really was…but even as his brother sad “up,” his body kept pushing him down, down, down.
... Sun sighed slightly, moving to prop himself up again.
"I'm not sure... But if we keep putting it off, he's probably going to feel horrible about staying here so long when he wakes up."
Eclipse never liked to impose... even when he wasn't.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
…at first, nothing happened…and when Eclipse finally did react, it was more or less in the same way that he’d reacted to loud sounds over the past day or two. His eyes flickered; the rest of the lights in his body sputtered. He seemed to be struggling towards consciousness without ever quite attaining it…
... Sun sighed slightly, moving to prop himself up again.
"I'm not sure... But if we keep putting it off, he's probably going to feel horrible about staying here so long when he wakes up."
Eclipse never liked to impose... even when he wasn't.
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twomindsbrokenheart · 12 days
She shrugged.
“I’ll let you make the call. He’s your brother; you know him better than I do…”
"Just sit for now..." Sun murmured back.
"Take what time you can get... We don't need anything right now. So please take care of yourself while we can't help you..."
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twomindsbrokenheart · 14 days
“Do you think we should try to wake your brother now?” she asked, still doubtful that this was the right thing to do.
"Just sit for now..." Sun murmured back.
"Take what time you can get... We don't need anything right now. So please take care of yourself while we can't help you..."
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