twotreeisland · 20 days
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wip of mr fires and hints of his famoly. hopefully i'll finish this up so i can draw more of the extended firefam... though maybe not all of cloudtails line because holy shit.
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twotreeisland · 23 days
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for silly, heres my moonpaw design. i hope theyre black and white So Bad... gimme a tuxedo main character Pleace
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twotreeisland · 23 days
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for silly, heres my moonpaw design. i hope theyre black and white So Bad... gimme a tuxedo main character Pleace
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twotreeisland · 24 days
Generation One Allegiances
Some notes before the actual list!
- The ragtag Two Tree Island Community functions under a Duty system. Every cat chooses what Duty to dedicate themself to (with an option to change if okayed by both Duty Heads) and listens solely to the Duty Head of that fourth of the island. The duties are Protection, Prey, Shelter, and Medicine.
- The four Duty Heads act as a kind of council and decide any major changes for the community together.
- There is no method of succession, as the system has only been in place for around 40 moons and it's still developing every day. The founders did not plan this system thoroughly before enacting it.
- The current Duty Heads all got their position in a different way than the others, and these methods will be listed below the character profile.
- Apprentices are trained by the whole Duty, though the exact expectations put on them are decided by their Duty Head.
- While cats are not forced to take on clan-like titles, these titles are offered by their Duty Heads. Kittens are given their prefix by their parents, and the suffix by whatever Duty Head they pledge themselves to when they become a full Duty member.
Gentlestep -- He/she/they, genderfluid -- 148 Moons
A massive dilute calico with obscured features due to their immense and thick fur. Rumor is their eyes are blue, but who knows?
The most the community knows about Gentlestep is that they're one of the few cats to have arrived with a "clan title" already. The rest is generally fuzzy, like Gentlestep. She's about the kindest cat on the island, doing the utmost for each and every cat, not just those in his Duty. Whenever an orphan shows up cold and shaking, Gentlestep is the cat they're brought to so he can snuggle them up in her massive mane of fur and whisper to them that it'll all be alright. As the oldest cat in the Community, many questions are posed to them that she answers simply. The Community greatly values his wisdom. None have yet to see them engage in battle, but given their position the Community feels it imminent and the gossip-gatos are hungry for the knowledge. She became the Duty Head when cats realized his orders were incredibly helpful in battle against various other carnivores, so her Duty came together to demand they lead. So she did.
The adopted parent of Whisperpaw,
Smoothriver -- They/them, nonbinary -- 73 Moons
A very handsome young jack with thin, glossy black tuxedo fur and shiny amber eyes.
This cocky young jack strolled onto the island with a purr in their throat and a stoat in their jaws. The first impression was damn good, and their skills at getting exactly what they wanted from cats was unparalleled. While the oldest of cats felt some general distaste for what they saw as an egotistical youngster, the younger cats of Two Tree adored kindly, showy ol' Smoothriver. Smoothriver has three mates at the moment, but with how much they flirt and cavort with any pretty kitty that walks their way, folks are taking bets on when that number will rise. They named themself leader of the Prey Duty on a whim, and given they are actually an amazing hunter, cats agreed to follow them.
Heavyclaw -- He/him, cis male -- 117 Moons
A primarily gray long-furred tom with large paws and large ears. Has soft gray eyes.
Some call Heavyclaw "painfully simple", but really, he's just an older man with some real simple dreams. He wants his kin and his cats safe, and he wants people to leave him alone. He likes keeping it simple, which reflects in how he keeps the camp and teaches his cats. He may butt heads with the other Duty Heads and anyone who brings that Starclan and Spirits bullshit up with him, but he is a good cat at the end of the day who keeps the community's home safe, clean, and easy to live in. He leaves for a full day every full moon to do Starclan knows what. Nobody asks, given Heavyclaw might cuff their ear good for being so nosy. Heavyclaw established himself as the cat to go to about the camp's upkeep, and simply started acting as Duty Head without any formal declaration.
Dahliabriar -- She/her, cis female -- 98 Moons
An orange, spotted molly with various deep scars, tired pale green eyes, and a single white paw.
The cat who lived on Two Tree before anyone else. As cats began appearing, oftentimes weak from days of travel, she healed them and found them places to rest on the island. Though unintentional on her part, Dahliabriar is a major reason the Duties came together at all. As the community's ranks bolstered over the next moons, Dahlia began teaching anyone who would ask it of her to heal like she does, accidentally creating the first Duty by gathering these apprentices together. Though unlike the other Duty Heads who claimed and established their duties officially, Dahliabriar refused to be named leader of her Duty until she truly could not deny it anymore.
Dahliabriar is the single mother of Snapdragonstrike, Rosefall, Tuliptwist, and Lilymoon by an unknown cat.
Snapdragonstrike -- He/him, cis male -- 38 Moons
Lilymoon -- She/her, trans female -- 38 Moons
Rosefall -- She/her, cis female -- 38 Moons
Tuliptwist -- She/they, demifemale -- 38 Moons
Whisperpaw -- She/her, cis female -- 9 Moons
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twotreeisland · 24 days
Clan Form
This is for my own use, but also anyone else’s! Feel free to reblog, or repost in its completed form, but please give credit if you use it, and link back if you use it offline.
Clan Name
Formation: How was this clan created, how did it come together? Based on canon clan history? Or another event?
Rivals: Are there other clans, or other groups of cats? Or is it simply twolegs, predators, or something else?
Age: Is it recently formed? Or are the clan beginnings fading into history?
Shaping Events: What are the things that are most commonly told in story form? Were there any great wars? Unsettled grudges? Crazy legends and Myths?
Heroes and Villains: Are there any forces or cats that your cats aspire to be like? Any villains invoked to encourage kits to behave?
Map or General Description: Either draw a map or describe the territory.
Location: Where is this clan generally located? What country, what area?
Climate zone: What are the common temperatures and seasonal changes? Rainfall?
Fauna: What are the common animals that live in the territory? This can further be subdivided into predators, prey, and neutral.
Flora: What are the common types of trees? Is there undergrowth or not, what about open fields. What types of plants are most common?
Medicine: Common medicinal plants and remedies.
Defining features: What are the borders? Rivers, Mountains, Ridges, clearings, fields, cities or towns or houses, etc.
Important locations: These are places unique and important to each clan. Places of training, places of prime hunting, places of meeting and gathering, places of burial, places of celebration, etc.
Religious centers: Are there any specific places tied to the clan’s religion? A place where they may go to worship their deities or ancestors? Where is it? What is it like? Who is allowed to go there?
Camp: Where is the camp? What does it look like? Where are all the dens/where do all the different cats live? What are the exits and gathering areas? Are there any designated play or training areas? Where does the leader speak from to gain the clans attention, is there a place for the leader to meet with his advisors or deputy? Any other important parts of camp? How is it protected?
Clan Characteristics-
Build: Is there any specific part of their appearance that is different from other feral cats? Any wildcat or house cat ancestry? How tall, or heavy, or long do they get?
Pelt: What are the most common pelt colors in the clan? Common eye colors? Are there any anomalies introduced through wildcats or housecats (bobtails, color points, white cats, blue or other eye mutations,etc)? Is the clan mostly long furred or short furred?
Clan Roles-
Leadership: What is the leader’s role in the clan? Authoritarian and controlling, adviser, or figurehead? Laid back and letting others do the job, or involved in day to day particulars? Leader’s rule is only authority, or is there a sort of council of elders, or senior warriors, or clan voting system? Is the leader the judge and jury, do they follow a specific code of law, or make decisions on their own? How is leadership passed down? What is it that affords the leader their authority?
Deputy: Similar to above, what does the deputy do in your system? Are they simply a leader in training, the leader’s right hand cat, their adviser, or the ones that really do the work? Are there more than one in the clan?
Medicine cat: Is there a medicine cat for your clan? If so, what are their duties? Are they simply medics, or affiliated to the religious system of your clan? If they are, do they follow some religious code? If not, are they simply medics? What role do they play in maintaining the mental health of their clan? How many medics are there? How many apprentices? How do you become an apprentice? Any unique aspects that are particular to medicine cats?
Elders: What is the average age for warriors to become elders? What is the place of elders in the clan? Is it one of reverence and preference, or is it one of barely accepted tolerance? What are the elder’s duties? Is becoming an elder something cats would look forward to, or is it something most cats put off as long as possible? Are elders sought for advice on governing of the clan, or are they holders of the clan’s knowledge?
Warriors: Are warriors the most common group in the clan? What exactly are warriors in your system? What are their specialties? Do they hunt as well as fight, or are these two separate categories? If they are fighters, what type of fighting do they specialize in? What are the specifics of their fighting style? (Examples short quick movements, wide sweeping movements, speed-based, strength based, stealth based, height based, etc) If they are primarily hunters, what do they hunt? How do they hunt? How often do they hunt, and when? Do they have any other duties besides hunting, or fighting?
Queens: What is the position of queens in the clan? Is it of reverence or tolerance? Are they given preference in daily life? Is this station an exclusively female role? Are only cats who have kits in the nursery, or are there other cats who take care of the kits as well? Do queens (or whichever title you wish to give this role) take on care of other cats kits?
Apprentices: How old are cats apprenticed? What is the apprentice system like? Are they called apprentices? How long are cats apprenticed? What do they learn? What is the system of learning? (e.g. is it divided into distinct spaces of learning, or is everything learned at the same time) What are the requirements to become a warrior?
Kits: What is the philosophy of the clan towards kits? Are they raised collectively, or only by the cats in the nursery? What are kits allowed or encouraged to do? Is there any education? If so what kind? Are there any games or activities used to distract or engage them?
Other: Are there any other roles in the clan? Are there cats who are in charge of cleaning, or maintaining camp, or scouting, or in charge of education, such as knowledge-keepers?
Gender Roles: While yes this is a sensitive topic, there is no denying that in some cases there might be gender roles in a society. This also has to do with how your clan is governed. Is it a matriarchal society? Patriarchal? Or something else? What place does each gender play in the clan? Is the clan very fluid about gender and sexuality or very strict?
Clan Culture-
Code of Conduct: These are the basic rules which govern the clan and its functioning. Is it the normal warrior code? A  slightly different one? Or something completely different? What is a part of this code of conduct? It may not be codified in the way the warrior code is done, so in what way is it passed down? Is it a loose set of rules, or strictly followed? List the most important parts of it, or write it out in its entirety (Unless its super long).
Process of law: How are the laws of the clan kept? Who is the judge? Is there an equivalent to a jury? What is the system of punishment? What is the system of pardon?
Mates: Is there a specific system in which cats can become mates? Are the cats of the clan monogamous or not? Are cats mates for life, or can the relationship be terminated whenever they want? Is there a ceremony or a special status or symbol for cats who are mates? Are there cats who can be arranged mates? Are mates simply for having kits, or are they for companionship? Can a mate relationship be between any cats or only between male or female cats?
Ceremonies: What are the ceremonies for cats who have reached another stage in life? What happens when a cat is born, when a cat becomes and apprentice, when a cat becomes and adult? What are the special ceremonies for cats of special ranks? What happens when a cat dies? How does the clan mourn? How does the clan celebrate?
Naming: How are kits named in this clan? Is it by appearance, the standard suffix/prefix model? Or is it a different way?  Do their names change over time, with the achievement of new ranks? What are each of the ranks called and referred to? Are nicknames common?
“Name of what the Clan Worships”: So what does the clan worship? Starclan? Ancestors? Something else? What is this force or deity?
Influence: What powers does the force/deity have? Can the clan contact it? Is the clan connected to it in any way? What power does the force/deity have? Can it see the future, interact in the lives of the cats? Or is it impersonal, or fictional and completely in the minds of the cats who worship it? How does belief in this force/deity affect a cat? Are there cats who are more spiritually attuned/connected with the force/deity? What does this mean for a cat’s life?
Worship: How does the clan worship or revere the force/deity? How do they honor it? Are there festivals, or rituals? Are there particular chosen cats who are the link between the clan and the force/deity? If so what are their duties? How can individual cats show their reverence?
Holidays: What are the special days of rest or celebration connected to religion (or unconnected)? What does the clan do on that day/days? How is it connected to religion or the clan culture?
Afterlife: Is there an afterlife for cats? If so is it exclusive? How does one get into it? Or is there no afterlife? How do cats bury their dead, what is the culture of the dead, how are they remembered or not?
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twotreeisland · 24 days
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workin on some more sketches of my little guys! top left is Dahliabriar (again I love her), to her right is The Soft Warmth (spirit, name unknown), and one of The Crone's two siblings Spore!
unseen layers mainly include the 1 billion sketch layers as i desperately try to learn how to draw cats well. the orbs are my shading colors but i havent shaded yet alas.
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twotreeisland · 28 days
For fun, here's a post about how canon Warrior Cats characters would transfer into TTI!
Namely, their True Names and what edits to their titles (as their warrior cats names are, technically, not their names even though they use those 99.99% of the time). True Names tend to look more like how the Tribe did their names in canon, with the vibe more like how the fandom policed warriors names like, 12 years ago.
Fireheart, for starters! Love my guy. As a kittypet, he wouldn't have gotten a True Name! Most kittypets know of the practice, but given their unwilling subservience to humans (feirge or furies to cats) it's seen as unwise to give a kitten a true name in fear of a feirge "eating it", ie somehow learning it (cats do understand that humans cannot speak cat, but their fear of humans leads to this kind of overcorrection in terms of safety)
Fireheart's true name is given to him by Bluestar (The Blue Star in TTI) and Crone Yellowfang after they officially adopt him as their son. His is Blaze-That-Saves-The-Forest, further after the prophecy given to Crone Spottedleaf and The Blue Star. Neat!
Cloudtail (Cloudbellow, if TTI Bluestar were to name him) would get his True Name from Fireheart, Princess, and Brindleface some time into his apprenticeship: Thunder-Crashing-In-Clear-Skies! At that point he's already rowdy and loud, so that name reflects it, as well as his coat and dedication to his clan (after a brush with being caught by humans, lol)
What about some clanborn cats? Let's do Squirrelflight and Leafpool! Squirrelkit would get Red-Roaring-Mountain-Lion (she was a noisy ass kit! plus, Lionclan reference :). Plus a hope she inherits SandFire's courage and good morals.) and Leafkit gets Warmth-Despite-Dim-Skies (a further Leafstar reference, and SandFire's hopes for this quieter kit to be as heroic and courageous as her parents!)
Titles are usually less strenuously thought about--they change like the wind and while some cats get attached, the point is that they're malleable and impermanent. Cats like Halftail choose to change their title to show off a victory or a monumentious change in their lives. Yellowfang's title wasn't Yellowfang from birth, her fangs hadn't yellowed. It was Dusk, then Duskstep, and then Yellowfang when she became older (right before she was kicked from Shadowclan, actually). Some cats change their suffix to a fallen loved ones prefix, or shuck their suffix after a deeply impactful event. Brambleclaw is one of these cats! After killing Hawkfrost and getting over his fear that he would become like his shitty mwle family members, he asked The Fire Star to allow him to change it to Brambleclaw to symbolize his refusal to back down from his lineage and prove it has nothing to do with the cat he is. Originally, it was Brambleburn (which symbolized Fireheart's true acceptance of him and the idea that Brambleburn would remove danger from his clan).
quastions? shoot em my way. i like my silly imaginary cats.
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twotreeisland · 28 days
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The Crone Briar and her apprentice, Dahlia circa generation 0.1.
The Crone is almost 200 moons here, and Dahlia is around 30.
The Crone and Briar star in my first short story a post down on this blog ⭐⭐
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twotreeisland · 29 days
short story --
Dahlia & The Blind Healer
"What have you seen in dreams, girl?"
The old crone--Dahlia can only imagine she's double her own mother's age, if not triple--jabs her paw into the soft place between Dahlia's leg and her belly. The young she-cat hisses and jumps up onto her wobbling legs, her body aching anew with the sudden movement.
"What?" Dahlia croaks, her dry throat as painful as every wound on her body. The poultices and patches of woven grass-strands keep her blood in her and her body generally on the mend, but she should probably avoid further sharp movements.
"Dreams, girl! You were thrashing like you were chasing someone." The crone steps around Dahlia, her dry nose shoving itself into the fur next to every aching wound.
"Ahg? I mean, its a common dream, right? Two kittens running off, and I chase them."
"What colors?" The crone bites a patch of Dahlia's fur and tugs it to make the young she-cat sit down.
"Ow! You are such a bad healer. Spirits above... A white tabby kit and an orange ticked kit. They never say anything, but I knew I had to follow them."
The blind old she-cat doesn't respond. She snuffles at Dahlia's belly, growling softly at it before nudging the younger cat back into a laying position.
"What? What are you even doing, you hag?"
"... Checking something. You should eat more. I'll bring you a mouse. Too thin."
"Stop that. You're mixing them wrong."
"Then actually tell me how rather than just expecting me to know how."
The crone huffs in response, simply smacking the herbs out of Dahlia's paws. She sits in front of her young ward and shows her how to make a simple poultice for shallow scratches. The crone applies it to the healing wounds on Dahlia's haunches, her movements oddly gentle.
"... You'll learn fast. I thought you already knew this. Didn't I tell you?"
Dahlia cocks her head as she rises to her paws to wash them off in the river around the island the two mollies live on. "No, you didn't."
The crone's eyebrows furrow, and she settles in a small pile of moss and focuses on the ground, though Dahlia knows her gray eyes see nothing. Dahlia pauses, but only comes to settle at her side after washing the poultice off her paws. She leans down to nuzzle the sagging, graying head of her mentor.
"I could have sworn... I..." The crone shakes her head a bit, slowly, sighing deeply. Dahlia wraps her tail around the smaller, older she-cat and allows her a moment of peace and support.
"It's alright. You're old. You just forgot."
"No, no I didn't forget, I have the distinct memory of showing you just like how I showed you."
"Hm. Well. Uh." Dahlia looks up and away, clenching her teeth to keep her non-answers off her lips.
"It's alright. Let's get back to teaching."
"Briar?" Dahlia calls out, head high and ears tucked back in worry. The voles she had caught sit at her paws where she dropped them in her hurry to make her presence known. "Where did you go, hag?"
The pathetic breathing deep within the den under the maple tree was all Dahlia heard in return. Her eyes widen as she leaps over the prey she had gathered to rush into the den. The crone--Briar, as she had eventually named herself--barely breathes in a sad lump against the back wall. Dahlia's fur puffs in shock and worry as she practically throws herself down in the dirt to nuzzle at her side.
"Girl." Briar croaks, her tail twitching oddly as it rises to smack at Dahlia's side. "Girl. The Spirits... My mother... They're here. Can't you see them?"
"What?" Dahlia swallows her apprehension as she crawls on her belly closer to the only cat that had ever shown her kindness, even if it was punctuated by the old molly's endless crankiness. "No, Briar, it's just us. It's Dahlia."
"Mrrrh... girl. Listen. My mother has words for you. My siblings, too. Listen. Can you not hear them?"
"No... I can't. Can you tell me what they say?"
Briar blinks slowly, her breathing shallower and shallower every second that ticks by.
"They were showing me things... The future. Things I needed to know. Things about you."
"You. Your kits, your duty, your strength in the face of it all. Your dedication, and what you would do to make life good for as many cats as you can..."
"That's... very nice. Kits? Briar, that's unlikely."
"Shush. I see you helping to create a community, I see you face down dangers with the fury of a thousand cats, I see you bare your teeth at injustice, I see you speak for the Spirits when they cannot. I see all you can do with what I have taught you, and all you will invent in your own many moons."
She takes in a deep, shuddering breath. Dahlia presses her nose into the space between her neck and her upper leg.
"I see how you die. I see what legacy you leave. I see the love you were too scared to give rotting on your tongue. I see you grow, I see you change. I see you lead."
"Lead? I wouldn't--"
"... The dhaoine who sits with me now will not lead a clan that will form, years from now."
Dahlia relaxes a bit.
"... The last thing I see. I see you with your newborn kits. I see you decide to do everything in your power for them. I see you whisper them their true names... I see you tell them your own, little Claws-up-from-the-Ashes. I see the title you took when I am gone. I like it. Though, it is a little... too sweet to me..."
Briar breathes out, and her body slowly goes limp. Dahlia sits in silence for a long moment, keeping the slowly cooling body of her mentor warm as long as she can. After an hour, she knows it'd be unwise to leave a corpse near precious herbs and goes about the awful business of burying the only cat who ever treated her kindly. She cannot find it in herself to shed a tear. She feels so... empty.
After a final odd dream, Dahlia wakes up and decides to fulfill one of those prophecies. Dahlia, in the rainy silence of a cold, dewy morning, decides she is Dahliabriar. And with that quiet, stone-hearted conviction, she rises and prepares for what the rest of that odd dream promised: more mouths to feed, and the genesis of a community.
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twotreeisland · 29 days
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Above are images of the Two Tree Island territory as it is in pre-history!
The TTI territory is flush with varied (but still pretty temperate) biomes, bordered by mountains to the north, the town of Quietbrook to the east, farms to the south, and the ocean to the west. Regardless of the fact it's a bit boxed in, the TTI area was originally home to a few wandering felis catus and becomes host to many more over the generations.
The Mountains
Defined primarily by their odd placement directly next to the sea, the Starscraper Mountains run along most of the western shore of the Felienz continent. Human scientists have noted this is a major reason the continent has remained unconquered by any larger human empires over the centuries, leaving the small, sparse native human settlements quietly flourish while the rest of the world wages war after war. The mountains are pocked with chasms and caves, the most prominent cave being one that leads to a pool of ancient water bubbling up from an even older aquifer deep within the earth in a wide cavern full of natural, shining crystals.
The Plains
The plains are the least observably populated biome, but the area is full of activity below the tall grasses. Stoats, rabbits, seagulls, and various other species make their home among the rolling acres of lush grass and occasional lone trees. The beach is negligible, as the elevation of most of the plains is about ten feet above sea level still. The Island itself used to be covered in the same prairie grasses as the plains, but with the settling of cats on the island the grasses have long since been tamped down or used for crafting.
The Swamp
Mucky and thick with dense, short foliage and the occasional willow tree, the swamp seems like the place least hospitable to damn near anything. However, plenty of frogs, turtles, and invertebrates make the place their home, along with a small species of crocodillian. Cats usually steer clear, as the murk clings to fur like nothing else, but traversal is somewhat necessary for a tasty toady treat.
The Sparse Forest
The Sparse Forest below the town's namesake Quiet Brook is diverse in its trees. Though primarily willow, the occasional pine and maple tree populate the biome closest to the human-made farm and town. A thick copse of willow trees surrounding a pretty clearing sits central in the sparse forest, occupied for a while by a small group of badgers.
The Dense Forest
Primarily old maple trees, the dense forest is radiant during the fall. It's darkly stunning any other time of the year, but the autumn is what shows it off the best. At the center of this forest is the oldest tree in a good 200 miles in any direction, the Grand Maple. Humans occasionally venture west away from their walled town to lay offerings to the fae in the tree's immense shadow.
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Two Tree Island
The eponymous island! Primarily flattened grass, ringed by a thick and well-tamed bramble bush, and populated by two massive, old trees. The Western Willow and the Eastern Maple stand tall and strong, representing the Spirits the cats of the islands honor in their day to day. As the cats settled on the island, they carved out dens under the roots and up high in the branches. The island will have its own post soon enough.
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twotreeisland · 29 days
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Two Tree Island is my take on some fun mainly cat based xenofiction! The carnivores of the Two Tree Island world are all possessed of minds equal to those of humans, with humans being the real statistical outlier here. While the word is, thus, full of a bunch of animals all with their own complex cultures, the society I'm choosing to focus my full attention on is the tumultuous felis colony in the Two Tree Island Territory area.
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TTI completely redoes the religion/afterlife lore, society structure, and about everything else. The story focuses mainly on the drastic and subtle changes of the society over generations and the big movers and shakers that upturn the society as a whole as the world changes around them. 👍
Blanket warning for animal on animal violence and death, political and interpersonal intrigue, emotional manipulation and abuse, and unhealthy dynamics galore. Any post with any will have warnings as well <3.
inspired by more or less anyone rewriting or reworking the warrior cats universe, but mostly @bonefall and @feliniakattus .
Thank you!
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