txnithxo · 7 years
I write you awfully dull letters darling, because I get tired and sort of emptied out. And all I have to tell you that I can write is that I love you.
Ernest Hemingway, From a letter dated August 1965
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(via wnq-quotes)
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txnithxo · 7 years
Time doesn’t heal all things, understanding does. Sadly too much time has passed and I now understand that you did not love me.
summertimesnow  (via shareaquote)
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txnithxo · 7 years
1. Smile. Because we’ve all heard the term “fake it till you make it” 2. Be kind. You never know the internal battle someone else is going through 3. Accept. Accept what you can’t change. Accept the worst parts of yourself and learn to love it 4. Move forward. Yesterday is yesterday nothing we can do about that, but as long as I’ve been alive tomorrow always comes. 5. Be selfish. It’s okay to invest in yourself. Sometimes that’s the only we can help those around us 6. Self-educate. Constantly expanding self-knowledge leads to self-awareness 7. Love and love hard. I know the fad is to be heartless but one of the most amazing things we can do as humans is love 8. Laugh. Because I 100% believe that t cures the soul 9. Be angry. Be angry about the injustice, what you can change but isn’t changing, be angry when things don’t go your way it drives you to get what you want. 10. It’s not ever that serious. This one is self-explanatory.
ayyoolola, writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself (via wnq-writers)
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txnithxo · 7 years
10 pieces of advice to give yourself at the age of 20
At the age of 11, you learned that perfection does not always mean a flat tummy and a thigh gap. Go on and eat that second piece of cookie that you crave so much.
At the age of 12, you learned that just because you call her “mom” and him as “dad,” it doesn’t mean they inherently know how to be that. Also, suicide poison is not the cure for everything, it’s not a cure at all.
At the age of 13, you learned the difference between giving up and taking a rest. You might have given it your all but not make it. Remember to disregard everything that comes after but.
At the age of 14, you learned that standing up for everyone else does not mean that all of them will stand up for you when you need someone. Not one of them would be the first one to defend you, that spot is reserved for your name.
At the age of 15, you learned that people rarely mean what they say even if as a writer, you deem each and every word important. Learn to know the voices that speak sincerity and the voices that are just trying to get into your pants.
At the age of 16, you learned that letting go of people that only brings toxicity in your life is never a crime. Thinking about your own peace of mind does not make you selfish. Neither does placing yourself above that last number on your priority list.
At the age of 17, you learned that giving yourself to everyone willing could only lead to one thing: your own’s deterioration. Dear, you are more precious than someone who can’t even look into your eyes in the morning.
At the age of 18, you learned that loving and accepting yourself are two different things. Placing yourself in situations you are well aware of your self distraction is never loving yourself.
At the age of 19, you learned that lovers are not the only ones that can break your heart. People stay and go for a reason. Remember to treasure the rightful ones that life allowed to stay.
You’re 20 now and life has never been what you expected and planned it to be and that’s possibly the greatest thing that can happen into your life. You’re a writer but life writes with you, know when to let it leave significant marks and know when your own pen should be the one doing so.
written by bleakfantasies,  writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself
(via wnq-writers)
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txnithxo · 7 years
1. Last weekend I almost called you but I didn’t want to bother you and my hands were shaking too hard to dial anyway. 2. I kissed a boy I met a few weeks ago. I swallowed my tears when he wasn’t looking and when I showed my mum a picture of the two of us, she told me he looks a lot like you. 3. I fell asleep on my best friend’s couch and she told me I was crying in my sleep the way I used to when I missed you. 4. Last night I was walking alone and the air felt like it did the first time you kissed me. When everything was cold except for us and cool air was hitting my teeth because I couldn’t stop smiling. I almost walked into a damn pole. 5. I was in the shops today and I saw a keychain with your initial on it. I’ve been squeezing it in my hand so hard it’s leaving marks on my skin. There are still marks on my heart from the night you left, I’ve stopped thinking they’ll go away. Battle scars I call them. 6. I watched your favorite movie 5 times today. 7. The boy I sit next to in English smells like you. 8. I was just calling to see how your mum was doing. 9. I stopped drinking ice-tea because it tastes too much like the days we spent together. I also stopped sleeping. 10. You left some stuff in my pockets, maybe you could come pick them up and we could go for a milkshake or something? 11. I play your favorite song a lot. I don’t even like it.
alannahclairem, 11 ways I tried to tell you I really miss you (via wnq-writers)
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txnithxo · 7 years
Why you do that? Tell her you love her when next week you just want your space.
6lack (via storispinx)
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txnithxo · 7 years
[sixteen things I learned in sixteen years] one - Everything that glitters ain’t gold. two - Not everyone is made to stay in our lives forever, people leave so better people can come in. three - Give it some time, every problem you face. Nothing is permanent, everything is temporary in one way or another. four - Change is inevitable. five - If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to change. six - The most beautiful things in life are moments and feelings. seven - Even at your best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. eight - Some things will never go back to the way they were, and that is okay. nine - Your feelings are valid: you’re allowed to feel what you feel, it’s normal. ten - Do what you love, and do it often. eleven - Life does not wait, go out and get what you want. twelve - It begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you. thirteen - Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love. Learn to love yourself first. fourteen - It’s about the little things: the little gestures, the small actions that prove to always speak louder than words. fifteen - As much as everyone hates to believe it, everything happens for a reason. If things that happened in the past didn’t happen, there’s a good chance the good things happening in your life wouldn’t be happening now. sixteen - Live now and live in the moment because I can promise you’ll never get the exact same moment again. seventeen - …
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txnithxo · 7 years
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Out with the old, #InWithTheBlue 💙👑 (at John F. Ross)
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txnithxo · 7 years
My next gonna wonder why a nigga so cold. Cause I found out that everything that glitters ain’t gold
– 6lack, Loyal
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txnithxo · 7 years
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6lack - Loyal
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txnithxo · 7 years
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txnithxo · 7 years
But flowers need sunlight, They grow, they breathe, they bloom, But take a little of it, or add more of it, And they will die, Maybe you were my sunlight, You were never enough, And always too much.
Writies (via writies)
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txnithxo · 7 years
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"FREE6LACK" @6lack #6lack #rap #newmusic#newart #checkthisout #blackandwhitedrawing #blackandwhite #rapquotes #lyricsquotes
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txnithxo · 7 years
@g_eazy #geazy #rap #music #musicart #lyricart #musicquotes #geazyedits #tumblrgirls #whenitsdarkout #thesethingshappen #rapquotes #art #blackandwhite #blackandwhitedrawing #art #artvideo #sharpieart 🔥TAG @G_EAZY BELOW🔥
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txnithxo · 7 years
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Life is too short, trying to hold it all together,  It’s gone before you know it but tonight could last forever.
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txnithxo · 7 years
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txnithxo · 7 years
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