u-allstartrio · 3 years
Changing Blogs
You can now find me at ofphantasma- I’ve moved all my BNHA blogs into one multimuse. Still under construction. Threads from all my blogs will continue on that blog.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Changing Blogs
You can now find me at ofphantasma- I’ve moved all my BNHA blogs into one multimuse. Still under construction. Threads from all my blogs will continue on that blog.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Changing Blogs
You can now find me at ofphantasma- I’ve moved all my BNHA blogs into one multimuse. Still under construction. Threads from all my blogs will continue on that blog.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Changing Blogs
You can now find me at ofphantasma- I’ve moved all my BNHA blogs into one multimuse. Still under construction. Threads from all my blogs will continue on that blog.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
“Your humble servant is at your service, Lord Re-Destro.”
The bow accompanying Believer’s declaration is low, deeply respectful towards the man who not only promises salvation but funds the Clinic. Stories like his- cast out for using their Quirk without a license, even with the intent only to help. The most important thing is to keep each cog of the Army moving smoothly, patching together broken people and ensuring each was ready when the time to rise up was announced.
When society would be broken and remade anew- the strongest to rule, and everyone free from the shackles of the Public Safety Commission that held everyone down. Sometimes Shinja dreamt of it. Re-Destro’s will rippled around the world, and the newly faithful would cast off their chains in turn. The man before him, and his ancestor, would be venerated.
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“Before we get down to business- Geten’s cough is being monitored in case it worsens. Rest assured that the team is keeping a careful eye on the Keystone’s health. Now, you mentioned feeling poorly as of late. Can you elaborate?” Carrying all the stress was a necessity for his Quirk, but sometimes Shinja worried that it caused ill effects on the body.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
At first, Shinja had tried to develop a rapport. To explain as he worked so he could know what was going on with words and ready himself for any pain. But slowly, that had fractured and crumbled away. Shinja couldn’t understand the Keystone, no matter how he wished to. So all he could do was protect it and watch after it, taking care of him in service to the Army.
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“It’s much less a favor than protecting the Army from possible failure. You can’t be allowed to die. Your dedication to the cause is leaps and bounds above the others; no one has strengthened their Meta Ability so thoroughly. I don’t want you to forget your obligation to Lord Re-Destro and put yourself in danger with training yourself while ill.” He paused. “I apologize. I don’t mean to demean you or act as if you have no agency.” Geten was just so stubborn and had to be watched after.
⥬  ° ° u-allstartrio  ° ° ⥪
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Even with the quick response, it was a very contagious variant- particularly for those whose immune system were weaker than most. Geten’s health was of particular concern; someone so strong, so dedicated couldn’t be allowed to die. It was easy to tell the keystone wasn’t paying much attention despite how much care Shinja used to impress on it that its health was of utmost importance.
“Geten, please don’t make me have to keep you here for observation to ensure that you don’t go against my orders.”
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if it were allowed an opinion, geten couldn’t stand the doctor. nobody condescended it the way he did. to tell him would crush re-destro though, surely. he was always so expressive that they got along. but there was nothing so infantilized as sitting in that office. geten hated feeling small. even if it only seemed that way because of the unwellness. it tore the candy off the lollipop stick with its molars.
“  don’t act like you’d be doing me such a favor.  “  it’s attitude persisted.  “  obviously whatever you need from me is going to happen, i’m not stupid. i can go.  “
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
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“...So am I.” Masumi wasn’t taught to not eat batteries. They promptly pop it into their mouth- and their tail fluffs out as the shock hits, battery pinging against the inside of their mask from the force of them spitting it out.
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ᒥ🗲ᒧ—       “Bro, I’m just built different.” He puts the battery back in his mouth and sucks on it like a candy.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
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to hear of a virus going around was unsurprising. as much could have been inferred, given how quickly re-destro had gotten believer on the phone when it’d made comment about recent fatigue.
geten abused its teeth, grinding them on a hard lollipop as it barely payed attention to the verdict. it was business as usual, despite it. he would go on with his normal day-to-day and stop doing something if re-destro told him the doctor had advised it. they had been here before already.
it inquired sarcastically,  “  and when i don’t do that, what do i have to look forward to ?  “
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Even with the quick response, it was a very contagious variant- particularly for those whose immune system were weaker than most. Geten’s health was of particular concern; someone so strong, so dedicated couldn’t be allowed to die. It was easy to tell the keystone wasn’t paying much attention despite how much care Shinja used to impress on it that its health was of utmost importance.
"Geten, please don’t make me have to keep you here for observation to ensure that you don’t go against my orders.”
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Changing to be private and selective. Will be effective on all blogs (and will be super busy this summer till about aug 9 (or more likely june 28 because holy shit one class got shortened from 15 weeks to 5). Will be popping in and out but with luck will be fairly active?? More active come june 28 because one class is until then rather than august 9.
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
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“The reason you’re feeling more run-down than normal, Geten, is the influenza that’s been ransacking Deika of late.”
The worst part of all of this? They could try to mitigate it, but there was no way to dispose of a viral infection. Geten’s body would have to fight off the flu off itself- but with his naturally low body temperature (in normal range, as expected; still, Shinja always checked to record it), it would be... tough. Fevers were a body’s defense, among others. And so they would have to be delicate with its treatment.
“You yourself know how severe the flu can be to the immunocompromised and those-” Weaker. No, don’t use that with Geten. “-less able to fight it off. I’ll be checking in with you to see any progressing severity, and will speak to Lord Re-Destro about your treatment and outcome.”
Now came the part Geten wouldn’t like...
“Your first step is taking it easy. No training your Meta Ability for now. No taxing yourself.”
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
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“It truly is wonderful to make your acquaintances.”
The soft words were quiet, mingling with the clicking of a spoon stirring honey into his delicate teacup. “I understand you came to the clinic specifically for our program with Detnerat to get customized support gear. Am I correct in this?” The file was simple to skim. Small sticky notes were already lined neatly around the monitor; emails were being exchanged shortly before their appointment to discuss the particulars of the materials to use and how they would interact with the Quirk. Shinja was no engineer, so his contributions weren’t much.
“I have cream and milk in these small pitchers here-” He indicated that, the honey, the sugar. “Please make yourself at ease. Help yourself to the gathered cookies, if you choose. I find that discussions over a drink help smooth any awkwardness out.”
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Small update to Shinja thanks to talking with captiivcs - Shinja’s clinic is partnered with Detnerat to procure prosthetics and support devices for those with self-ruinous Quirks to try and help mitigate the damage of them. Might also get funding through them- a charitable thing on the business’ end to look good (while also helping MLA members get treatment).
Less importantly, he keeps some treats (cookies) on hand for consultations to have with tea
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Trying a little smth with the new oc to get a hang of him so if you wanna rp with Shinja like this post! He’s MLA affiliated but treats civs and villains (less so heroes since his clinic is back alley and he’s got a distaste for them tho)
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
...huh. The Commission never taught her that.
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“That’s homophobia. Bic. Hom-homophobic. Bluh-blocked and reported.”
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“….” these other students were freaks
“I’ll, um. Take your wuh-wo-word for it. Is cannibalism a-also a reportable crime…? Out of curiosity…?” 
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“  not if they victims were gay.  “
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
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“....” these other students were freaks
“I’ll, um. Take your wuh-wo-word for it. Is cannibalism a-also a reportable crime...? Out of curiosity...?” 
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“But… They squeak when I eat them, an-and… I don’t like that. And, um… gay people aren’t edible via our morals and ethics, and it’s like co-com-comparing a fish and a boulder. …sorry.”
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“  shroom.   “
“  gay people also squeak when you eat them.  “
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
Yasuda Shinja is up now! May tweak his bio as he becomes more clear to me
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u-allstartrio · 3 years
The new doctor is here to see you.
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