udayaloves · 2 years
It’s hard finding love so let it find you.
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udayaloves · 2 years
I’m waiting for the time I turn 18 when I can move out and be a free bird and just be with no one to tell me what and when to do anything <3
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udayaloves · 2 years
Fem! Ver
Tw: drug abuse, violence⚠️
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🔱- It was easy living life in the clouds not having a care in the world looking down on the humans below you. You often wonder what it’s like to live the life of a human. Of course your constant distraction got you in trouble by the higher ups and often got you sent to white room which Is a boring room that has no magic access , in fact you got sent there so often you’ve gotten used to the white boring room and actually manage sneak a couple things in to keep you occupied until your time is up.
One day one of the higher ups got feed up with you and your mind wandering places that it shouldn’t.
“I’m sick of these delusions that you’ve been having there is nothing that you should be more fluctuated about other than you job !”
“I’m sorry, it will never happen again.” You say in a sad tone
“I’ve given you too many chances and you always fail !”
“You know what I’ve decided to send you to a trial”
A trial was when the gods decides if you get sent to earth or get to stay. Never did you ever think that you would be up to one.
You return to your palace sulking in of what you have left , you’ve always wonder what it would be like to be human but you’ve never thought you would be one. You love being a god and really make it to the top like the 3 brothers but you’ve always been shamed for thinking that way. As you hop in the shower getting ready for bed thinking about the trial and what your sentence would be , you start to recap on all the times you’ve seen gods fall and rise, falter and crumble, killed and skinned. You start to falter to your knees as the though of permanently losing Your life began to raid your mind. You got up dried off and went to bed after you’ve said your goodbyes to friends and family. All of them worried for your fate also.
As it was the next day you got dressed and set out for the trial they had sent people to come to your house giving you no chance to escape you walked with the large bulky men who had a tight Grip on you. Having everyone looking at you on the way to the trial house wasn’t a pleasant feeling it felt like daggers shooting at your skin your head is down but your can still hear the whispers of the townspeople disregarding you of your pride and everything you had left
As the doors open to the trial room the chain you to a chair that strips you of all magic and barely lets you move an inch facing you to the major gods the 3 brothers themselves.
⚡️-“Let’s see what we have here, ahhh a little in training”
⚡️-“And what is your name”
“Its-(Name of choice)”
🔵🔥-“Enough of the chit chat we hear that you have been causing great trouble amongst this community. you are here because you are a danger to all of us with your clumsy and immature ways you put us gods and other gods to shame.
You start to hear the jury’s voices grow stronger and louder.
🔱💦“Go easy on her she’s just a Little”
The whole room goes quiet you couldn’t hear a thing not even a single breath
⚡️-“now I’ve read the past offenses, and let’s just say they aren’t flattering, here’s what we can do we will sentence you to…”
The air goes stale your breath stops and your blood goes cold You clench your fist In fear teeth grinding on each other
⚡️-“2 years into earth”
You sigh of relief as it was better than what you’ve seen happen to other gods who have been beaten and hung
As the trial ended the same men carried you back to your palace as you pack your things with tears falling from either side of your face. You get ready to land where ever you get sent. The men carry you to the portal was open and waiting for something it could swallow. Zeus was also standing there ready to get a hood few words in but you only cared about getting this over with. In fact while Zeus was mid sentence you jumped into the portal things in hand and white dress flowing in the air you think about where you wanted to land like Europe or asia you close your eyes and imagine living your life in both of the magical continents.
You then fell on something something soft it felt almost like a bed… you look up and see your in a room still in your white dress but you’ve lost you magic powers . You walk around the small house which wasn’t as grand as your palace but it worked wondering where you landed you rushed outside and went up to a random person which wasn’t as common here on earth than up in Olympia
“Hi where am I ?”
“Buss off” the random mad said in a rude tone
You then found this woman in a beautiful dress and sleek hair.
“Hi !”
“What is it ?” Said the woman
“I just wanna know where am I”
“ oh are you new here to America”
“Something like that !” you reply
She looks at you with one eyebrow up but answers your question
“You are in New York, America”
“Oh !”
“Thank you !” You say to the lady as you walk away
“America huh!” You’ve heard anything but bad news about America and how evil this country was so you never thought that you would end up in America.
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udayaloves · 2 years
Trying something new I’m going to try no make fan fics or just overall stories let me know what y’all would like to see, I won’t be doing smut all to much.
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udayaloves · 2 years
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udayaloves · 2 years
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udayaloves · 2 years
Class abservation❤️📚
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📚-Every one is unfunny , like painfully unfunny is like n33dl3s being shoved in my ear I mean of course I was prepared for this the whole summer but I never thought it would be this bad. They all get there humor from, Tik tok and insta it’s all over used “omg speed hahah🤪” it’s so not funny there all musty and when I don’t laugh they get mad bad days😒
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udayaloves · 2 years
To all of my Maddie x fem!readers,
Nate don’t isnt that important he shouldn’t even be in the story line he’s nothing but a bug more of a ant under my foot. I mean ofc course “Maddie pulls in with a kiss, but then she jerks away, “what about Nate” nothing about him he put a g^n to your head i don’t think that’s a man you wanna keep😒
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udayaloves · 2 years
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udayaloves · 2 years
Thinking about buying some books about fashion❤️
I’m gonna be the next icon hopefully, This is my first entry stay cute❤️
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udayaloves · 2 years
For all my loves on the internet stay safe life isn’t a book-📚
(Ignore tags, just to get the message around<3)
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udayaloves · 2 years
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I want you to remember that your beautiful ☆
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