If it is okay with you guys, I would like to request a matchup! So, I'm bi (with a preference for girls, but boys are plenty cute too), gender is complicated but I think I'm a girl, around 5' 2", with short brown hair and eyes. I'm pretty shy/standoffish when first meeting people, but that goes away after a while. Physical affection is my main love language for sure, but heavy PDA is Bad™. My main goal in life is to enjoy things and have fun. And I like to be helpful to those close to me (1/2)
Uhh, my sense of humor a bit too morbid, I'm not great at being straightforward, and tend to need more quiet time alone that most people _(:3 」∠)_ I'm also not really good when it comes to understanding feelings, both from others and myself. As for other extra stuff, I'm supposedly an INTP, Virgo sun+Aries moon, I have a sweet tooth, and I really love rabbits and horror themed stuff! (even if I am awfully easy to scare when it comes to that kind of thing lol) Thank you in advance! (2/2) 
Ooooh, thanks for all the meat! Great request! - Mod Makoto
Trigger Happy Havoc: Aoi Asahina/Makoto Naegi
Danganronpa 2: Sonia Nevermind/Hajime Hinata
Danganronpa V3: Kaede Akamatsu/Rantaro Amami
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If it's not a problem can I get a matchup? From any/all dr games. I'm rather quiet unless talking about my interests (Games Acting Biology Cosplay). I'm allways very afraid of getting hurt since I'm weak and often need help with even the simplest things that require strength. I'm never late. I'm selfless and allways am ready to help others. Other than that I'm pretty lazy and easy-going quite perverted but try to act innocent. I love doing creative stuff and writing speeches in general.
I was a theatre major in college! Nice! - Mod Makoto
Trigger Happy Havoc: Chihiro Fujisaki/Sayaka Maizono
Danganronpa 2 - Goodbye Despair: Twogami/Ibuki Mioda
Danganronpa V3: Shuichi Saihara/Miu Iruma
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can I have a matchup please qwq I'm 5'1, I have wavy brown hair with faded purple streaks, brown eyes, female. and straight. I also have horrible vision, like -5 I think? so I have glasses. I usually get told that I'm caring and really funny and affectionate. I get anxious alot and breakdown qwq rip. I draw, animate, sew, sing, and play guitar. I really love bands, especially rock/alternative ones, and anime. I also love fashion too, I love grunge/punk/goth/alternative fashion!! uwu
Hallo! We get anxious and have breakdowns a lot too! Just normal Tuesday’s (even though today is Wednesday).
THH: Mondo Owada
SDR2: Kazuichi Souda
V3: Kork/Rantaro Amami
(Please don’t judge us for Kork, we’ve been laughing about it for ten years qwq)
Mod Chiaki
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May I have a match up please I'm a straight black girl with long curly hair and slender eyes I am olive skinned and thiccc/curvy 5'8 I'm shy,kind,smart I like drawing,singing,anime,cartoons,video games and comic books I love animals and clouds,sweets and all thing fun!!! my ultimate is the ultimate ethical hacker I love to take care of the ones I love I hope my match will love hot chocolate. (>ω
Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy what’s an ethical hacker? ^^ll’’ - Mod Chiaki
Bro don’t question it sounds dope - Mod Makoto
THH: Chihiro Fujisaki/Sakura Ogami
SDR2: Ibuki Miyoda/Kazuichi Souda/Byakuya Twogami
V3: Miu Iruma/Gonta Gokuhara
We both agree on these for you! I hope you agree with our picks!
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Fuck: Hajime
Marry: Makoto (like come ON)
Kill: i mean he already wants to die soooo
wow anon you really came out trying to hurt my feelings huh.
- Mod Makoto
fmk for any mod: makoto, hajime, and shuichi ;) good luck
Hiya! I guess I’ll answer this! Mod Makoto is busy throughout the week and I’m a bad student and answering this in my class. Whoops!
Fuck: Shuichi
Marry: Hajime
Kill: Makoto
Even though I would never hurt or kill my son, he’s at the bottom of my list. Thanks!
- Mod Chiaki
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fmk for any mod: makoto, hajime, and shuichi ;) good luck
Hiya! I guess I’ll answer this! Mod Makoto is busy throughout the week and I’m a bad student and answering this in my class. Whoops!
Fuck: Shuichi
Marry: Hajime
Kill: Makoto
Even though I would never hurt or kill my son, he’s at the bottom of my list. Thanks!
- Mod Chiaki
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Yo can we have more of y’all’s plot on v3? I wanna see more if u’ve written any :Dc
Hey there! We’ve been actually trying to do this one for a while, but I was wondering if you wanted like another scene/idea or if you wanted like a basic breakdown of what we have going? Mod Makoto and I rp a lot (because nerds), so we have a constant evolving plot that combines all 3 games (plus Ultra Despair girls, but we just started working on that)
- Mod Chiaki
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Hey! Could I request a matchup with someone from DRV3? I'm a Bi male (I lean towards guys more though) I have short, dark turquoise hair that's shaved at the sides.. I'm about 4' 11".. I'm generally a quiet person but once you get me talking about something I enjoy, I'll talk for hours about it.. I'm not a big fan of social interaction and I can be very very awkward..
I personally ship you with Rantaro Amami because he’s the energetic, big brother type. I see Rantaro as the guy who would introduce you to people and encourage you to break out of your bubble, but also know your limits and help you charge back up!
- Mod Chiaki
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Hello? Can I get a matchup? Hope that I am not bothering. I am 5'5" bisexual girl. I have Very curly blonde hair, And Green eyes. I have two scars on my face. I am Very shy, And quiet, but when I start to like someone, I can be annoying, loud, And even rude :"3 When someone is trying to annoy me, I actually find it funny, so I get along. My hobbies are drawing And animating videogames. My friends told me, that I am kinda similiar to Kokichi. I also think that I sound like Him. Sorry for bother
No bother at all! There is no need to apologize! Sorry for the long wait! You sound precious btw!
Trigger Happy Havoc: Kiyotaka Ishimaru/Celestial Lundenburg
Super Dangronpa 2: Byakuya Twogami/Sonia Nevermind
V3: Shuichi Saehara/Kaede Akamatsu
- Mod Chiaki
(Did I forget to mention I have a bad time at putting who’s talking? Because I do that a lot ^^ll’’)
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oh ignore that last thing for the fmk- didnt realize requests were closed!
No, don’t worry about it! Totally okay. :)
- Mod Makoto
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an update
Hey, everybody! It’s Mod Makoto. I know Chiaki posted an update last night, but I figured you guys needed some more info, so here I am.
First and foremost, we are BLOWN AWAY at the continuous love and support from you guys. 223 followers? That is INSANE to me. We just started this blog as a little self-indulgent corner to write and share. We never thought we would’ve grown this quickly!
Secondly, Mod Chiaki and I are okay. We’re sorry to anyone who worried about us. IRL, both of us are college students with jobs, me having two. IRL, also, I’m married and in the process of buying a house! Things have been super hectic for both of us and we’ve had to rearrange priorities, you dig?
Something else I’d like to bring up - Mod Chiaki and I are human and as I’ve stated above, bush adults. We don’t have time always to be on here every hour of the day. I understand wanting requests answered and maybe feeling impatient; however, hate won’t be tolerated. I have received hate comments on my Mastermind Makoto cosplay about my weight and not-so friendly inbox messages. This won’t be tolerated.
We’re excited to get back into the swing of things and write for you guys again! Thank you to those of you who have been patient and understanding. You’re the best!
As a reminder, the ask box is still CLOSED while we get caught up. Thank you!
Love always,
- Mod Makoto
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♠ request info ♠
You can request:
text imagines
we accept nsfw requests too ;)
i would appreciate it that if you request, you give me a follow, but it’s not required!
Headcanons -
max limit of 12 characters
sfw or nsfw, i’ll do either
Imagines/Scenarios -
one character at a time for imagines; for scenarios, no more than three
please be as specific as possible!
i have the right to decline certain ships
Matchups/Ships -
i will need your age, gender, orientation, appearance, hobbies, personality, the basics
you can never give too much detail! your info can span more than one ask. the more details i have about you, the better!
Text Imagines
no more than one character at a time please.
feel free to request their contact name!
please be patient. i’m a college student who is also working a full-time job, so if i don’t answer you right away, please bare with me.
if you disagree with my headcanons, that’s okay! that’s why they are called headcanons. please don’t be openly negative on the blog, however.
please request as much as you want! all i ask is that if you are requesting a scenario or imagine, that you please check the masterlist to make sure someone else hasn’t already requested it. chances are, if they are too similar, i will just point you in the direction of the other post.
enjoy! let’s all have a good time!
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this is the anon who's going to get their hair dyed!!! it's gonna be red >:::::]]]]] and thank you so much for the matchup!!! i feel like I'd vibe w/ them all p well o3o
YAAAASSSS! I died my hair pink for a while. I’ve been wanting to dye my hair again, but my job doesn’t like wild colors. I hope it looks well! Feel free to send us pics!
- Mod Chiaki
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Hi! :3
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if alright, could i ask for a match up? im 5'4'', biracial (german + filipino!), as well as bi/nonbinary :) I have very short brown hair, and im planning to dye it pretty soon too! I absolutely love hiding away in my room with my pet cockatiel and playing video games all day, along with a side of drawing! I enjoy cooking vegetarian food on the side, as well as reading (both physical and digital media)
Hello! You have got to tell me who color your hair is! I figured you wouldn’t mind a ship with two characters, so I hope you enjoy these!
Trigger Happy Havoc: Makoto Naegi/Aoi Asahina
Super Danganronpa 2: Teruteru Hanamura/Peko Pekoyama
V3: Shuichi Saihara/Kirumi Tojo
- Mod Chiaki
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Hi! Could I have a matchup for the three games if thats ok? I have brown hair with pink streaks in it, freckles, and hazel eyes. I’m labeled the sweet and Innocent friend. Im pretty funny, I have a sarcastic/random sense of humor. Im attracted to people that aren’t like me. Except for the sense of humor, that’s a must. I love people that act tough but are actually sweethearts. Also I love awkward in a cute way people. I’m an artsy person and I play volleyball. I’m a Taurus. Thanks so much!
Hi! I wanted to say you sound adorable and I love knowing a fellow Taurus! You didn’t post a preference, so I’m going to do both male and female!
Trigger Happy Havoc: Sakura Ogami/Mondo Owada
Super Dangronpa 2: Kazuichi Souda/Ibuki Mioda
V3: Gonta Gakuahara/Miu Iruma
I hope you’re alright with these picks!
- Mod Chiaki
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If matchups are closed then ignore this- but I’m a 5”2 girl who has short dark brown hair that covers one eye, I have dark brown eyes, pale skin, im a Capricorn, and I’m Panromantic/Asexual-
I’ll ship you by all three games!
Trigger Happy Havoc: Chihiro Fujisaki/Kyoko Kirigiri
Super Dangronpa 2: Chiaki Nanami/Gundham Tanaka
V3: Rantaro Amami/Kaede Akamatsu
Since you’re Panromantic, I decided to do two for each game. I hope this is okay!
- Mod Chiaki
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