unbounce ¡ 11 years
GURRL..Let's Learn How to Code
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What is it really like to be a woman in a software engineer or developer team? Yes it might sound intimidating or daunting, and we might even rarely hear about their existence in this predominantly male occupation. But wait.. last night I went to the kick-off event of ‘Girl Development’ founded by Saba El-Hilo and a few other awesome software engineers from Hootsuite. Their goal is to encourage more women to participate in the developer community here in Vancouver.
I am super excited to be a part of this community and surprisingly there are a lot of other female developers (more than I expected) in town. Some have been around the industry for several years or other's  just freshly graduating from school, like me :).
There are couple things that I brought home from the meetup last night.
Think and Start Small 
You don’t need an Einstein’s brain or Edison’s light bulb to create something awesome especially when you’re in the learning steps. What you really need is a bag of self-motivation and a hand-full of passion to start doing and get your hands dirty with code.
Learn, learn, learn, and (one more time).. learn. 
Is there ever enough learning? No, you need more and there will never be enough knowledge to gain. SO, no matter where you are right now, how excelled you are.. there are a ton of other things that you can stack up on your brain.
Lastly, I’m so happy to be able to share this with Unbounce peeps, and hopefully soon enough I will never have to go to this event alone. Also for the next four weeks, Girl Development will host 3 hour-free-sessions workshops, which will begin with an Introduction to HTML and CSS, which is currently filled. But...there will be more advanced classes to come.. so keep an eye out for them!
Soo..if you are a girl, even though you are not yet a woman (Ohh Britney..) anyways.. what I’m trying to say is.. no matter what job you are doing right now.. It won’t hurt to learn how to code :)
Post by Novita Prasetia
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
The "Your Brand, Your Style, Your Way" Video Design Process
The developers at Unbounce built a shiny new landing page builder and to celebrate its arrival and demonstrate its awesomeness, the marketing team built new landing page templates. Since we also wanted to show just how easy it is to brand them (making them look like anything but a template) we also put together the "Your Brand, Your Style, Your Way" video.
It's the first video like this our team has ever put together in-house, so we thought it'd be fun to share some of the design process.
  1. Establishing the Story Beats
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Our first task was to establish the key points we wanted to cover, story beats help set the timeline, but they also help us to understand the visual elements we'll be needing down the line.
Traditionally this approach is taken when writing a narrative, but in our case, we decided to tell the story by simply showing a landing page go from a template to a branded page.
2. Mocking up the Storyboards
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The storyboards are a direct translation of the story beats, just in a rough visual form. Now we get to qualify the needed elements to establish clarity and story flow. An important part of this video focuses on the features of our landing page builder, so we needed it to be showcased in a way that viewers could see how the templates were being edited within it.
3. Selecting our Color Spectrum
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Determining the right color spectrum helps us set the mood, and that is everything when it comes to motion graphics design. Here we chose a palette the was colorful and fun, but without losing the Unbounce blue, grey and orange. 
  4. Establishing Composition & Style
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Now it's time to put the elements together and create high fidelity storyboards, breathing some life into it with color, images and short concise messaging.
  5. Setting the Sound
Nothing sets mood like the right soundtrack and it can be a challenge to find the right fit. We wanted something without vocals, upbeat, yet calming. Here we've set the track over top of the storyboards, giving us a great sense of what to do next and the pace moving forward. 
6. Digging in to Animation
We started by pre-building some of the animation segments, like "short-tests", which helped us move faster. We also used a couple of standardized animations throughout: the fold out, the drop, and the slide.
Nobody said it would be easy. In fact, it took 56 hours to finalize just the animation for the video. 
All in all, it was a lot of fun to experiment and collaborate with my team. And, I think we ended up with a video that communicated just what we were shooting for: the new Unbounce landing page builder is awesome. 
Oh and hey, you should watch the final render here.
~Denis Suhopoljac, Design Director
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Gettin' to know "Helicopter" Lou Sturm
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Est. at Unbounce: April 2012 Hometown: Vancouver Career Path: Unbounce Customer Success
Give us the lowdown on what you do here at Unbounce:
I make sure prospective, new, and longstanding customers have what they need to prosper in their campaigns and with all things Unbounce. I also host weekly demos, which you can sign-up for here (shameless plug).
The best part of your job?
Hands down, the customers I get to work with on a daily basis. Whether I’m troubleshooting a question, fielding a sales call, or hosting an Unbounce demo,  it’s equal parts awesome + satisfying when I get to be part of a customer’s Oprah-esque “Aha! moments.”
Career path that lead to Unbounce?
I graduated with a BA in Communications and a Diploma in Marketing. Out of University, I worked as a communications assistant for a non-profit whilst moonlighting as a customer service manager in retail. I knew I wanted to combine both my love of people, with my love of marketing. The universe presented itself with Unbounce and without hesitation, I followed that yellow brick road.
The main thing you geek out over?
The Holy Trinity of pop culture: literature, film/tv and music. I also collect an obscene amount of vinyl, particularly 1960s soul and Phil Spector’s “Wall of Sound.”
What would be the theme song to your life?
Try a Little Tenderness by Otis Redding. However, if I’m free from Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis, it has to be R.Kelly’s Ignition: The Remix
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Maggie Smiths’ character, Dowager Countess of Grantham, in "Downton Abbey."  I can only hope to grow old and grey, and deliver a lightning fast quip like nobody's business.
End of the world: zombie apocalypse, natural disaster, economic meltdown, asteroid or human virus?
Let’s break this down. Natural disasters happen annually, we’ve already seen the financial crisis unfold before our very eyes, and in February, Russia laughed in the face of a mega asteroid. You don’t need Raymond “Rain Man” Babbit to tell you, all poker chips are on zombies.
Best trip you’ve ever taken?
It’s a photo finish tie between backpacking solo across Western and Eastern Europe versus visiting South Africa. Although both trips were vastly different, both taught me intuition and a friendly smile can go a long way when you’re far from home.
Time travel: go into the past or future, and what’s one thing you would do?
I would pull a Marty McFly, à la “Back to the Future” and travel to the past to procure all the vinyl I could fit in my DeLorean. Fast forward, back to the future, I would be living comfortably off all eBay profits I earned, a direct result of selling mint condition first edition LPs and 45s.
Most prized possession?
I dislike speaking in platitudes, so I hope this doesn’t come off as trite, but I really do believe personal relationships are the most prized possessions anyone can have.  
Describe your perfect day in Vancouver:
A day at Third Beach, followed by rehydration therapy at The Narrow outdoor tiki patio, and ending with a BBQ at home. Vancouver is at its very finest in summer.
Favourite hidden gem in Vancouver?
The Remington Gallery, Redgate, and pretty much every underground music and art venue in the city. Without question, all are more safe, more fun, and full of more talent than any venue on the Granville Strip.
If you weren’t doing your job at Unbounce, you would be doing...
If Pret a Manger weren't so averse to franchising, I’d be acquiring the franchise rights for Canada. That, or running a Sloth Sanctuary (yes that's a real thing) .
PS. "Helicopter" refers to Lou's ability to don a headset and go into "Helicopter Mode"
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PPS. As our resident demo host, Lou hosts weekly sessions to help new Unbounce customers become Unbounce experts. Click here to register for this week's demo.
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
How John Sung, Founder & CEO of DoctorBase went from 2 to 20 employees and millions in revenue in 3 years by empowering marketers. 
Learn more & read the full case study here: http://unbounce.com/customer-case-studies/doctorbase/
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Director of Customer Acquisition, Nemo Chu & the team at KISSmetrics used landing pages to generate $13,000 in sales opportunities per webinar.
Learn more & read the full case study here:
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Vancouver Startup Weekend
A mentored event where hardware-engineers, software-developers, graphic-designers, and entrepreneurs unite to pitch ideas, form teams, build products, and create startups.
...in 54 hours. No sweat, right?
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This year, I was lucky enough to head down as the event’s official Unbounce Coach to help teams build & test landing pages with Unbounce to validate their business ideas.
Non-technical folks used Unbounce to build launch pages without having to monopolize their developers’ time. Everyone could push full-steam ahead and contribute their talents & skills where they were needed most.
Tons of awesome products and services evolved like a pitch that began as a product manufacturing transparency app and ended up as a kids game. Some ideas nabbed the attention of Songza’s founders and others have already landed real customers.
Some highlights were:
KurateStyle - think Songza for online shopping
Pitchn - Connecting non-profits and skilled professionals
Prom.io - Run better twitter contests
LanguageExp - like Airbnb for homestays
Gallons of coffee, red bull, and fist pumps later (that’s right, gallons of fist pumps), the teams took to the stage to present the culmination of 3 bleary-eyed-days’-efforts. There were some amazing pitches and the winners, LanguageXP,  embodied everything that Startup Weekend is about: passion, hustle, and collaboration.
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It was awesome to bring Unbounce to Vancouver Startup Weekend and  to work with this talented group of people. I’m still awestruck.
 ~Sarah McCredie
 PS. Unbounce has startup discounts! Email (sarah [at] unbounce [dot] com) to get hooked up.
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Remember that time you needed a new landing page?
And your developer was all "I'm busy doing something nerdy" and your designer was all, "I'm making the Mona Lisa over here" and your boss was all "ain't nobody got time for that."
That was lame.
But don't worry. We've got you covered!
How, you ask?
With Unbounce's brand spankin' new landing page templates!
Feast your eyes on our glorious, ready-to-brand templates & see how you can build a landing page in under 20 minutes. 
Pretty snazzy, right?
Well don't just stand there, you could've published a page already!
And while you're at it, show the world (or sneakily show your coworkers!) your new found independence by Tweeting up a storm like this or like this.
You can also show your friends on Facebook and Google+.
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Automated Tests
Our test suite is inching towards 90% coverage of our rather large codebase, and it just takes a long time to run all those tests.  Currently 15 minutes on my machine.
Here's a quick breakdown:
↳ rake stats +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Controllers | 6480 | 4465 | 72 | 465 | 6 | 7 | | Helpers | 1923 | 1444 | 0 | 187 | 0 | 5 | | Models | 10895 | 7131 | 107 | 1120 | 10 | 4 | | Libraries | 2527 | 1666 | 33 | 244 | 7 | 4 | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Total | 21825 | 14706 | 212 | 2016 | 9 | 5 | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ Code LOC: 14706 Test LOC: 0 Code to Test Ratio: 1:0.0
And a run of rspec:
↳ rspec spec 3532/3532 |=================== 100 ===================>| Time: 00:16:34 Finished in 994.51 seconds 3532 examples, 0 failures
Here's a summary of what's going on with the codebase when running tests:
LOC: 14706 Test Count: 3432 Test Coverage: 78% Test Runtime: 16.5 minutes
I also grabbed cloc and ran that in our API directories to help get these stats:
API LOC: 1001 API Test Count: 812 API Test Coverage: 99% API Test Runtime: 4.2 minutes
API specs are contributing a significant amount of time to the overall runtime.  I plan on improving that.  That said, the API project is also much more completely tested than the majority of the codebase, so it will probably continue to contribute a large amount to the runtime.  I am certain I can pull it down to 3 minutes, but I'd like to get as close to a minute as possible.
I'm curious what other Rails projects look like and how we compare. If you're reading this and you are working on a Rails project (or something similar), then please leave a comment with your:
Lines of Code
% Spec Coverage
Time to run specs
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
As any parent can attest, the time eventually comes when you must release your child into the world. 
Our beloved child Ned ("New Editor") is all grown up and is ready to take on the world. His beautiful features, strong foundation, and robust skills will make him the perfect companion to Marketers everywhere.
Of course, who wants to hear about Ned from biased, adoring parents?
See Ned in all his glory in the video above!
Excited? Good! Try him out yourself >>
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
[Webinar] Designing for Conversion: The Psychology of Persuasive Design
The man. The myth. The legend.
Some say that his mere presence lifts conversions. 
On Tuesday, May 14th at 11:00am PST, Unbounce Co-Founder and Creative Director, Oli Gardner, will expose the secrets behind the psychology of Conversion Centered Design.
In 1 hour Oli will show you how to:
Use design principles to increase conversions
Optimize your lead gen forms
Make your CTA's the center of attention
Use social proof to leverage the psychology of 'Me too!'
This webinar will also include a live Q&A for any additional questions you may have about Conversion Centered Design.
When: Tuesday, May 14th at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST 
Duration: 1 hour
Get Started with Conversion Centered Design >> 
And hurry. Right now there's only 126 seats left.
(Oli will know if you missed it)
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Gettin' to know Chris Cummer
A couple weeks back, we confessed our proclivity for bus banter & weirdos and introduced Corey Dilley from our marketing squad. This week, we saunter over to the dev side of the bus and give you Chris Cummer, software-dev/rock-climber extraordinaire.
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Est. at Unbounce: Sept 26, 2012 Hometown: Waterloo, Ontario Day Job: Software Developer Connect with Chris: Linkedin/Twitter
 Give us the lowdown on what you do here at Unbounce?
I’m part of the team that builds our software. Primarily I hack on the Rails app that powers app.unbounce.com.
Career path that lead to Unbounce?
In 1995 I forced my way, with no real credentials to speak of, into a developer position at a small Toronto company called Mackerel Interactive and became hooked on software development. A couple years later and I was doing R&D with a merry band of misfits at OpenCola during the first dot-com boom and caught the start-up bug. Since then I’ve written code for a start-up in the airline industry, the travel industry, the conference industry, and now the marketing industry.
The best part of your job?
Easily, the people I work with. The amount of smart thinking that goes on at Unbounce, and the quality of conversation that surrounds it is amazing. I love it.
The main thing you geek out over?
I don’t know that it’s the main thing (Lego is pretty awesome), but cognitive neuropsychology, specifically neuroplasticity fascinates me to no end. Can’t read enough about it. Alas, I really don’t know anything beyond a superficial layman’s understanding so don’t ask me any hard questions.
Activities outside of your day job?
Snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing, eating, sleeping. In Vancouver we’re lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world; I try to take advantage of that as much as possible and not take it for granted.
Favorite places in Vancouver?
Even after eight years here my knowledge of Vancouver proper is really crap. The Cascade Room on Main is my favorite place to drink; La Buca on Macdonald my favorite place to eat; anywhere on the Howe Sound Crest Trail my favorite place to be.
Quick: coffee with one person living or dead, who would it be?
James Burke, if only to say thank you. Connections changed my life.
Time travel: go into the past or future, and what’s one thing you would do?
I’ve been working on forward time-travel for quite awhile now and feel like I have a pretty good handle on it. I’m not very fast yet, only about 1 sec/sec, but I have a 100% success rate so far so I’m going to keep working on that.
Best trip you’ve ever taken?
Third step from the bottom, main staircase of the Fairmont in Whistler. The impact was easy, the carpet was soft, and very few people were around to witness it. I’ll always remember it fondly.
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Indiana Jones.
Something you would never do?  
I never speak in absolutes.
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Customer Spotlight: Inside HootSuite with Daina Lightfoot
We work with some seriously badass customers who work for some seriously awesome organizations. Sure we know who we work with – but this is a chance for you to get to know other like-minded individuals and companies. So join us as we take a look into our customer’s creative & strategic methodology and philosophy, as well as discuss their favorite tools, blogs and books.
It only makes sense we started with the Owls over at Vancouver-based, HootSuite, not only because they are in our hood, not only because they are power-users and have been since 2011 – but because they are doing awesome things in the social space and getting an insider's view is bound to be interesting and inspiring. So meet Daina Lightfoot, Designer at HootSuite.
So Daina, what do you do at HootSuite?
I’m one-quarter of HootSuite’s marketing design team. We work on anything from documents to infographics to the company website. I tend to focus more on web design and swag, but we all share the workload when needed.
How does the creative process work at HootSuite?
It all depends on the size of the project and the time we have available to complete it. But since we like to live life in the fast lane at HootSuite, quick concepts often become full-fledged pieces in a matter of hours or days. In general my coworkers and I are really open to feedback and collaborating within our team. We sit in a pod together and are always asking questions and giving each other feedback. Everything is this reviewed by our art director before being sent out.
When it comes to testing pages and ads, we work closely with our Pro Growth team led by Craig Ryomoto. (The Pro Growth team manages customer acquisition, conversion optimization, analytics, and revenue for HootSuite’s Pro Business division.) Once they’ve analyzed the data, they meet with our Art Director who lets us know how campaigns are doing so we can use that knowledge towards better results in our next campaign.  
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Daina with a mural she painted in a boardroom at HootSuite HQ 
What is your work setup like? What equipment do you use? What are the most essential elements to your workspace?
I’m one of the rare HootSuite folks to have a desktop computer.  My setup is an iMac (sitting on design books) with an external Samsung monitor that sits on an empty wine box.  A clean desk is a must for me, so if I don’t need it constantly it’s out of sight.
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Daina at her desk working next to Shawn and Jason.
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Items found on Daina’s desk
In what environment are you most productive?
The busier the work environment the better. As long as I can drown out the noise (if needed) with my headphones I’m a happy camper. I couldn’t imagine ever sitting in a cubicle or having to dress up to go to the office.
What do you listen to?
Right now I’m addicted to the new Macklemore album. Also, a bunch of people at the office are on Rdio, so I like to follow them and see what everyone else is listening to.  
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Sketching in the HootSuite lunch room with Link.
What are some of your favorite tools & apps that help you and why they are important?
Adium:  At HootSuite, we use Gtalk to communicate a lot. So I like Adium because it’s puts my chats into a box in the corner of my screen. Without it, I’d have to go and check Gmail every 5 minutes to see if anyone is pinging me. Plus I can connect it to MSN so my mom can message me there instead of texting me. Yeah, my mom is pretty tech-savvy.
Hootlet: This is a Chrome and Firefox extension that automatically takes content you want to share from a webpage and pops it into a message, ready to go. It’s great for sharing design articles that I find online, plus I can autoschedule them for later since I usually end up surfing the web late at night.
Where do you look for inspiration?
I tend to find inspiration everywhere.  To be more specific though, I like to check these blog/sites on a regular basis:
Design Instruct
Pugly Pixel
Swiss Miss
The Design Blog
HootSuite also has a tool called HootSuite Conversations that the whole company uses.  It’s an internal social network, where we can talk and share ideas and updates all day long...at work. The design team has our own separate group in Conversations, that we use to share design our team-specific resources with each other there. This post on How Habits Can Impact User Behavior is a good example of something that was recently shared.
What about a favorite book? I don’t know if it necessarily inspired me design-wise, but I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Lucky for me I’m not alone in that three-quarters of the marketing design team is super stoked on the series. #teambonding
How do you & your team use Unbounce and where do you come along in the creative process? 
We use Unbounce regularly to test conversions on new pages/campaigns that are being implemented as well as older pages where we feel the conversion rate could be better.  Whether it’s the color of a CTA or where content is placed, it’s proving to be an easy tool for me to build in so our Pro team can do the tracking and make minor edits on their own.  
Usually a department will create a plan to test content on one of the pages they own, which will then get passed on to me to design and implement.  From there I will get our Pro team involved to do the tracking, and the data received will be forwarded onto the initial team and myself.
The latest test we ran was to just compare the wording on pricing on learn.hootsuite.com. This is the second variant we were testing:
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How does Unbounce help you in the design process?
I love that I am able to build out pages, share them with other teams so that they can edit them in an appropriate way.  I’m able to provide them with a bunch of on brand assets, so if they want to do simple testing on their own, they are able to without damaging the brand. Plus I can always go back and check on the edits they have been making and quickly update if needed.
About Daina  Daina is a Designer at HootSuite. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter.
About HootSuite HootSuite is a social media management system for businesses and organizations to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social channels
-Stefanie Grieser Marketing Co-ordinator 
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
[Webinar Recap] Everything You Need to Know to Start A/B Testing
"Relying on guesswork and gut feeling is a dangerous business strategy."
This past Tuesday, Michael Aagaard, conversion expert & split test junkie shared testing tips and best practice. His enthusiasm and passion about testing was evident as he shared his knowledge with an engaged online marketing audience teaching them how they can improve their conversions by A/B Testing. 
With discussions on theory, real-life case studies, and a chock-full list of simple tips that make a serious impact, the webinar was full of unique advice and actionable takeaways. 
Learn why:
Guesswork and gut feeling is a dangerous business strategy
The full process of A/B testing and optimization is easier than you think
Some of the highest impact optimizations involve the simplest tests
Didn't make the webinar? Ya, you missed out. But lucky for you, we have a recording. Get it here.
Only want the slides? Ya, we have that too. Get them here.
Small changes can make a big impact. Let Michael show you how.
- Jeffrey Bunn Customer Success Coach
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Gettin' to know Corey Dilley aka. ChiefChinchilla
Sure we're an internet service but at Unbounce, we spend a lot of time getting to know our customers.  After all, we spend so much time together that we should be more than just strangers in this virtual-bus on the internet highway, right? Right.
  So we figured we'd mosey over to your seat and introduce ourselves. 
  Every few weeks, another member of the Unbounce team will be that weirdo on the bus who comes say hi. We've affectionately called it "Gettin' to know you..." because someone here loves The King and I (yes, the musical). You'll have to wait to see who.
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  Est. at Unbounce: February 25, 2013 Hometown: Port Stanley, Ontario Title: Co-marketing and Campaign Strategist Connect with me on: twitter/linkedin
Hey Corey, so give us the lowdown on what you do here at Unbounce:
I guide marketers who want to set up landing pages without IT to our sign-up process. All day, every day.
Your career path that lead to this gig at Unbounce?
I dabbled in digital advertising, then I ran an iPhone App that directs people to street food trucks. That was a tasty year!
How did you stumble into this world of tech and startups?
I was getting really afraid of specializing in something so much that I wouldn’t be able to interact with normal people anymore. After broadening my skill set, I realized my problem is just that I’m awkward.
The best part of your job?
When Georgiana forces me to think way harder about how we could say things more effectively. For real.
Number one thing you geek out over?
Data and video games. Especially when video games give you data. I want to know EXACTLY how much worse I am than everyone else at League of Legends (username: ChiefChinchilla). Also, 90’s underground hip hop. If you don’t know, now you know neighbour.
Activities outside of your day job?
Dodgeball (Captain of Team Best Friends), walking my dog, Baron Von Dilley, in the woods with my wife, and going snowboarding in Whistler. Oh god... I’m a Vancouverite now.
Favourite hidden gem in Vancouver?
The Narrow. I always have a great time there.
Time travel: go into the past or future, and what’s one thing you would do?
The past. I don’t know why everyone always reveals the secret that they’re from the future. If you don’t tell anyone, they’ll just think you’re a genius. I’d probably get a nobel peace prize or invent the spoon.
Biggest fear?
Right, like I’ll tell the internet that. (editor’s note: fair)
Favourite apps right now?
I’m addicted to the new Podcasts app that came with iOS 6. On a related note, I also had to download Onavo Count, which monitors my data usage, so I don’t go 7 gigs over ever again.
End of the world: zombie apocalypse, natural disaster, economic meltdown, asteroid or human virus?
It’s gotta be Skynet... I feel like computers are going to become self-aware within the next 20 years or so and not even Schwarzenegger will be able to help us.
What has Corey been working on lately?  Co-marketing & Partnerships. Check it out!
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
[Webinar] Everything You Need to Know to Start A/B Testing
Let's face it, building a landing page without optimizing it is like setting the table and forgetting to make dinner.
  With Unbounce, your table is set. And with conversion rate optimization expert Michael Aagaard guiding you through the finer points of conversion, dinner is on the table.
  Next Tuesday, April 23rd Michael Aagaard will show you:
  Why you need to test
How to get started
What you should test
How to set up a test
When you should stop testing
The webinar will also include a live Q&A for any additional questions you might have about conversion rate optimization.
When: Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM ET (GMT -7:00)
Duration: 1 hour
Get Started A/B Testing >>
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
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Congrats to Mahesh Mohan, Unbounce's 30,000th Twitter Follower!  And thank you everyone for joining our awesome, growing Twitter community where we share inbound marketing goodness! 
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unbounce ¡ 11 years
Unbounce and AMEX are together at last!
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After over three years of countless phone calls, meetings, and mounting frustration, our COO Jason Murphy has finally managed to add Amex to the Unbounce billing family.
We naively underestimated the difficulties our Canadian company would encounter before getting us to a point where we could accept Amex. 
Now that Jason has successfully wooed Amex, he'll be spending next month blowing out his remaining hair riding his Ducati motorcycle in the U.S. 
You deserve it Jason.
Welcome to the Unbounce family Amex :)
~ Jeffrey Bunn
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