undyinwxnchester · 27 days
‘If threes a crowd — Then were stuffed.’
(Male!Reader x Michael!Dean x Dean Winchester).
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‘You thought having one of them was bad enough, but when some spell ends up making them split, well. You realise it gets worse.’
(Just straight up NSFW - Little plot).
It was so confusing — having two of them in the same room was terrifying. Given one was of course just normal old Dean but then the other was well, Dean but… Michael?
One evil — the other just a plain old friend. But in the end, both had a liking to you.
And it just ends up in a pickle of things. There both poking and prodding, each-other. At you. To the point you were so overwhelmed you ended up fainting.
But you wake up.. and they end up touchy again. As you sit on your bed, flinching as Michael caresses and rubs at your temple, and Dean is at your other side. Rubbing you arm. Both equally worried, just annoyed at the others presence.
“Your fine, doll. Breathe easy-“ *Michael spoke, but of course given they both have. Little. Care for each-other. And Dean interrupts.
“Look at me Y/N.” It ends up back and forth - they flare at each-other. Both hands on either side of you, possessive and protective. You feel overly loved and overly abused at the same time.
You don’t know who to look at, so you just sort of. Look at both of them and then away, muttering but your just cut off. “Safe and sound.”
They can agree on something it seems, in some way, “Can have you without this dick in my head.”
But now they have to share more so it seems, they don’t like that. A glare between them both once more. Before the smothering starts. And oh. Oh its so much. Yet so- good.
Michaels hand tangles into your soft hair leaning down and pecking at your cheek. Almost trying to pull you toward him. Whilst Dean pulls as-well, gently on your arm. His lips on your neck and jaw. Both just keeping you in the middle in the end.
But there equal love is — in the end both nice but a bit much. You don’t know if you can handle it.
“De- mic- fuck sake both of you let me breathe.” You mumble a little, moving in the bed a little as you attempt to wiggle from their grip. Which works a little. They give you a look, but it of course turns to them making it seem they blame it on each other.
They glare but you end up just, well. Do what you do to calm the other down. Which clearly makes the other jealous for a moment. Your lips first latch onto Dean, which makes Michael seethe. But then they meet his after , Dean slightly contempt. But not so happy after. Not like you have two lips.
And we all know how kisses get. Especially even when it’s just usually two of you. I’m the end their both the same in that aspect — can never just have a normal kiss.
Your lips are shifted as you whine gently, your shirt lifted with one to many hands on you. Michael pecking down your shoulder — massaging down your thigh, Dean at your lips. Gently making out with you as his hand also lingers with Michaels. Running up and down your skin.
You feel like you can’t breathe. It’s all to much but it’s heavenly. As your clothing removes, you’ve got two lips onto you. Both equally muttering how much they.. adore. Love. And need you. As they take turns in kissing your lips.
And.. taking turns seems to have to be more than that. As you all. End up naked. It’s odd seeing double of the same yet something so different.
Your laid against the bed, in the middle of them both. Facing Dean, but with Michaels cock buried in your behind. As you groan and attempt to keep quiet. Eyes fluttering — as Dean soothes you, a gentle rub at your lower abdomen. Gentle kisses to you.
And they do in fact. Take. Turns. As Michael slips away a little, you feel empty. But Dean just slides into you right after, and as much as Michael may not like that.
His hands are still on you aswell. On at your hip as he gently rubs his member between your back. And the other hand around and on your waist.
“..nn... so good for us.” Dean grunts, enjoying the feeling of being inside you while it lasts. In the end it’s just a fight of when one slips out the other just returns back in. Sharing but also clearly holding a grudge with it. “Such a good boy~..” Michael whispers from behind. Gently pressing his lips against your neck. Leaving generous -
Amounts of love bites down your neck and shoulders. Your going to be covered with them from front and back.
Filled. With both of their fluids, covered in their sweat and scent. And in the end.
You just hope they never change back.
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undyinwxnchester · 29 days
‘Everybody knows that I’m a good boy, officer.’
(Officer!MaleReader x DeanWinch).
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‘Everyone, and I mean. Everyone knew who Dean Winchester was in the force, FBI, and so on. And it seemed whilst pulling a black impala over, you just so happened to be lucky enough to pull him of all people over.
You weren’t aware of what he looked like, just name. So given the fake ID name you are thrown off guard.’
“yeh, names Ozzy Smith.” He says. Odd name, but you brush it off. But you have to still question him given the speeding and lack of paper work.
“Uh-Huh. Why don’t you step out for me, son.” You say in your usual tone, just keeping it stern but not so much to the point it’s going to scare the person off. He doesn’t as first, but complied after a moment. Even in your late 30s, your not dumb enough to think a kid a decade younger than you is going to be named ozzy.
Even if he had shit parents name him. Your sceptical.
His hands fidget in his pockets, a clear sign of something off to you.
“How old are you?”
A simple question he should be able to answer. Still his ‘ID’ in hand, he’s been caught out.
At that - it’s not a surprise he ends up in cuffs, not knowing his supposed age on the ID by heart seems silly. You end up in his trunk, plenty of fake ids, weapons. Everything you don’t want to find in someone’s car.
Hes trying, so hard to do something. Swoon and beg his way out. The flirting is new, for men anyway. But it doesn’t work anyway.
“Oh come on man! Cut me some slack, I didn’t do nothing wrong.”
That’s all that escapes his lips, excuses. Dean is beyond annoyed - he hadn’t planned on being pulled over for little reason and he knows it’s going to be annoying to get out of this. Sams at some cheap motel an hour away without baby. And it seems this cop won’t budge.
He tries his hardest - his usual charm, being oblivious. His usual cocky ‘Fake manner’. But your not a woman, that’s not as easy. So he takes a latter when you’ve eventually got him in a questioning room, alone and cuffed to the table.’
You sit opposite him - your a small department and little of the others know how to question people. Especially people like him. They’d probably end up in tears or confused.
He’s seemingly tired - seemingly.
But acting odd, shifting in the chair and cuffs, before he asks the usual question.
“Need the’ bathroom.”
So, you provide the right like you’d supposed to even if you know it’s something fishy. Your correct. Soon as you unlatch him from the table; even with his cuffs still on.
Your pinned, he’s a big kid. Some muscle on him so it’s no so hard for him to do with you, as you grunt and the cuffs press at your throat you realise this probably wasn’t the best person to allow a bathroom right.
You struggle - eventually pushing him away and able to grab him, but in a rather odd place given he knew his way around a good fight. He ends up.. bent. Over the table.
Your body behind him and you sort of. Freeze. This doesn’t look good. At all.
His breathe hitches - this is a new position for him. Usually he’s the one bending someone over but - welp.
He bucks, tries to. But it ends up with him pressing his behind against your groin, you grunt. And just pin him more in response. This isn’t good at all. For either of you.
“You know- you could have bought me a drink.” He teases, of course when given the circumstances he will in fact still be a weird about it. He’s that kind of guy. Even though he feels.. odd. He’s not used to such kind of people near him.. but he’s not’
Opposed to it. So he uses it to advantage, even though it’ll probably get him into more trouble.
Before you can respond to his crude comment - he bucks again. But more, and more. He’s not used to doing this but he’ll do it for the sake of hopefully getting out of here. His rear moving swiftly, slowly but with a harsh push. You feel your cock twitch - its interested. Your head isn’t.
You move he gets away - you don’t move he gets his own way. Your screwed- oh it feels so good though. He’s not bad looking at all. A pretty kid.. and that ass is just. Speaking wonders.
You fucked it- your screwed. Your fired for sure. So sure. After his little charade you ended up giving in, he didn’t mind even though he sort of shit himself at first. Your cock deep into his hole as he’s leant against the table. Cuffs rattling with each heavy thrust.
He’s a heavy moaning mess - and your groaning behind him. As his tight behind sucks you in like no other, taking your inches generously. It’s a little dry, you only used spit but it serves well enough. You don’t care if it hurts him - he’s a criminal after all.
Your hands are tight on his hips, each pound earning you a whine as it barely pushes against his prostate. He’s so close. So close already. Cock leaking onto the table as it shifts with each movement from behind, leaking pre and swelling for some form of attention. It doesn’t get any.
You grind, and you thrust. He even meets your movements- back arching just that bit to move with you. Till he pops. His ropes of white lathering against the table. You continue with him. His orgasm ridden out and his hole just that bit tighter because of it.
Your closer now too. But need just a bit longer. This isn’t an intimate moment. It’s just a fuck. No words are or will be exchanged - or so you thought. He mutters, just barely with such a gruff husky groan, And you almost immediately finish as he does.
‘A-Hah- Right there deputy..”
He’s filled to the brim right after.
He leaves. You let him go - no questions asked. Of course you do.
He could just decide to snitch on you and it’ll cost your job, you help clean him up before he does go of course. Little words exchanged, glances at best. Before he goes though. He gives you - his number.
And your left with guilt and dread - fear of your job. But that all heavy feeling of lust and want for more.
You didn’t think The Dean Winchester would end up a good fuck.
Request anything if you want!
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undyinwxnchester · 30 days
Male!Reader prompts/head cannons for Dean Winchester ✨
He is of course a little picky given he’s still a little new to the whole ‘gay’ thing, but enjoys a little spooning. (Says he hates being the little spoon but is an absolute love bug when he is).
Aftercare wise, he smothers. And I mean. Smothers you in kisses and nuzzles.
If your more of a Fem!male, he’s all up for you wearing softer clothing. He dies when you wear things like short shirts, or tight clothing.
More of a Masc!Male, he does enjoy you revealing your muscle figure, even if your a little more on the lean side or bulky. Anything in between he goes mad for it.
A sucker for caresses, he goes soft on you when you caress his cheek. Prove me wrong
Masc!Reader - He wear your clothes, or you both wear each others. (Similar figures). From boxers, shirts and even socks.
Fem!Male - He loves seeing you in slightly baggy shirts of his, especially after ;) time.
You have long hair? No problem! He loves it any length, style or texture. He plays with it and pets through it either way
and who’s to say he doesn’t like it either? he loves a good hair ruffle before bed.
Body hair, he doesn’t care. The more the better in his words, even though he doesn’t have much. You have none? Perfectly fine, you have lots? He loves it. Cuddles you like a bear.
NSFW 🥀 !!!!!!!!!!!
He’s not a large fan of being loud, but when he is. He really is. He can groan the roof off.
Kink wise, he’s up for experimenting. As long as your both comfortable and talk about it.
Definitely loves piercings and tattoos on you, especially if you have a Prince Albert. It’s his job to absolutely mess you up when he’s giving a BJ.
He’d be up for getting one too! Probably shit scared but love it after it’s healed.
Baby. He loves giving head whilst your on hunts, especially in the car. Weather he lets you drive or just when your parked. He’s between your legs on the floor either way.
Loves riding you in the backseats, getting the windows steamy. Rocking the car in the dark, his hand prints on the windows.
Phone!Sex - given you may not hunt as much as him, you call or text a lot. It ends up with you both breathing heavily down the phone, sending photos. Etc.
He’s extra quiet and whimpery when he knows he has to be quiet, he loves when you murmur to him about how good he’s being.
His favourite position is of course, either doggy or usual old missionary. He’s old school, he likes it. But absolutely up for other things.
DEFINITLEY. Has a daddy kink, he’ll call you it rarely, but he does during very rough and kinky moments.
Both parental issues come into play, mommy issues means he may end up degrading. Crying at times, suckles your nipple and pecs for comfort. Father issues, well. Yeh.
You let him lay between your thighs, for plenty of reasons of course.
Biting, loves seeing your bruises on him.
Loves loves loves you saying his name when he’s rough.
Cream pies you. All. The. Time.
When you first started fucking he used condoms at first, the slight worry of STDs of course given hes new, but even then he’d slide the condom off after and expect you to clean him up, which you do.
Loves you scratching his back, looks at the scrapes and scratches afterward and days upon after.
Also loves doggy - Loves bending you over anything, the bed, the hood of baby, a desk, counter, anything.
In the back of baby, always. With music playing aswell. Usually his favourites but hes fine with you choosing.
Eats things of your stomach, purely to tease and spite you. Of course, pie being one of those things.
Body shots! He’s an alcoholic, we hate to admit it but he is, so he embraces that fact with you. Tequila.
Bites you like there’s no tomorrow, you have to cover the ones on your neck quite a lot, but he loves seeing them on you as a reminder.
After hes come back from a hunt to the bunker, you already know how quick he is to find you and fuck you raw and cuddle after.
Even though your a dude, he does have a bit of a breeding kink, likes to stay in you even after hes gone soft. Mumbles things about how hes ‘filling you with his offspring’ and such.
Let’s you wear his shirt when he’s having you, especially band shirts. You wear it hes on you in no time.
You have tattoos? He worships them like hell, they get kissed and bit all the time.
The man has facial hair, must I say more?
Motels are his best friend, so when you go on hunts with him you know your both sharing. Both under the covers and quiet, or loud!
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undyinwxnchester · 1 month
Ah! First post, anywho. C.AI bot of the boy (;
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Working on more!!
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