sometimes food is so fucking ugly and distusting
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So, hello world, I'm a fat piece of shit, lets eat nothing tomorrow we good?
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boi i just dont want to eat its so nasty and you talkin 'bout 2000 kcals a day do u hear yourself talking?
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sitting in the kitchen is a mood you guys
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today its a meh day but i weight 86 kg so thats quite a good thing i guess. And feeling less is also a real nice thing.
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Never apologize for leaving a situation to make yourself happier. your health matters and your happiness is important.
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Stop telling girls they have to be super heroes and not princesses. Stop telling girls that wanting to be a mother or a homemaker isn’t a real job. Stop telling girls that makeup isn’t art. Stop making fun of girls who like being in a relationship and looking for love.  STOP telling girls that femininity is bad. I thought being a feminist and being a woman’s rights activist was about giving women the freedom to choose. Stop the internalized misogyny. 
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1 1/2 h walking. It's warm. My dog is also exhausted. My lord...
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also when i loose weight my boobs will get less. They're huge. I want those cute ones.
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that mooooood oml
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So. Here is a thought.
You dont have to look like 100% bomb always.
It's enough when you know how you can look 100% bomb when you like to.
You don't have to "impress" anyone else than yourself.
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watching secret eaters for the british accent and the grossness of the food.
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lil bit of vanilla tea, a cookie and a blunt. I call it a day.
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at home:
read a book
watch netflix or youtube or tv
clean around the house/your room
play with your pets
do some studying
do some research
learn something new: language, skill, etc.
call friends
surf online stores
do your skincare routine
pamper yourself
do your makeup
decorate your room
diy things
do your hair
plan out your week
work out 
plan out your foods
finish your to-do list
make some art
make something new
write in your journal
make a collage
do what you love
go out:
go for a walk around the neighborhood
go for a run
go to the park
go to a friends house
hang out somewhere
go on an adventure/explore
walk your dog
go to the gym
go on a date
go on a car ride
drink plenty of water
don’t isolate yourself
you are not hungry, just bored
you will only feel worse after 
you are strong enough
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Today instead of binging I'm gonna paint so I can broaden my artistic skills
And n̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶p̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶o̶n̶c̶e̶
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True words🙏
3 months
It takes 3 months to make a drastic change to your appearance. By September you can be at your goal weight. By October you can dress in that Halloween costume you were waiting to wear until you lost the weight. By November you can wear big sweaters and cute socks and look ADORABLE. By December you can actually enjoy the holidays and not be concerned about that extra fat you used to carry around. By January, you can cross out “lose weight” from your New Year’s resolution because you were disciplined enough to get to your goal weight a long time ago. Just imagine where you could be if you just stick to your plans for the next 3 months.
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