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Little winston isn't impressed with the cyclone.
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Winston the sweet BB.
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The circle of life.
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Referring to a girl as something that isn't strong. Something that isn't important. Something that isn't smart. Something that isn't respected. Something that isn't resilient and agile. If you do these things. If you say something like "don't be such a girl" "you're running like a girl" you need to be on the road to recovery or the road some other planet. Oh and FYI, you're human. If you identify as any gender (if you're into that) YOU DO YOU. Ain't no acting like a boy or a girl. What even is that?! P.s you're important. You matter. You make a difference.
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"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking. But my smile still stays on"
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I'm not sorry.
Self care. Don’t care.
Hello lovely humans,
So, yesterday in true procrastination style. I painted my nails. At work. I know, rebel at another level. *sarcasm*
Im not trying to make excuses buuuut I’m not sorry? I do soo much overtime (this is probably why) that I didn’t even think about the repercussions in painting my nails at work. I mean, I planned it. Why else would I have nail polish in my bag? So in the workplace I did something I never do… Self care! Shock horror.
It turns out it actually was a horror for some of my colleagues. Because my hands are always so shakey from a variety of anti depressants and anxiety medications. So… I’m not very good at painting my nails - well not very good to the naked eye. Because I think they look delightful and a piece of art. I will call it “A Colleagues Nightmare”. Again, not sorry. I’m proud I was able to get some paint on some nail. I did get a few comments like “are you painting your nails or your skin?” But whatever. Worth it.
What does shock me though is this stigma behind selfcare. For a lot of people, selfcare and self love is somehow seen as arrogance. You need to love yourself.  In my opinion, someone has probably said something to them in regards to selfcare/self love and so the vicious cycle of ass holeness continues. So let me ask you.
When’s the last time you openly did self care?
What do you do to selfcare?
Its so important. Yes, we’re taught at a young age to “take care of ourselves” but somehow it gets left out that it actually takes more than getting a good 8 hours sleep (if you can actually do that) and eating fruit.
“The great thing about this life of ours is that you can be someone different to everybody.” 3. Hands actually really freak me out. I broke my wrist at quite a young age and lost partial feeling in three of my fingers on my left hand. So it’s really strange to me that I can move it, but I can’t feel it. Also, they look weird. So do feet. So. Weird. Just look at them and tell me they aren’t strange. Do it.
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In my own skin.
"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking. But my smile still stays on." Hello lovely humans,
Before I delve into this subject, I'd just like to state that I am so flipping privileged with what I have and so grateful for that.
So for a little under a year, I've not been wearing a lot of makeup. And so many people seem to be having an issue with this. I've been getting comments from peers and colleagues like "don't you take pride in your appearance" "are you just too poor to buy makeup lol" "but don't you feel naked". These are the less disrespectful/patronising/degrading comments and questions -there have been many.
I don't wear makeup because for the first time in my life, regardless of wrinkles, pimples and blemishes (anything seen as "unattractive") I'm actually comfortable in my own skin. This skin isn't perfect but it's mine. Yes, some days, I do put shit on my face. Sometimes it's for my benefit and sometimes it's for somebody else's benefit. But it's my choice.
This is not any hate to people who put makeup on, I don't really care what people do with themselves to make themselves feel good (of course with the general rule of not harming, hurting, abusing etc -you get the point- someone else). I don't care what gender or race or culture (I mean I really don't care), if you put makeup on, good for you. If you don't, good for you.
Now I already know there's many factors that have lead to this conclusion (where people have to share their opinions on anyone's appearance) that because I'm a (white) woman, it's stupidly seen as inappropriate, lack of respect or pride in my appearance.  And I'd like to ask you a couple of questions.
What is it that makes someone have a "good" appearance?
Do you think it's okay to go out of your way to make someone feel bad about something you feel uncomfortable with?
Do you wear makeup?
If you don't/do wear makeup, do people comment on it?
I'm actually giving you the stage, let me know what your opinion is in this factor of appearance.
As usual, something not many/any people know about me.
2. I'm terrified (like the run for my life screaming, panick attack kind) of butterflies and moths.
Lon x
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I don't know what I'm doing. But I'm doing it.
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"When you look at a piece of art, it's half seeing, half dreaming" - I'll give you the sun - Jandy Nelson.
This blog is really to express myself. There's so much I write down that I never ever, ever share. So I've come to the online world to express myself, like a keyboard warrior.
I will touch on things like death, sex, laughter, animals, love, life, problematic and triggering issues. There will be bad and there will be good, it just depends on your opinion.
Each blog post, I'll tell you something about myself that most, if not all, of the world does not know. These things may vary from "mind blowing" to just "meh".
1. I am an identical twin. My twin brother, William, is the most spectacular and important person to me that exists and could ever exist. Life sometimes seems as if it's not worth living. And in a world where William wouldn't  exist, either would I.
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