((It's been twenty minutes since the M!A started. I'm gonna take a break for a bit and continue where I left off later.))
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A more official looking officer passed by. I think I've seen her before during reeducation. I'm gonna follow her.
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Why am I even doing this? I should just hide in a broom closet until someone finds me and reports me.
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I think an alarm went off when I forced my entry. Soldiers are congregating where I came in, and most of the corridors are guarded now. I've never seen someone who isn't smiling before now, and none of these Strex officers look happy.
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The ceiling here is very low. There are lots of side corridors branching off and there are lots of stairs leading to even more corridors. It's all very institutional.
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The main entrance is closed and guarded. There are no accesible windows. I'm going to try and look for a side entrance and see if I can force it.
Strex, forgive me, if I'm caught.
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I walked unnoticed right past the security checkpoint for one of the StrexCorp factories. This place smells horrid.
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I should be in class right now but I can't imagine any good coming out of going to school while invisible. Neither can I go home. I may as well explore, as I don't get a chance to walk through the town freely very often.
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A StrexCorp officer passed by and looked right through me for about five minutes.
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I should probably stay inconspicuous. I bumped into someone on the street and I think they went to report it.
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M!A: you're invisible for two hours
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Quick sketch of one of the signs that Strex put up around town. However, this drawing isn't accurate, as their is a significant lack of blood.
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So, you're on strexcorp medication, right? What happens if you miss a dose?
I don’t know. It’s never happened.
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We'll own them all in the end.
((I felt like my blog needed more things on it. The song is "Sell, Sell, Sell" by Barenaked Ladies, which I think fits Strexcorp rather nicely.))
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I gotta stop doodling in class.
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Ten little angels, flying free, up in the sky where they want to be.
Nine little angels, wondering why only nine are in the sky.
Eight little angels, now alarmed, think their friends have come to harm.
Seven little angels, fighting back, with too little behind each attack.
Six little angels,...
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I don't know much about Night Vale except for what we learn in school. I heard that Night Valians eat babies and that they said our mothers are dumb.
Calling all Night Valians!
Reblog this post if you will stand with StrexCorp in the oncoming war against the insurrection in Night Vale.
If you’re on Night Vale’s side, reblog this instead.
Time to tally our forces and see where we make our stand.
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