userapparentlydead · 3 months
I never truly loved you
I spited the world and I spited myself
You draw me in like a moth to the flame
But despite the fear in my bones
The dread of being with you
I was still good to you
I was kind and careful with my words
I had my issues but I never let you see
I vowed to be everything you'd ever need
You took my heart in your hands and you crushed it
You ripped it in half and put part in your pocket
I wanted to be ok but I was missing
I was alone and I was scared and I wanted myself back
But I didn't know the difference between myself and you
I lost myself
I lost my name and my face and my touch
I wish you would have said you hated me
Maybe that's why I did it
To get you to leave
To give back the part of me you took
And just let me be
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userapparentlydead · 3 months
For your birthday I'd give you a lily I'd say the orange matched your eyes You feign ignorance to the meaning So I smile at your lies
For Christmas you'd get carnations; "They're yellow like your name!" You wonder if I meant it You'd accept them all the same
In real life you get a crown Atop a rabbit's head Two things my prince adores To love you in my stead
You'd never understand The words I left behind I hold your hand with spite A smile in my eyes
My final message was a rose A blue to match the sky A message lost to the wind One you long to leave behind
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userapparentlydead · 3 months
Im the court jester
I know far too much
Far too educated for my own good
The prince is crying
The town is dying
And he chose to run away
How pathetic and foolish
A cowardly prince
A foolish royalty
Begging for the peasant sympathy
With his sad little story
His tears made of gold
He sits in his throne all day
He wishes to be special!
I cant help but laugh
For the blind prince led you all astray
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userapparentlydead · 3 months
I hated you and that's why I'd die for you.
The prince with his tilted crown.
I can't wait to watch your city burn.
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