uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
omg op is a 14 year old terf i’m LAUGHING. bby go read a book.
I just got a septum piercing
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
mogai is a positive thing! there is nothing wrong with using neos or labels to explain your gender!!
followers can you please tell me if mogai is still a negative term to use or are people starting to use it as a positive term because of neopronouns and stuff
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
no- lesbians can never be attracted to men. They can be biromantic homosexual but they wouldn’t be a lesbian as lesbians can NEVER be attracted to men. And enby attraction is welcome in monosexual sexualities. They always have. bi lesbian and bi gay is stipid-
yeah some bi lesbians have small amounts of attraction to men (my use is that my attraction to men is next to none, and idk if ill actually be dating guys at all in the future), but some use it in the split attraction model, or to mean liking women and enbies (some ppl with that attraction also use either just lesbian or just bi, but some like both), n other stuff! theres a lot of ways for its use!
Well, I am enby and lesbian, and I'm not interested in men at all but I get that some lesbians may experience this kind of attraction. Thanks for the clarification
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
Well not all non-binary people are 100% genderless! as non-binary is simply not 100% male or female. So they can still be like 50% male and 50% not binary
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“transmasc nonbinary” soooo you’re not nb.
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oh god
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aaaand the kin list
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have fun getting through all that nonsense.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
They are still non-binary but some are still male/female aligned! not all though. Many can feel more male and want to present more like a male. Some are comfortable with he/him pronouns.
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“transmasc nonbinary” soooo you’re not nb.
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oh god
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aaaand the kin list
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have fun getting through all that nonsense.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
i meant transmasc applies to male aligned enbies and trans men. not non-binary trans men
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“transmasc nonbinary” soooo you’re not nb.
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oh god
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aaaand the kin list
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have fun getting through all that nonsense.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
Hi!! i’m mogai and i would love to explain it.
i use many mogai labels to help explain my understanding of my gender. I constantly question my gender and it leaves me depressed and consntsntly stressed. so i use the label “genderfaun” meaning my gender fluctuates between any male/non-binary gender but never any female gender.
mogai “genders” aren’t saying my gender is ____” and many cishets can even be mogai! as mogai is a seperate community to lgbt.
Also there is truscum who are mogai! and some even think pronouns=gender. it’s simply just labels to explain their gender.
A big problem with MOGAI is that it’s own logic falls apart.
They say that nothing is gendered, that gender is a social concept, that pronouns don’t relate to gender, etc.
But then how could somebody feel “trapped in their gender,” if according to them, gender isn’t real, nothing makes you a guy or a girl. If pronouns aren’t gender related then why would a transman/transwoman use he/him or she/her pronouns?
Actual MOGAI mentality makes being trans seem completely useless, which is so fucking backwards.
on an unrelated note it’s sad that tumblr doesn’t show most of the posts on the “anti mogai,” it makes it seem like they support this transphobic sexist ass community.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
transmasc means afab trans person. Aka usually afab enbies who are male aligned/trans men.
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“transmasc nonbinary” soooo you’re not nb.
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oh god
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aaaand the kin list
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have fun getting through all that nonsense.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
People that say “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” aren’t saying you don’t need the disconnect. They are saying you don’t need the discomfort/distress that dysphoria is medically defined as. the definition ranges from person to person. However when people say you don’t need dysphoria to be trans they are saying you need gender incongruence. Aka what many people consider the disconnect. At the end of the day both sides think you need a disconnect. the only difference is the definition of dysphoria.
if you’re gonna sit there and tell me, a transgender man, that you don’t need to have gender dysphoria to be trans, I just want you to go look up what “circumgender” is, and let it sink in nice and slow. to not experience gender dysphoria, the disconnect between your assigned gender vs the gender you identify as, is to be cisgender. y’all literally make transgender people look like a fucking joke by saying the shit y’all do. being transgender is not a choice, and it’s not a trend, and you cannot be transgender without experiencing gender dysphoria. if you somehow cannot comprehend that, please unfollow me.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
My dad has always been a very right conservative but i never really realized how far.
when i explained the amount of grief i felt for the black community these days, my father yelled at me.
During lunch with my mother and three younger siblings i explained how Acab is about systemic racism and black lives matter isn’t about saying “only black lives matter”. The conversation turned to my siblings who are 14, 12, and 8 yelling about how i’m a “democrat” and i’m brain washed.
When i explained at dinner that Floyd’s murderer should be charged for life, my dad not only tried everything he could to excuse this murder, but he called Floyd the N word. I explained how the cops aren’t SUPPOSED to murder anyone and that many of the murders the cops commit, the people are usually: black, neurodivergent, and/or unarmed. My dad pulled up the “black on black crime” statistics and then continued to excuse Breonna Taylor’s murderers becuase they were “selling illegal drugs” and “had it coming”.
I was taught racism. Growing up my family preached that all black people were here to steal. that all latino people are illegal. that all middle eastern people are terrorists.
Racism is taught.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
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This Pride, don’t forget about us
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
Katnis with rue
as the quality of everything in the world decreases, the quality of pictures of cats increases tenfold, and the rise has been exceptional for the past two years
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
in iowa during family get together a and stuff there was ALWAYS snickers salad 🥺 and it’s better than you think
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
i love Xim- lowkey wanna look like xim.
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another drawing of myself as a filthy trender ;3
tru/meds please dont interact with this post - its just for fun! its not meant to be a discourse thing and id prefer if it stayed that way!
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
tumblr discourse vs instagram discourse.
i originally left tumblr discourse because instagram discourse seemed SO much better. No suicide baiting or constant annoyance from the other sides. But boy was i wrong. if you think tumblr discourse is bad, instagram is 100x worse.
Suicide baiting, doxxing, death threats, and more.
In my time in instagram discourse i’ve been constantly misgendered, suicide baited, and a lot more. Recently i discovered i even had a full on hate gc for me. And i’m only at 1.4k followers.
Racism and Transphobia are also VERY rampant. from white men saying the n-word, defending pedos, and calling enbies delusional to an ableist girl turning into a mental health account even though she purposefully triggered someone by calling them the R slur over and over again.
Instagram discourse is terrible. If you were THINKING of joining: don’t. stay on tumblr discourse. I wish i had stayed here. DONT leave unless you are 1000% leaving discourse all together
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 4 years
little update on me and my life since i havent posted.
i’m on instagram discourse now and my @ is babey._.course
i’m non-binary and use a few labels to explain how i constantly question my gender.
i use he/him along with a few neos.
i’m a Senior in high school.
i’m a tucute but i don’t care about the dysphoria debate because it’s stupidly overused.
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uwuisatucoochieslur · 5 years
Imagine being biphobic. Pannies still be gross
i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals i love nonbinary bisexuals
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