#mogai discourse
a-polite-melody · 2 months
Imagine seeing an oppressed group of people saying, “hey we’re oppressed in ways that you’re unaware of for A Reason—erasure,”
and responding by going, “actually it’s because that oppression doesn’t exist,” like you’re So Obviously Correct and not directly contributing to The Problem.
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posting-stuffies · 1 year
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Original | Exclu comments
Exclus went full circle.
"I'm attracted to one gender" -> "I am bisexual". Lolgic!
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the-firefly-jar-system · 11 months
hot take, but i feel like so much discourse is completely redundant at this point. people aren’t arguing anymore for the betterment of their community or to further their own understanding, they’re just arguing to argue
there are so many interesting conversations to be had about these topics, but people have become so hostile and closed-minded that we can’t even have them. there are flaws in every community, and it’s so important to discuss these grey areas and conflicts. there’s very few people i’ll actually talk to about my opinions on these topics, and it’s because i know these people will listen to and discuss with me.
if we can’t realize that our opinions are not objectively correct, then we don’t have any chance of furthering progress in our communities. we are further separating our communities by the hostility we show each other. we need to listen without interrupting, speak without unnecessary hostility, and do all of this with the intention of molding and evolving our perspective. if you don’t think you can do this, then don’t get involved in discourse.
everyone who involves themselves in discourse needs to ask themselves: what their goal is, what would change that goal, and what would change their process to reaching that goal. if your goal will never change, neither will the topics that we’re arguing over. lack of adaptability means lack of evolution
this post has no DNI, but please check our DNI if you interact with the rest of our account
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baradyke · 2 years
the individualism that has seeped its way into the lgbt community is so nasty because it's gotten to the point where "any label is valid" because "it's how they choose to identify" without people taking even a second to think of how labels can and will affect other people. not to mention people gathering as many microlabels as they possibly can like they're pokemon badges and treat people who have "simple" labels/identities like they're lesser simply because they do not choose to express every aspect of their identities (using unnecessary made up internet-exclusive labels) or oppression levels to every stranger on the internet.
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identidiary · 8 months
another day, another round of disappointment at MOGAI blogs having "mspec gays/lesbians DNI" in their bio. You are the "make up your gender do whatever you want forever" community. Remember this.
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xqueerneurosisx · 1 year
Sorry not sorry, but do y’all not understand what a spit in the face to closeted people in our community it is to announce that “passing as straight,” is some kind of fucking advantage above you that what? ~deserves less resources~ or some bullshit?
It’s not “passing as straight,” you selfish fucking buffoons, it’s called survival.
People still need to stay in the closet to survive, and y’all are acting like a dating partner is gonna- what, “shield some of us” from bigotry? That’s the most backwards shit I’ve ever seen.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
" Isn't it telling how the only people defending mspec lesbians are mspec lesbians?"
A. Wrong, there are mono lesbians who support mspec lesbians (case in point, I'm a mono lesbian myself, I'm literally homoromantic, exclusively same gender attracted. It can't be reasonably argued that I'm mspec.) you just assume anyone who supports them must be one because it makes it easier to dismiss our opinions and say all mspec lesbian supporters "aren't real lesbians"
B. The main people defending a minority being the minority themself is not "telling", most if not all minorities have gone through this stage at some point in fighting for acceptance.
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stormy-mogai · 2 years
Adding on to the recent neogender/xenogender discourse, I feel that people don't talk enough about the fact that gender umbrellas can overlap a lot, and that acknowledging that xenogender and other neogender umbrellas are different doesn't mean that terms can't be used in a xenine way
You're oddcoric in a xenine way? Cool.
You're oddcoric in a kenine way? Cool.
You're oddcoric in a gender umbrella that the term isn't typically used for? Cool.
I think that people on both sides of the debate fail to realize that distinguishing different umbrellas from xenogender doesn't mean that we have to disown or shrink xenogender's place as an umbrella term, and that labels can be very subjective and not overly strict and categorized.
(feel free to correct me on this if I'm just being dumb, but don't take it as an invitation to start shit with me.)
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
I’ve been skimming Strange Aeons’ video about MOGAI (it’s a pretty good video I think I just have a short attention span lmao) and something super interesting during the first half of the video jumped out at me and I wanted to talk about it.
The people trying to invent "more inclusive" terms for the LGBT community (GSM and then MOGAI) were also exclusionists in their own right. There was paranoia about if the term "GSM" would invite paraphiles, kinksters, and even cishet crossdressers into the community, which people (ESPECIALLY back in 2014 Tumblr) had a visceral hatred and disgust for. If someone tried to propose that a sex worker is a sexual minority, how would that conversation go over? Who counted as a sexual minority that we should care about? And that's SO fucking fascinating to me on so many levels about how the 2014 MOGAI / GSM inclusionists weren't nearly as inclusive as they painted themselves to be.
Do I particularly care about inclus/exclus discourse nowadays? Nah, not really. Do I still think it’s super interesting that even the most inclusive of people would inevitably find reasons to attempt to exclude people from the community that they personally found revolting, strange, or, in a word, ‘too queer’? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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just-take-my-hand · 6 months
hi, to the mogai community specifically, longish post please read
its under cut, forgive how speak its how i text.
others stealing your typing quirks isnt a big deal. even if someone mimics how yous texts down to atom you cannot do anything other than askings to stop. they also dont have to stop, its texting.
you cannot steal sources because systems can inj anyone/thing, even if they dunno source well! someones saying they're a character w/o knowing source doesn't harm you!
you guys are very queermisic towards biles, panles, etc; how can you say "gender is whatever you want it to be; labels are dumb!" whilst also hatings queer people that dont fit your perfect queer bubble
some, not alls, of yous need to understand if one is texing weird like me or omitting word its 'cause of autism processings or just how one texts; some of us cannot drop "typing quirk". typing quirk are controllable for most, for the ones that arent controllable get called ablest and ives literallys been told to kms over it befores. it's ridiculous. (tryings to say "its excuse" is ablest, in my opinion. you cannot dictate ones mind yourselfs.)
also a lot of yous need to understands pwnpd and other cluster b disorder arent evil and bad. us pwnpd n whatnots have issues with empathy sometimes (it depend on individual) and arent bad just for existing.
im usuallys dont use the terms "chronically online" often, but these are very chronically online arguments and actions. if you get genuinely upsets at someone copying how you text or share source please talk to someone irl if you can. it's genuinely not healthy to get upset over something so genuinely trivials.
(alsos this no discourse blog, just stating personal opinions on topic matters! please be civil towards me and others!)
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
It's interesting how people who claim you're a singlet and a faker still gender you as a girl, even though you are open that your host is a cis man. It seems to be the standard in this circle of Tumblr to not touch people's gender identities even if you want to attack them, but it doesn't extend to other parts of personhood.
(Note: I got this ask at the beginning of the month before that post. Trying to catch up on some asks I missed today.)
Misgendering doesn't happen often. And more in anons than anywhere else. A lot of the people who send hate anons are just aware enough to not post their opinions on my gender in public in a way that can be linked to their account. (The Survivors' Network admin being an exception.)
I even saw some similar asks sent to anti-endo blogs about me, and the anti-endos basically told the anons to knock it off. 😁
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debunkingfdc · 2 years
important-ish news: fakeclaimers are now targeting r/traa for posting a few system memes
knowing fakeclaimers and that most of them are truscum, this is probably gonna be used to target trans people, so be careful posting on trans subs
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Is it weird that I always found the exclusionists community more comforting and close than the general LGBTQ community? It's weird. Maybe I still have leftover transmed in me. Like, not everyone was a full exclusionist on every subject. There were pan truscum, ace battle-axe-bi people, there were non-binary aroace-exclusionists... (Battle-axe bi people and truscums were more common.) There were posts that were full of people excluding other exclusionists. And even then, it was mostly just. Kindness, ironically. To be fair, the community I was in, exclusionist lgballt, was kinder on the scale. And also it typically didn't speak of the more recent things, which may effect the intensity.
But now, it seems like the "non-exclusionist" community has more aggressive exclusionists. More than people invading other discourse sides, it has way more divides. There is MOGAI discourse, AEMOGAI vs MOGAI, m-spec lesbian and gay discourse, lesboy and turigirl discourse, discourse there, discourse everywhere.
I am extremely varied on the sides of discourse myself. I'd be considered transmedicalist, but still pro-mogai, ace inclusionist, m-spec identities supporter, etc.
Am I bad for thinking this? For wanting that old simplicity and tight community back? Is there something wrong with me?
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xqueerneurosisx · 1 year
Not-so-fun fact: my last rat ran away, so I don’t give even a single strand of fur ON a rat’s ass who you think “DeSeRvEs To Be BuLlIeD~”* or what the fuck ever.
No, I do not give a shit what crimes under what world laws you believe make a person deserve enslavement, beatings, torture, any method of death, or what have you.
I don’t know that person who posted, so you’re not going to convince me that they are a criminal, just because you think they use the wrong fucking pronouns, or believe thought forms and Tulpa are real, or they’ve dyed their hair in that selfie, or they looked at the camera too long posting their video, or wrote/drew some fantasy art you find yucky, or whatever the hell else it is this week.
The above also doesn’t convince me that you’re right, and the random blogger you “knew they were sus,” about is wrong either. I will, however, draw my own conclusion about you posting this shit over and over, and confessing to sending anon hate, which is: you should probably shut the fuck up now.
*”Deserves to be bullied.”
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Exclusionists: Inclusionists are bad because they make it look like you can just CHOOSE your sexuality!!!
Also exclusionists when they see a queer person or identity they don't understand or like: You can just be bisexual guys 🙃🙃🙃
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