vaelo · 6 years
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spent the previous week abroad with limited access to the interwebs... but here’s a lil pic I edited and I promise I’ll be able to catch up w everyone's stuff on Monday latest! <3 sowie, n pls bear w me :(
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vaelo · 6 years
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soo while I’m trying to get through the pain of updating my game n all enjoy some ol’ selvadorada screenies. hnggg can’t wait to catch up with everyone's posts :3 
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vaelo · 6 years
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yOOOooo!!! so i edited this today and now i’m like ugh i need to get seasons and get back into simming!!?? i miss all of you precious talented ppl on simblr and ur posts make me so happy like how could i abandon this site?!?!?! :( <3 
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vaelo · 7 years
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Sketch: omg is that grilled cheez?
Joey: yus. but not for u
Joey: omnomnom
Sketch: omnomnom
Joey: wait a sec. thas my grilled cheese!! >:( get off!
Sketch: pfffftft try me
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vaelo · 7 years
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when ur hooman uses the toilet and not the litter box like a good kitty’s supposed to D:
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vaelo · 7 years
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Joey: what do u think sketch?? is mumma going 2 be a good author?
Sketch: mew?
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vaelo · 7 years
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Joey: let’s see... writer’s assistant. hm. i’ll take it! 
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vaelo · 7 years
Hi your sims are the cutest ever and I love them I thought you should know 😘
You just made my day!!! I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather lately so truly, thank you. Warms my heart ♥ ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡
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vaelo · 7 years
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grilld chz face
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vaelo · 7 years
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Caleb: so u have like one.. two.. three furnitures in here. that’s not a whole lot
Joey: um... yea. but soon i’ll be a super sim and super rich and have like... 20 furnitures!!
Caleb: uhuh
Joey: also if u came here to insult me, the door’s that way 
Caleb: D: 
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vaelo · 7 years
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this here is Joey’s lil kittycat Sketch :3
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vaelo · 7 years
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so um... something happened to caleb in cas, not sure lilith is going to recognize him when he gets back. oops. 
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vaelo · 7 years
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Joey: hey, i’m Joey, u brought fruitcake amirite??
Caleb: f-fruitcake...? I don’t have any-... ur supposed to bring fruitcake?!?!
Joey: yus
Caleb: omg that’s y no one’s stayed here longer than a week!!! i forgot fruitcake!! :( 
Joey: :/
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vaelo · 7 years
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Joey: Hm? I moved in like two seconds ago. 
... *knock-knock*
Joey: Ah, the welcome wagon! fruitcake better be delish
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vaelo · 7 years
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This is Joey Juniper, n we're going to do the super sim challenge with her! I’m just posting screenies of that on here, my legacies aren’t going anywhere so no worries, just needed to change it up for a bit :3 I had very many funs doing this so I rly wanted to share it on me blog, hope you enjoyy xx 
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vaelo · 7 years
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vaelo · 7 years
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Kees: Shit. 
Albany: Hm? Where were you just now? I was waiting- and I’m not exactly a fan of waiting, just like, by the way. >:( 
Kees: You look stunning.
Albany: Pfftftft. Real smooth ( ՞ਊ՞)
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