vaguelywukong · 7 months
maturing is accepting that Nezha is in fact canonically not a child in LMK and that whole "Nezha is a minor" thing came from other interpretations of Nezha and doesn't apply to LMK
Nezha being a child in LMK is a mass headcanon and y'all ain't ready to accept that
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vaguelywukong · 7 months
I have come to the realization that this is not normal and I need friends
whenever I feel lonely, I just go outside and talk to plants. I usually compliment their leaves and flowers. I have discovered that bromeliads especially like having their leaves complimented. so do ferns. go outside. compliment a plant. it'll make its day
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vaguelywukong · 7 months
hi I remembered I was on here lmao
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vaguelywukong · 7 months
Wdym I have to do MATH?? IM A DIVINE BEING- I'M-
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vaguelywukong · 7 months
reblog to give your mutuals a djungelskog
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
(CW: A lot of things that are generally ick. War, pr0shipping, etc.)
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME I get fixated on something, I find out it's problematic in some way or form.
Ride the Cyclone? A production used actual footage of the Ruso-Ukranian war, and it's erased a disabled character because "dIsAbIlItIeS aRe ExPeNsIvE"
ROTTMNT? Splinter is a racist caricature, and a storyboarder is a T-CEST shipper.
My Hero Academia? The mess that was Tōru Hagakure.
Nekopara? The way the catgirls age as well as Chocola and Vanilla being literal incestuous twin lolis.
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
*bites you* (・`ω´・ )
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
I love how almost all my (fictionkin) kintypes have some form of trauma, and then there's my theriotypes and Cinnamon. My theriotypes lived the best lives possible and technically I'm currently living as Cinnamon (psychologically)
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
Being your favourite character is fun and all up until you start getting traumatic memories and have 15 existential crises in the past week, all of which being in one day
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
wouldn't be surprised. the little shit is as annoying as her six-legged counterpart, the mosquito
do u think Tinkerbell ever just fuckin bit people? she's tiny, angry, and easily mistaken for an insect, surely she gave into that tempation
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vaguelywukong · 2 years
whenever I feel lonely, I just go outside and talk to plants. I usually compliment their leaves and flowers. I have discovered that bromeliads especially like having their leaves complimented. so do ferns. go outside. compliment a plant. it'll make its day
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