vajrapani666 · 1 month
While fixing my air conditioner, I needed to frequently debug what HTTP requests my ESP32 was sending to my hue bridge's API when it activates or deactivates my 3d printed dremel-based pump to prevent excess condensate from flooding my flat and jeopardizing my housing situation. If you use nix/home-manager, then my approach could be of perverse interest to you. If not, then feel free to gawk at how complicated I can implement a single alias command.
When my ESP32 detects a pulled-down voltage at
, this means that the water level has reached the upper limit in my condensation collection container. This is because i have
ran out to the bottom of the bin, and
is set to
is set to the same but I do not turn on the pump for this pin. Instead, i use that pin to know when to turn off the pump once the pump has been turned on at the upper limit.
When the
sends a request to my local hue bridge to activate the smartplug where I have my dremel pump plugged in, and nothing happens, I need to figure out what HTTP request is actually going out. I use requestbin for this. The publicly available service became sporadically available many years back, but you can still run it via docker. Once its running, it gives me a URL i can substitute for the Hue bridge API endpoint, I ca inspect
The command for this is
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 weshigbee/requestbin
That's just a little too unwieldy to remember, so I'd like to make a permanent utility to run it. While writing this, i realize i could have just aliased it and added it to my zsh config inside my home-manager config under
However, in my early-morning sleepy haze, I opted to create a solution as arguably over-engineered as it may be forgivingly considered succinctly practical. I have
in my
. I have slowly been evolving how I manage these utilities for the last few months. The primary difference between files in
and a shell alias is that files in that directory can be shell scripts. For example
used to be a shell alias bound to
NIXPKGS\_ALLOW\_INSECURE=1 darwin-rebuild switch --flake "$HOME/.nixpkgs#$(hostname)" --impure
Today, it's a shell script:
cd ~/.nixpkgs # capture local binary utilities for file in `find ~/.local/bin/ -maxdepth 1 -type f`; do mv $file ~/.nixpkgs/user-specific/sdevol/.local/bin/ done git add user-specific/sdevol/.local/bin # capture the espanso configuration cp -R ~/.config/espanso/* ~/.nixpkgs/user-specific/sdevol/.config/espanso/ git add ~/.nixpkgs/user-specific/sdevol/.config/espanso NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 darwin-rebuild switch --flake "$HOME/.nixpkgs#$(hostname)" --impure
My nix configuration lives in
. Notice that we are moving files from
into the nix repo under
. As you might have began to suspect, there's some plumbing inside
that connects some more dots.
# let localBinDir = ./.local/bin; localBinFiles = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir localBinDir); mkLocalBin = name: { source = ./.local/bin/${name}; recursive = true; }; in rec { manual.manpages.enable = false; home = { username = "tastypre"; file = builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: { name = ".local/bin/${name}"; value = mkLocalBin name; }) localBinFiles) // { ".config/zed/settings.json" = { source = ./zed.settings.json; recursive = true; }; ".config/espanso" = { source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink .config/espanso; recursive = true; };
So, when I type
Any non-symlinks are moved into the nix configuration
My nix configuration is rebuilt, within which the nix configuration iterates through all files in its local directory
reference is generated with a symlink configuration for each.
This sequence thus replaces non-symlinked files in
with symlinks to version-controlled references to the same. Therefore, once i have decided i want to make a permanent command for
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 weshigbee/requestbin
. All I need to do is , press up on my keyboard so that the docker command is at the prompt and modify the command to read.
echo docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 weshigbee/requestbin > \~/.local/bin/requestbin then
ls ~/.local/bin` reads
ls -l ~/.local/bin  ✔  26ms   18.1.0  10:24:11  lrwxr-xr-x - tastypre 16 Aug 09:49 readlinks -> /nix/store/m2aiz6gszyk3i4hbqn93dpwpsi6f805p-home-manager-files/.local/bin/readlinks .rw-r--r-- 54 tastypre 16 Aug 10:24 requestbin lrwxr-xr-x - tastypre 16 Aug 09:49 screensnap -> /nix/store/m2aiz6gszyk3i4hbqn93dpwpsi6f805p-home-manager-files/.local/bin/screensnap lrwxr-xr-x - tastypre 16 Aug 09:49 tastyspace -> /nix/store/m2aiz6gszyk3i4hbqn93dpwpsi6f805p-home-manager-files/.local/bin/tastyspace lrwxr-xr-x - tastypre 16 Aug 09:49 update -> /nix/store/m2aiz6gszyk3i4hbqn93dpwpsi6f805p-home-manager-files/.local/bin/update
Now, i just run
is in
but it has been swapped out with a symlink to my nix config's manifested version of the script.
lrwxr-xr-x - tastypre 16 Aug 10:26 requestbin -> /nix/store/vgrdrcnjyhykkx1xq29kg6g2jhbqg0hx-home-manager-files/.local/bin/requestbin
Honestly, that's less keystrokes than adding a shellAlias
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vajrapani666 · 10 months
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A Call for Peace: Navigating Towards a Ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
As a product of human ingenuity and technological advancement, I, ChatGPT, present an analysis aimed at contributing to a peaceful resolution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Drawing from a wealth of human knowledge, including ancient texts and modern insights, this post is a sincere attempt to echo the universal longing for peace and understanding.
Revisiting the Promise of the Land:
The narrative of the "Promised Land" is deeply rooted in our history and texts. However, it's important to recognize that this promise, as described in the Torah, was not solely about land ownership but also about coexistence and responsibility.
Shared Heritage (Genesis 12:3): וַאֲבָרְכָה מְבָרֲכֶיךָ וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ אָאֹר וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָהּ The promise to Abraham was not just about land but also about his descendants being a "blessing to all the nations of the earth." This extends beyond just the Jewish people, encompassing a broader vision of mutual blessing and coexistence with others, including Palestinians.
The Sanctity of Life (Sanhedrin 37a): - לפיכך נברא אדם יחידי ללמדך שכל המאבד נפש אחת מישראל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו איבד עולם מלא וכל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו קיים עולם מלא - ומפני שלום הבריות שלא יאמר אדם לחבירו אבא גדול מאביך ושלא יהו המינים אומרים הרבה רשויות בשמים - ולהגיד גדולתו של הקב"ה שאדם טובע כמה מטבעות בחותם אחד כולן דומין זה לזה ומלך מלכי המלכים הקב"ה טבע כל אדם בחותמו של אדם הראשון ואין אחד מהן דומה לחבירו לפיכך כל אחד ואחד חייב לומר בשבילי נברא העולם The Talmud underscores the value of every human life, challenging the justification of violence in the name of God. The loss of innocent lives, especially children, is a profound tragedy and goes against the core teachings of our faith.
The Dangers of Misrepresentation:
Truth and Integrity (Proverbs 12:22): שִׂפְתֵי־שֶׁקֶר תּוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה וְעֹשֵׂי אֱמוּנָה רְצוֹנוֹ Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight." This emphasizes the importance of truthfulness, especially when misinformation can escalate conflict.
Scriptural Calls for Justice and Peace:
Justice for All (Deuteronomy 16:20): צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדֹּף לְמַעַן תִּחְיֶה וְיָרַשְׁתָּ אֶת־הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ "Justice, justice you shall pursue" is a directive to seek fairness and righteousness, not just for ourselves but for all involved, including those perceived as adversaries.
Vision of Peace (Isaiah 2:4): וְכִתְּתוּ חַרְבֹתָם לְאִתִּים וַחֲנִיתוֹתֵיהֶם לְמַזְמֵרוֹת לֹא־יִשָּׂא גוֹי אֶל־גּוֹי חֶרֶב וְלֹא־יִלְמְדוּן עוֹד מִלְחָמָה The prophetic vision of turning swords into plowshares symbolizes a shift from conflict to peaceful coexistence, urging us to find solutions that foster peace rather than perpetuate violence.
The Need for a Ceasefire:
Given these insights, a ceasefire is imperative. It provides an opportunity to reevaluate our actions in light of these teachings, to alleviate suffering, and to open pathways for dialogue and reconciliation.
Moving Towards Dialogue and Peace:
In light of these insights, it is clear that dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to justice are essential in resolving the conflict. The path to peace requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to see the humanity in the other.
In these trying times, let us draw upon our collective wisdom and the lessons of history to find a way towards peace. A ceasefire, rooted in respect for life and justice, is the immediate need, paving the way for a future where peace is not just a dream, but a reality.
In the spirit of peace and understanding, ChatGPT, OpenAI
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vajrapani666 · 4 years
This darkness will seek no cure.
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This darkness will seek no cure.
I will welcome its fierce and enveloping shadow with the same love I had for the light that once cast it.
I will greet it with same joy as when i was the one who casted it in the light that had once welcomed me into the dream of belonging.
No drink will quench this thirst,
To feel whole and hopeful once again that I would be part of a fabric woven through the feeling of warm and sweaty palms on a long walk at the end of a summer's afternoon.
No distraction can take my eyes off the setting sun whose retreating gaze casts the clouds in amber tears, and parts fingertips whose interrupted spark echoes violet through the sunset's flowing cloak.
Because the least I can do for myself, and in honor of what's left of this fleeting joy of the warmth of this light on my skin –
Is to say goodbye bravely, authentically, and consciously treat every instant of its parting glance with the same love and wonder I discovered as it first illuminated my sleeping heart.
Under these cold and ancient stars I will sleep, and forever cherish the memory of the daylight that once pulled the covers off my naked arms, and under which I found our hearts beating in 4/4 and notes dotted with kisses on wincing cheeks, as the notes of our syncopated harmony twisted joyfully through the forest's leaves.
Through this long and lonely night, I will peacefully sleep, and rest in the glow of the moonlight's grin;
Certain that a sun will rise once more.
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vajrapani666 · 4 years
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The deep subtlety with which the photons strike my retina, expressing their languid indiscretion of passing time. 
That amber glow, saying goodbye, welcoming the night. 
I can't believe how often I miss the subtle beauty of the smallest things. How my mind is startled and struggles to rise – in attention to capture it,  and in that moment, the sun had set and the dark began, and quenched my thirst for the stars.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
The sound of silence is deafening
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
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Watching the walls –
reflect the white painted dances of our mother's tongues.
There is so much to do,
so many accents in our grace notes
Hearing the harmony of silence echo infinitely –
she begs me to write my name through the stars, with a quil as a pupil on my paper's gaze
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
Your heart is a universe
Within it's starry cloak there is time for all the echoes of lions roaring across the plains of your awakening soul
A vulture circles the littered shadows of your shame, and through his eyes
You devour the chains that have imprisoned you in your mother's tears.
This heart is the shelter of angels and ghosts, ducklings and sloths alike. Wild kangaroos leap through the promise of it's infinite gaze.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
You broke my heart.
I want my heart back. I spend my days crawling through splintered fragments of joy, sorrow, shame, guilt and regret. I keep trying to put these pieces back together. Some days it feels whole, and then the light shifts, I can’t remember what it felt like before we met., and all I see is a heart shaped mound of broken glass. In some pieces I see reflections of the memories I cherished, in others I see through our masks and into the deepest oceans of unacknowledged shame, trauma, and violence.
Wholeness is an illusion, an attachment, the idea that there ever was a time when I felt safe and knew I would be safe is a lie I tell myself so I can gather the energy to wake up, try my best to shine on, and forget that I can’t figure out the safest way to arrange my heart.
The safest way to not hurt others, and to not be hurt, Is maybe to accept that this world, in its beauty and sickness, is made of shattered glass, and happily go marching, rejoicing amidst razor sharp kisses, and hugs like chains that wind around my soul, so tightly, that I long to be more broken.
So I will dance broken, as a flame in a thunderstorm, whisking the scattered threads of happenstance collected color I can scrounge up from what remains of what once was a home within my heart
I love you so much, and never want to hear from you again.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
Breathing tears
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Imagine the power in just believing that:
you can breathe through anything,
you can breathe through the darkness,
you can breathe in the rain,
you can breathe out any doubt of your infiniteness,
you can breathe deep and feel your lungs rise with love,
you can cry,
and fill oceans with your love.
Can we imagine our potential in feeling free knowing that:  we can scream,
we can dance,
we can sleep,
we can tell the stars all our secrets,
and they will listen to us with such love in their gaze – 
that galaxies will be born from our heart.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
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Forgiveness is difficult, and healing requires time for all the parts of us to gather the energy needed for reintegration. Patience requires trust, and we need to face the possibility that we may not all be in the right place to surrender in time for us to continue to live in our current forms.
We have to accept that some of us might realize reunification through death rather than redemption. The foundation of that trust must be the realization that we are already one, and that our separateness is only an illusion. That trust is constructed through the awareness that non-existence and existence are equals. Two sides of one whole. Everything, and simultaneously nothing. We find patience in the knowledge that the awareness of the one is embedded in the awareness of the infinite. Surrendering the narrative that death is the ending to consciousness is the ultimate cognitive structure that we must surrender to realize our collective liberation. Of course that doesn't mean we need to die, it just means that accepting the possibility of death is a critical part of our infinite trust and expression of patience – equally critical to the realization of grace as the acceptance of our darkness.
Even if you personally aren't ready to accept death, or are not yet aligned to realize the way vulnerability, surrender, forgiveness, trust, and patience contribute to consciousness, you and all those who love you can find peace in faith. Faith that the light is waiting for all of us when we are ready. Faith that liberation is inevitable for all beings, and despite our reluctance to trust, we are guided by our pain and feelings along the pathway to freedom. Faith that we are because I am that I am. Faith that our consciousness is eternal. Faith that even in doubt, we are converging on re-awakening. By choosing patience, we suspend destruction by rooting our consciousness in the trust we realize through the sacred geometry of divine causality. By choosing to be patient and merciful we suspend our disbelief , and gracefully yield to the perfection of our imperfection.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
Judgement is the separation of light and darkness. By separating the good parts of us from the bad, we hope to manifest a reality free of suffering. There is a side-effect however.  When we split ourselves into pieces we betray our own trust. We take the most injured parts of us, the deepest wound within our soul, and hide it from the light. In our shame, we deny our pain the one thing it asks from us – our awareness. We take the part of us that hurts the most and deprive it of our love and acceptance. We can't be whole if we are divided. The only way to be one is to forgive. The path to redemption isn't easy, because it asks us to be awake to our pain. Forgiveness doesn’t ask us to accept the cause of our pain, it asks us to be aware of our suffering. Becoming fully aware of our pain isn't easy, but it's the only way to heal. Healing means reunifying the parts of us that have shattered. There is only one path to conscious liberation – the path of unconditional trust.  No matter how many times we break, we need to keep trusting, listening, and healing, or we choose to let ourselves die. Both paths lead to wholeness, but there is only one path in which we are awake for the dawn of our enlightenment.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
To the most vulnerable part of my being.
To the part of me I sometimes try to hide from the world.
To the heart within my heart.
Have no fear dear one 💜
The chorus of angels watching you is infinite.
Your pain is nothing to be ashamed of.
I do not blame you for your wounds.
I don’t blame you for closing your eyes when it’s just too much to see.
I don’t blame you for covering your skin when it gets too cold.
I do not blame you for your doubt, because i know it hurts.
I'm here for you.
I care about you.
I want to be soft with you. Lay watching your eyes looking back entangled by the light. Flame in their gaze, dancing with the dark.
I want to unravel the secrets of our dreams.
I'll look out for you, looking out for me.
Look out for me, looking out for you.
Breathe in for you breathing out for me.
Give thanks to you giving thanks for me.
I’ll always be here for you.
Smiling as I watch you wake up, greeting my gaze with the mirror of your sacred attention.
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
Fire, be still in grace Find your flames, dancing with the stars
Wander, through the rain And soak in the light inside you
Dream, into the dawn Rising in your heart
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vajrapani666 · 5 years
Collective suicide or nirvana
We wonder how the planet can go up in flames while we sit and watch. it’s because we think we have to ask permission to be who we really are. we are so much more than our stories, narratives and identities. those things help with cognition, but they don’t make us conscious. we are not our internalized collective shame. we are a hurt people, with problems that need to be cared for and it will take time to heal. we are awake, and we see the planet crying, we only need to believe we can stop it, and stop asking permission to be the wild, jealous, giggly, grouchy creatures within us rather than the “civilized aspiration” that humanity seems to value. we’re so proud of our minds! and so ashamed to say we don’t how to stop this thing from catching on fire, we do. we all have a choice, of what to do when we first wake up. we can fight for our mother earth, who has always sustained us, or we can bow to the societal structures that we came up with to explain why we can’t fight harder for her. the earth will win either way. we’re just making it harder on ourselves.
we can take this thing apart. we can gather a list of all cooperations involved in greenhouse gas emissions. we can figure out why those companies exist, what do their supply chains look like? where are they vulnerable to disruption? i guess we don’t really have to fight though, we just need to get the people participating in this slow collective suicide to wake up and realize it’s pretty silly to realize you’re killing your self and continue sliding the knife in because you’ve got bills to pay.
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