veganianation · 10 years
Why India needs veganism more than ever.
India, a country with one of the lowest rates of meat consumption in the world, is no stranger to vegetarianism. But in recent years, due to a booming middle class and its liberation from tradition, attitudes towards food are changing and bringing serious, far-reaching implications along with it. With fast food chains becoming ubiquitous in urban areas, what was once considered unholy is now nothing more than a sign of affluence or an effect of globalization. Between 2005-2011, almost 37% of agricultural growth came from animal products with the poultry industry alone providing jobs to about 0.75 million people. During this period, apart from being the largest producer of milk, India also became the largest exporter of beef.  The increasing demand for animal products, namely meat and eggs, are now not only resulting in more widespread cruelty but also causing problems affecting the public health and environmental resources. It’s well known that high consumption of animal products has been linked to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, obesity and osteoporosis amongst other lifestyle-related diseases. In 2007, it was estimated that there were 40 million Indians with diabetes. In just 5 years, the number rose to 63 million.  According to WHO, diabetes, heart disease and stroke together will cost about $ 333.6 billion over the next 10 years in India alone. Clever marketing by global fast food chains and agri-businesses are further exacerbating the healthcare situation by drawing a veil over the industrial livestock operations and keeping consumers happily oblivious to what they’re really supporting. Along with creating a health crisis, unsustainable factory farming has placed an acute strain on land and water. Almost all of India’s fishery resources are either overexploited or fully exploited. Food grains, instead of reaching the poor and hungry, are sold as animal feed. In a report by the UN in 2013, it was predicted that if Europeans cut half of their consumption of meat, dairy and eggs, green house gas emission due to agricultural practices would reduce by 25-40%, there would be a 40% drop in nitrogen pollution and reduction in the consumption of saturated fats thus increasing heart health. The pressure placed on the environment can only be taken away by adopting more plant-based diets. India’s ever-increasing dependence on animal products will do nothing but hinder its effort to be able to provide food for the soaring population. To prevent India from facing irreversible damage to its people, environment and most importantly animals, the simplest and by far the most logical solution is veganism. If current trends continue, there’ll come a time when livestock industries would have to end while bringing the ecosystem down along with it.   While it’s become plain to see why India needs veganism, I’m yet to explain why it’s pertinent that we see fast change. It’s because we’re a part of the generation that is standing at the tipping point of the proverbial iceberg. The choices we make now are the ones that carry most weight. We can either waste our time staying afloat or learn how to swim. As the old saying goes, it’s always better being safe than sorry. Article written by Anussha Murali ([email protected]).
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veganianation · 10 years
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veganianation · 10 years
Vegania’s First Year.
One year ago, Vegania was an idea. Now, a year and 9 campaigns later, we’re a growing body of passionate vegans working towards bringing that idea to life.   Our first campaign took place on November 1st, 2013 at N.G.E.F layout in Bangalore, India. From Bangalore, Vegania branched out to other Indian cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi. Steadily, under the leadership of Abhay Rangan, we started organising multi-city campaigns. Till date, our most successful campaign was on May 11th, 2014 wherein Vegania members from Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad worked together on account of Mother’s Day to reach out to more than 3000 people. In just 10 months, Vegania also gained international members from the US and Pakistan. This year has been grand, to say the least.   But the most important thing remains to be said: Vegania Nation couldn’t have achieved as much as it has in a year that went by so blindingly fast if it weren’t for you, the unflinchingly spirited member. It is with your need for equality and fairness amongst all beings that drives us to hope for a bigger, brighter future.   For more detailed information about Vegania’s campaigns so far, please visit http://veganianation.com/campaign-tracker/.
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