veggiegmah-blog · 5 years
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Plant based Roast Beef sandwich 
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veggiegmah-blog · 5 years
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Vegan roast buff
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veggiegmah-blog · 5 years
Vegan Roast Buff
This is a much better, textured and mimic of the spin on roast beef.
2 Cups cooked eggplants
1 small-medium potatoes fully cooked
1 oz dark soy sauce
1/2 cup cashews
2 1/2 Cups wheat gluten
In a blender mix eggplant, potato, cashews and soy sauce.. mix into a fine paste. In a bowl slowly add wheat gluten to stiffen, should be able to soft knead, not stiff knead.
Take mixture, fashion into a 3-4 inch diameter log.. wrap in parchment paper then wrap foil around the whole thing like a tootsie roll.. bake for 45 minutes. Let’s stand until fully cool.. slice and enjoy!
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veggiegmah-blog · 11 years
Forward all good recipes to: [email protected]
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
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Going Vegan or Vegetarian? Add this important staple to the pantry! Versatile and protein packed!
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Textured Vegetable Protein
One of the most important staples of any Vegan and Vegetarian diet is Textured Vegetable Protein. Made from defatted soy beans this lovely, versatile staple can be prepared in a matter of minutes and used in a large amount of recipes. HOW TO PREPARE TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN (TVP) STEP 1: Add desired amount of TVP to bowl. STEP 2: Add same amount of water or just cover until completely immersed. ( Can add soy sauce to taste) STEP 3: Let soak for 10-15 minutes Season as usual. Now add to your favorite recipe or as a substitute for meat. Tasty and packed with 7 grams of protein packed nutrition per serving! Enjoy! * P.S. TVP Slices used in VIBS recipe. See Veggie Gmah blog for BBQ sauce recipe.
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
hey vegetarian grandma. can you show me the vegetarian ribs recipe? thanks in advance and best wishes from germany. all your food pictures look so tasty! Matt
The VEGETARIAN RIBS are sliced TVP pieces soaked in Vegemite for that great beefy flavor! Or peppercorn seitan ( recipe below )
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Vegetarian gravy
1 cup water 1/2 tsp Vegemite or Maramite 2 tsp thick soy sauce 1 heaping tsp corn starch Combine all ingredients in sauce pan, stir frequently on medium heat till mixture thickens. *(for roast (wheat) beef, add pre sliced loaf pieces to gravy and simmer on medium-low heat) serve as usual. VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Roast (wheat) beef roast
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups finely chopped mushrooms 1 1/2 cups wheat gluten 1 cup water 2 tsp soy sauce (dark & thick) 1/4 tsp liquid smoke (optional) 1/2 tsp Maramite or Vegemite 1/2 tsp mustard seeds 2 eggs 2 tbsp hemp oil ( substitute veg oil) In blender add all ingredients with the exception of the wheat gluten.. Set that aside in a mixing bowl. Blend on high till all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Add to wheat gluten, stir until stiff and then knead thoroughly. Roll up in a log 4" wide in aluminum foil, pinch off sides ( like a tootsie roll ) bake at 325° Celsius for 1 hr. Cool before slicing. VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
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Roast (wheat) beef
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
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Roast beef (vegetarian), corn bread, mashed potatoes, veggie gravy and butter peas.
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Veggeroni (vegetarian pepperoni)
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups vital wheat gluten 1 egg (omit if vegan) substitute egg replacer. 1 1/2 tbsp paprika 1 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper ( substitute rooster hot sauce ) 1 tbsp fennel seeds 2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder 3 oz tomato paste 1 1/2 cups water 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tsp liquid smoke *optional Preheat oven to 325° (165° Celsius) Place gluten in separate bowl, set aside. For more great recipes, visit vegetarian grandma on tumblr Add remaining ingredients to blender and liquify for 2-4 min. Add wet ingredients to dry stir until mixed then knead for 1-3 min. Shape into cylinder log about 2-4 inches wide. WraVEGETARIANISMin well oiled foil, pinching off sides. ( like a tootsie roll ). Bake in oven for about an hour. Cool completely before slicing. VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Vegetarian Bologna
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups vital wheat gluten 1/2 cup cashews 2 cups water 5 tbsp tomato sauce or paste 4 tsp mace 2 tsp Vegemite/ Maramite or 1 oz soy sauce. 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 tsp paprika 1/4 cup brown sugar Add vital when gluten to a mixing bowl, set aside. Add all the remaining ingredients to a blender and liquify for approximately 2-4 min. Pour mixture into gluten and stir until stiff.. Knead for 2-4 minutes. Place dough on well oiled tin foil and shape into a cylinder approx 3-4 inches in diameter.. Roll up in tin foil and pinch sides off like a tootsie roll. Bake at 275° for about an hour. Roll should be resistant to give and puff up when done. *Let completely cool before slicing. Enjoy your bologna sandwich! :-) VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Peppercorn Seitan
INGREDIENTS: 1 Cup Vital wheat gluten 3/4 Cup water 1 egg (omit if vegan) *add full cup of water instead of 3/4 cup if omitting. 1 tsp black peppercorns. Substitute 1/2 tsp of ground pepper. 1 1/2 tsp dry mustard. 1 heaping tsp garlic. 1/2 oz vegetable oil In a mixing bowl add vital wheat gluten, set aside. Combine remaining ingredients in blender.. Liquify until thoroughly blended. Add to dry gluten mix until stiff.. And then knead. Knead for 1-2 min and then roll out till gluten is 1/2 inch or less thick. Slice into 1" wide x 4" long strips. Boil in your favorite broth until Seitan is floating. *for meatier texture deep fry till golden brown. VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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veggiegmah-blog · 12 years
Vibs (Vegetarian Ribs) BBQ SAUCE
INGREDIENTS: 1lb Seitan (peppercorn see recipe) prepared. 2 Cups spaghetti sauce (Hunts) 1/4 Cup brown sugar 1oz lemon juice or vinegar 1tsp liquid smoke 1 tsp rooster hot sauce or 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper. (*Do not use Franks Red Hot or your sauce will be too tart.) 1/2 oz soy sauce or Marmite/Vegemite mixture. In medium bowl mix all ingredients together.. Add more soy or lemon to taste. Mix thoroughly. Use as usual. *add water if simmering on stove top. VEGETARIAN GRANDMA ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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