ventblogxx · 3 years
voy a llorar no m paro de comparar con todos
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ventblogxx · 3 years
idk if any of u also do this, but doesn't it happen that u want to have really long hair (like reaching my hips long) but u constantly cut it short even tho it doesn't flatter u bc u want to have a reason to live another one or two years? bc i wanna die so bad but im also obsessed with the idea that i need to be a pretty corpse, and i cant do that with unflattering hair, so i have to wait
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i deserve to die
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ventblogxx · 3 years
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i have no idea if im a man or a woman
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i wish i was skinny
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i wanna b loved so bad but i feel unlovable. i feel like even if someone did love me id feel so guilty and undeserving of it
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ventblogxx · 3 years
god i wanna b loved so bad
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ventblogxx · 3 years
why cant i just b a pretty boy
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i dont feel like i deserve to be sad or angry or frustrated
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ventblogxx · 3 years
u know how u fantasize about stuff that would make u happy? or at least u think it would? eg: ur ideal body type, a perfect relationship, a nice apartment, a cat, good grades. i do too obviously but then when i think about it they wouldn't actually make me happy. i dont actually want them. i just want to be gone. food used to comfort me. i used to get excited when i ordered take out at my favorite place. now i dont. i used to get super happy and proud when i got a high grade in class. now i just think about how i could've done better and even if i get a perfect mark, i feel like i don't deserve it or like it's meaningless anyways. all those little joys of life that used to keep me going just.. dont do it for me anymore. and i despise myself for that
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ventblogxx · 3 years
one moment i think im ok and i think things are gonna change but then they fucking dont and im surprised? am i that stupid that i cannot notice and recognize a pattern in the exact same situation i've been through a hundred times?
it always happens like this. i go tru a very low low, then i "recover" plan out my entire fucking life, see my previous problems as insignificant and adapt a positive attitude, then i get irritated at my loved ones and snap at them, then i crash. and the process repeats itself over and over again. im so tired. i dont wanna live like this
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ventblogxx · 3 years
im so jealous of everyone. everyone is prettier or smarter or more talented than me or more loveable than me and it makes me so angry both at them and myself
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i wish with every single bone in my body i was not born but still im too much of a coward to actually kms
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i dont feel like i deserve to feel pity for myself. everytime i catch myself feeling bad about myself or regretting things i've done or feeling compassion for myself for all i've been through i get so grossed out i cant stand it. that doesn't mean i stop tho and that makes it even worse
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ventblogxx · 3 years
my head hurts all the time pills dont help and it's probably because of all the times i've hit myself in the head
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ventblogxx · 3 years
i cant look at myself in the mirror i disgust myself im the exact same kind of person i hate the most
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