vet-subin · 4 years
Siddharth was caught a bit surprised when Su-bin asked him about the potions he sold. Well, to be fair, he should’ve expected that question. He was, after all, selling them and Su-bin could very well be a future customer. Years ago, he would’ve easily made the connection, even reply with as much charm and bravado he could muster. Those years seem to be long gone. Instead, he awkwardly paused and started thinking. What potions do he even sell these days?
“Oh, well, uhh, anything, uhm, that can be made from herbology, I think.” Considered the best in his class in the field of herbology, Siddharth was never the best in social interactions. He spent much of his years in Hogwarts hiding from others, keeping to himself. It was Valyrie who held his hand and brought him out of his shell, into the light. With her by his side, he was able to make his dreams into a reality, the shop itself one of them. “
Befuddlement Draught
Befuddlement Draught
and more.”
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Siddharth’s response definitely did not help to narrow down the question but it did speak to the extensiveness of the list. “Do you make all the potions yourself?” He asked even more curiously. If he did then that was certainly impressive. Su-Bin had been fairly decent at potions himself, though he’d never had a passion for it. Really he had only done well in order to pass the time. He never had many friends so instead he had just studied. Thankfully knowing the basics of potions definitely came in handy as a magizoologist and now as a veterinarian. Always needing to know which potions could help with various injuries, which ones specific creatures could and could not ingest. There was a lot to know. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
She could see the sadness on his face as plain as day, but could offer him nothing more than a look of reassurance. For one, she doubted the man would like it if she prodded around his personal life. “Here. I’ll buy them for you.”
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At her words he was surprised, staring at her in shock for a moment. It wasn’t like she knew him or anything but here she was trying to do something nice for him. “Oh no! You don’t need too- please don’t worry about that.” 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Hogwarts was truly a sight to behold. The castle was amazing to look out from the outside so it was truly no surprise when the inside was even more astounding. It was his first time inside of the castle though it seemed like most other people knew their way around. “Excuse me, where’s the great hall?” He asked the person closest to him, having obviously wandered to far and ended up in a corridor. Though there were quite a few people around who appeared to be reminiscing about their time spent there. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
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vet-subin · 4 years
“These are forget-me-nots.” She shifted the crepe paper so he could see the flowers properly. “They can mean ‘true love’, but can also signify remembrance of someone you’ve lost. Bittersweet, no?”
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Taking a good look at the flowers he recognized them, having given them to his wife a few times in different bouquet's he used to get for her. He was familiar with the names of most common flowers but never really looked into their meanings. “It’s perfect.” Su-bin told her with a rather sad smile. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Siddharth raised an eyebrow at Su-Bin’s revelation. He was a veterinarian? That was a first. At least for a long while. Sidd hasn’t met many veterinarians. Not since Valyrie anyway. She had that one doctor for Adelaide, her pet rabbit
 What was her name again? For the life of him, Sidd could no longer remember. It has been a while since the last time they had any contact. After Valyrie passed, so did Adelaide a few weeks later, and the good doctor helped him bury the rabbit but that was it. Nothing more, nothing else. Sidd could almost miss the visits, the smell of her clinic, but he could no longer remember her name or her face. “Oh, that’s nice. We had a rabbit once
He cleared his throat, mustering an awkward smile meant to be gentler, more comforting, before leading his new friend to his herbology shop not too far away. Sidd was almost embarrassed to introduce them, Su-bin and the shop, as the latter was not in its best condition, nor has it been in its good condition for a long, long while. Everything changed since Valyrie left. For the worst, clearly.
“This is, uhh, my shop. It’s
” He heaved a sigh, a little slow to find the words. “Patil’s Plants, Powders, and Potions
 We sell, well, plants, powders, and potions.” Siddharth chuckled, shaking his head. At the very least, this was good practice. He hasn’t been quite social for years, spending most of his time hiding in this almost neglected place. The plants at least look cared for. If there was something Sidd could at least do well, it was herbology, taking care of plants, magical or not. It was in his blood, strange as that may sound.
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The mention of the rabbit had caught his attention, wondering if Siddharth was going to go into any more detail. It quickly became clear he wasn’t though. Su-bin nodded rather awkwardly, adverting his gaze as he was unsure what to say on the matter. He was worried that even commenting on rabbits in general would only further bring the entire mood down. The comment had at least answered the question of if Sidd had any pets, so at least he wouldn’t have to ask. Perhaps after some time he’d be able to convince Sidd to get another pet though probably not a rabbit. Animals were friendly and din’t judge so much like people did. Plus they were emotionally healing. 
“What kind of potions?” He asked curiously. Looking over the shop he couldn’t help but think that it did look a little gloomy. Though he was sure with a little T. L. C. it would be much brighter. Su-Bin wasn’t going to comment though as he wasn’t exactly sure what kind of look Sidd was even going for with it. Plus it would be rude if and would definitely come across as an insult no matter how he worded it. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
wendigo, succubus & hydra?
wendigo: what makes your muse gluttonous? 
Su-Bin has fairly good control of his eating habits. Though he definitely eats way to much tteok-bokki. 
succubus: how does your muse view sexuality? 
Despite the culture he grew up in, Su-Bin is very open minded. He recognizes that who other people love really does not affect him in anyway. Truthfully he knows that there’s a possibility he might be attracted to the same gender, seeing how the idea has never disgusted him. 
hydra: does your muse have a reoccurring problem?
He dwells on the past to much, finding himself constantly reminded of it and stuck.
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vet-subin · 4 years
Rosalie couldn’t help but smile in response to the other’s reaction, nodding in agreement. “I think he’s most people’s, or at least, those that like to socialize. He’s very much a people person, his niece is quite nice as well. So, we’ll see which is in today.” Maybe that’s one of the reasons she did keep coming back, at least, that and the endless selection of music pieces, some of which she’d never heard of.
“Oh, the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts or as some may call it WADA, I attend for dance.” She explained excitedly, still in awe that it was something she actually able to say. “What about you? What’s brought you to the UK?” Rosalie asked, halting as they reached the shop. “They are, but then, the same can be said about muggle towns too, if you go to the right ones, every one seems to have its own unique culture.”
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Su-Bin wouldn’t exactly say that he liked to socialize but he definitely didn’t mind it and it was something that came fairly easy to him. Perhaps it was simply a skill he’d acquired from moving so often, constantly trying to win people over in hopes that they would keep him. Not that it had mattered anyway since he always messed it up in the end for the simple fact that he’d been a wizard. Surprisingly he wasn’t that bitter towards the families that kicked him out, figuring he probably would have done the same thing. 
“Oh yes! I’ve heard of it before.” He smiled at her. “Uh- change of scenery?” Su-Bin’s words came out as a question mostly towards himself. Unsure if that was the correct lie to go with. He probably should come up with something better, seeing how it was something that he knew sounded kind of sketchy. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
“Did you know the Victorians had an entire language dedicated to and revolving around flowers?” Carina mused as she perused the various blossoms. She plucked a bouquet from a display and held it towards the other person. “What do you think of these?”
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He looked at the flowers for a moment, “Do you know what these flowers mean then?” Su-Bin asked the girl curiously since she was the one who had brought up the subject. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
“Oh, I mean, if you want to check my shop, we could pass that way.” Siddharth wasn’t sure if that would be a good idea. Truth be told, his shop hasn’t been its best since Valyrie passed away. He had doubts it would be anything close to decent once again. He knew what he had to do, what had to be done, but there was no sense of motivation in him anymore, no excitement in his bones, no purpose in each and every day. It was as if he was no longer delighted to remain in this world, if only trapped in a never-ending daily routine. 
“I wouldn’t mind having your flyers in it, though I have to be honest with you, they might not see much attention.” The shop has seen better days and more customers. Over the years, its patronage has dwindled, due mostly to Sidd’s declining attitude and its lack of warmth, both things Valyrie seemingly took to the afterlife with her. Some nights, Sidd hoped it was the other way around, that it was him who passed, though he could not wish this suffering on Valyrie herself. “What kind of clinic do you run?”
When Su-bin mentioned his wife, Sidd himself grew more solemn. He knew the feeling. He had lost someone that was like a wife to him, the only woman he would ever love and consider as such. Valyrie wasn’t just the love of Sidd’s life. She was, in more ways than one, his life. He could only nod to acknowledge Su-bin’s silent grief. It was more than enough. “I lost the love of my life, too. Things have never been the same.”
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Su-Bin nodded, showing Siddharth that he didn’t mind stopping by his shop. It wasn’t like he had too much planned for the day so as long as he made it to the bookstore before it closed then it would all be fine. “That’s fine! If even one person comes in because of it then it’s worth it.” Optimism had always been his strong suit and that hadn’t really changed. It was his forward thinking that had helped him believe that moving so far away on his own would work out. “I opened up a Veterinary clinic.” He said with a smile. “I’m going to be treating both regular and magical pets.” He wondered if Siddharth had any pets, but he’d already pushed it by asking to hang up the posters in the other boys shop so he would just leave it at that. If Sidd mentioned having his own pet and stopping by though, he certainly wouldn’t stop him. 
The love of his life. That was certainly one way he would describe Myeong. She had been his only family and now she was gone. Sure he had had some close friends but it wasn’t quite the same. Without her, he was once again left all alone. Su-Bin gave Sidd a swift pat on the back. Truthfully he never really knew what to say in these situations. If he asked anymore details then he would most likely have to share some himself and he wasn’t sure if he could do so without crying. Considering the fact that they were still walking in public, he wasn’t about to do that.
 “What do you sell at your shop?” A safe question. He figured it’d be better for both of them if he just stuck on that topic. Neither of them knew each other well enough to be delving into each other’s pasts in that moment. Su-Bin did hope that they could possibly become friends in the future though. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Maticore & Griffin
manticorn: what does your muse fear? 
Lethifolds. But only because they remind him of his wife and his failure to save her. More than the being itself, he fears the memories he associates with it. 
griffin: does your muse have any priceless possessions? 
His wedding ring. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
“But not you?” she asked softly, curiosity begging its way forward as she tried to figure out what might have brought him to the event then. “Or are you just here for the sweets?”
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Su-Bin shrugged nonchalantly in response. “I came to see how the event is since I haven’t been to one in the U. K. before.” He smiled at her. “The uh- atmosphere is fun though!” He said excitedly. For a moment he had struggled to find the right word but was fairly positive he had settled on the correct one. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Rosalie couldn’t help but smile as the male accepted her offer, “Great, he’s lovely, a little loud but I’ve never left the place without a smile.” Or empty-handed, for that matter, but Rosalie didn’t want to scare the male off in what might’ve sounded like a scheme to buy something.
“Depends on what one defines as new,but this big of a place? I’d say, yes.” Rosalie admitted sheepishly as she began to walk, chewing on her cheek. “I moved here about a year and a half ago, I spend most my time on campus, so I haven’t gotten much of a chance to learn all the streets of Hogsmeade and the rest of the surrounding area. London is even more of a challenge.” She rambled on, something that had become a habit of hers. “But I don’t mind it so much, at least, in places like Hogsmeade as I find myself always stumbling across the best of places. It’s sort of how I found Maestro’s music shop." 
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Su-Bin let out a laugh, a grin on his face at the girls comment about the shop owner. “Sounds like my kind of guy.” He commented cheerfully. He preferred people who were energetic, they were easy for him to get along with. Mostly because they were similar to himself in a lot of ways, or at least how he tried to be. 
Nodding along as she spoke, “Campus?” He questioned a little curiously, wondering if she attended University or perhaps worked at a school. “Hogsmeade does seem interesting! Honestly most wizarding towns are so unique.” 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Siddharth nodded as Su-bin overly enunciated his name, the latter’s accent sticking out. It was a fair attempt, however, as he was somewhat certain his name wasn’t widely spoken wherever he was from. Heck, he hasn’t even met another Siddharth around London, though to be fair, that was most likely because he’s been shutting himself inside his shop. This guy was technically the first new acquaintance he’s made, bothered to remember the name of. 
He turned to him as he realized he’d dragged the unfortunate soul towards his shop’s direction, though it was still two or three other shops away. Siddharth winced, apologetically, or at least that’s what he thought the face he made was, before letting Su-bin’s hand go. Bloody hell, did I almost commit a kidnapping? Su-bin was no kid but the context was there.
“Yeah, uhh, it’s been open longer than I’d like it to
” He shook his head, chuckling to himself, as he crossed his arms. A part of him had always wanted to run, to live this life behind, to start anew. Maybe then, he’d feel better, so much better. The other part? It knew the truth. 
Even if he ran, even if he tried to live this life behind, start anew, she was always going to be there in the back of his mind, whenever he felt most alone, vulnerable. She was always going to be there in the early streaks of daylight, waking him up to another chance at life he will never want or appreciate again. She was always going to be there in the smell of freshly brewed coffee, stirring his aching bones and muscles to rise against the tragedy of yesterdays, even if he never will. She was always going to be there in the beauty of sunsets, the promise of a better tomorrow, a lie he will always resent.
The words slithered out of his mouth before he could rein them in. “
who did you lose?”
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Su-Bin couldn’t help but to tilt his head a bit at his comment. Wouldn’t most people want their shops to be open for a long time? Possibly even well after they’ve passed on. At least he hoped that his clinic would stay open for a while but it seemed like it was different for everyone. Plus it seemed like Siddharth was handling his loss in his own way. His clinic was open because of his loss while the other boys seemed to be remaining open despite it. 
“I am not in any rush if you wanted to show my your shop?” He said unsure, pointing in the direction the boy had been leading him in when they suddenly stopped. “Perhaps-! If you don’t mind of course, I could hang up a flyer for my clinic there? Oh, I don’t have any with me today so I’d have to come back some other time.” Su-Bin had started out excitedly, mumbling a bit as he realized he didn’t have any flyers with him. Slightly embarrassed that he had suggested it. 
At Siddhath’s question, he froze. The ever-present smile dropped from his face. Usually he was alright, able to hide his grief. It was only when he was allowed to truly think about it, think about her and what had happened that he lost his composure. “My wife.” His voice was quiet, sad. “About a year ago now.” He choked on his own voice, unsure if he should ask the other boy the same question or not. It was awkward. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
Siddharth simply nodded at the man’s introduction, a smile slowly forming on his lips seconds later as he shook his hand. He was well aware of such naming conventions, thanks primarily to Valyrie Chang sharing with him her birth name years ago in Hogwarts. His smile turned into a wince at that memory, though he quickly attempted to regain it, this time only mustering a weaker and more awkward grin. “Nice to meet you, Su-Bin.”
“I’m Siddharth Patil.” Sidd made sure to enunciate his name in turn. Not a lot of people took care in even trying to pronounce his name correctly, so when Su-Bin respectfully explained his culture’s naming convention, he felt relieved and somewhat saved, finally finding someone who held names and culture in such a high regard. It’s been so long
Still gripping Su-Bin’s hand, Sidd turned to the direction of his shop, already forgetting the ingredients he was supposed to procure, damn them. “I have an herbology shop over there
 Patil’s Plants, Powders, and Potions. It used to look good but, well, time
It was in another direction, a bit far from Tomes and Scrolls, where Su-Bin had intended to go, but Sidd had already forgotten that fact as well.
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Su-Bin noticed something a little off about the other boy as they shook hands but figured it was best not to point it out. Doing so would most likely turn their current encounter more awkward then it already was. Plus he was hoping that Sidd would possibly become friends with him. Close acquaintances would also be nice. “Sidd-harth?” He repeated, overly enunciating the other boys name as to make sure he got it correct. Though he was pretty sure it only caused his accent to stick out even more. Still, an effort was made and he would continue to do so until he got the name correct. 
“Oh!” He said a little surprised as he quickly got dragged in some direction. Su-Bin was unsure if Siddharth was taking him towards Tomes and Scrolls or towards the Herbology shop. Though that question would be solved as soon as he reached whichever destination. 
“You own a store? Cool! How long has it been open?” The question came out wide-eyed and full of enthusiasm and curiosity. With any luck, Siddharth would allow him to put up a poster about his vet clinic in his store. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
“To anyone who might agree,” Pandora huffed a laugh, glad she wasn’t talking to someone who was a quidditch fanatic. “It’s rather hard to find someone who agrees amongst this chaos.”
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He let out a sigh of relief, a smile playing at his lips as he was thankful that she had been talking to him. That he hadn’t embarrassed himself. “Yes, everyone seems pretty caught up in the atmosphere.” He chuckled. 
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vet-subin · 4 years
closed starters for @vet-subin​ based on this meme
❝ This is a matter of life and death, where did you get that? ❞
“what these?” she asked, flashing her tarot cards she’d been looking at. “i’ve had these bad boys forever. have an interest in divination?” she asked curiously. 
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He nodded his head, intently focused on the cards. They were pretty and he was looking to get some new ones. “A bit! I’m more interested in Astrology but Divination is a hobby of mine too.” Su-Bin smiled at her, “So um- where did you get them?” He asked her pleadingly, trying to give her the best puppy-dog eyes he could.
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