victorianlesbian · 3 years
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Letture estive
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victorianlesbian · 3 years
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Handmade Xena and Gabrielle Plush version ❤️
It took years to finish them properly but now I'm very happy to have them with me
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Where can i see the first chapter of the beautifull comics that you write? With hb beeing kidnapped?
Hey there! The comics were made by my girlfriend @anniemay-af and it was based on a dream she made quite some time ago. It's a romantic one shot and there are no other chapters, unfortunately, and she has no intention to draw more of them. Still, thank you for appreciating, she's very grateful! :D
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Part 2
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And this is a wrap.
I hope you enjoyed the ride, even though it wasn’t long 💖
Please, let me know if you liked, leave a comment with your feedback, I care about every opinions !
And thank you for the lovely reception of part one (for those who missed, you can find it on my blog 💕)
Love you all,
Annie 🌸
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Aaaaand here it is, my new short Hicsqueak webcomic 💖
This is the first part of two, and it’s about the final scene from a dream I had some nights ago.
Hecate was kidnapped by some violent mages but Mildred found a way to free here and save the day 😆 (also, the section with Milly saving HB was super graphic, I’ve been playing too much The Last of Us part II 😂).
After the rescue Pippa (who just found out about all the mayhem) came rushing to Cackle’s to meet with HB...
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To be continued 😏
(Hope you enjoy this, I always love to draw these two lovebirds 💖 feel free to leave comments, I really want to know what you think about it!)
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
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26th April - Happy lesbian visibility day
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Day 2 #sixfanarts
Hecate Hardbroom
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
What u mean??? The last season was awesome!!!
I really enjoyed this season. I was sorry to see Hecate suffer for losing Indigo again, I loved Daisy and Dimity's whole affair with the other gym teacher. I can't honestly say that the whole season was a disaster, but I can't believe I see, in the season finale, that the same old dynamics are always repeated. Hecate who doesn't plan to investigate before blaming Mildred. Ethel treated with gloves even after everything is discovered. It is as if these 3 characters lived in an eternal loop where the same things continue to happen. Where no one learns to recognize mistakes, and even the small steps that Hecate and Mildred take to get closer, disappear.
I don't know, I think I expected a better relationship between Hecate and Mildred
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
I just finished watching the last season of TWW... What a disappointment. I want back the characters with their improvements. I want back Pipa and I want back a responsible Hecate.
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
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This thing/trend was started by @artblackout as a reminder for art thefts and those out there who REPOST or STEAL art/writings/contents in general, without credit or with credit (If an Original Poster doesn't want any reposts). Every content creators or anyone, has to post a total black picture (as seen above) on April 15th. (Picture's available from @/artblackout's blog) Art theft is extremely wrong and has to be stopped. I hope that in near future, there shall be no more art theft.
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Art Black Out April 15th
The idea is that on April 15th - World Art Day - artists only post black images to draw awareness to something people take as given: a steady stream of visual content on their dashes. 
We are drawing attention to the ongoing issue of artists being disrespected and their art being stolen or reposted. Let’s make people aware of what the Internet would look like if artists stopped making art because they get discouraged or too scared to post for fear of having their work stolen. 
For one day, let’s flood dashes everywhere with gaping black spaces where art is supposed to be. 
On April 15th post completely black images everywhere, on whichever platform it pleases you, and tag them with #artblackout.
Inform yourself on the issue of art theft, reposting and giving credit and spread the word! 
That’s it, well done, and thanks for helping artists to stay motivated to create the awesome content they are giving the world every day.
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Grazie per questo straziante omaggio alla mia nazione 🖤
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Frontliners by DuckLordEthan
Join us on instagram : https://www.instagram.com/steampunktendencies
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victorianlesbian · 4 years
Day 17 quarantine
I want to remind all my friends, outside of Italy, to stay at home!
I love you all even though I haven't been on Tumblr for a while. You all miss me so much. Stay safe. Together we can defeat this virus, all together we can do it!
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victorianlesbian · 5 years
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Lesbian problems when they are in quarantine far from their girlfriends
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