vidxr-blog · 8 years
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I’m rereading 5 year gap to make icons and Luornu just got one of her bodies back and it’s really cute.
Also Luorno Durgo-Taine likes butts confirmed.
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vidxr-blog · 8 years
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    “Long enough for the Time Institute to notice.”
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“how long have i been gone?”
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vidxr-blog · 8 years
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    “I’m sure it is.”
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             “.  .  . Aha, funny story —”
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vidxr-blog · 8 years
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    “... What were you saying Cary did?”
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          “Yeah, but I do all the work!”
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vidxr-blog · 8 years
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    “In reality, I was here before you.”
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          “In my head, I’m number one.”
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vidxr-blog · 8 years
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    “Do you really have to blame Cary for everything? And technically, you’re the third.”
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           ❝ No, hold up — it’s not me who did it,              ya should be looking for your third               sector partner here, not me.”
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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   “Actually, I have a daughter that’s around the same age as yours.”
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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i need to do more on this dweeb. like for a starter?
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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Amanda Watters
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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and for a moment, the Legion of Super-Heroes was Scooby-Doo
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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who let this hair happen
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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     “I was just trying to be polite.”
He took the vial from her before taking a small sample of it and sticking it under the microscope.
     “It appears to have the properties of the cure for lead poisoning.”
Ew. “It’s Andromeda. Or Laurel. Anything but Miss Gand.” For someone insisting they were the same age, that was kinda… no.
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“If you would, Vidar, that would be great. …Thanks.” She offered it to him, relieved. Hopefully this was the thing.
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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     “I could run a test to try and identify it. I’m not sure if it’ll         be successful, but it’s worth a try. After all, ingesting         strange liquids in a lab is not the wisest course of action,         Miss Gand.”
“It’s just in a cup. I come in, he’s got them set out for me, I drink it, I go.”
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It might not be in a cup if he hadn’t had time to prepare it, though… Frowning, Laurel opened another cupboard and pulled out a… it wasn’t a beaker, but a science-y thing full of a silvery liquid. “This looks right? Maybe?”
Sprock, she wasn’t sure.
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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   “N-Not at all!”
Quickly, he busied himself by opening drawers and looking through them. 
   “Er - What does it look like? Just in case it isn’t labeled.”
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She couldn’t help a slight chuckle at that, managing a very small smile. “An amazing woman, huh?”
“Rond ‘not a child’ Vidar, are you making a pass at your lab partner’s ex-girlfriend?” The idea was absolutely ridiculous - it figures that Brainiac’s partner would be just as much of a socially inept moron as he was (she casually ignored her own failures in the area) - and she snorted, crouching down to open a cupboard and peer in.
No such luck, gah.
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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What was wrong with Dox?
     “Well, he can’t be that smart if he doesn’t see what an amazing woman you are.”
... And that just came out of his mouth. Rond coughed awkwardly.
      “Anyway, I am not a child. I’m most likely around the same age as you.          Being taller than me means nothing.”
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“I dumped him. I move on easy.” Blatant lie, but she didn’t want apologies. “He still likes Supergirl, I don’t play second wickkaw to anyone, and thus, done. I’ll find someone else, kid, it’s not a big deal.”
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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Well, sprock.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to... Uh. Mention it.”
…Was it just her, or did the awkward just increase?
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“Well, Supergirl showed up… and then I. Well. Dumped him.” She opened a drawer for something to do.
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vidxr-blog · 9 years
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    “He has been acting erratically lately. Has he told you why?”
That was a the kind of thing someone told their girlfriend, right? Rond moved to his co-workers lab space and began opening various cabinets. Hopefully nothing was rigged with security.
Awkward, but helpful. Better than she could say for a lot of people, that was for sure.
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“…Sure. He usually keeps them out in cups for me, but I think he’s a bit out of sorts.” Supergirl and all. And getting dumped.
Yeah, she didn’t really blame him for forgetting.
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