vigilantobserver · 11 days
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Wasn’t able to get it quite right (this was really hard) but sibling quotes comic in (almost) @spookberry’s style!
My little brother is gonna freak when I tell him I drew another one of his quotes.
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vigilantobserver · 1 month
This whole series is so cute! Pls more!
Mini Mac # 37 : flower babies
The twins first feeding!! The monkeys are in love with their babies
Macaque was obsessed. He didn't glance away from his babies since they bloomed. He was overwhelmed by so many feelings he didn't even know what he was truly thinking. The only thing he knew was that they were perfect, and they were his. The black-furred monkey was on Wukong's heart-shaped patch of fur. The Monkey King was reclining on his cloud, he had taken off his shirt after dirtying it with his tears. The twins bloomed a few hours ago, as such the pilgrims decided to stop traveling for today and take a well-deserved break.
Macaque eyes were a bit swollen. He cried the second one of the twins chirped at him. Right now, they were both in his arms. Familiarizing themselves with the feel of his fur and the sound of his heartbeat. He took off his shirt to hold them as close as possible, his lil girl and his lil boy were comfortably cuddled in his arms. The most adventurous cub was pawing at his face, tracing the lines of his visage with her tiny lil hands. Macaque kissed the tips of her fingers every time they neared his mouth, the cub giggled each time, her voice as clear as a wind chime. Macaque eyed her tenderly.
She had bright fur, the same color as the embers of a fire, with swirls of red on her back, dancing like flames. Her eyes were like rubies, it reminded Macaque of Wukong's eye color under all his glamor. Her mask was clearer than her fur, it was like the color of a peach. It was framed like a heart and ended in two spikes on each side of her lil mouth, making the illusion of fangs. Her tail was very long, it clumsily swayed in-between her tiny feets and tangled with her legs. Macaque was trying to untie it from her legs but she giggled and squirmed around, tangling herself with her tail even more each time he managed to untangle her. Macaque snorted at her behavior.
“You can't stay still, can you?” Softly cooed the black-furred monkey. Wukong, who was watching the scene with wet eyes, laughed along.
“You want help?” Whispered the great sage, his voice so unbelievably soft. Macaque hesitated for a bit before nodding. The golden-furred monkey was very slow. He approached one of his fingers and softly brushed the lil girl to distract her. The cub giggled and pawed at the huge finger that poked her with glee, she bit it happily, loving the feel of fur in her mouth. It didn't hurt at all for Wukong, her fangs were tinier than a kitten's. “You're a lil savage aren't you?” Cooed Wukong. Macaque hummed and used this chance to untangle her daughter, he smoothed her long, long tail and wrapped it around his wrist to prevent it from being tangled again.
“Savage… I think that's a good name.” Smiled Macaque. He then turned towards his precious son. He was even tinier than his sister and was trying to merge with Macaque chest's fur, gripping it tightly. “Hey, baby, dad wanna see your face.” Macaque tried to coax his son but the stubborn lil guy huffed and pushed Macaque's fingers away, he wanted to sleep more!
The sleepy lil guy had a darker fur than her flaming sister. His fur was dark like walnut wood and he had golden swirls on his back, ressembling golden clouds. Macaque cooed at him for long minutes. The lil guy finally huffed and looked up at Macaque with a pout and sleepy eyes. He had a deep red mask shaped like wings (similar to his own) which ended with two spikes on each side of his mouth, very much like his sister. His eyes were made of gold, softer than his sister, and veiled by a thin layer of sleepy tears.
“Hey my lil sleepy guy.” Macaque kissed his son's forehead. Contrary to his sister, he didn't giggle, instead he made a rumbling-like sound, something ressembling a “mrrp”. “You're a rumbly guy.” Laughed Macaque. Wukong's eyes fell on the lil rumbly guy and he smiled. He patted the tiny cub's head with the tip of his finger. He was surprised when the baby boy gripped his finger and used it as a pillow. The cub huffed and pressed his tiny snout in the fur. He was so satisfied with his new pillow he purred, the sound made his whole body shake.
“Definitely a rumbly guy. “ Snorted Wukong. “Lil Rumble.”
Macaque like the name, Rumble.
Rumble and Savage, his precious treasures.
“Guys, we're back.” Both monkeys startled at the voice. They were so focused on the cubs they forgot about the pilgrims.
“You were out?” Asked Wukong.
“Can't believe you didn’t even notice it.” Snorted Bajie with a mocking smile. “Not even a day that they're here and you're already obsessed.” Wukong rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“You choose names?” Excitedly asked Ao Lie. He approached the babies and cooed. Not too close though, he didn't want to frighten them.
“This lil adventurer is Savage.” Presented Macaque as he tried to tear his daughter away from Wukong’s finger, she seemed to really like chewing on it. “and this lil purring guy is Rumble.” Added Macaque as he patted his son, who was still buried in Wukong's other finger.
“Beautiful babies.” Praised Wujing with sparkling eyes.
“We went looking for a village with the alms bowl. We got some fruits and milk for the babies.” Informed Sanzang as he took out the bottle of milk. Macaque eyes lit up when he saw the milk. He had to feed his babies!
“Oh, brothers, look in the outside pocket of our bags and bring me the lil wooden bottles I carved.” Demanded Wukong. Wujing nodded and went to fetch the lil bottles.
The great sage knew Macaque didn't have any milk. He was a male after all. So he created a lot of lil wooden bottles with silk tied at the end of it for the babies to feed on.
“You made that?” Asked Macaque with a huge smile.
“Yeah.” Nodded Wukong, he blushed when he noticed Macaque's smile. The great sage took the milk and poured it in the lil wooden bottles, a few drops were enough. He then tied the silk at the end of it and passed them to Macaque.
Macaque took the bottles. He didn't really know how to do this but he'll do his best. He coaxed his lil girl to his chest and brought the bottle close to her mouth. Savage looked up at him and tilted her head in confusion. Ah… yes, he needed to show her how to use it, how stupid of him. Macaque brought the bottle to his lips and sucked on the silk, drinking a few drops of milk. Savage watched him with round eyes, her lil ears twitching in interest. Macaque lowered the bottle to her again and let her pawe at it in wonder. Then Savage brought the bottle to her lips and sucked on the silk, her eyes widened comically when she drank her first drops of milk and her long tail wagged in delight. She sucked loudly, clutching the lil wooden bottle tightly, as if it was a treasure.
Macaque eyes widened when he saw how fast her daughter was drinking. In two blinks she already ended the bottle and demanded more.
“A lil glutton.” Chuckled Wukong as he refilled the bottle.
Rumble was a bit harder to coax, he glared at his bottle suspiciously, as if it would bite him if he dared suck on the silk. His sister was the one to help him. She frowned when she heard his lil “mrrps” of dissatisfaction and pushed the bottle on him. Rumble's chest ended up being a lil moist. The rumbly cub gasped and glared at his sister, she giggled while still suking on her bottle.
Rumble frowned and tried to pawe at his sister in frustration but she was too far. He huffed and stopped, tired by his tentatives. Macaque managed to finally coax him after he tired himself out and Rumble sucked on the silk with a grumpy face.
They both burped after being fed and curled in Macaque's chest. Savage was sprawled in his arms like a starfish while Rumble was curled in a tiny ball of fur. Their lil snores echoed softly in the air. Macaque looked down at them and wiped away the tears nipping at his eyes. The wind softly ruffled the two cubs and lulled them peacefully, singing melodies in their tiny ears, taking them to the land of dreams.
+ Cut scenes
Sanzang *warning the monkeys* : we're going to look for food.
The monkeys *focused on the twins* : 🥰🥰 chirps !
Sanzang : they're not listening are they? 😅
Ao Lie : Nope
Rumble : How dare you spill milk on me?? 😮
Savage : You're too slow 🙄
Rumble : This is war 😠
Rumble *after trying to pawe at Savage and failing* : Hmph, you're lucky for now. 😤
Wukong : awe, they're like angels 🥰
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vigilantobserver · 2 months
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So like. These guys.
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
this is so precious wtf
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
thinking about fma, one of the things i love about it is arakawa's very intentional worldbuilding. she never gave the story more than the plot needed. we don't get a bunch of flashbacks detailing the characters' lives, eveything that we know about them is only in service of the plot.
the xingese characters are there because they need the secret to immortality to gain their father's favor. and despite this being so interesting we don't really know anything else about them lol. how well do mei and ling know each other? how do their clans stand with one another? anything at all about their other siblings? they get like two interactions and other than the clans just generally hating each other we've got nothing. we don't even get anything about how lan fan even became ling's bodyguard.
then xerxes, a personal favorite of mine. ed and al are kind of casually confirmed to be descendants of a dead civilization renowned for alchemy. are we going to explore that civilization at all? ofc not. anything about hohenheim's past, other that the things you really need to know? nope. we're just generally gonna mention how he's known as a sage throughout both the east and west.
the fact that grumman is riza's grandfather? left untouched. the fact that roy studied under riza's father? you get one (1) flashback.
i love this style of worldbuilding tbh.
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
There's a lot of great things about FMA:B's final fight. It's the perfect culmination of all the hardships the protagonists had to go through to get to the end. It is a visceral expression of grief against the one responsible for all their sorrow.
It's also a teenager beating the everloving shit out of God with his bare hands while all his weird adult friends cheer him on.
And that makes it even better.
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
This. Exactly this. This is the kind of reason why I love this show a lot.
One of the biggest “I love you”s in Fullmetal Alchemist are all the ways people respect each other’s bodily autonomy. There are two scenes that carry this theme to its fullest potential, and I love them so, so much.
The first one is quite iconic: Riza’s throat was slit and Roy has a chance to save her - by dooming their country and committing human transmutation. And Roy would do it. He would throw it all away just to save her, even though he knows that human transmutation is an unforgivable sin. But she looks at him and signals him to Not Do It. And he doesn’t. He wants to, but he doesn’t do it. Because only minutes earlier, he hurt her again by dooming himself (and potentially the country) with his fury.  And if there is one thing Roy Mustang doesn’t want to do, it’s hurt Riza Hawkeye any more than he already has. Even if that means watching her die. Even if that means letting her go.
He respects her and their goals enough to say no.
He loves her enough to let her die.
The second one is just as heart-wrenching: after Al sacrificed himself, basically dying in the process, Ed tries to think of a way to save him. Both Hohenheim and Ling offer him a Philosopher’s Stone to bring Al back - and Ed says No. Even though he wants nothing more in life than to save his little brother. Even though there is nothing he wants more desperately than the safety of Al. He says no for many reasons - Hohenheim is his father after all, Ling needs the stone to become Emperor - but mostly he says no because he and Al promised to never use a Stone for themselves. And he respects that. He puts Al’s wish above his own desire to see his little brother again. He respects Al’s decision (his own conviction) enough to break the rules of the world to find another way.
Because he loves Al - he loves him enough not to break the fundamentals of their principles. He loves him enough to respect the integrity of their believes.
And the narrative rewards both Roy and Edward for their choice to respect the agency and bodily autonomy of their loved ones - they survive, are saved, are brought back… and neither Ed nor Roy had to force their own desire for them to live on clearly stated last wishes.
So often we see media portray the disregard for bodily autonomy (especially in medical contexts) as a sign of love, the breaking of patient-doctor confidentiality as a sign of care, the violation of a living will as a sign of family - I like to think that Fullmetal Alchemist shows us that there’s strength in respecting it instead.
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
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i haven't fulfilled my promise yet to use you as my dog!
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
i give u a puppy, please take care of the puppy, been soaking in the rain....
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Chuuya: "I'm sure taking care of one little puppy wouldn't disrupt my schedule.."
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Chuuya: "E-eh..?! What do you want me to do with all these dogs?!"
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vigilantobserver · 3 months
Soukoku Interview from Otomedia
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Q: In the summer, where would you take a girl out for a date?
Chuuya: Dazai said “going to the sea and watch the beautiful sunset” is the best choice for a date. So I can promise that watching the sunset is the only thing I will not do. Dazai: Chuuya said “ high quality dinner and enjoying the night scenery” is important. So I can promise that enjoy the night scenery and having dinner is the only thing I will not do.
Q: What do you do when you can’t fall asleep in the summer?
Chuuya: Driving around aimlessly. Dazai: Staring at the ceiling while thinking about ways to bother Chuuya.
Q: What kind of food do you like in the summer? Why?
Chuuya: Cold champagne after work, but only under the condition that Dazai is not there. Dazai: A drink after work while happily watching Chuuya drink the champagne that I switched out with vinegar.
Keep reading
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
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it takes time (and care),
to be alright (again).
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
“platonic age gaps are problematic-“
are you guys really not friends with your parents? your siblings? your older and younger cousins? your professors and teachers and mentors? the regulars at the cafe twice your age? your motherfucking grandparents? open your eyes and your hearts to what a friend can be.
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
It’s incredibly important to me that the anime decided to include this scene that wasn’t in the manga. In the manga, Maomao does pass out in Jinshi’s lap after saving him from what was obviously an assassination attempt.
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HOWEVER, the manga cuts off at this point, keeping strictly in Maomao’s perspective, and cuts straight to when she regains consciousness in bed after being treated for her injuries. The manga doesn’t show how she got back. They SAY how, and she briefly mentions, “wow that must have been embarrassing; he carried me back,” but we don’t SEE it. We don’t get to feel the true impact of what that means. But the anime DID show us, and holy shit.
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They SHOW us how taboo this is. They show Jinshi carrying her out of the temple, after a public attempt on his life.
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They show us the shock and horror on Lakan’s face as Jinshi silently walks past him. Horror at the state his daughter is in, horror at another man—a man with a status he could never dare to question—staking such a public claim over his child, horror at the fact that he could never have this level of closeness with her (as Maomao would never allow it).
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Everyone hides their gazes, as is their custom when someone of his rank passes by, but the air is different this time. Jinshi is furious, he’s terrified, and he could not give a single shit about how inappropriate it looks to these palace officials.
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The shot that slowly follows her trail of blood—even though it’s a small detail—that in particular leaves such a intense impression of how poignant this is for him.
Maomao talked about this scene in the manga like it was nothing to her. She did what she set out to do: she saved the person who was targeted by the attack. She didn’t even know the target would be someone she knew. But she has no idea that this happened afterwards as a result of her bravery. To her, it likely wasn’t even an act of bravery at all. She acted on impulse; she did what she knew was the right thing to do.
The anime didn’t need to include this, because the manga didn’t show it. But damn, I’m so glad they did.
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
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he. in fact, did not catch the hint
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vigilantobserver · 4 months
Imagine you're Dazai and you're 15.
You've just met this kid(also 15), who is loud and annoying and won't do a single thing you tell him to. Not only has he got a ridiculously strong ability but he has crazy control over it and he can handle himself in a fight. He's the leader of gang. The Port Mafia views him as a serious threat.
And you're forming your opinions as you're being made to team up with this brash annoying kid who keeps trampling on all your good plans with his own ideas. Clearly, he's used to doing what he wants when he wants and it grates on you.
The sooner this is over the better.
But then, it's not all bad. You don't really get to hang out with kids your age. Or kids in general, most of the people you know are adults (who also happen to be criminals). As annoying as he is, it's fun messing with each other. You go to an arcade together and make a silly bet.
He places his stakes, so you have to think of your own. Obviously, you come up with an ingenious idea. If he loses, this kid who does whatever he wants, he has to be your dog for life. It's the kind of dumb bet kids your age would make, right? You've heard that before.
You'll make him carry about some stuff with his ability and lord it over him for a while and it will be funny.
Only then his friends- members of his gang, The Sheep- walk in and he hides from them. Because of you. You are, after all, from a rival gang. You call them over just to mess with him.
And you watch the kid you got to know start to shrink. All his noise goes quiet. All his confidence dissipates. That annoyingly loud kid you've gotten used to, the one who won't do as you say, who argued back all the time, just stands there as his so-called friends chip away at him. You watch as they treat him like-
Like a dog.
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