viitorcloudblogs · 2 years
Top Augmented Reality trends to look out in 2022?
The use of augmented reality technology has proved to be one of the best ways for businesses to find new ways to grow worldwide. Many people think the AR market will be worth $198 billion by 2025. This year, there will be 3.5 billion people who use mobile AR. There is a lot of room for AR experiences in many industries because there is much room for them. There will also be more efficiency at work because of better technology. Let’s look at some of the augmented reality trends that will be important in 2022. Trend #1: Mobile Augmented Reality Is Getting Better. Mobile augmented reality has a lot of clear advantages that make it the focus of a lot of attention from people interested in this kind of tech. Many people already have a phone that can do AR, so there’s no need for them to buy a big and pricey headset. Because mobile devices are so small and easy to move around, they can be brought into just about any room. APPLE ARKIT 5 is coming out soon. The most recent version of Apple’s open-source mobile augmented reality development toolset, ARKit 5, has more features than ARKit 4. Some of the most significant changes include more support for location anchors, better motion tracking, better face tracking in the ultra-wide camera on the 5th generation iPad Pro, and better face tracking. App Clip Codes can also make AR experiences that can be started with a quick scan of the code. App Clip Codes are QR code-like images that can be scanned to start a small part of an app. They can be used to create a small amount of an app. Apple has added this feature to its ARKit software, which means that augmented reality experiences can be started up from anywhere without downloading extra software. ARCORE ARCore is the Android version of ARKit, and it gives developers the open-source native tools they need to make augmented reality apps for Android devices. Thought to be a little more complex than ARKit because Android has a lot of different hardware that needs to be taken into account. Because of this, some Android features may not work with all of them. This year, Google added a few new things to ARCore, like recording and playback APIs, to make it even better. These tools allow developers to record video footage with information about AR.
There is a video on the Internet that shows how developers can use depth and IMU sensor data to make the same environment and use it for more testing. This means that developers can now more easily test their software in different places. Recording and playback API isn’t just good for developers, and it’s also suitable for people who use the app. This technology makes it possible for people to record video and then apply AR effects to it later because video can have information about the environment that can be found in the video.
Trend #2: Using GPS in both indoor and outdoor navigation In 2022, AR navigation has become more fluid and accessible than ever before, making it easier and more fun than ever to get around. When Bluetooth Low Energy antennas, Wi-Fi RTT, and ultra-wideband (UWB) technologies came out, it was easier for people to find their way inside than it was in the past. One of the most valuable things this technology can do is show directions in places like distribution centers, shopping malls, and airports that are very big inside. One thing not to forget is that people and businesses can use this technology. If you’re at a store, you might use AR indoor navigation to find what you’re looking for. The same thing might happen at a distribution center. If you want to use AR in your business, but you don’t yet have comfortable and cheap glasses. Businesses can use AR in distribution centers, stores, and other places is already there, though. One of the best-known manufacturers, Zebra, makes ARCore-ready mobile enterprise devices like the TC52, TC57, and TC77. These are Android-powered phones with barcode scanners meant to be used at work. With indoor navigation, services like buy online pick up in-store (BOPIS) can be a lot more time-saving and easy. It’s easier to use AR directions for people who have to “pick” items from a store for order than follow coordinated directions. This saves time by not looking through similar things and finding the right aisle and section of the store. Only one person has to hold up their phone and look at what the screen says. There are some things to keep in mind, like things that have been lost around the store. It’s possible that they were moved by guests or logged into the system incorrectly. The team member could then use AR navigation on their device to get to an empty spot on a shelf. Trend #3:Health care and Augmented Reality According to Deloitte Research, augmented reality and AI will change the way healthcare businesses work. AR/MR-enabled hands-free solutions and AI-based diagnostic tools will make the traditional business model obsolete. A surgeon can get information from Microsoft Hololens 2 while still using both hands to do the job, like when they do surgery. Trend #4: Augmented Reality Shopping Experiences Augmented reality has a lot of uses in the retail industry. One of these opportunities that are being used now is store mapping. Users can use augmented reality to help them find the item they need in a store by following on-screen directions. Dent Reality is one of the companies making AR mapping systems for stores, like this one. They just have to hold their phone up and follow the augmented reality directions through the aisles to get to their desired item. Trend #5: Augmented Reality and Remote Help Augmented reality can make people’s lives better when they need help or want to learn. Owl Labs says that by 2020, almost 70% of full-time workers in the United States will be able to work from home.
Viitorcloud is an IT company based in Ahmedabad. The company provides all IT services like python development, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain development, laravel development, and much more. Viitorcloud allows you to hire a developer and get your work done.
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