visong · 8 years
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visong · 8 years
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They say I’m too young to love you.
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visong · 8 years
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Jared Leto as The Joker behind the scenes of Suicide Squad (x)
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visong · 8 years
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× credits to the real owner of this gif.
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visong · 8 years
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O h h , you’re so .  .  . g o o d.
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visong · 8 years
Imagine: Giving birth to your child with the Joker
Requested: Yes 
Warnings: Mention of sex, never before seen fluffy Joker.
A/N: I know that the Joker isn’t a softie when it comes to ‘love’ or let alone a baby but it’s an imagine and anything can happen in one so please don’t hate and don’t be rude. I hope you enjoy it though.
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Y/N had just finished giving birth. To the Joker’s child that is. She fell asleep shortly after giving birth, exhausted. Even though the Joker didn’t think it was time for a baby and he couldn’t imagine himself being a father, he still stuck by Y/N’s side throughout her entire pregnancy, when she went into labor and when she gave birth. 
“Doll, tell me what is it. What’s going on?” The Joker said. Y/N’s different behavior now worried him. She was nervous and unsteady the past few days and he knew she was hiding something from him. He just didn’t know what it was.
“J, I-I’m pregnant.” Y/N said. It took her ever ounce of her energy to tell the Joker the truth, she didn’t want to tell him but she knew she had no other option. She had to come clean.
The Joker ran a hand through his bright green hair, shocked. He remembered how they conceived the child a couple of weeks ago, the couple had forgotten to use protection. They hoped that she wouldn’t become pregnant, Y/N was taking birth control but somehow it didn’t work and here they were.
“Y/N as much as I love you we can’t have this baby, I’m a criminal. This is not the time to bring a child into our lives it’s too dangerous, once it’s born we have to put it up for adoption o-or.” The Joker sighed as he put his head down.
“I know but please give the baby a chance, after it’s born I’m not putting it up for adoption J, I can’t make you accept the baby but if you still don’t want it after it’s born I’m sorry but you’ll never see us again. I’ll leave and raise this baby on my own” Y/N as she walked out of the room.
Joker sat on the edge of the bed his hands over his face, the situation was very difficult. He wanted a family with Y/N he loved her more than he ever loved Harley, she was history now. But the Joker knew that it would probably never be a right time to have a child with Y/N and if it did happen both mother and daughter would be in danger. Which was something he feared.
The Joker walked quietly to the baby’s small crib right next to his sleeping wife’s bed, carefully he picked up the small newborn baby girl. 
“Well aren’t you just a beauty.” He said quietly. Holding his and Y/N’s baby in his arms and rocking it lightly careful not to wake her up. 
“What am I doing? I can’t give you up. I can’t let go of the two people who have made me so happy.” He said running his finger through the baby’s small amount of hair on her head. 
The Joker finally had a family, after what he had been through. Years of being alone, running the streets of Gotham committing infamous crimes. When he met Y/N after saving her life everything in his life changed. He experienced happiness and love with Y/N something he had sadly lost years ago. If he didn’t accept the baby, he know he would lose both of them and all the happiness and love he once had would disappear in the blink of an eye. 
He wasn’t prepared to give that up. Sure it wasn’t the time to raise a baby, he was a dangerous criminal and because of that he was incredibly worried for Y/N and the baby’s safety. On top of that he knew he wouldn’t be a good example of what a father should be, no one wants a criminal as a father but Y/N reassured him that he would be a good father as long as he was there for the baby and as long as he loved her. 
“I may not be the best father princess but I love you and your mommy very much, you girls are my world.” The Joker said. He planted a kiss on the baby’s forehead, a small smile formed on the sleeping baby’s face causing the Joker to smile as well. 
The Joker looked at the baby, noticing the features she had inherited from him. She had his nose, eye shape, smile, his used to be jet black hair, but she had Y/N’s eye color, lips, ears and the small dimples that formed on her cheeks each time she smiled. The sleeping child stuck her hand out as she reached for her father’s fingers. She grabbed his index finger and wrapped her tiny hand around it softening the Joker’s heart.
“You’re too beautiful, you’re too beautiful to be mine. I don’t deserve you.” The Joker said sadly. 
He didn’t know how something so beautiful could be his, it was impossible to him. He didn’t deserve such a blessing, he was a criminal, he killed people, beat them up, robbed places, etc. The baby deserved a better father. 
“Yes you do, you definitely deserve her.” A voice said, he turned around it was Y/N, now wide awake. 
Y/N patted the bed signaling the Joker to sit down next to her, and so he did. He walked over to her bed and sat down next her still holding the baby girl in his arms. 
“You deserve her as much as I do, we created her. You’ll be a good father to her.” Y/N told him the Joker gave her a small smile. 
“I’ve always wanted to start my own family, I love the both of you and I can’t imagine my life without my girls.” The Joker said causing a smile to form on Y/N’s face.
He wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder and the couple looked at the small baby, realizing how lucky they were. 
“I may not be a perfect example of what a father should be but I will protect you both with my life no matter what. I love you.” The Joker said. He placed a kiss on Y/N’s lips and he kissed the baby girl’s cheek. 
This was their new life, and it was just the beginning.
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visong · 8 years
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Suicide Squad Joker & Harley Quinn Crazy love
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visong · 8 years
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All’a that chit chat’s gonna getcha hurt. 
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visong · 8 years
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visong · 8 years
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I’m nuts, baby, I’m mad The craziest friend that you’ve ever had You think I’m psycho, you think I’m gone…
Mad Hatter — Melanie Martínez
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visong · 8 years
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i need a  g a n g s t a  to love me better 
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visong · 8 years
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“My freakness is on the loose And running, all over you.” - Gangsta
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visong · 8 years
All Of The Joker's Lines In Suicide Squad
“Doctor, Quinzel. I live for these moments with you.” “What do you got?” “That’s thoughtful.” “There’s something you can do for me, Doctor” “I need a machine gun” “What do we have here?” “Oh I’m not gonna kill ya. I’m just gonna hurt ya really really bad.” “Question, would you die for me?” “That’s too easy. Would live for me?” “Careful. Do not say these oaths thoughtlessly.” “Desire become surrender, surrender become power.” “You want this?” “Say it, say it!” “Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty” “Oh god, you’re so good” “Are you sweet talkin’ me?” “I like this guy” “He’s so intense” “Well that she is, the fire in my loins, itch in my crotch, the one and only the infamous Harley Quinn” “Oh, Come to daddy” “Listen, You are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka.” “You belong to him now” “You don’t want no beef? don’t want no beef? Don’t want no beef?” “Look, are you enjoying yourself?” “That’s right” “Oh, we have got company.” “Where is she?” “Bring the car” “We’re going for a drive” “Blah blah blah blah” “All of that chit-chat’s gonna get cha hurt” “I can tell you meant that” “You will be my friend” “This look neat.” “Hello, baby” “Come on baby.” “Oh, you know I’ll do anything for you.” “By the way, I’ve got some grape soda on ice and a bear skin rug waiting. “This bird is bait.” “Ok honey, it’s me and you” “Let’s go home”
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visong · 8 years
Reblog/Like if you agree.
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visong · 8 years
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visong · 8 years
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Dr Harleen Quinzel and the Joker + Therapy Session
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visong · 8 years
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