vodkawithjin · 3 months
[Fic] Inspired
Length: 14K (4/5)
#yoonjin #canon #humor
Seokjin drops Yoongi links to Yoonjin fanfiction, and Yoongi comes to the conclusion that he is flirting. Is he though?
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vodkawithjin · 4 months
[Fic] Dream a little dream of me
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Genre: Fluff, Humor, Smut
Length: 15K+
Tags: Friends with benefits; Roommates
"I'm gay!" says Jin, bursting through the door with glee. "Oh my God, I'm so gay!"
"Good morning to you, too," deadpans Yoongi. "That's absolutely amazing news."
Jin enlists Yoongi to help him with "the gay lovemaking and all". It goes just about as well as you'd imagine.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51987949/chapters/131467168
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vodkawithjin · 8 months
leash. That's it.
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vodkawithjin · 10 months
Yoongi, Marry Me
Length: 7/7 (~24K)
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“Are you…” says Yoongi, jolting up from the comfort of his bed to face Jin directly. “Are you seriously proposing to me right now?”
Jin gulps audibly, choosing to stare at the ceiling instead of at Yoongi. “What do you think?” It’s not really an answer, but it’s not a No either.
“I mean, this is kind of sudden,” says Yoongi, cringing as he feels his face heat up. “At least buy me dinner first! Or a drink!”
Yoongi and Jin have made a promise to marry each other if and when they're thirty and single. You can probably predict how this one will unfold.
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vodkawithjin · 10 months
Title: Yoongi, Marry Me!
Genre: Fluff, Light Angst, Humor, Smut
Length: Chaptered, 6/7 (~19.9K)
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vodkawithjin · 11 months
Title: Yoongi, Marry Me!
Genre: Fluff, light angst, humor
Length: Chaptered, 4/5 (~10.7K)
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“Are you…” says Yoongi, jolting up from the comfort of his bed to face Jin directly. “Are you seriously proposing to me right now?”
Jin gulps audibly, choosing to stare at the ceiling instead of at Yoongi. “What do you think?” It’s not really an answer, but it’s not a No either.
“I mean, this is kind of sudden,” says Yoongi, cringing as he feels his face heat up. “At least buy me dinner first! Or a drink!”
Yoongi and Jin have made a promise to marry each other if and when they're thirty and single. You can probably predict how this one will unfold.
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vodkawithjin · 2 years
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you've got a Friend in me by tangowithsuga (me!)
Artwork by louderthanaisha on Twitter
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vodkawithjin · 2 years
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vodkawithjin · 2 years
[FIC] Fools
Fools namkook | ~12.5K (5/5) - COMPLETE! 
A Canon Compliant tale where after an impromptu make out session with the love of his life, Jeon Jungkook jumps on his one big chance for true love.
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Chapter 5 features 
-Namkook smut 
-Conversations, Mutual Understanding, Romance???
Read the completed fic here >>>
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vodkawithjin · 3 years
Title: Bromance Noir Author: tangowithsuga Pairing: Yoonjin Word count: 4.2k (3/3 chapters) Rating: T Summary: A self-indulgent fic about sleeping, watching movies, being the best of best roommates, and the nuances of the Yoonjin relationship.Seokjin gazes closely at his roommate’s sleeping form. He takes everything in - the pine scent lingering from Yoongi’s latest bath bomb, his pale smooth skin and slightly flushed cheeks, his soft pouty (kissable) lips - and considers seriously for the first time that he may have a crush on his roommate.
Note: Another one by tangowithsuga, probably one of my favorite authors out there for non-au stories~
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vodkawithjin · 3 years
Hi!!! I love this blog and your recs are so good 💕 I was wondering if you could maybe rec some really fluffy non AU stories that are friends to lovers and mutual piningParticularly for vmin or yoonjin or namkook?? it would be an added bonus if the realization hits them while they’re on stage or writing a song or ~something~
Thank you! ^_^ Of course I can :)
Your love was handmade for somebody like me by tangowithsuga
Rating: T
Pairings: Taehyung/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 26,599
Summary: The oldest cliche in the book - Park Jimin wakes up in Vegas, married to his best friend Kim Taehyung.
Then There Was Malta by little_whittles
Rating: E
Pairings: Taehyung/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 20,152
Summary: “Is this about Taehyung?” Jungkook asks as if he could read Jimin’s mind. Jimin forces a poker face, at least he thinks he does. “I knew it.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Jimin exclaims, glaring at Jungkook. But is there any point in denying it now? He feels vaguely miserable, but he can’t help the little smile that pulls on his lips when he thinks about Taehyung.
“As if you’d have to,” Jungkook grins, being fucking adorable as usual. Jimin bows his head forward and screams into the pillow, making Jungkook giggle. “I knew it.”
you stop the noise by lilac_one
Rating: Not rated
Pairings: Seokjin/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 6,737
Summary: He often teased the others that he’d raised them on his back, and still carried them, but some days it felt more true than others, and most days with no effort at all he could crack a joke, make himself larger than life, over the top, to provide cover for them when the spotlight that constantly followed them these days scorched instead of warmed. But other days, days like today, his facade felt fragile, and not nearly enough to protect them the way he needed to.
Makimono Goujon by makimonojjk
Rating: M
Pairings: Jungkook/Namjoon
Status: Complete
Word count: 46,676
Summary: Just your usual canon Namkook fic, nothing to see here just two sweet moonboys that are in love with each other
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vodkawithjin · 3 years
Hi there, do you have any complete Non!AU fics where two members pine after each other but just don’t say anything? Like they worry they’ll ruin their friendship/the band/etc. but they eventually do confess to each other? I’d really love NamSeok, MinJoon, JiHope, JiKook, TaeJin, or YoonJin if you can find any for those ships. Thank you so much and I’m happy to see the ask box open again! Thank you for being so helpful!
I do indeed! :)
Let’s Figure Us Out by mangoslush
Rating: E
Pairings: Hoseok/Namjoon
Word count: 10256
Summary: For Hoseok, what he feels with Namjoon- it’s another dimension entirely. One he shouldn’t be treading so lightly —
Hoseok and Namjoon work through their tension.
guilty love by avtor
Rating: T
Pairings: Hoseok/Namjoon
Word count: 9,238
Summary: Nearly seven years down the road, Hoseok is forced to decide.
halcyon by marythecloud94
Rating: T
Pairings: Namjoon/Jimin
Word count: 9,350
Summary: halcyon /ˈhalsɪən/(adj.) denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
or,Namjoon catches feelings for Jimin at wildly inappropriate times.
Counter Cockwise by tangowithsuga
Rating; M
Pairings: Yoongi/Seokjin
Word count: 12,198
Summary: An canon-ish au where after Seokjin posts a picture of his clothed cock resting nicely atop the bathroom counter, Yoongi is forced to confront his long-buried lust and feelings for his former roommate.
A selfie of his silly roommate standing at the bathroom counter with his newly-dyed purple hair was nothing too out of the ordinary, but /Nice/ was an understatement, really. Seokjin looked great all the time. Great with a sleepy face and poofy hair in RJ-themed pajamas, great in a fitted tux. Great with purple hair, in a long-sleeved white shirt, black gloves, and black jeans. Great when he flaunts his glorious broad shoulders and chiseled abs when he walks around the dorm in nothing but boxers during the summer. So great that Yoongi sometimes wished he could look half as great, and sometimes wished he could, well-… Yoongi had shaken his head to himself. Not the time for silly dreams like that.
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vodkawithjin · 3 years
Hi there, do you have any complete Non!AU fics where two members pine after each other but just don’t say anything? Like they worry they’ll ruin their friendship/the band/etc. but they eventually do confess to each other? I’d really love NamSeok, MinJoon, JiHope, JiKook, TaeJin, or YoonJin if you can find any for those ships. Thank you so much and I’m happy to see the ask box open again! Thank you for being so helpful!
I do indeed! :)
Let’s Figure Us Out by mangoslush
Rating: E
Pairings: Hoseok/Namjoon
Word count: 10256
Summary: For Hoseok, what he feels with Namjoon- it’s another dimension entirely. One he shouldn’t be treading so lightly —
Hoseok and Namjoon work through their tension.
guilty love by avtor
Rating: T
Pairings: Hoseok/Namjoon
Word count: 9,238
Summary: Nearly seven years down the road, Hoseok is forced to decide.
halcyon by marythecloud94
Rating: T
Pairings: Namjoon/Jimin
Word count: 9,350
Summary: halcyon /ˈhalsɪən/(adj.) denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
or,Namjoon catches feelings for Jimin at wildly inappropriate times.
Counter Cockwise by tangowithsuga
Rating; M
Pairings: Yoongi/Seokjin
Word count: 12,198
Summary: An canon-ish au where after Seokjin posts a picture of his clothed cock resting nicely atop the bathroom counter, Yoongi is forced to confront his long-buried lust and feelings for his former roommate.
A selfie of his silly roommate standing at the bathroom counter with his newly-dyed purple hair was nothing too out of the ordinary, but /Nice/ was an understatement, really. Seokjin looked great all the time. Great with a sleepy face and poofy hair in RJ-themed pajamas, great in a fitted tux. Great with purple hair, in a long-sleeved white shirt, black gloves, and black jeans. Great when he flaunts his glorious broad shoulders and chiseled abs when he walks around the dorm in nothing but boxers during the summer. So great that Yoongi sometimes wished he could look half as great, and sometimes wished he could, well-… Yoongi had shaken his head to himself. Not the time for silly dreams like that.
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vodkawithjin · 4 years
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vodkawithjin · 4 years
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0 notes
vodkawithjin · 4 years
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vodkawithjin · 4 years
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hi testing.
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