vogueliscious · 4 months
Water your garden with my tears,as my love soaks the earth, your flowers grow.Thorns found beneath the layers of fallen petals,carefully plucked from its stem and buried away,hidden to avoid the prick of a finger.My blood quenching the thirst of your roots,bright red flowers for all to admire.
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vogueliscious · 5 months
If I stood in the rain long enough, would my sorrows wash away? Rid me of the stains clung to my skin, allowing a fresh slate to start again. Would it carry my pain into the ground? Soaking the Earth with my grief. Or, would I remain the same? Cold and alone, desperately hoping for more.
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vogueliscious · 6 months
If I could, I’d peel off layers of my flesh and bury it beneath the ground. A funeral for all that I was, all that I am. Walk straight into the abyss calling my name, to start a new life, free from pain.
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vogueliscious · 1 year
2 (Sorrow)
If possible, my sorrow would take a seat by my side, wipe its tears and ask me “why?” I’d stare blankly, whilst the grieving sound of sobs interrupt the remains of my silence.
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vogueliscious · 1 year
Palms flat on your chest, you can feel rhythmic beating. Something beautiful, or painful, keeping you alive. Gentle yet excruciating. Right there. Love.
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vogueliscious · 1 year
Ask me what I feel for you, a hand grasps my throat. String every letter of the alphabet in front of me,yet still, I am unable to write words for one to comprehend. Soak hundreds of languages onto my tongue, and the knot remains tied, unable to make a sound. Memories in my mind of eyes I can no longer see.What is it called when you’re unable to talk without drowning?When a simple question has you…
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vogueliscious · 1 year
When they ask why I’m unable to walk,I wonder, could you if you had lost a limb?Let them laugh and mock my limp,as I drag myself across this earth.Laughter rattling in my ears,yet the sobs of my wounds cry louder. Open gashes turned to dead stumps,pieces of myself lost forever more.
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vogueliscious · 1 year
Silent conversations
Conversations with the moon holds your heart close, its brief reassurance delays its inevitable stop. Like many others, comfort is sought from the light provided in the midst of darkness, hopelessly fantasising that you are talking to it too. Loneliness is mentioned to the stars, anger spewed into the wind. Heartache shared with the galaxies, whilst emptiness is whispered into the depths of…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
The end (whilst alive)
The world will reach its inevitable end, religion, science and lost tales,stories of a crashing burn, earth in flames,warning humanity to be kinder once of age.Never had I thought I’d witness the burning rage,of walking corpses with broken souls, insanity pushing people towards an early grave.Prayers whispered to the heavens, in hopes to avoid demons prowling at Hell’s gates.Tears forming rivers…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
They say the sweetest of souls pour kindness with ease,adding honey to all that is touched by their fingertips,creating a bed of gold. Innate they say, almost as if you are either born with a black soul or one shining white.Yet what they do not talk about is the way kindness is made.From shattered souls handed multiple trials,from worn hands tired of clawing their way out of graves.Softness from…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
The reality of life
Do we become familiar with broken things that we forget they are broken?Do they ever mend? Or do we settle for pieces of shattered glass stuck together,a mosaic of pain portrayed as art.Broken heart and limbs,we become accustomed to suffering,numb to the sadness befriending our life.Tolerant to fate’s hardship, accepting pain with sealed lips. Do we ever recover?Or do we distort life to accept…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
Anniversary of pain
When the bubble popped, its explosion burning, as if acid was doused on skin, pain suppressed all faith and hope in humanity. Time ticks and the agony does not change, still unbearable as if it happened on the first day. World keeps spinning and life continues, unaware of the grief slowing your surroundings to an everlasting string of anxiety. Learning pain does not get easier, you just continue…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
When I long for you the most, I stare at the sky. Though whatever the time,the pain burns me alive. Stare right at the moon,since that’s where our story began, wondering, are you staring back?I imagine at times you are too,a bridge created between me and you.You dancing, me running, right to the top,meet in the middle in the very spotthe universe meets to engulf us both.So whilst you’re miles…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
This is what happens when (a warning from me)
Never stay silent. Silence aids their growth. Silence leads to your demise and bad choices. Let me tell you what happens when you let them pinch but you pretend you didn’t feel it because you’re trying to do the nicer thing. They’ll kick and they’ll spit and add little things to the list. “You made me angry”, “it was a reflex”, “you’re the gum beneath my shoe.” You’ll hear “if I didn’t spit…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
Lone silence
Silence speaks the loudest words, a disguise to hide muffled cries, of longing to be understood, not just by anyone but a specific person. Anchors shackled to your wrists, it weighs you down on the days you want to be held by their arms, their eyes to read yours, and provide love in the solitude you so deeply resent. Bleak are the mornings, days and nights, as cycles repeat and their absence…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
Darkness, my loyal friend
Darkness, my loyal friend. You’ve come to visit me tonight. To say hello and stretch an arm across my shoulders. Your thoughtfulness does not go by unnoticed. I feel the whispers of your breath and your fingers stroking my hair. The wisps of your scent circling me like a hurricane. How sweet of you to put me in the eye of your storm, so I can watch the world spin and turn whilst I’m glued to one…
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vogueliscious · 2 years
Alone with vision
“Take this” they say and I do. Yet my skin burns, my muscles shake and the visions do not go away. “It’ll help”. Yet I can’t breathe, my body is sore and my mind longs for peace I don’t think I’ll ever have anymore. “What do you need, what do you want?” How do I honestly answer that one? When the only person who will understand my mind is also the one who is no longer in my life? When the only…
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