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This movie is one of my ALL time favorites!!
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Where did you get that ESPN issue?! I must have it. Do you know where I can get it online???
This issue just came out and should be in stores. I have a subscription with ESPN so I received it in the mail. I do not know if you can get it online
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Baby horse is focused. I like how this is before the New Zealand match where they made them switch unis. I'm sure this broke their focus.
ESPN talks about how Alex Morgan crawls into her locker before games to visualize passes, shots, and run. By the time she gets into the game she is fine because she already went through everything in her mind. 
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In my mania and momentary excitement I failed to look for contextual clues before bothering you, my apologies, I see now that the pictures are from ESPN Magazine. Have a wonderful day.
Oh you're fine it is from the newest espn magazine issue for March 5. The pictures are from page 6 and 19.
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Look whose in espn.
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The Tale of the Tape
Stay Classy Mexico.
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*gif credit to the amazing jun-witherspoon
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"Lost nights turned to lost years Lost sleep to nightmares Less sleep led to longer days Needed more coffee for overnight stays It wasn’t easy but what’s past is past It’s hard, its hell, but the fact is that nothing lasts Made me cold, made me angry, made me mean But now those nightmares are few and far between Replaced my demons with angels, my hauntings with dreams My pits with trees, my anchors for wings Your past is always there but don’t let it hold you down Don’t forget about the friends that you still have around I’m grateful for what I have, all those who sacrificed for me So that I could be where I am and what I want to be Some are family, some are friends and some are both Bonded by blood, by ideals, by oath But the point is that you’re there and you stay to the end What else is family for if you can’t ask that of a friend Here for drunken confessions, an ear to lend, wingman for busting some skulls But ask for help while you can—I hate those bad news phone calls"
Stay tuned
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God help me, its still funny. Stay tuned.
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People are stupid.
Yours truly. Stay tuned
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ahahahahahha omg wtf!
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Love humor.
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Keep It Simple, Stupid
K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. The general idea is when you have a concept you are trying to express to a group of people, you should keep it as basic as possible so no one gets confused. Now this is beneficial in some situations, but I think its overuse may actually be hurting our society.
Had a discussion with a friend of mine the other day about the effects of mainstream music on today's youth. It didn't occur to me until later why this music was "mainstream" or so popular among the masses. Its because they're keeping the message simple. Money, women, power, drugs, all that. Its not just the topic, its the vocabulary. Granted your target audience is probably going to be larger if you're not throwing a lot of big words at them, but I don't think music should just sound good but it should have a message, make you think. Mainstream music isn't making people think. It sounds good now but then something comes out next week and suddenly what was hot last week is old news. Thats the problem with keeping things too simple. When something is too simple it has no value, no worth. I listen to things that don't just make me nod my head but music that motivates me, that gets that hamster wheel spinning, that shines some light on a dismal day.
KISS is fine if you're giving someone directions to the TGI Fridays (north on York, take a right after the mall), but I think art forms should have a little more to them than just a catchy beat and class C lyrics.
Couldn't sleep until I got this out of my head and onto a keyboard. Hopefully this worked. Stay tuned
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As far as I’m concerned, a life without regret ain’t worth living. It’s good to follow your instincts…just get caught up in a moment every once in a while. Sometimes, the consequences are worth it.
- Lavon Hayes, Hart of Dixie (via maiagonzales)
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i just want it all, high above the law, kill'em so cool you can call me mr frost 
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Trying to play like Hope Solo
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