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Hey Guys! I know I’ve posted on Instagram, but I’m trying to be better about posting on here! I’m SUPER excited to announce that I am officially an ambassador, or better known as an Ambassababe, for @rebelliaclothing 😍 I met @xtalrose through the online fitness community and fell in love with her passion for fitness. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Chrystal in person and she told a group of us her idea of making custom clothing for fit girls, which led to my love for her company and the community of badass babes she’s created! I used to have a hard time finding flattering dresses until Rebellia. I absolutely love all of the clothes I’ve bought and I’m honored to share my love for them with you guys! The dress pictured is no longer available, but check out rebelliaclothing.com/kikay to browse the amazing clothes 💁🏻‍♀️
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I fall in love with beautiful places and fascinating people, caught in the trap of growing attached to things that will only grow distant with time.
tara love / losing a piece of myself in every place (via ink-and-oceans)
Finding my inspiration again
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I’m back!
Well, I guess life got in the way the past few years, but I’m back and ready to delve back into the blogging world!
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Who doesn’t love food?! 
I grew up in a household where my parents did not tolerate picky eaters. I ate anything and everything AND enjoyed it. Besides liver and some certain Filipino delicacies (balut being one of them--comment if you have no idea what that is!), there is nothing that I wouldn’t try. Naturally, it became second nature for me to start a Yelp account. I started off by writing a few reviews here and there of places that I would go to eat with friends. Then, I started to explore on my own and look for cool new places to try. It’s become second nature for me to look to Yelp for reviews of new restaurants and businesses to see if it is worth trying out. It makes searching for date nights easier so we can look up the type of food and pictures as well. I also like to explore different places in the different cities I tend to visit. This came in handy when  I was in Europe last fall when looking for the best restaurant and dessert places. Yelp also includes other businesses as well, such as shopping centers, gyms, and parks to name a few.
I started my Yelp account in 2013 because I wanted to “check in” to places like the rest of my friends. It’s become so much more than that now. In early 2014, I received a message from the Hampton Roads Community Manager to consider applying for Yelp Elite, and I graciously accepted. The perks of being an Elite member is that I get invited to special Yelp Elite events that are held at various new establishments. Unfortunately, I have only been able to attend a couple events due to my work schedule. I hope to renew my status in 2016 and be able to be a more active Yelp Elite member! 
Google any restaurant you can think of. I guarantee that you will see the Yelp page within the first few results. I enjoy being part of the Yelp community because it helps make my life easier. The reviews come from every day people, and I’ve trusted a majority of the reviews I have seen. Don’t forget to check Yelp the next time you’re in a rut and have no idea where to go!
Click here to see my Yelp page! Thanks for reading!
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"Eat well, travel often" is definitely one of my life mottos. One of my friends gave me this frame as a Christmas present because she knew how much I love to try new food & see the world. Who knows where my next adventure will be...
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I’ve been going back & forth about starting a blog for some time now, so I decided to just do it! Here’s my first post, so there’s no turning back now!
Tumblr will be my creative outlet when I need a break from the world of my every day life that is nursing, graduate school, fitness, & travel. I also want to share my life experiences with my closest friends & family. 
Hopefully I don’t ramble on and on about nothing. Thanks for following me and stay tuned! :)
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