I just found out I'm getting laid off at the end of october...
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Life update
Things are still a ****show for several topics. Still having YouTube issues though completely different ones now that I bought premium (YouTube sent me 7 months of notifications for 3 channels I randomly stopped getting notifications on the moment i got premium). Several personal problems still persist and I can add dental issues to that list (broken tooth finally got infected and now I can't chew) and my appointment is the end of august. I also have gotten fed up over a certain well known topic to the point I'm fed up about being told what I can and can't like and post. Its lead to me deciding to starting an Alternate COTA bus in an effort to bring back some freedom of expression without interfering with this blog or the surge tank. Consider this blog and surge tank Side A and the alternate bus Side B. If anyone remembers the bet I lost last year, that is a big hint to this topic but this time on my own free will. I will still be on hiatus for the foreseeable future but will try to keep the queues filled with content.
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Everything I like seems to be going to ruin anymore
Its not even 9am and ive been gut punched by YouTube and X. YouTube has apparently put me in a test batch for SSAI and I'm completely unable to block the ads at all. I'm on Firefox with UBO up to date and tampermonkey as well. In addition X/Twitter made likes private which basically means fake/false information any given idiot likes as well as any bad actors actions are completely hidden. So now X is no longer going to be a viable source if i can find any content for this blog.
In addition besides those 2, other things have been getting worse. Minecraft has been less and less enjoyable any more outside Hypixel. The mobile game I play Hero Wars has had a bad case of greedflation and is turning the game into P2P and is also now using AI for its game assets in stead of artists. And even on this blog either directly or indirectly has been going down hill. Many of my usual sources for content i post on here have quit/deleted/deactivated. If one more issue crops up here on tumble I'm going to consider cutting back on some internet things (this blog being one of them).
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It's been a year...
It's been a year since granny passed. So much has happened and changed. I hope your doing well in the afterlife and are proud of what I've accomplished. Everyone still misses you down here though.
If you have a loved one(s) call and check in on them. Spend time with them today. One day they will be gone and you will regret not spending more time with them.
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FUCK... (this is NOT an April fools joke)
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Moderate risk for severe storms on Tuesday. 15% chance for significant tornadoes, 30% chance for significant wind, 30% chance for significant hail. Ohio is really in for a bad weather day...
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@wanderingcotabusagainstspambots sorry to break your hiatus but it seems rhose spam bots are learning. Instead being blank profile, they reblog post and thought they aren’t spammers 😄
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Going back on Hiatus
Given how Tumblr is now selling our blogs data to AI art generators as well as a number of blogs deciding to delete their archives in favor of forcing you to scroll through 50 posts of something your not interested to find one thing you are interested, I'm going back on a partial hiatus till further notice. at a minimum everyone toggle this setting on under your blog(s) visibility.
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The following spam bots have been caught as I summoned a new darkness titan. All bots have been caught by @list-of-spam-bots
church-next-program-field civil-as-when-group medical-compare-threat several-just-television he-he-avoid-indicate case-whole deal-support-wish certainly-lead-computer-mainta cultural-front-sound-produce fact-challenge ask-by-admit television-discuss-language-bi stock-need top-structure-candidate-prepar executive-major-season-small body-matter-agree-record born-five task-other-suggest without-actually-story everybody-whose-sell end-possible night-voice middle-bill church-fire-defense model-message reveal-agent-movie firm-use-standard research-become we-indeed week-girl-break
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All of these blogs have spammed different hashtags with links to adult sites. And if you look through their favourite you see that almost all the posts they like are spam too. I have already reported these blogs.
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These are other spam bots I have found.
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2/19/24 - Here we go again...
New wave of spam bots have dropped! the following spam/p0rn bots have been caught.
elanorskrobackih (I think finnishgayguy caught this one and I forgot to post it)
Also @books-and-tea-sitbackrelax submitted a small round up of additional spambots that posted before this post. those bots include:
natural-forget-next sport-woman-bar name-side bill-response low-agency-peace-appear
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Hi, I think these blogs might be bots.  They have all spammed different hashtags with links to adult sites. @natural-forget-next @sport-woman-bar @name-side @bill-response @low-agency-peace-appear
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Tumblr Code.
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Signal Boosting...
This person is selling tons of stolen artworks on their Redbubble, including my Mollymauk piece which was featured in one of the Critical Role episodes.
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I singhandedly had to file DMCA takedown requests for 83!!!! OF THE LISTING FEATURING THE SINGLE ONE OF MY ARTWORKS
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Please, spread awareness among fellow artists, tag the ones who's art you recognized! Let's bury this acc under a huge pile of DMCA takedown requests!
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This blog is a safe space.
Nazis, TERFs, pedophiles, bigots, Tr*mp supporters, Islamophobes, exclusionists, queerphobes, and anyone who can’t reblog this post, etc, do not interact. I will block you.
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Dammit! First bot caught in the new year and this one was caught on the main blog and not the "I lost a bet" side blog like the last few were.
The following spambot was caught since the last bot round up:
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All caught up!
As of 8:40pm on January 6th, I am now caught up on everything I have missed since I started my partial hiatus in July of last year. This includes the usual end of year looking at inactive blogs for any signs of activity.
I have made my weekly rounds on tumblr to wrap getting caught up. Activities on the surge tank side blog will happen tomorrow.
P.S. Sorry to anyone who may have gotten a bunch of likes in the last 2 days as I was catching up on what I missed.
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