wannabee-write · 2 years
guys i need in my guy squad:
the guy who has committed vehicular manslaughter
the guy in control of an unimaginably powerful 5th-dimensional chaos djinn
columbo fan
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wannabee-write · 2 years
writing fanfiction is just. i’m being so creative and original. i’m plagiarizing everyone by accident. i’m a genius. i’m cringe. i’m too angsty. i’m too cheesy. this is not in character. it doesn’t matter that it’s not in character because these are my characters now. i love my hobby. this is the worst possible use of my time. i’m seeking validation. i’m projecting my own personal problems onto this story and i’m barely hiding it. i know so many words and i’m using all of them wrong. im on tumblr posting about it instead of writing it.
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wannabee-write · 3 years
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It sounds like our killer is writing his own version of Stab 8, but doing it as a requel.
Scream (2022) dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
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wannabee-write · 3 years
fan fic authors be like yes i know this will flop however i simply have too much love for this character and my very niche headcanons for them. and i think that is so fuckin sexy of us
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wannabee-write · 3 years
Yes I re-read my own fics because I wrote them for ME
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wannabee-write · 4 years
It’s such a nice cool day when Julie rips through the garage like a tornado.
Alex watches as she flies up the stairs to the loft, taking the ladder two steps at a time and if he hadn’t already been dead, he’d have keeled over then and there from anxiety watching her do it.
She’s muttering to herself, and he recognizes the zip of his bag. In a heartbeat, he’s next to her, sprawled on a dusty beanbag. Julie doesn’t even flinch.
“Can I help you?”
Julie shoots him a look and continues pawing through his clothes. “Alex, can I borrow your pink hoodie?”
“I guess so. Why?”
She makes a triumphant little noise and pulls his hoodie out by the sleeve. She tugs it over her head and reaches behind her to free her compressed hair.
Alex has to admit she looks pretty adorable in it.
“Flynn invited me to her club meeting today, and I…just feel like I need some support, is all,” she says, trailing off awkwardly.
Julie fiddles with the cuffs as Alex stares at her. “Why.”
“Because if I’m gonna tell a room full of people that I’m bi, I want to do it while wearing the baby pink sweatshirt of a guy brave enough to be gay in 1995,” she says briskly, staring him down.
And okay, now he’s starting to understand why the guys think he’s the emotional one.
Keep reading
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wannabee-write · 5 years
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Grunge Raven and Beast Boy!
I’ve been In a bit of a Art rut recently Plus I haven’t been practicing, so everything I did draw was terrible!
But finally I took the time to learn again and think I got something half decent.
Beast Boy: Raven… Raven! Raven are you list-mph!
Raven: Shut up Beast Boy! something’s coming…
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wannabee-write · 6 years
Brandon Darrow x Reader
Summary: Brandon notices you haven’t been sleeping lately. 
Word count: 1,859
Warnings: underage drinking, mention of drug use
a/n: Just a little something I couldn’t get out of my head so I decided to post the first bit I wrote.
It's been weeks since anyone has heard from King Cobra. But when the sun goes down, I still expect to hear my text tone, and see a Flash. Awake every night, With every notification sent my heart racing.
Tonight was no different, I was sat on my bed, with my legs pulled up to my chest, staring out the window. Something across the street caught my eye.
Someone had climbed up a ladder and was sitting on the roof.
I searched for my glasses, needing to make sure they weren't wearing any mask. To my absolute relief, it was Brandon. Just Brandon looking up at the sky.
A sense of "why not" came over me as I slipped my feet into some shoes, and ducked out my window. He didn't notice me until I had walked across the street into his yard, and called out his name.
"Oh... what are you doing?" He asked.
"Wondering why you're not on a plane to Switzerland or something."
He chuckled, "come on up and I'll tell you."
Shakily, I climbed the ladder, grabbing onto Brandon's outstretched hand once I reached the top, and settling down next to him, "so what happened?"
"I was supposed to leave late Friday night. But my dad started drinking at like noon. By the time it came for my flight he was passed out on the couch." Brandon wasn't looking at me, he was lazily looking up. That's when I noticed the bottle of vodka next to him.
"So what's gonna happen?"
"Rowan's dad convinced the school district that I was framed by Zoe, since my computers history shows that it was all uploaded at once they had to take me back." He held the bottle to his lips and I snatched it from him.
"It's bad luck to drink alone," I shrugged and took a swig, "so I guess everything did work out in the end." Silence fell over us as we passed the bottle back and forth.
"So," he finally said after a while, "Why are you sitting on a roof with me at one in the morning?"
"I couldn't sleep."
"That seems like an over simplification," he pointed out.
"Honestly?" I asked.
"If you want, I won't make you."
I took a deep breath and a long gulp, "I'm waiting for more instructions from The Zoo. Mr Empty and Zoe are locked up, but they still have my secrets. Which means they can pass them onto the next King Cobra or whoever.
"Is you're secret really that bad?" He asked.
"Compared to Rowan's and Haileys? No, not really. Like no one would go to jail for it, but I don't want that video out."
"Do you want to talk about it? We all know each other's secrets."
"I'm probably just drunk enough to talk about it," I took another drink, "But you can't judge me."
"I literally started all of it and almost got Rowan and Elisia killed. Trust me, I have no room to judge."
I was the only one of the group who was still holding on to her secret, so it was only fair.
"When I was fifteen I went through this rebellious phase, and I thought it was a good idea to make a sex tape with two other people, snorting coke and taking body shots off each other."
"Okay I can see why you don't want that getting out. I always saw you as this uptight Virgin."
"That's because I haven't had sex since that summer. Like I've refused to have sex with people. I clench up and start freaking out over what people might think. And It's literally child porn because we're all under age, plus we sure as hell shouldn't have been drinking like we were."
"Well we really shouldn't be drinking now," Brandon pointed out, "But here we are,"
"I don't know how Mr Empty found that video, but now I'm so terrified of it getting out. And all I want is for my parents to hold me like they did when I was just a kid with nightmares and tell me everything is going to be okay," my throat tightened up, and my voice cracked, "but they'd send me off to catholic school if they ever saw that video." I avoided his eyes, desperately trying not to cry.
Brandon wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his chest, "The Zoo is dead, everything is going to be okay."
I hugged him back, breathing in the scent of peppermint and liquor, "I'm just so scared to be alone and fall asleep because what if what happened to Nicki happens to me."
He pulled back slightly, moving his hand to cup my face, "Babe, babe, calm down shhh shh they can't get to you anymore." His thumb rubbed soothing circles on my cheek, "You look so tired. When was the last time you slept?"
"I don't know... a few weeks? Maybe. Since before the bombfire. I take naps when my parents are home, but never at night or when I'm alone."
Brandon pulled me up onto my feet, "Come on, you need to sleep, we both do." One at a time, we made our way down the stairs and through his bedroom window. "You take the bed, I'll be on the floor right next to you."
"No no Brandon," I panicked, "You don't understand, I don't want to be alone. I can't-"
He pulled me into his chest once again, cooing and stroking my hair softly, "okay, okay, then I'll lay right here next to you. And I'll lock my door and window so no one can get in without making noise. Is that okay?"
I nodded, unable to speak now.
He slid my glasses off every to gently and set then on his bed side table, "Go ahead and lie down, I'll be quick."
Listening to him, I crawled under his blanket, positioning myself as close to the wall as I could get while on my back. I listened as he walked from one side of the room to the other, a little relief coming with the sound of each lock turning. When He laid next to me, he didn't crowed or put his arms around me. He simply settled down facing me, and placed a hand on my stomach with the promise of, "I'll be right here."
For the first time in weeks, I had a proper nights sleep.
The next morning I woke up with my head on Brandon's chest and one of his arms wrapped around me. Well I was woken up by my phone ringing. The caller ID showed 'mom' and I sat straight up. I started rolling my r like they taught us in Spanish class, trying to warm up my vocal chords. A Trick I learned for when you don't want to sound like you've just woken up.
"y/f/n! Where are you?" My mother shouted, "We woke up and you were gone."
"Sorry momma, I got up early to say goodbye to Brandon from across the street. Remember you told me he was going to boarding school? I didn't want to wake you up so I just walked over." Brandon himself was propped up on an elbow rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
My mom let out a sigh of relief, "Sweetheart you scared the crap out of us. Next time leave a note or a text,"
"I'm sorry, let me say goodbye to Mr Darrow real quick and I'll be back." I hung up quickly.
"That was a quick lie," Brandon smirked, his morning voice sounding like velvet to me.
"I've gotten really good at lying recently,"
He reached up and moved a strand of hair from my face, "How'd you sleep?"
"Really good, actually. Thank you for doing this."
He rolled his eyes, "Please, I did this just to tell the whole school I slept with (Y/n) (Y/l). Imma be worshiped!"
I pushed him playfully, "I'll kick your ass."
"Come on I'm kidding. I slept with a shirt on for you,"
I scrunched my face, "What? Why?"
"So I didn't make you uncomfortable. Ya know, for the sex thing."
My heart felt full as I came to understand what he was saying, pulling him into a tight hug, "I really appreciate that."
He dragged his hand across my back, rubbing soothing circles before saying, "you better go before you're parents get suspicious."
I pulled myself out of bed and into his bathroom. I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. Swished mouth wash around for fake fresh breath. And splashed cold water on my face a few times. Brandon watching me from his place on his bed.
My parents completely bought my act. Telling me how sweet I was for wishing the best for a childhood friend and laughing at my middle school crush on him.
The day was one of my best in a while. I didn't feel like a zombie, just going through the motion while looking over my shoulder. I felt like a human again. But as night fell, all of these feelings came back, and I took my position on the floor between my bed and the wall, eyes on the window.
The minuets ticked on, and even though I was almost positive The Zoo wasn't going to come after me, I couldn't bring myself to sleep. But I didn't exactly try either.
Sometime just after midnight, movement outside caught my attention. Fear coursed through me like a river. I contemplated moving under my bed, to hide like the coward I am. Before I could move, I got a text.
Brandon: open up its me
Followed by a few taps on the glass.
I let out the breath I was holding, almost crying in relief.
"What are you doing?" I said when I opened the window and he started climbing through it, "My dads going to kill you!"
"Yeah, I've heard that before," He chuckled.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, already imagining the worst.
"I don't know is it? I saw your light was on from my room. Came to check on you." He turned and latched the window.
"Yeah I'm fine, just couldn't sleep." I sat down on my bed.
"Again?" He sat close to me, pushing my hair behind my ear, "Still scared?"
I nodded, not wanting to speak.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked.
"Please," I whispered.
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, positioning us so I was under my covers and he was over them. Once again, Brandon just placed once comforting hand on my stomach.
We didn't say anything after that, just laid there in silence. I fell asleep tracing swirls into his skin, listening to the sound of his breathing. For the second night in a row I slept perfectly.
Every night after than, Brandon climbed into my room. At first he made excuses. Wanted to make sure I felt okay. Didn't want to watch a movie alone. Wanted to study a little because he missed school. But after a while, he just slipped in and got comfortable. Cuddly and affectionate until we actually lay down to sleep, then its just a hand on my stomach or side. Never wanting to make me feel uneasy in my own room. 
This is how my stupid crush on Brandon Darrrow resurfaced.
This is how it started.
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wannabee-write · 6 years
Bucky x Reader
Summary: reader and bucky are on holiday in the middle of summer and you cant understand why he’s always wearing long sleeves 
Word Count: 731
Warnings: none
a/n: quick blurb I wrote way too late at night.
It was pushing a hundred degrees but yet Bucky still wore a jacket over his shirt and a glove on his left hand. I was wearing shorts and an tank top but still felt like I was melting, I could only imagine what Bucky was feeling. I told him I was tired and wanted to go home not long after one, but really I felt bad that Bucky was out in the Texas heat dressed like it was fall in New York.
See Bucky told me he had always wanted to visit Texas, and I was missing home, so we decided to take a week off and relax. The fact that an Avenger can't go anywhere alone had very little to do with it.
On the bus back to the hotel I couldn't help but stare at his gloved hand, realizing I've only ever seen him without it a handful of times and have never seen his full arm. At one point the urge became too strong and I reached out to trace his hand, finding the little bit of silver poking out.
I knew he could definitely sense every movement I made, before I even made it, due to the super serum, but he didn't stop me. I didn't push my luck, not touching him the rest of the way home. Because I didn't know how far this friendship went.
I turned the record player on in the living room and Buckys favorite song began to play. We were sharing the penthouse in one of Tony's buildings and Bucky brought his favorite records to remind him of home.
Once again I found myself playing with the glove on his hand, he let me do what I pleased until I made to take it off, then he placed his other hand on mine and shook his head, "no"
"Take it off, it's too hot, even inside." I pleaded,
"It's ugly, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Why would that make me uncomfortable? What's making me uncomfortable is the amount of clothes you have on in the middle of Texas summer, it worries me."
"My arm makes me look like a freak, y-"
"So do my hands," the familiar raven colors wisps seeped from my fingers as I spoke, as to prove a point, "should I be ashamed of them?"
"No." He brought one of my hands to his lips and kissed it, "but it's different,"
"Gloves can't hide my powers, it's embarrassing sometimes. I may not talk about it much and act like I don't care, but when I'm on a date and my hands light up, nine times out of ten, the guy runs."
"I think it's beautiful,"
"I would tell you the same but I haven't seen it before." A little look of defeat and acceptance crossed his face and he nodded, slowly I peeled off the glove he wore.
The metal underneath was cool to the touch, even after the summer heat. I traced over all the lines that made his movements so human like and not robotic. I dragged my hand up his jacket and helped him shrug out of it. Now up to his elbow was exposed, again I traced every line, observing what made up this man.
But I wanted more.
Soon I was dragging my hands under his shirt, waiting until he gave a slight nod before I pulled it up and over his head. Now his whole arm was exposed, even the red Star he hated so much, and I loved every bit of it. He was amazing, and the arm was perfect in every way.
I paused with one hand on his bicep and the other on his abs, "it's beautiful."
Bucky didn't reply, he instead pulled me close and crashed his lips on mine. The kiss was passionate, and borderline lustful. He backed me up and placed me on the counter, "Is... this okay?" He asked
His metal hand hadn't touched me, a tell that he was still insecure.
"This is perfectly okay," I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it on my thigh, "and so is this," I dragged it up to my hip, "and this," then to my waist, "and anything else..." past my breast, "you could ask for," finally stopping at my face.
Bucky kisses down my jaw line, "I absolutely adore you right now."
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