watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Hello, Kitty! I'm happy to announce that I have accepted you as co-admin. Your bio sample was very impressive, and I feel like you'd be a wonderful addition to the team working to make this roleplay successful. Please contact the main as soon as possible so I can give you some important information you'll need. 
OOC Name? : Kitty.
Time Zone?: Eastern Time (U.S)
On a scale of one to ten, how active can you be?: 7-9
Would you be able to help with bio writing?: Of course.
If so, please include a bio sample here?: RFP
What do you think you can bring to this RP?: RFP
Who would your mascot be? Alexandra Stan
Anything else? Nothing else to add~ c:
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Accepting a co-admin in ten minutes!
If you have an app to send in, or would like me to wait for your app, now is the time to let me know or send it in! 
- LG
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
excuse me but what happened
Are you asking why I didn't accept last night? I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but if you're referring to what you think I am, I owe you guys a huge apology.(I was just coming on here to explain.) I got incredibly busy with family things last night, and then by the time I had some time to myself it was after midnight, my computer had been taken away and I had school today, so I went to bed. I have just now gotten back from school and gotten access to a computer. I'll accept in twenty minutes.
- LG 
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Get your co-admin application in now!
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
I'll be accepting tonight - so come and apply right now!
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Audition Count has been updated!
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Co-admin needed!
We only have one application and I'll be accepting over the weekend, so come apply! =) 
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
We currently have ONE co-admin application!
I would love to see some more. <3 
We'll probably be accepting another co-admin this weekend. =) 
- LG
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Will there be a Tay Jardine fc?
Possibly! I'm not gonna get a new FC list together till I get the co-admins together and we work on it. =) 
- LG
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Small update
I've started on the new character graphics, and reworking some of the bios. I'm also planning to add connections between the characters. I'm currently advertising for another co-admin, and hopefully we'll get some responses soon. 
- LG
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Co-admin application
OOC Name?  Time Zone? On a scale of one to ten, how active can you be? Would you be able to help with bio writing? If so, please include a bio sample here? What do you think you can bring to this RP? Who would your mascot be? Anything else?
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
This page is going under hiatus. I'm going to be starting on a revamp.
Not sure if any of you are still lurking, but if you are, you are welcome to keep your roles. If you would like to keep your role, please contact the main within the next seven days. (By November 25th.)
The revamp will include 
New character graphics
Possibly a new theme
Minor changes to the plot 
New character bios and minor revamping to the old ones
And a lot more
I will also be looking for another co-admin to add onto the team.(I currently have one, though I'm not sure if they're still around at the moment.) The application will be posted soon. 
Thanks everyone, 
- LG
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Karen Gillan FC?
There is one! You can find her here. =)
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
New bios are coming up soon!
Plus, we already have a bunch posted! Come check it out?
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Activity Warnings
The following people have three days to either post or contact the main before their roles will be reopened: 
Ryan Holler
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
To all new members:
Kindly message the main to receive the link to the OOC blog! Please and thank you! :))
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watchyourback-rp-blog · 12 years
Here's Jonas
^^ Follow Jonas!
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