waterdeephero · 7 months
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Ancient Relic by Gabriel Nagypal
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waterdeephero · 7 months
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burning angel
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waterdeephero · 1 year
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The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons - D&D Cover by Clint Cearley via ImaginaryDragons
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waterdeephero · 3 years
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waterdeephero · 3 years
reblog to give the person you rb'd this from a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows
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waterdeephero · 3 years
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Frozen landscape.
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waterdeephero · 3 years
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Richard Larssen | Winter in Norway
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waterdeephero · 3 years
“Etymologically,” she explained as she drew her sword along the whetstone, “the word ‘paladin’ means, ’an officer of the palace’.”
She tested the blade’s sharpness, and bisected a single hair plucked from behind his crown, before adding, “a monarch is not himself the palace, of course.”
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waterdeephero · 3 years
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waterdeephero · 3 years
14, 15, and 21?
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
About faith, as a priest of Kelmvor, Elithrar follows the dogma of his church. He helps the people without much means to bury their deads, tends to the last rites and assist or preside in religious ceremony. He also try to bring confort for the livings. Sometimes, probably not always but when he can, he helps carry out the last wish of a defunt and can help their family through rough times or simply with their grief. Life is a cycle for him, and death is only a part of it. All must come to an end however eventually all will be reborn. With the last years (or decades?) he has integrated some of Lathander's belief to his own, which may or may not be well-received among the followers of Kelemvor.
He also is very loyal to his friends and try to help them whenever he can. Elithrar still thinks about Drogan and his advices and tries to stay true to his former mentor and himself, by his actions mostly.
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
Elithrar is very reserved and secretive when you do not know him well (and even if you know him). He is less full of doubts and fears now that when he arrived at the academy. The last adventures encouraged him to live day by day and he tries to have the less regrets he can. So he is more pragmatic, but still appreciate the good things in life, maybe more than ever. He may slowly come back to arts and especially music.
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Elithrar does not really seek any kind of relationship, unless he has no choice, so he prefers if things stay mostly professional. As for what he cultivates, it would be friendship because once you're his friend, he'll never let you down. And even if he doesn't show it, he really love his friends and is always glad to receive some news about them.
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waterdeephero · 3 years
11 & 12 ?
11)  Where do you view yourself in relation to the world around you?
Elithrar frowns, a hand in his ginger hair and said, his eyebrows raising of the question:
« Well, I'm nothing more than a part of it. Some would say with the power that my God grant me, I could have anything but they tend to forget I revere Kelmvor, not power or gold. I may be more powerful than some, but does it really matter? My death will come, like for everyone. I just don't want to regret my choices when it will be the end. I'm just a simple elf, nothing more nothing less.»
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waterdeephero · 3 years
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鳥海山17・Mt.Chokai by anglo10.
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waterdeephero · 3 years
1 & 4
4)     Do you have a plan for the future?
« Not really. I mean, apart from doing my job and accomplish my duties, I don't have anything that comes to mind ».
Elithrar paused for a second and adds:
« I don't plan for the very long term, which is quite strange for an elf, I know. But with each day come new beginnings, to cite Lathander's followers, so who knows where I will be in the next months? ».
The elf gazes at the horizon, or at least, something far ahead of you and said with a little smile:
« I may come back at the Academy, though. At least to see if everything is in order, as Dhana asked me about in her letters. And I will be glad to see my friends back again. I think that's enough planned. »
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waterdeephero · 3 years
Even if he wanted, he couldn’t deny it. He didn’t want to deny it, he realized, and that struck him strangely, his throat going suddenly dry as if they were in Anoroch’s desert, his heart beating like a mad drum inside his chest. He could feel it as if it was trying to break free from the bone’s prison constituted by his ribs.
Could she hear it?
“Why would I deny the truth?” he said.
Even if he didn’t feel that confident at the moment, she deserved some honesty from him. The elf didn’t confide much, to say the least. He kept his thoughts and feeling for him alone, usually. Cold and stoic were the general opinions about him.
But thanks to their common past, he knew he could trust her.
“Only what you want to offer, ” he finally said in a breath. But still, he couldn’t detach himself from her sepia eyes, shining with pleasure or amusement, he guessed. Her smile had enraptured him. The sorceress’ power and charms were too powerful and had broken all his defenses.
Elithrar could only surrender, and gladly he did.
“You’re staring again.” - Fluff meme: 4
Elithrar barely flinched, but his hands betrayed him. He gazed at the wood floor, where his book has fallen, open to a curious illustration. Nothing licentious, mind you, but curious. Bizarre, even. A lot of excuses came to his mind to deny her words. But when he looked up to her, Elithrar saw her amused smile and the way her brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the room’s dim light.
“And what if?” he asked before thinking, a slight blush spreading on his cheeks and pointed ears. He inclined a little his head to remove a lock of hair from his eyes.
Well, what if indeed? Looking was nothing but an innocent game, wasn’t it?
Elithrar wasn’t so sure anymore.
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waterdeephero · 3 years
Sometimes you just need someone to tell you you’re not as terrible as you think you are.
Unknown  (via 90377)
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waterdeephero · 3 years
(Nice choice of music ! :D I’m currently trying to get back at the plot and ideas I have too, so good luck !!)
This music is hauntingly nostalgic <3 After Baldur’s Gate 1+2, Icewind Dale 1+2 were my first Forgotten Realms games when I was 10. Also, this and the Kuldahar Theme from IWD1 very much remind me of the Academy and Master Drogan. @waterdeephero / @pyritea I am plotting ideas for Dhana and Elithrar’s return to the Academy, with this music as inspiration =D
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waterdeephero · 3 years
“You’re staring again.” - Fluff meme: 4
Elithrar barely flinched, but his hands betrayed him. He gazed at the wood floor, where his book has fallen, open to a curious illustration. Nothing licentious, mind you, but curious. Bizarre, even. A lot of excuses came to his mind to deny her words. But when he looked up to her, Elithrar saw her amused smile and the way her brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the room’s dim light.
“And what if?” he asked before thinking, a slight blush spreading on his cheeks and pointed ears. He inclined a little his head to remove a lock of hair from his eyes.
Well, what if indeed? Looking was nothing but an innocent game, wasn’t it?
Elithrar wasn’t so sure anymore.
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