wawrthur · 1 year
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Thanks to @paolin-huang
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wawrthur · 1 year
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I blacked out for an hour and woke up to this
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wawrthur · 1 year
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Preview of my both collabs in the upcoming Steddie zine: Going Steady (sfw and nsfw version) @steddiezine
We made this happen with love and passion and was an amazing zine to be part of! Hope you get yo enjoy it too!
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wawrthur · 1 year
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Ineffable May - Day 8
Flaming Sword
Aziraphale picks up his flaming sword after the Apoca-didn't
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wawrthur · 1 year
I dont know if you could make it short but if so, I would love to see the idea of our scream 5 au we've talked about before 💜
aaaah i'm sorry but making it short just simply won't do it justice!!! gkjsngnh gods it would be such a monster of a fic but i mean i might try to tackle it someday cause i LOVE our idea sfm <3
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wawrthur · 1 year
billy/stu, first time one of them accidentally let slip "i love you" or something similar? :3 angst is a mega bonus!
Oh hell yeah!! Thank you for the prompt!
Same universe but they are in college <3
It was not a dark and stormy night, not at all, actually.
It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and Billy has had it with the professor droning on and on and fucking on about their fucking upcoming exams. What exams? Billy would just get someone to do them for him. He knows a guy.
He gets up and walks down the isle, mouthing bathroom to the professor just in case. Stupid high school habits die hard. Billy smirks. If only he could kill those habits like he killed everyone else who has annoyed him long enough.
Going to the auditorium he knew he’d find Stu in, he opens the door and says with his utmost ‘i-do-not-give-a-single-fuck’ confidence, “Apologies, professor – Stu Macher to the principal's – I mean to the dean’s office.”
Everyone turns to where Stu is and stares while he fumbles with his things, lanky limbs getting in the way of his graceful exit out of the row of identical seats.
“Sorry, gotta go!” Stu flashes a wide grin to the lecturer and Billy rolls his eyes.
“Took you long enough,” he comments while Stu is shoving his notebooks into his bag.
“Well, Billy, had you told me beforehand –“
“And where would the fun be in that,” Billy coos, pressing Stu against a door in a dark alcove just a couple steps away from the well-lit hall.
“B-billy, I don’t know if this is a good idea—“
“Are you scared, Stuey? Scared someone might see?” Billy’s breath ghosts Stu’s lips and Stu gulps. So fucking easy already.
“N-n-no,” Stu stutters.
“Come on, Stu, gotta be more convincing than that,” Billy grins and he wonders if Stu anticipates just how cruel Billy’s about to be.
“I’m not scared,” Stu exhales but it’s shaky and Billy resists the temptation to roll his eyes again.
“Tell me something I don’t know, Stu,” Billy starts kissing Stu’s cheek, dragging his lips, really, down Stu’s jaw and then his neck, biting a kiss right into the spot that’s hidden beneath the collar of Stu’s shirt.
“Fuck, Billy,” he is panting immediately, aww, and Billy hasn’t even begun playing yet.
“Tell me a secret, Stu,” Billy slides his hand under Stu’s shirt, roaming his flushed skin, and then down to the hem of his jeans.
“I – uh – I – “
“Come on, baby, you can form words, can’t you?” Billy’s grin turns wicked as he sneaks his hand into Stu’s jeans, palming him over his boxers.
“Yeah, I – fuck, Billy, f-f – I – “
“What’s your deepest, darkest secret, baby? Come on, tell me,” Billy is back on Stu’s mouth, catching Stu’s lower lip with his teeth, pulling then licking it better. Stu’s mouth is shiny with Billy’s saliva and his eyes are glazed over.
Brain mode off, Billy thinks to himself with satisfaction.
“Don’t you trust me?” he mock-pouts. “Here, let me help you.” Billy increases the pressure of his palm and Stu’s eyes fall shut.
“Please, Billy,” he whispers.
“Just say it, baby, and you’ll get anything you want,” Billy murmurs against Stu’s neck. He bites hard to enunciate his point.
“Fuck, Billy, I –“ Stu takes a big gulp of breath, “I –“
“Tell me, baby,” Billy urges, moving his palm a little.
“Fuck, I love you, fuck!” Stu’s hips stutter on Billy’s palm for a few sweet moment until Billy draws back, taking his hand back.
“You what?” he raises his eyebrow with an incredulous laugh.
“I’m, uh,” Stu looks like someone’s just knocked the wind out of his lungs. His expression turns hurt, then hopeful, then hurt again. “I love you?”
“Is that a question?” Billy mocks, leaning back in his relaxed stance.
“It’s the secret. My deepest darkest one,” Stu starts fiddling with the hem of his shirt, watching Billy through his eyelashes.
“Please,” Billy waves a hand dismissively, “Everyone and their uncle know that. You are kinda obvious, Stu. It’s a little pathetic, really.”
“Um,” Stu says.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Billy winks.
Stu’s face turns red.
“You’ve got nothing?” Billy sighs. “Well, that’s boring. Gotta go back to class, five minutes till break and all my shit is still in there. Later!” he says, turns around and starts walking away.
“Billy!” Stu’s voice is full of barely hidden desperation and Billy can’t help but roll his eyes this time. “You said you’d –“
“Come up with a better secret, Stu!” Billy calls, not turning his head. “Something that’s actually worth something to me!”
The sun shines brightly through the large windows in the hall. Billy yawns. He should probably get some coffee.
(I strongly advise you to check out my screaming at the top of my lungs series on ao3 because the car fic is just IT for you I think hehe)
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wawrthur · 1 year
fic requests welcome!
hi! in celebration of my tumblr being re-vamped (best viewed on desktop) with the downright magnificent art by @anaquariusfox gifted to me by the most blasphemous (tone id: reverent) @savantegard , i am accepting fic requests in the following fandoms:
scream (billy x stu)
stranger things (eddie x steve)
bbc merlin (surprise me :D)
okay: nsfw, mild kink, sfw, t4t, trans characters, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, pwp, praise kink
won't write: non-con/dub-con, mommy/daddy kink, hard kink, any sort of misgendering stuff, petplay, anything i would not be comfortable with writing (i'll let you know)
please drop your requests in my inbox! these will be short and published only on tumblr but you're always welcome to check out my ao3 for more stuff!
feel free to reblog this because i'd love to fill some writing prompts!
and here's the gorgeous art!! (click for higher resolution!)
thank you Savante and thank you Fox! i am so happy and fortunate to know both of you <3
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wawrthur · 1 year
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Last used: 2007.
...Ah well. Might as well give this a wash and a tumble. Needs must when AMPTP* drives... :/
Tl:dr; We asked for 2¢ on the streaming dollar. ...They said "Nope, can't afford it." ...As we say in New York: "...Yeah, no."
Time to take a stand. Not just for ourselves, but also for the writers who'll come after us... and who, unless we draw a line in the sand here, will never make enough to establish even middle-income careers.
*The people who, when we proposed that we should have a guarantee of a paid second-draft rewrite on scripts instead of the too-routine demand for multiple "free tweaks", refused to even consider it... but suggested they were willing to do a meeting to educate execs on why screenwriters don't want to work for free. (...DUH.)
For more details about what we asked for, and the producers' (non-)responses, see below.
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wawrthur · 1 year
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New post for patreon!
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wawrthur · 1 year
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Steddie comm I was trusted w :,)
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wawrthur · 1 year
Eddie can't seem to comprehend that Steve likes him, which drives Steve crazy.
Steve: I like you.
Eddie: Hugh? Who's Hugh?
Steve: No, I like YOU.
Eddie: Yeah, I heard you the first time. Hugh. Sounds like a nice guy. Didn't know you were into dudes.
Steve: *looking like he wants to scream* okay, okay, I like Eddie.
Eddie: Oh, OH! I get it now. *Steve sighs in relief* Hugh is his last name. Eddie Hugh.
Steve: *throws his hands up* What is happening? This is so. . .weird!
Eddie: I mean, it is kind of weird, but with a name like mine, who am I to judge? So, are you going to tell this other Eddie how you feel?
Steve: *screams in frustration and grips his hair in his hands*
Unable to take it anymore, Steve grabs Eddie's face and pulls him in for a deep, furious kiss. When they pulled away, they were both breathing heavily.
Eddie: I don't know why you just didn't do that to begin with, baby.
Steve: Did you know exactly what I was talking about the entire time?
Eddie: Yep!
Steve: *sighs*
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wawrthur · 1 year
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wawrthur · 1 year
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birthday boy, billy hargrove
in another world, another life, you never left the ocean and on your birthday, your mom watched you surf in the sunshine ☀️
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wawrthur · 1 year
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my thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart
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wawrthur · 1 year
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high as fuck and I just wanna touch you
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wawrthur · 1 year
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an art/fic exchange w @wawrthur
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wawrthur · 1 year
an art/fic exchange w @tvorogzok and i just hope this won't be used against me in the court of law
Sasha was walking down a deserted Krakow street, wondering where all the people had gone.
Might have to do with the lunch hour, she thought, or perhaps it’s just generally not as busy as…No, she cut herself off. She couldn’t think about that now. It was all about her new life, civil freedoms and, well…
She had a show to write and tour to attend to. She needed to be put-together, and funny, and entertaining, and not breaking down on the floor, terrified of the future that was as foggy as London evenings, seeking out the news hoping each new day would bring the change of tides, the fall of the regime and the possibility to reunite with the people she could no longer look in the eyes…
Crestfallen, Sasha pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, narrowly avoiding leaving an annoying fingerprint stain in the middle of one of the lenses – wouldn’t that make a wonderful addition to an already crumbling day of her trainwreck of a life? – and didn’t notice, deep in her thoughts, a cortège of black SUVs parked in a neat line down the road.
Someone bumped into her, startling Sasha out of her miserable spiral.
“Oh, pardon me,” said the man with a heavy American accent and bushy grey brows.
And just like most fleeting, insignificant moments that pass only for you to look back at them years later and pinpoint that it was that second right there that changed the course of your entire life, it was something Sasha paid no particular attention to. They said “oh” and they said “sorry” and they muttered “don’t worry.”
They had no idea that it was the faithful day which would lead to them becoming the First Lady of the United States of America, married to President Joe Biden, wearing furs at a barbeque get-together of political leaders and kicking all those partial to the bloody regime in the face. In the name of freedom. In the name of what’s right. In triumph of humanity over evil.
And, of course, because someone insulted the man Sasha loved the most in the world. The one to give her love and security and support.
Her cowboy Joe.
The blue of the river water and the stars in her eyes were overpowered by the red of her love for the man who took her under his feathery white eagle wing.
They got married to “Cotton-eyed Joe” and it was the love ballad Sasha never knew she needed.
The air smelled of fresh grass, grilled meat and, faintly, of chopped chives.
Sasha smiled.
The summer of her life was around the corner.
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