#i am so excited i hope i get prompts that will challenge me as a writer hehe
wawrthur · 1 year
fic requests welcome!
hi! in celebration of my tumblr being re-vamped (best viewed on desktop) with the downright magnificent art by @anaquariusfox gifted to me by the most blasphemous (tone id: reverent) @savantegard , i am accepting fic requests in the following fandoms:
scream (billy x stu)
stranger things (eddie x steve)
bbc merlin (surprise me :D)
okay: nsfw, mild kink, sfw, t4t, trans characters, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, pwp, praise kink
won't write: non-con/dub-con, mommy/daddy kink, hard kink, any sort of misgendering stuff, petplay, anything i would not be comfortable with writing (i'll let you know)
please drop your requests in my inbox! these will be short and published only on tumblr but you're always welcome to check out my ao3 for more stuff!
feel free to reblog this because i'd love to fill some writing prompts!
and here's the gorgeous art!! (click for higher resolution!)
thank you Savante and thank you Fox! i am so happy and fortunate to know both of you <3
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renthony · 3 months
Hope in the Hellfire: Revisiting Fahrenheit 451 in 2024
by Ren Basel renbasel.com
When I first read Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, I wasn’t much younger than seventeen-year-old Clarisse McClellan, one of the novel’s major characters. In many ways I was like her: disgruntled with classmates who found me off-putting, eager to talk to adults who would entertain my unusual questions, and constantly off exploring the woods. I was a bookish loner who struggled socially. I proudly read banned books, and carried around my mom’s paperback copy of Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land—a book formally banned from inclusion in my high school’s library or curriculum—as a passive challenge for adults to try and confiscate it. None ever tried, but I sure was prepared to raise hell.
Revisiting Fahrenheit 451 in 2024 is a strange experience, not just because of the book’s political commentary. In 2024 I am 30 years old—the same age as Guy Montag, the protagonist. It is easy to put myself in his shoes now, the way I once put myself in Clarisse’s.
Montag is a fireman in a world where every house is fireproof. Instead of extinguishing fires, Bradbury’s firemen collect and burn books. Without books, the population is ignorant and complacent, kept busy with mindless screen entertainment.
Like Montag, I live in a world where books are targeted by a hostile government. In 2024 I live in Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis makes regular headlines for his crusades against public education, libraries, and books. Many an op-ed has been written about the relevance of Fahrenheit 451 in our times, and it almost feels cliché as an anti-censorship advocate to list it as one of my favorites.
Cliché or not, I can’t help it. Fahrenheit 451 is a warning against censorship, yes; it is a pointed exploration of 1950s American social anxieties, yes; it is a well-written piece of fiction containing rich descriptions of exciting events, yes; but more than that? Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite novels because it leaves me feeling hopeful in the midst of social upheaval.
After stealing and reading forbidden books, Montag’s life spirals out of control. His wife sells him out to the authorities, he kills a former colleague in self-defense, he is pursued in a televised government manhunt, and before the story ends he watches bombs reduce his former home to rubble. Montag survives, but he doesn’t fix the world. He is not the victorious hero of a glorious rebellion. Many, many books get burned, and people die. Yet still, there is hope, because Montag finds community. He finds a way to help preserve the books’ contents so they can be passed down to later generations.
In 2024, Fahrenheit 451’s message is important not only because it warns against censorship, but because it reminds us that even if the road ahead is difficult, even if things get worse before they can get better, even if some stories are lost, there are still countless unnamed, unnoticed people fighting to preserve and share knowledge.
The best part is that any of us can join them.
Written on commission, using the prompt, “500 words about your favorite pre-1960s Sci-Fi.”
Lovingly dedicated to the Queer Liberation Library (on tumblr as @queerliblib!) for their ongoing mission to make queer eBooks accessible. Check them out at queerliberationlibrary.org!
Like this essay? Tip me on Ko-Fi, pledge to my Patreon, or commission an essay on the topic of your choice!
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suugarbabe · 7 months
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Rockstar!Sirius Black has me in a chokehold. I’m obsessed with my wife @finalgirllx and thankful for the work she put in for me for these two edits and I hope everyone is pulling their hair out at them as much as me.
This little blurb is for my second wife @thatdammchickennugget ‘s hogmarch challenge.
Prompt: fire whiskey / are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk
Warnings: fluff; mentions of bar/drinking;
You don’t really know how you got here. At this party that is. One day your muggle friend is begging you to come to a concert with her. Two weeks later she has you sleeping on a side-walk waiting to get in. “I really want to get barricade,” she says. And you love her so you comply. When you manage to get it, you’re just as shocked as she is. Arms crossed on the bar, elbows hanging over the barricade as music plays from the speakers while everyone waits for the band to appear.
You assume it’s a four person group; you see a drum set, a keyboard, a guitar with a mic stand and a bass guitar. You’re wracking your brain for the name of the band, your friends mentioned it probably a million times in the last hour alone but you’ve been so focused on not a Avada-ing any of the other millions of girls around who seem to want to keep pushing against your back to get closer to whoever this band seems to be.
It’s when the curtain falls that your heart nearly stops. It had to be a coincidence, right? The fact that this band happens to have the same name as the infamous group of pranking boys from your school years. But all your nervous fears are confirmed when they start strolling on to the stage, you recognize the others in an instant, but the one that catches your eye most intensely slings the guitar over his shoulder, a shit eating smirk gracing his lips as his tucks his hair behind his ear.
“Blimey, what a turn out, yeah lads?” The guitarist turns slightly where he stands, glancing at his friends behind him who are all nodding and shouting, pumping their fists in the air with the screams of fans in front of them. The guitarist turns back towards the crowd, eyes scanning over the sea of people until they come to the front and lock with yours. Your friend besides you starts shaking with giddy excitement as he speaks his next words into the mic, her arm hooking with yours. But you can’t tear your eyes away from his piercing gaze, “In case any of you’ve forgotten, we’re The Marauders and-”
Being barricade had its benefits because you heard the drummer shout, “Oi, Pads, get on with it, will ya, let’s give em a show, yeah?” Sirius laughs into the mic and your thrust back to being seventeen and pining after the long haired boy at the back of your advanced potions class. “Alright, Prongs, don’t lose yer head, mate. Who’s ready to fucking rock out?” Sirius strummed his guitar and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams. The entire concert was a bit of a blur. One because you didn’t know any of their songs, but two because it seemed like any time Sirius looked towards the front of the crowd, he looked right at you, and your friends and the girls surrounding you seemed to lose their mind at the concept.
When the concert finally ended you watched your old classmates take in the cheers and praise. James threw both his drumsticks into the crowd, Remus tossed a few picks as well. Reggie stepped from behind the keyboard, taking his setlist with him and passing it to the security guard to give to a random girl. Sirius, however, seemed to have a different plan. The girls around you seemed to be panting with anticipation as Sirius took a marker from a stage hand and laid down on his stomach, pulling the cap from the marker with his teeth before writing on his setlist on the ground. Capping the pen, he pulled the setlist off the ground slowly, folding the tape over the edges before folding the setlist into fours.
What really made everyone around you go into a frenzy was Sirius jumping down from the stage and walking straight up to you at barricade and holding the paper towards you with a smile. “Here,” Sirius grabbed your wrist, placing the folded setlist into your hand, “open it when you leave the venue. Was nice seeing you again, love. S’been too long since the last time.” Sirius then turned his attention to the people around you, shaking hands and signing a few autographs but it all sounded muffled to yours ears as it seemed like all the blood was rushing to your head as you were rushing out of the crowd, you friend close behind.
“Uhm, hello? Are you gonna tell me what the fuck that was back there?” You were walking as fast as you could without sprinting, your friend hot on your heels. “Y/n/n!” You turned abruptly to face her, her stopping roughly in her tracks. “What!” You were nearly screaming before taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry, erm, I’m sorry. I just…I haven’t seen those guys in a long time and it was just a little…overwhelming.” Your friend nodded, the grin never leaving her face, “How do you even know them, can we open the letter now, what does it say?”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the note from your pocket. Unfolding it you finally answered her questions, “We went to school together, believe it or not they were very popular and I was…well…not. I had a few classes with the others and well Sirius was…friends with some of my friends, let’s say. Honestly I didn’t even expect him to recognize me once I realized they were the band we were seeing and…” your thoughts and words seem to die on your lips as your eyes scanned the setlist in your hands, Sirius’s sloppy scrawl strewn across in black marker. Your friend raised her eyebrows impatiently, turning your hands towards her so she could see what had you at such a loss, a gasp leaving her as she did so. “Is that a fucking address…”
So maybe you did know how you got to this party, your friend begging and pleading until you agreed to go. “It’s only polite, he did invite you after all,” she had said. You knew her agenda was more so to gain an opportunity to see the boys up close, so you didn’t argue when as soon as you entered the private bar she immediately went on the hunt. You, on the other hand, went straight for a drink, or two, or four. You were working on yet another firewhiskey when a rough voice spoke your last name from behind you. Turning around, you attempted to control your blush, “Black. Long time no see.” You did your best to keep your tone casual, like your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
Per expected Sirius was nothing but charming and smooth, “I didn’t expect to see a friend in the crowd tonight, you caught me slightly off guard I have to admit.” You clasped onto your drink with both hands, hoping the coolness of the glass would offset the heat that was rapidly spreading through your body, “You consider us friends? I didn’t even think you’d recognize me.” Sirius’s gaze turned what you could only describe as tender, “I would’ve failed Advanced Charms if you hadn’t put up with me for two whole terms. If spending endless weeks in the library didn’t make us friends, what then developed between us, nothing?”
No, just my raging school girl crush on you is all. You shook your head, mouth opening and slightly stammering, no explanation coming to mind. “Pads, you’re not scaring y/n/n away are you? Gonna make us not see her for another three years again?” Sirius huffed a slightly annoyed breath, “Yeah, Moony, the reason we haven’t seen her is strictly my fault, not that our band took off or anything.” Sirius jabs a thumb over his shoulder as he glances back at you as if to say, the nerve of this guy. “She didn’t even think I’d recognize her, or considered us friends! Can you believe that?”
The taller boy greeted you with a warm and familiar smile, the scar stretching over his top lip thinning with the action, “Well I certainly don’t blame her for the latter. But we’re still friends, aren’t we, dove?” Remus took a step forward, wrapping you in a tight and friendly embrace. “Hi, Rem,” you mumbled just loud enough over the bar music. Remus was gruffly pulled away from you to reveal a pouting face with glasses and a mop of curly hair, “Not consider us friends? Did seven agonizing years of potions together mean absolutely nothing to you?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatics, “Hi, Jamie. ‘ve missed you.” You open your arms for a hug and are quickly embraced in a bear-like squeeze, “Missed you too shortcake. Been too long.” A second body joins your hug from behind, “Yeah, it’s been too long.” James pushes him off before letting you go, “Whydya have to do that Reg, you ambushed my hug.” Regulus opens his mouth to argue when a throat clearing catches all of your guys' attention. You turn to see your friend clearly doing her best not to freak out at the scene before her. You turn the the boys, pushing your friend slightly in front of you, “Guys this is my friend Órlaith. She brought me to your show. Big fan, her. Órlaith, this is Reg, Jamie, Rem and Sirius.”
The four boys all flashed award winning smiles while your friend managed a meek ‘hi’ and a slight wave. “So you didn’t just have classes with them, you were friends with the fucking Marauders,” Órlaith wacked your arm, causing James and Regulus to burst out in laughter. Remus leaned in close to your friend, a hand shielding one side of his mouth while pointing a thumb back at James, “Y/n/n, here actually helped make sure this one graduated on time.” James crossed his arms in mock offense, “Is he talking shite love? Moony, don’t fill her head with lies we’ve only just met.”
Sirius slung his arm over her shoulder, whispering in her ear, “Actually, I’d like to catch up with Y/l/n. You mind if I steal her for a moment? Think you can watch these gits, keep them in line for me while I’m away?” She gave a timid nod and Sirius flashed her his knee weakening grin. Remus shot Sirius a knowing look, one you completely missed as you were too busy focusing on Sirius lacing his fingers in yours and dragging you towards a roped off section of the bar. You tried to will your palm to not be clammy as you downed the last of your drink, setting the glass on a passing table. As Sirius led you up the few steps and past the velvet rope he settled you both down at a table in the corner.
With a wave of his wrist the music and sound of the crowd disappeared. “See? A perfect silencing charm. Wouldn’t have been able to do that without your help in years past, friend,” Sirius emphasized the last word, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed slightly, eyes rolling, “Yes, I’m very proud of you. However, that hasn’t stopped the gaggle of girls staring at us.” You motioned toward at least four women you could see clearly shooting daggers your way at a private talk with the leading man. Sirius shrugged his shoulders, eyes never leaving your direction, “I don’t care about them, my focus is on you.”
Your face seemed to stay in a permanent state of blush with Sirius’s full attention solely on you. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Did you really not consider us friends all those years? I mean, I thought we were pretty close. If I recall we’ve drunkenly fallen asleep on a few couches and floors together. Who else does that besides very good friends?” You nervously summon a drink before you, taking the glass and trying to hide half your face behind it while you take a long gulp. Your eyes scan over Sirius’s face, taking in the changes, or lack thereof, from the last time you saw him.
He still has that same boyish charm, that grin the tends to sneak onto his face when he knows he’s being charming. His hair is still gorgeous, long and flowing, though maybe slightly greasier than your school years, but you’re sure that’s part of his rockstar aesthetic. His forearms now adorn multiple tattoos and from what you know of Sirius there’s probably more hidden elsewhere. He had a few more piercings now, and his jawline was more refined now that he was no longer a teenager, but what remained exactly the same was always your favorite part of him; his eyes.
Sirius always had the most captivating eyes; a deep russet brown that seemed to change with his mood and whether he was telling the truth or not. Either that or you had just spent so much time staring at him you began to figure out his tells without anyone else realizing. “You’re telling the truth, you really considered us good friends didn’t you?” Sirius laughed lightly, looking down at his lap before meeting your eyes once more, “Yes, I’m telling the truth.” You shook your head, “That wasn’t a question, it was a statement, I can tell when you’re lying. I just can’t believe you’re being serious.”
“Well I’m always Sirius, darling.” You rolled your eyes at his favorite pun, going to bring your drink back to your lips. Sirius, however, had other plans, stealing to glass from your hands and downing the rest himself. You opened your mouth to scold him but he got his words out first, “How can you – blimey, love no mixer really? Merlin’s fucking beard – how can you tell when I’m lying? I like to think I’m quite subtle at hiding the truth.” You sat up a bit straighter, tucking your legs underneath you on the couch. Normally you would never admit anything, especially not to Sirius himself, but your filter seemed to be turned off thanks to the many firewhiskey’s now running through your system.
You leaned your elbow on the back of the couch, facing Sirius now with your head resting against your fist, “Your eyes turn a shade or two darker when you’re lying. Normally they’re just this beautiful deep brown color that looks like the sun is shining directly on them, even when you’re inside and there’s not even a window in sight. But when you’re lying it’s like all the mischief you’ve got cooking in your brain is overheating and it deepens the color.” If you weren’t feeling so tipsy you probably would’ve noticed the deep blush that spread over Sirius’s cheeks. But being himself he couldn’t let you stop there, “What else have you seemed to notice over the years, huh sweet girl?”
Subconsciously you knew you’d regret it in the morning, but your ability to stop your mouth from rambling seemed to be null. “You tend to chew on your top lip when you’re concentrating, not the entire thing, just one of the corners. You did it tonight during your guitar solo, which was actually pretty fantastic. I'm very proud of you, Siri. And I only noticed you do that because it’s different from other people, usually people bite their bottom lip, but you bite your top,” Sirius touched his top lip with his fingertips as you continued, “And I know when you’re laughing just to be polite and when you’re laughing for real because your fake laugh is this polite little chuckle where you nod your head to make the other person think you’re really paying attention, but your real laugh is so much better. You throw your head back, and your hair falls from your face and it’s real hearty and deep and your smile stays bright for moments afterwards.” You let out a long sigh, your eyes keeping this distance look to them like you were recalling an exact moment for each aspect you just described. “Merlin, I was just so in…I just had the biggest crush on you back then.”
Sirius blinked a few times in disbelief, shaking his head and trying to clear his thoughts because there was definitely no way he heard what he just thought he heard, “I’m sorry, love. Are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk?” You scoffed slightly, “Excuse me?” Sirius quickly held his hands up in defense, “No, no! I just meant that – oh for Godric’s sake, I’m gonna muck this up I just know it–” You grabbed his wrists, effectively stopping his spiraling tangent, “Sirius!” He looked up at you, eyes meeting yours and just like you said, they looked like the sun was hitting them directly despite being in the back corner of a dark bar, “I never needed help with charms.”
Your face contorted in confusion, “Sorry, erm, what?” Sirius closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes once more, making sure you were looking back at him so you would see he was telling the truth, “I never needed help with charms, I would fuck up spells on purpose because I wanted to spend more time with you.” You shook your head, “But Remus said…”
“I lied to Moony,” Sirius cut you off, “Well, I tried to lie to him at first. I told him I was failing and I asked him to ask you to be my tutor but the bloody git knows everything, saying shit like ‘I know you’re at the top of our class Sirius meh meh meh’, so I asked him to lie for me.” You shook your head, “Why would you do that?” Sirius placed his hands on either side of your face, your hands still holding his wrists, “Because I had an insanely huge crush on you that I kept trying to deny and Moony could see it a mile away. I’m surprised you missed it with everything else you seemed to notice.” You smiled at him, a real genuine relaxed smile, then he spoke again, “Past tense probably isn’t the right usage. After seeing you tonight, I can humbly admit that all those feelings are very much still here. You believe me, don’t you?”
Sirius tilted your head up so you were looking directly at him. He widened his eyes dramatically, staring at you intensely and causing you to giggle. You squinted your eyes at him briefly, making it look like you were really studying him, “Hmm..clear as day. Yes, Siri, I believe you.” Sirius let out a long breath, “Thank merlin, because I’ve been dying to do this since I was on stage.” Sirius’s lips met yours with a gentle fervent, intensifying only when you fisted the front of his t-shirt, pulling him harder into you. You pulled apart only when you were short of breath, both panting heavily. “Remus is going to lose his mind,” Sirius chuckled, grin never leaving his face. You glanced over his shoulder, flicking your wrist and breaking the silencing charm only to be met with cheers and whistles so loud they floated over the rustle of the bar, “I think he already has, they all have.” Sirius turned, seeing his friends and bandmates making their way over. He turned back to you, a cheeky grin on his lips, “Okay, kiss me again, just once more before they get here. Once they do I just know James is gonna talk your ear off about the whole thing.” You giggled, biting your bottom lip before grasping the back of his neck, pulling his lips towards yours once more.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Fluffcember Day 4 | The softest pillow
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Sebastian Stan x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
Word count | 4.1K
Summary | You've been dating Sebastian for over five months, and he has invited you to spend the night at his house for the first time. He has planned a comfortable and romantic night for you both, and you've never had more fun staying at home than you did with him.
Warning(s) | Established relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend), use of pet name (Sweetheart), small age gap (~ 7-8 years).
Smut | Oral ~ M receiving, throat fucking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, lots of praise, hair pulling, dirty talk, Daddy kink, cockwarming.
Rating Explicit (E)
Request | @buckys-wintersoldier Hey, my lovely big me💞 Listen to me, I'm sure you will love that or I hope you will. You can decide the character you want to use for this one, but could you write a fluffy oneshot that includes these sentences: 1. "No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today." (I'm so in love with this one, I found this and now I'm in love) 2. "I remember practising how to ask you out in a mirror." I know they don't fit that well, but I'm pretty sure you will make a wonderful oneshot out of it. Hehe. Thank you in advance, and I love you, big me. 💞
A/n | This one-shot it written for day 4 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Thank you so much for this sweet request, and I am glad I found the perfect prompt for your challenge! 😉 I want to give a big thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this as always 🎄
Events Masterlist | ''You're my new pillow'' | @buckys-wintersoldier Masterlist | Holding hands | @anyfandomkinkbingo
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Banners by @vase-of-lilies | Divider by @firefly-graphics | GIF credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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Dating Sebastian has been a true rollercoaster of emotions for you, but only in the best way possible. From you meeting him during an interview a little over a year ago to him asking you to be his girlfriend, it was like a fairytale.
Today is the day you're about to interview the cast of a new movie called The Martian - and today, of all days, will be the moment that you're going to be interviewing Sebastian Stan, your celebrity crush for the last few years.
It will be an absolute dream come true, and you've been endlessly preparing so you can conduct the interview of your life. And not just to impress Sebastian.
The black dress you've wanted to wear is hanging in your closet, ready to be put on, but you pick out some black lingerie before you can do that. It's not like anyone will see it, but the confidence boost it gives you is indescribable.
When you have the lacey fabric on, you admire yourself in the mirror for a few minutes before getting dressed and doing your hair and makeup.
Your hair is in loose curls and up in a ponytail, with a few loose pieces framing your face, and your eye makeup is simple, but the dark lipstick you put on gives your look an exciting edge.
Now, all that's left is to read over your interview questions a few more times and make a few last adjustments before it's officially time to go to your interview.
It's good that you've gotten into the habit of arriving early everywhere you go, and you've arrived about 20 minutes early so you take the time to freshen up in the bathroom.
You don't anticipate anyone walking by when you walk out, and you accidentally bump into a broad chest. You let out a squeal when a pair of strong arms envelop you.
"Woah! Careful there, Sweetheart," the man says with a chuckle, and your eyes snap up to see who the voice belongs to. It is just your luck that you bump into none other than Sebastian, and you're glad he caught you before you could fall.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!" You tell him as he lets you go, but he gives you a reassuring smile.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. It's not every day that someone as beautiful as you bumps into me," he tells you with a dashing smile, making the butterflies you feel in your stomach wild.
When it's time for the interview, Sebastian recognizes you and lets his gaze wander over your body and long, exposed legs a few times. He can't get enough of looking at you.
The interview is over far too soon for the both of you and just when you're about to pack up your stuff and go home to work out the interview, Sebastian stops you.
"I hope I'm not overstepping here, but would you mind grabbing a coffee sometime? If you're from around here, that is," he says, suddenly getting a little shy.
"Well, I'm out here for work until tomorrow morning, but once you're back in New York, I'd love to take you up on your offer since I live there," you tell him, and you can't help but smile.
The thought of Sebastian asking you out makes the butterflies go crazy, and when you see the relief washing over him, you know you made the right choice by saying yes.
"Let me give you my number, and you can text me when you're back in New York if you still want to grab a coffee, of course," you tell him, and he nods furiously before grabbing his phone and letting you put your phone number in it.
"I have to go now, but it was lovely to meet you, and I can't wait to grab a coffee with you when we're home," he says, and he bends down to place a soft kiss on your cheek, his stubble tickling you a little bit.
Little did you know it would be the start of a great friendship and one of the most loving relationships you've ever built with someone. It was your first Christmas together that would change the dynamic, however.
"Do you want to spend Christmas together this year? If you don't plan to go home, of course," Sebastian asks you during your weekly video call.
He's away to film another Marvel movie, but Christmas will be spent back in New York, which is perfect timing for both of you. You haven't seen him for the last three months, and even though it's nice to video call, you miss his hugs, smiles, and touches. You miss him.
"I would love to, but only if you're cooking dinner for me because the lord knows if I do it, there won't be anything to eat for us that evening!" you joke, and Sebastian laughs wholeheartedly, which makes your heart skip a beat or two.
Your crush on him has only intensified over the last year, and he has developed feelings for you as well, but with his busy shooting schedule, you don't see each other as much as you'd like.
Sebastian plans to make it extra special this Christmas and wants to spend the holiday with you. He's been planning on telling you how he feels for a while, and it will be the perfect opportunity to do just that.
"Of course, I'll cook; I'd rather not starve on Christmas, thank you very much!" he quips back, and you shake your head, chuckling at his comment.
It promises to be the most memorable Christmas you have ever spent, and you're glad you don't have to celebrate it alone this year. With your parents living on the other side of the world, seeing them over Christmas is not an option, so you usually take some time off, read a book or two, and relax.
"In that case, I'll gladly celebrate Christmas with you, Sebastian. I can't wait," you tell him, and the weeks leading up to it felt like they flew by.
It is the day before Christmas when Sebastian arrives in New York, and you've offered to pick him up from the airport, which he gladly accepted.
"Hi, Sweetheart," he says as he walks out the doors after baggage claim, hauling a suitcase behind him and a backpack over his shoulders. He's been filming in California for a while, so he has a healthy glow all over his face, making him look stunning.
"I can't believe we're spending Christmas together; it's a big step from having to spend it alone," you tell him softly, getting a little embarrassed that you just admitted to him that you're usually alone on the happiest time of the year.
"Wait, you're always alone on Christmas?! I'm glad I offered to spend it together! Can't have my best girl being alone during the holidays now, can I?" Sebastian asks, and you nod in agreement.
You didn't miss how he called you his best girl, and it made your cheeks heat up, which didn't go unnoticed by Sebastian. You both have this effect on one another, and you wouldn't change it for anything.
The next day, Sebastian rings your doorbell a little after noon, and you've opted to wear a Christmas-themed sweater. When you open the door, you find Sebastian with a Christmas sweater and a present under his arm.
"You look gorgeous today, Sweetheart," Sebastian tells you as he pulls you into his side and kisses your cheek softly. It has yours heating up instantly, and you're feeling very fortunate to have someone as sweet as him by your side today.
The afternoon is spent preparing dinner, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Home Alone, an absolute Christmas classic. When you think this day couldn't be any more perfect, Sebastian whips out an envelope and hands it to you.
I wrote this for you, and I'm sorry if it's a little cheesy, but I figured I go big or go home, and I'd rather not go home, so..." he says, a deep red blush taking over his cheeks and neck as he hands you the envelope.
It's a light pink envelope with your name in his handwriting, and you pull open the envelope to find a small letter inside.
The past year, you have shown me what it is like to live life to the fullest, no matter what life throws your way. Meeting you has also brought me immense joy; because of that, I want to ask you something.
Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest guy on earth and be my girlfriend?
~ Sebastian
When you finish reading the little note, you slap your hand over your mouth out of excitement and practically fling yourself into his arms as you pull him close.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Sebastian."
His hand cups your cheek before he pulls you in for a soft, sweet kiss. Even though it's not the first you've shared with him, it is by far the most special one, and it is the cherry on top of the Christmas cake.
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Today will be your first time staying at Sebastian's house; honestly, the nerves are starting to kick in. He's seen your place a few times and slept there, but this is quite a step outside your comfort zone.
In your home, it's precisely how you like it and where you feel most comfortable, and you've discussed this with Sebastian. He is a true sweetheart because he has repeatedly reassured you that it's okay and you can sleep at home if you don't feel comfortable.
Your outfit has been laid out and ready to go for the last two days, and you can't wait to put it on and officially make your way to see Sebastian because you've missed him a lot.
Between his filming schedule and you flying all over the country to do more interviews, you have little time to see one another, but now that the universe is finally letting you be together, you want to look your absolute best.
After a shower and a thorough grooming session, you're putting your hair into two space buns with a few loose strands framing your face, and your makeup is very natural.
When your outfit is on, and your overnight bag is packed, you text Sebastian to tell him you're about to leave since it's still a 45-minute drive to his house, especially with the New York traffic.
Your work bag is also coming since you'll head straight to work the following day. It's a good thing he lives close to your office because that gives you more time to cuddle up to him, which is one of your favorite things to do in the morning.
What you didn't know, however, is that Sebastian has been preparing for your arrival. Not just by making sure his house is spotless but also by putting a little ''welcome home'' package together for you.
When he's about to step into the shower, he hears his phone go off, and when your name appears on his screen, he gets a wide grin, and his mood is instantly lifted.
''Can't wait to see you soon, Sweetheart,'' he says to no one, and he hops into the shower to prepare for your arrival. His place is spotless, there are clean sheets on the bed, and the care package is waiting on the kitchen island, ready to be unpacked by you.
He went above and beyond by choosing out a pair of the fuzziest socks he could find, as well as a big box of your favorite tea and a cute mug with it, a book from your wishlist you can leave at his place, and a bag of your favorite sweet treats to finish it.
He also has a small black box waiting for later, but that would have to wait until you two are comfortable on the couch because he wants to save it for a special moment.
When he's done in the shower, he quickly dries his hair and puts on a simple outfit before spraying his cologne. Now, he's ready to welcome you at his house and getting nervous because he's unsure if you will like it.
He grabbed the little box he was planning on giving you later and flipped open the top one last time as he looked at its contents. It shines beautifully in the sunlight, illuminating the room through the large windows.
With a small sigh, he shuts the box and puts it in one of the side table drawers next to his couch. It's all he can think about now, but before he can think about it too long, his doorbell rings, notifying him of your arrival.
He jogs to the door, and when he's there, he straightens out his long, dark brown locks and clothing one last time before swinging open the door and welcoming you inside.
''Sweetheart, I'm so glad you made it,'' he tells you as he pulls you in for a hug, and you instantly melt into his embrace.
''Missed you,'' you tell him, though it's muffled by the jacket he's wearing, and it only makes Sebastian chuckle.
''What did you say, Sweetheart? I don't think I got what you said just now,'' he tells you, and you reluctantly pull out of his hold so you can tell him again how much you've missed him.
''I missed you, but I'm thrilled to see you again,'' you tell him, pulling him closer so you can kiss him properly. Your lips fit perfectly with his, and it lights a fire inside of you that instantly makes you want more.
He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and nibbles softly before letting go with a soft moan. It was all just a plan to tease you a little so he could make the rest of the night unforgettable.
Your eyes are half-lidded as you look at him in anticipation, but instead of giving you what you're looking for, he pulls you into his house, closing the door behind you.
''I got you something to welcome you into my home and hopefully make it our home,'' he tells you as he interlaces his fingers with yours. He steps to the side to reveal the little basket on the kitchen island when you're in the kitchen.
''I-Is this for me? You didn't have to do that!'' you tell him, though your curiosity takes over, and you can't resist a peek inside the basket.
You take out everything and look at it, especially the mug he bought for you that leaves you chuckling. When you pick up the book and read the back, Sebastian walks closer to you and pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapped around you and his chin leaning on your shoulder.
''I figured you could leave this here, so you will always have a few things around here that are all yours for the next time you come over,'' he tells you, and you close your eyes as a huge smile escapes.
''I'm glad I'm allowed to come back after today,'' you say as you put the book on the counter and turn into his hold, kissing him softly and slowly until Sebastian bends down and lifts you onto the kitchen island.
''Well, there's one more surprise for you, and you need to close your eyes and stay seated, alright?'' Sebastian asks, and you hum in response, so he walks to the living room and gets the small black box he was holding earlier, unable to wait any longer.
''Alright, you can open them,'' Sebastian says, and he's standing in front of you with the black box open, and your eyes are immediately pulled to the contents of it.
''I want you to have this, Sweetheart, because you already have the key to my heart, and now I want you to have the key to my house as well. I want you to be able to come and go whenever you want to since there's no one else I trust more than you.''
You take the key out of the box and look at it before closing your hand around it and stretching the other one out to take Sebastian's and pull him between your legs.
''In that case, it's only fair if I give you the key to my house as well, but only if you promise not to sneak up on me in the middle of the night because I will knock you out if you do it!'' you tell him between chuckles.
You seal your promises to one another with a kiss, and you put the key beside you on the counter before your hands slide into his hair, pulling softly, earning yourself a groan from Sebastian.
''Let's move this to the bedroom, Sweetheart, and I'll give you a tour of the house later. Right now, I need you,'' he tells you between open-mouthed kisses along your neck and collarbone, your head thrown back to give him access.
He pulls you off the counter, and once you're sturdy on the floor, he whispers something in your ear that has your knees buckling underneath you.
''You'd better enjoy the walk while you still can, Sweetheart, because I'm going to make sure you won't be able to walk for the rest of the day.''
He grabs your hand and leads the way to his bedroom, and he kicks the door shut before he attaches his mouth to yours again, the kiss a clash of tongues, a fight over dominance which Sebastian wins.
You are both undressing one another and when your dress has found its way onto the floor, you're standing in front of Sebastian in your white lingerie with red hearts on it. His breath hitches as he takes it in, his large hands gliding over the soft fabric adorning your body.
''Hmm, it's too bad you're not as innocent as this fucking lingerie makes you look right now, Sweetheart. Luckily, it'll be on the floor soon anyway,'' he purrs in your ear, making you unbelievably wet.
Your long fingernails drag from his chest, over his abdomen, down to his belt, unbuckling it quickly before pulling the fabric of his jeans down. You crouch down with it before sitting on your knees, and you palm his now hard cock through his underwear.
''How about I show you just how not-so-innocent I can be with my mouth?'' you tease him, and you feel him throb in your hand. He throws his head back with a loud groan as he's getting painfully hard now.
You pull his boxers down and throw them to the side, allowing his long, veiny cock to spring free right in front of your face, the red tip already leaking a bead of precum that you happily lick off.
''Tastes so good, Daddy,'' you whine softly, and the grin on Sebastian's face is unmistakable; he's about to ruin you in every single way you can think of.
After a few more small kitten licks on his tip, you take it into your mouth and you suckle softly. And Sebastian removes both hair ties from your hair, letting it fall around your head.
''Much better, Sweetheart, that way Daddy can fuck your beautiful throat like he wants to,'' he says, and your nails dig into his thighs at the idea, making Sebastian hiss at the feeling.
While you're looking up at him with big, glassy eyes, you slowly take more of him into your mouth until your nose is pressed to his pubic bone, and you're choking around his length.
When you pull back, you take in a few deep breaths of the oxygen you have just deprived yourself of, and you smile wickedly at Sebastian, who grabs some of your hair and pushes his cock back into your mouth, needing to cum down your throat.
''Want me to fuck this throat, Sweetheart? Want me to fuck this tight, perfect throat and cum in it, make you swallow it like my perfect cumslut?'' he asks you in a slightly degrading tone, but it only serves to make you even hornier, and your cunt clenches around nothing.
You moan around him, and he takes that as confirmation he needs to start fucking your throat and chasing his high in the process. The gagging sounds you make only spur him on, and his hips are snapping at a rapid pace until he shoots his cum down your throat and over your tongue, ensuring you get every last drop.
''Fuck, you're so good for me, Sweetheart, such a good girl for Daddy.''
With your eyes half-lidded and your panties soaked, Sebastian helps you up and walks you backward to the bed until you're lying down. When you're comfortable, he takes off your bra and panties so you're entirely bare for him, and he crawls over your body.
''Let me make you feel good, Sweetheart. You deserve it after making me feel so fucking amazing; my soul left my body through my cock,'' he whispers between kisses from your stomach and your breasts up to your neck and jaw.
''Please, Daddy,'' you beg, and Sebastian's too impatient to make you wait any longer, as he needs to be buried inside you right this moment.
He lines himself up with your entrance before pushing in slowly, letting you adjust to his length before pushing in further. When he's fully sheathed inside of you, he lets out a groan, and a moan escapes your lips.
His hands find yours, and he interlaces his fingers with yours before slowly pumping in and out of you, making sure you feel every single inch, ridge, and vein inside of you.
''Hmm, I remember practicing how to ask you out in a mirror after that interview. You bumping into me that day is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me, Sweetheart,'' Sebastian confesses as he keeps his slow, almost unbearable pace the same.
''Couldn't live with the fact that I might not see you again, so I practiced, and I'm so glad it worked out, Sweetheart. I can't imagine being anywhere other than inside of your perfect, tight, soaked pussy right now. She's clenching around me, baby. Are you about to cum for Daddy?'' he asks you, and you nod; all that's leaving your mouth are moans and whines because you're so close.
''Hmm, you better cum around my cock, Sweetheart, want to cum inside this perfect pussy,'' he groans in your ear, and he lets go of your hand to rub your clit while simultaneously picking up the pace, and you lock your ankles behind around his hips.
''D-Daddy! Please, need to cum,'' you plea, and he listens because before you know it, you fall apart from the combination of his fingers and cock inside you, and Sebastian closely follows you.
Long ropes of his cum shoot into your puffy, overstimulated cunt, but he doesn't want to pull out since you're so warm and comfortable. He turns over with you in his arms, and he pulls the comforter over both of you as you snuggle into him, still buried deep inside you.
You take a short nap in his arms as you cockwarm him, and when you wake up, you feel Sebastian tracing soft, slow patterns on your back.
''Hi, Daddy,'' you whisper against his neck, and he turns to look at you.
''Hi, Sweetheart. How was your nap?'' he asks you, and you can confirm it was the best nap you've had in a long time. After you've woken up entirely, you're both taking a bath together before moving your cuddle session to the couch, and you're ordering dinner so you don't have to leave each other's sides.
Later in the evening, you're attempting to get up from the couch, but you're not allowed because Sebastian pulls you back onto the sofa, making you squeal.
''No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today!'' he tells you and pulls you onto his lap to attack you with many tickles, making you laugh and squirm uncontrollably.
''N-No! Please, sto-o-o-p!'' you tell him, and eventually, he does. But not after a few more surprise ones when you've caught your breath again.
When it's finally time to go to bed, you lay your head on Sebastian's chest with a soft sigh, and before you drift off to sleep, you mutter a few more words to him that have him chuckling softly.
''You're my new pillow, so I will never let you go.''
This was when he officially knew he would marry you one day because he could not live without you for another second. He wants your love and happiness around him for the rest of his life.
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carcarcraziiv2 · 9 months
Hello!! Just found your blog recently and your bf scenarios of heartsteel members were endearing to read!! Id like to request a scenario of f reader was a childhood friend of kayn and reader always been tbere for him even if he got kicked out of the band multiple times, reader will always support him because hes number 1 in her heart , there can be angst n fluff or whichever, take your time and thank you!!
Thanks so much for your request! I am WAY excited about getting one haha!
This prompt is simply great. I LOVE the idea of Kayn having a ride or die from childhood! Here it goes!
TW- Fluff, angst, kissing, suggestive themes kinda???. Enter at your own risk!
You had always admired Kayn.
Even when he is hot headed, when he lacks in confidence, you were, and always will be, there.
It all started when the two of you were in grade school. Kayn was often getting into little tiffs on the playground, and you made it a personal challenge to engage with him and try to make him a little happier.
"Hey, Kayn, right? It's good to meetcha. I was wondering if you wanted to play tag with me?" You had said, twiddling your thumbs and smiling shyly at him.
The little boy glared at you for a moment. Right as you were about to lose hope and turn away, it appeared something had switched in his brain.
"Sure, but no cheating!"
From that day forward, the two of you were like peas in a pod. Kayn was everchanging, as were you.
Eventually, Kayn developed some kind of alter ego he called Rhaast. You didn't really understand it. All you knew was that when he switched, someone was going to get hurt or something was going to happen.
Kayn was never really a sensitive or open person in a traditional sense. The two of you had off and on flings throughout middle and high school, until Kayn got into the band and party scene. You never gave up on your friendship, though.
There had been a few bands before the most recent. You went to all of their shows, accompanied him when he went to his little (mostly unsuccessful) meet and greets.
He was always so protective of you. If there was ever someone who was coming onto you or making you feel uncomfortable at a show, he would literally get off stage in the middle of a set and teach the person a lesson. You couldn't help but admire the way his dark pink hair brushed across his face as he prowled over to you to face the culprit. It made you blush, thinking of how he handled these situations.
One day, after a busy day at work, you got home to see Kayn sitting on the couch at your apartment looking wholly defeated.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you here," you had said, your brow furrowed as you approached him. "Whatcha up to?"
"I don't want to talk," was all he said as you sat next to him. It was hard to accept that as an answer, so you pushed him just enough to get a reason.
"Well, you're sitting on my couch looking really upset. What happened?"
"I said I don't want to-," he looked at you swiftly, his nostrils flared and eyes angry. You knew Rhaast was close to the surface, but you held strong because you knew Kayn liked it when you stood up for yourself, even to him. He sighed when he saw the determined look in your eye. "Fine, I got kicked out of the band."
"Oh!" You exclaimed, shocked because it seemed like everything had been going really well for him and who you thought were his friends. They had done a couple shows, mostly just hanging out and jamming together. "What happened, Shadow?" He sighed again, a tad bit more dramatically, when you used his nickname. You had called him that ever since middle school when you would find him sulking in dark places like a weirdo.
"Well, apparently the guys don't like pranks. It was out of character for me to pull one, sure, but I didn't think a little 'poop on fire at your door' gag would piss them off so much. Whatever, I don't need them."
You tried and failed to hold back a laugh at his admitted fault. He looked back at you with his mismatched eyes and his lips quirked upward ever so slightly.
"Oh, Kayn, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to laugh but that is honestly really funny! I thought you all were chill; I'm surprised a stupid prank like that got them so riled up." Without realizing it, you reached up to adjust a piece of his hair that had fallen in front of his eyes while you let out another soft chuckle. You quickly snatched your hand away, mouth closing and eyes widening.
Kayn looked at you with a shocked expression for a moment, before he did something that made your heart race just like all the times previously when you two had dated. He leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips.
"Thank you, Y/N, for making me realize how funny I truly am," he smirked, clearly trying to adjust the topic from the kiss that had just happened.
That day, things had been different between the two of you. You weren't sure if it was because it was the first time the two of you had kissed in your adulthood, or if it was because you realized he chose your place to go to when he was feeling down.
It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Your usual hangouts had turned into you stumbling over your words, blushing when he did anything remotely attractive, and overall, just a little more awkward.
It didn't take long for Kayn to find a new band, after that. You were excited to meet all of his new bandmates; Ezreal, Sett, Aphelios, Yone, and K'Sante. They were all sweethearts, and you couldn't help but think that this might be the band.
They named their band Heartsteel, and you were awestruck at how popular they became and how quickly. With that, of course, came consequences.
Every show, event, even just strolling through stores together, there were paparazzi and fans jumping all over Kayn. Inevitably, this drove a wedge between the two of you. He became so busy all of the time, and it was hard to find a moment for the two of you to see each other.
Back to present, you are working your usual nine to five office job. It's boring, but it pays the bills. You get to see all the fancy magazine articles and covers that Kayn and his band are in. You get to hear all of the stupid annoying girls at your office giggle and talk about how hot they all are.
You huff when one of them walks by your desk, joking about how she'd "do anything to get into Kayn's bed".
I bet you would. You thought. Unbeknownst to her, you had been in Kayn's bed, more than once in fact. Never daring to say anything about your relation to him in fear of being shut down or gaining too much attention, you just did your best to ignore it all.
The day was finally reaching its end when your phone vibrated in your purse. You opened it to see a text from Yone.
Hey, Y/N. It's Yone.
Oh, hey Yone. What's up?
Kayn is having some sort of... well, he's really upset right now, and he just keeps asking to see you. He doesn't sound like himself. Can I come get you and bring you over here?
You raise a brow at the message on your screen. It had been at least a month since the last time the two of you had spoken, as it was like pulling teeth to get Kayn to answer a text or a phone call in the first place, let alone now.
Don't worry about picking me up, I'll head over there now.
You quickly gathered your belongings and let your boss know you were heading out ten minutes early. Bidding your farewells, you left the building and climbed into your car. You took your heels off, adjusting your skirt so that your ass didn't stick to the leather as you flung your purse into the passenger seat.
A million thoughts raced through your mind, but one thing you were certain of. When you got there, that wasn't going to be Kayn.
It was going to be Rhaast.
The drive was about an hour, and when you pulled through the iron gates after inputting your code, Yone and Aphelios were waiting outside looking at their phones.
You put your car in park, put your shoes back on and quickly got out and speed-walked up to them.
"Hey guys, sorry it took me so lo-."
"No time for small talk, let's go," Yone all but dragged you through the door of the house they shared, leading you down a long hallway to the small practice and recording studio they put in. He didn't release your elbow until the two of you were standing right in front of the door, and he turned to look at you.
"I hate to say it but, be careful. He's acting a little...," Yone trailed off, as if trying to find a way to describe it.
"Manic? Crazy? Off the rails? Yeah, don't worry, I got this," You smiled politely at him, pushing him softly out of the way and opening the door to the room.
Contrary to your feigned confidence, your heart was beating out of your chest. What you saw when you entered had it racing even more.
Kayn was standing against the wall with no shirt, his arms crossed, smoking a cigarette. When he looked up and caught your gaze, his mouth turned up in a devilish grin. You hadn't realized it, but your mouth was dangling open as you ogled him.
His hair was damp from sweat, his muscles rigid as he stared back at you.
"Y/N, finally, you're here!" He greeted you, pushing himself off the wall and walking your direction after pinching the cherry off his smoke. Contrary to what you were thinking was going to happen, he walked past you and shut the door.
You blinked in shock when you heard the click of a lock.
"What's going on, Kayn?" your voice trembled as you asked, but you squared your shoulders and raised your chin none the less.
"Tsk tsk tsk, is that how you greet your best friend?" He murmurs, coming up behind you and wrapping his large arms around you. "I've missed you, Y/N."
You shuddered in his grasp before looking around the room with a sigh. "Is that why you trashed the studio? Because you missed me?"
He nuzzled his face into your neck and breathed in deeply, causing goosebumps to raise all over.
"Yes," he stated plainly. You weren't even surprised in his nonchalance about it. "Everything has been so overwhelming, lately. It doesn't take much for me to snap anymore, but when I see you all of those problems seem to melt away...". You were surprised, however, at how open he was being as soon as you got there. Kayn was never one to open up without a fight first. Perhaps the fight had already happened within himself.
You turned around in his arms to face him, looking up at him with a weak smile.
"I've missed you too, Shadow. I've got to admit, I don't like all the attention you're getting from girls either," you sigh. The vulnerability he approached you with must have been rubbing off. You didn't mind though. It was time for you to tell him how you really feel. "Kayn, I- I want to be-".
"Can you just be mine, already?" He interrupts, his eyes locked to yours. "I want you. I want every part of you. Nothing... Nothing feels right when you're not with me. The girls, the shows, none of it. So can you please please be mine?"
"I always have been, Shadow. And I always will be," leaning up, you place a kiss on his mouth. Retreating, you only get a moment before he slams his lips back onto your own, and you let out a little moan in acceptance.
"Always." He growls against your lips, and you know for once in all the time you've been his number one fan, that this time is forever.
The end :3
I kind of just went with the flow on this one. Hope you enjoyed!
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lady-rose-moon · 1 year
HIIIII! Omg I got so excited when I saw that you're gonna be writing again. I read your fics before I figured out how to interact with authors without feeling embarrassed so this might be the first you're seeing of me, but I am a huge fan! I was hoping to request for a Loki fic? With these prompts:
"you're safe, you're safe" "what if I'm not?" "you're safe."
"who did this to you?"
"what are you doing out here, late at night?"
"I'm sorry" "don't you dare apologise for this"
Thank you so much!
You're so safe || Loki x Vanir!Reader || hurt/comfort
A/N: hello, my love, it is so nice to finally meet you! I do apologise for this being SO late but I have only just received the inspiration I needed for this project and I hope you like it! Please do interact with me more, I don't bite <3
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“I don’t care what you think!” you yelled, standing in the golden throne room of Asgard, sneering up at Odin on his throne, his whole demeanour menacing and unapproachable, yet you didn’t care, “I will find him, he is not dead!”
Odin merely gazed down at you, his expression unreadable as you stood beneath him. The older God had called you in today after receiving word that you were going to leave Asgard in an attempt to bring back Loki Odinson. He was your betrothed so why shouldn’t you fight to get him back?
“I am not asking for your permission, Odin,” you sneered, disregarding his title, bringing him down a few pegs so he is not as different as he wants to be, “he is your son but he is my betrothed and you shall not hold me back from him!”
That was when the Allfather spoke for the first time since you marched into the room with guards holding your arms. He studied you, noting how you were no longer the demure, frightened child he had selected for Loki. You had been corrupted by the Jötun and he had to remedy that. “You are still young, Lady Y/L/N,” the Allfather spoke, his voice as cold as his expression was, “I shall begin the search for a more… appropriate match.”
You reeled back, appalled at the King’s words before you broke into hysterical laughter, shaking your head. “You do that, Odin, and break the treaty with my family, I challenge you to,” you sneered before turning on your heel and departing from the throne room.
Before you could be grabbed by the guards, you broke into a run, smirking at the shocked exclaims of the guards behind you as you took of running down the hallways, expertly avoiding every attempt to be grabbed by various guards. With a grin, you slipped into Loki’s old chambers, not glancing at anything that could risk you to break into sobs and instead venturing to his wardrobe, pulling out one of his tunics and pants, hurriedly changing before running out onto the balcony and calling your magic to you to lift you down from it into the Queen’s gardens.
Once your feet pressed against the soft grass of the land below, you took off into a sprint, heading to the edge of the garden, searching for the gate covered in ivy. Before you could find it, however, you froze as a soft ‘Lady Y/N’ drifted across the garden. You turned and saw Queen Frigga frozen in the doorway to her garden.
“Your majesty!” you gasped, dropping into a curtsy even if it was quite difficult with your inappropriate clothing. Standing tall, you eyed Frigga nervously and spoke softly, “I’m not going to sit here and wait for a confirmation that he’s dead. I feel that he’s alive. Let me go.”
Frigga didn’t say anything, merely rushed over to you and pulled you into her arms. The Queen of Asgard’s hugs had always been a comfort and this time, it comforted your worried heart and the kiss she pressed to your brow was reassuring. “I never saw you,” Frigga whispered as a promise before turning away.
Smiling, you continued your search for the gate before exclaiming in victory when you found it, unlatching the lock and pushing the gate open and rushing through, pulling it shut and using seiðr to lock it behind you. With great knowledge of the layout of Asgard, you had no issue taking the long route around Asgard even as the warning bells raged from the palace and more guards were stationed near the broken Bifrost.
As you were hiding behind a barrel, waiting for a few guards to pass, you felt a tug on your leg which caught your attention. It was a small girl, dressed in her golden nightgown holding a rabbit teddy, her blue eyes staring up at you innocently. “Where are you going, Lady Y/N? They’re looking for you,” the girl whispered, seeming to understand the need to be quiet.
“The King has kept me in a tower, punishing me for my prince’s choices, I am on a brave mission to save him,” you explained, playing on the girl’s imagination, “so you must be quiet and never mention that you saw me. It’s all a game. I have to be ignored and not seen; do you understand? You must be quiet.”
“I promise,” the girl whispered before running off down the alley.
You nodded before taking off in a run, your feet now firmly planted on the glass of the Bifrost. As you approached the broken end of the Bifrost, you froze as you saw Thor standing there with Heimdall. Cursing beneath your breath, you approached them and stood beside Thor.
“You won’t stop me,” you whispered viciously, “I’ll jump if I must.”
“No need,” Thor answered with a grimace, gripping Mjolnir so tight that his knuckles had turned white, “he’s on Midgard.”
“Midgard?” you repeated with surprise before nodding and turning to Thor, “so we’re going.”
“I’m going, Lady Y/N, I must arrest him, he is not the man you knew,” Thor answered, turning to Heimdall and nodding, “do it.”
With a scoff, you watched as Heimdall lifted his sword and murmured the prayer to open the Bifrost without the observatory and when it opened and Thor was sucked into it, you jumped in too, ignoring the call from Heimdall.
The travel to Midgard wasn’t that long but when you arrived, it was dark. You’d appeared within a corn field, the soft rustling of the leaves comforting your anxiety before you closed your eyes and focused on the connection between yourself and Loki. That’s when you felt his seiðr for the first time in a year but it felt… wrong. Corrupted. That gave you more of a reason to find him, you needed to make sure that he was alright.
So, you latched onto his magic and disappeared with a soft glow before reappearing outside a glass cage. Disoriented, you grabbed a bar quickly to stabilise yourself before realising what was happening. You turned your head and there was Loki, his hair longer and greasy, his eyes a striking blue when they had once been green and his armour slightly askew.
“Loki?” you whispered weakly, staring in surprise before running across the bridge to the glass, pressing your hands against it, watching as Loki studied you carefully, “I thought… Oh, Loki.”
The God of Mischief tilted his head before striding over to where you were stood and sneering at you, “now you show up? After Thor?”
You stammered, thrown off by his violence toward you and tears rose to your eyes. “Loki… I tried to find you, I swear it! When you fell, I wished to jump after you but Thor wouldn’t let me.”
Loki chuckled darkly before stepping away from you and staring at you as if you were scum to him. “It took you a year to find me, how pathetic,” he spat, making you flinch, “what a pathetic fiancée.”
In that moment, you realised it wasn’t just his magic that was corrupted. It was him. He wanted your tears. He wouldn’t get them. You lifted your head with a soft smile, dipping into a curtsy before walking away.
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Somehow, you’d been roped into assisting the band of Midgardians (and Thor) defeat Loki. You would follow Iron Man into his tower to confront Loki but that hadn’t ended well and you’d been knocked out by Stark’s flying Iron Man device as it raced after Stark when Loki threw him out of the window.
You were only awoken by the Hulk’s roar and Loki’s response. Groggily, you woke up and saw Loki shouting at Hulk, “you are, all of you, beneath me! I am a God you foul creature and I will not be bullied by- Ah!”
You watched as Hulk grabbed Loki’s ankle and began to bash him around like a ragdoll. You flinched as you watched Loki’s pained face after Hulk left and instantly raced over to him, pulling his head into your lap.
“Loki?” you whispered, your fingers delicately tracing Loki’s face, “Loki… are you okay?”
Loki didn’t answer for a while before he gazed up at you and his eyes lit up with recognition unlike how they’d been days ago. He knew you. Elation lit up your chest and you grinned down at him.
“Hello, love,” Loki whispered softly, his hands gently tracing up your arms before pulling you into a tight embrace, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and brushed some hair away from his face, smiling down at him tenderly before whispering, “no, don’t you dare apologise for this. You weren’t you. NEVER apologise for this.”
Loki hesitated before laughing softly at you and shaking his head, resting his forehead against your chest and sighing with relief. “We have to leave, you’ll be considered a criminal to them now,” Loki whispered, his eyes shining with worry.
You laughed softly and nodded before helping him sit up and looking out at the sky as Chitauri continued to fly out of the portal. Then, you looked back at him and softly whispered, “how do we stop this?”
“Let them stop it,” Loki whispered, groaning in pain before his hands gleamed with green magic and you stepped closer to him, feeding your magic into his spell and you both disappeared from the tower, appearing two realms away on your home planet of Vanaheim.
The quiet of the brook and the crickets in the grass instantly calmed you and a smile lit up your face before you helped Loki to his feet and whispered, “come on, I know a place.”
For an hour, the two of you walked, Loki progressively becoming able to walk on his own until you reached a raging waterfall. Your hand gleamed gold and the water split, revealing a door concealed in the rock. Turning it, you brought Loki inside and closed the door, candles and lamps lighting as soon as the door closed.
“Welcome home,” you whispered with a soft grin, guiding Loki over to a sofa and helping him sit down, “this place is hidden from Odin and Heimdall, father created it for me centuries ago.”
Loki observed the place with a soft smile, there were simple decorations, but it was a blank canvas for the both of you. “It’s perfect,” Loki whispered softly before doubling over and groaning, clutching his head.
Instantly, you rushed over to him and removed the majority of his armour until he was left in his tunic and pants. There, you hesitated but when Loki nodded to you, you lifted the tunic and gasped at the sight of grotesque slashes across his back and arms. “Loki… what… who did this to you” you seethed, lightly tracing the slashes, observing the poorly healed cuts and infections.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Loki whispered brokenly, avoiding your gaze and trying to hide how much pain he was in. The God of Mischief grimaced in pain as you pressed your finger against a cut and watched infected pus pool out of it.
“Try me,” you whispered to him, standing from the sofa and walking into the kitchen before returning with a healing kit, sitting beside Loki again and beginning to cover his back with healing salve.
Loki hesitated but when he saw that you were serious, he began to tell you everything. About his fall, about Thanos, about the Infinity Stone controlling him and the torture he was put under for the majority of the year that he’d been missing. All the way through his explanation, you let him speak and pressed loving kisses to his forehead when you could. When he was done, you pulled him close to you and allowed him to cry.
“Shh,” you whispered to him, lovingly tracing your fingers through his hair, “you’re safe, Loki, you’re safe.”
Loki leaned into your comfort, his body trembling from the pain of the salve healing his back, seeking more of your comfort. Still, the trauma of what he went through haunted his mind. “But… what if… what if I’m not?” Loki whispered weakly, “Thanos, he… he’s horrible! Terrifying! Worse than anybody we’ve thought of before as being wicked!”
“You’re safe,” you answered, pressing a kiss to Loki’s brow, holding him close to you, allowing him to curl further into your chest, “as long as we are together then we will protect each other. Do not fret, you are so safe.”
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Shortly after that, Loki had fallen asleep and you’d needed to magically carry him to the bedroom and cover him. Now, however, you awoke and Loki was nowhere to be found. Startled, you rose out of bed and searched everywhere before finding that the door leading out to the top of the waterfall was open.
Outside, you found Loki sat in the water, staring up at Vanaheim’s constellations, his eyes vacant and sad. As you approached, he flinched and a dagger formed in his hand but when he realised that it was you, he relaxed and muttered, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s natural, with your amount of trauma, Loki,” you whispered, sitting on the bank close to him, following his gaze up to the constellations, “what are you doing out here, late at night?”
The God gazed over at you with a lost expression on his face before he whispered, “couldn’t really sleep. Nightmares.”
You nodded and with a slow movement, you were sitting beside him in the cold water of the river, listening to the rush of the water going over the edge and landing below. You rested your head on his shoulder and held his hand tight in your own with a soft smile as you whispered, “you’re so safe, Loki, we have each other, you’re so, so safe.”
You heard Loki release a broken sob but said nothing, knowing that while he had your support, he also needed to fix his mental state on his own too. The God of Mischief was broken but you knew with time, he would find a new type of normal.
“I half expect the Bifrost to open and Thor to take me by my neck to Asgard, to my death,” Loki admitted quietly after several minutes in silence, “I miss my brother, Y/N, the brother he was when we were little. Not the brute he became.”
You nodded and gently brushed your thumb over his hand, just listening to his admissions. Loki appreciated your silence, your understanding that he just needed to talk, he just needed to feel like he was safe.
“I’ll never see him again, nor will I see mother,” he continued, tears in his eyes as he stared up at the star that he knew was the realm of Asgard, his home and the place that rejected him, “I wish I could say I was sorry to her, my sweet mother. She never did anything wrong.”
That’s when Loki embraced you, pulling you into his lap and pressing a kiss to your forehead before pointing up to Asgard’s star. “Perhaps, upon the day of Odin’s death, I shall return to my brother and my mother,” he whispered, his eyes full of hope for that future.
“Perhaps,” you responded with a soft smile, cuddling into his warmth before you began to shiver. “But for now,” you grinned, “back to bed, it’s cold.”
Loki chuckled and stood from the water, gathering you bridal style in his arms before walking down back into the house.
Glancing out at the sky over Loki’s shoulder, you glared at the blackness of the sky, swearing revenge on Thanos for what he did to your beloved. Little did you know, he was glaring right back at you.
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@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loki-laufeyson-1054 @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @anukulee @eleniblue
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zephyr-bazaar · 1 month
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Hi hi @squiddlyn!! I was your gifter for the @bokumonoexchange!!
I was really excited to get you, I've actually reblogged some of your art on my main before!!! And your prompts REALLY got my creative juices flowing.
Yuri of ELISE of all characters HAS to be done in an 80s shoujo style. I spent... over 3 weeks of my almost even month of working for this exchange daily on this piece alone. This is... a major departure from my usual style, which made it quite the challenge! Soft and detailed is the antithesis of how I draw, so I... definitely had a time with this!
Overall I'm EXTREMELY happy with how this came out; minus the rose bushes (rip) it came out just about perfect to what I was imagining. I hope you love it too!
But that's not all...
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You get another piece, too!!
I really, really couldn't decide which prompt to do. I had very vivid ideas for both pieces, so I was pleased to be able to do both! Especially when you posted your pieces and talked about Animal Parade, it made me that much more motivated to finish this one, too!
This one was also a major departure from my style, but a simpler one. DEFINITELY a good break after the other piece. It also came out how I imagined!
Overall I hope you enjoy! I am very excited to go back to my regular art style after these major diversions from it.
(I'll also DM you links to the pieces in full resolution!)
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traveler-at-heart · 1 year
Hearing nats genuine belly laugh for the first time
Thanks for the prompt!
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
It’s impossible to read her.
Natasha controls her expressions and reactions to virtually everything.
If she’s happy, one corner of her mouth will rise. Angry, and her glare could kill you, but you’ll never hear her screaming or cursing.
Never mind laughing. She loves being sarcastic and her wit rivals that of Tony. But you’ve never heard her laugh with abandonment.
And you’re so curious about that elusive sound. If her few chuckles or hums have your head spining, what would a real, authentic and care free laugh do to you?
Sweep you off your feet.
Which is exactly what Natasha does, making you land on your back.
“You’re distracted” she comments, no expression as she waits for you to stand up.
“I’m not” you lie.
You’re always distracted when she wears those tight leggings and tank top to train.
How you wish you could be better at hiding your own feelings.
“You are” she confirms when she throws a kick to your leg and then flips you over, straddling your hips.
She’s right on top of you, a proud and cocky smirk that only increases her level of hotness.
“Whatever” you mumble, trying to get her off of you. She makes you work for it and you decide to poke her side to annoy her.
Then, the strangest thing happens.
Natasha giggles.
Your eyes widen and her hand covers her mouth. For the first time since you’ve known her, she looks mortified.
“Don’t you ever do that again”
“Do what?” you challenge, and poke one of her sides and then the other one. She giggles again and then traps your wrists in her hands.
“Stoopp” she complains but you shake your head no.
Pretty soon you’re rolling around, trying to get the upper hand and free yourself from her hold.
Once you accomplish that, you tickle her back and she lets out a squeal, laughing like crazy.
Between her laughs and your hands going up and down, you end up tickling the inside of her elbow and on pure instinct she throws a punch.
“Shitshitshit” she says when you get knocked out, your eye begining to swell.
“Tasha?” you come to your senses a minute later.
“I’m here” she says, her hand on your cheek. “I’m so sorry”
“You have a nice laugh” is all you can think to say, still pretty out of it.
She blushes-another first since you’ve known her.
“Let’s ice that punch”
Fifteen minutes later and you’re back to being fully conscious of what happened.
You’re leaning on a kitchen stool, a bag of frozen peas covering the left side of your face.
“What happened to you?” Sam asks when he sees the both of you sitting in silence.
“I tickled Natasha and she knocked me out”
“By accident” Nat clarifies.
“Allegedly” you open your one good eye and smile at her.
“Who tickles the Black Widow?” Sam defends her and you nod.
“Someone really stupid. Clearly”.
They talk about missions and training new recruits. By the time Sam goes back to his quarters you feel like your eye is less swollen, so you remove the frozen peas.
Natasha leans forward and touches the redened area.
“I really am sorry”
“It was worth it to hear you laugh” you grab her wrist, making soothing circles with your thumb. “Do you think Fury will want to take me shopping for my very own eye patch?” you feign excitement and she snorts.
“You won’t need one, but I do hope you’ve learned your lesson”
“No tickling a trained spy. Ever”
Natasha smiles shyly, and you get bold enough to ask something else.
“Wanna grab dinner with me tonight? As reparation for my partial blindness”
“I’d like that” she smiles.
“I’ll see you later then” you stand up, already planning your date. “With my one good eye”
“Shut up” she laughs again.
What a beautiful sound
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summer-of-bad-batch · 1 month
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The end of Summer of Bad Batch 2024 is approaching with only one more set of prompts to be dropped 🥺 How’re we feeling??
Some of you have been here since I launched this blog in May, and some of you have just joined the challenge … but all of you have made this event what it is and was 🫶
But the event is not quite over yet, my lovely friends! We can and will finish strong! Remember, even if you just fill one prompt, you are a participant! And prompts can be combined and stacked and sandwiched — so get creative!
And fills do not have to be elaborate! Stories can be as short or long as you please; fanart a doodle or a full color piece!
Just here to enjoy the fills? Please do!! 🙌 Your support through comments, likes, and reblogs is invaluable! You are a participant too when you encourage creators and their work. Thank you!!
On September 1st, I’ll be putting out the Google form for participants to fill out! You’ll be able to let me know what level of participation you achieved, and provide me a link with your master list that I can share in the appreciation posts! (On August 31, I’ll be posting all the achievement badges so you can add them to your master post if you’d like!) And don’t worry, I’ll have this form open for a week so you can finish up anything you need to!
(Don’t tell anyone, but I’ll continue reblogging prompt fills until September 7th 😉— so if you finish up any prompts within that time, you can absolutely count it towards your participation status!)
Thank you for being a part of this summer challenge! It has been an amazing experience that I hope we can do again next summer ✨
Also, if you’re just here for the prompts and not necessarily the challenge … check out @weekly-star-wars-prompts!
I’ve already had some amazing prompt suggestions submitted that I am beyond excited to share!
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she-whatshername · 2 months
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Tyrrish men headcanons you didn't ask for, you didn't want, didn't need, but I give to you anyways.
Prompt: Love Confessions
I also use the term 'girl' in one of the prompts but feel free to strike that out and put your own self/pronouns/persona into it. These be for everyone, ya'll.
Xaden's hands skimmed the tops of your arms as he glided them up over your shoulders, collarbone and neck to finally rest at the base of your jaw. Each hand cradling the side of your head. You turned, unwilling to face him, but the strength of his fingers kept your head steady, and eyes locked on him. "I dont know what goes on in that beautiful, dangerous, lethal mind of yours that makes you think you're not worthy." He began, his voice pressing against your lips as he leaned in closer to you, "But I am going to kiss, and touch, and worship every inch of you so you'll never be convinced otherwise that there is any part of you I'm not utterly in love with."
"I will find you." He spoke it like a command, which brought you comfort in the chaos of the battle that surrounded the two of you. "Listen to me." He said again, taking both of your hands in his own, your left placed against his flight leathers directly over his heart, your right still tenderly held tight in his hand. "I have never lost hope when I was a locked up by my foster family, I never lost a challenge at Basgiath, hells I've never lost my patience being friends with Xaden of all people. And I will not lose you. You hear?" He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering for a few moments before he pulled back, smiling, "I've got a perfect record to maintain, and I'm not going to break it. Now go, with the others and get to safety. I don't care how far away it is because I will always, always find you. You got that?"
You nodded at him, causing the man before you to smile as he muttered, "Yeah, that's my girl. Now lets go."
"Liam this is..." you paused looking at the wooding carvings on his desk, "Is this me."
"Yeah." He nodded sheepishly, "I know, It could be better."
You let out a laugh, "It looks just like me."
"There isn't a medium in the world that could capture the softness of your skin, or the beauty of your hair, the warmth of your heart even."
You looked up at him into his eyes. He was still smiling. And somehow, you could see the same glow that bore from his lips in the oasis of his eyes, "Liam. They're beautiful, they both are."
"Then take it." He said passing the small wooden of your into his hand alongside the one that looked similar to his own figure.
"I get both? You don't want to keep the one of you?"
Another smile, gods, could he get anymore beautiful, "You already own every part of me, my love. And now, you have a reminder that I have always been, and will always be, yours."
Oh, we got ourselves a Bodhi love confession, but I am saving it for 'Drifted'. I was weeping when I typed it and i'm so, so excited for it to make its way into the story. Its the best of the four in my opinion. So, if you're gnawing at your keyboard/mobile device for some Bodhi love, check out Drifted on Ao3.
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agentmarvel · 3 months
Hello hello!! I am so excited about your challenge (literally been thinking about what prompt I could do for dayyyyys now🤭)
Could I please do angst 💔 to fluff 🩷 (if I can’t do two I’m sorry, I’ll stick to fluff 🩷 pls), with my main squeeze Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼, annnnnnd the buzz words being American reader, secret relationship, “stay away from her”
Thank you🤍🤍
thank you so much for requesting! 🥰 i'm so excited to FINALLY get one for soap! this ended up being WAAAAAAY longer than i intended, almost 2k.
johnny "soap" mactavish x fem!reader
cw: graves being gross
mdni - 18+; minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
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Heartbreak is a special kind of beast, the Mr. Hyde to falling in love’s Dr. Jekyll. No matter how tough you think you are, how thick or calloused your skin may be, it tears its way out, rearing its ugly head with a thunderous roar that commands you to feed it. The gluttonous craving is grief. It gnaws at your bones with a bloodied maw, snarling as it downs your tears by the gallon, and there’s no proven way to set yourself free. It will sneak back up on you when you least expect it.
That gaping wound in your chest has sat hollow since you ended things with Johnny, or as you know him now, simply Sergeant MacTavish. It wasn’t pleasant, you didn’t want this, but he was too keen on keeping you a secret. He expressly forbade you from telling even your closest friends about your relationship for over three years for a slew of reasons that just became muddier over the months.
Each time you reached your limit, he’d beg you to raise your ceiling built of tolerance and patience. He swore up and down that it wouldn’t be like this forever, that someday, he’d put a ring on your finger, and you’d both be able to display your love to the entire world. But his rationale got weaker and weaker as the hourglass began to run out, and it crushed you into those final grains of sand, trickling through the tiny gap into a vicious pit of loneliness.
“You good?” A voice comes from over your shoulder, and you glance back. Commander Graves, your direct supervisor, is stationed behind you, a look of concern painted across his face.
You nod, albeit meekly, unable to trust your voice after hearing the call from General Shepherd. Shadows have been called in as air support for Task Force 141 in Mexico, and you haven’t seen Johnny - no, MacTavish - since the break-up. Oxygen catches in your chest, awaiting any sort of spark that will light the fuse on your dynamite tongue, and that’s not a conversation you really want to have with Graves.
“You know you don’t have to lie to me, right?” he says softly, putting a hand on your shoulder. You resist the urge to shrug it off, instead nodding again. “Listen, I know you’re still pretty new to my team, but you’re still part of my team. If something is going on, if something about this mission has you freaked out, you need to tell me. Can’t fix it if you won’t let me in.”
You smile, forced and small.
“I know, sir. I’m good, I promise. Just… Tired.”
He eyes you warily. The disbelief is evident, but he doesn’t press you on it. He merely offers a few oddly sincere pats on your shoulder and walks away. You let out a sigh, and focus in on your screen, a distraction to pass time until you touch down in Las Almas. 
It works almost too well. Seemingly, you’ve only blinked before you’re back in the air after gear checks, restocks, and a fuel top-off. Through the comms, you can hear Graves trying to make contact with the 141. You dread the moment you hear MacTavish’s voice again, but it crackles to life in your ear before you can truly brace yourself for it.
He sounds worn and tired, and a pang of guilt spears you in the gut for thinking he deserves it just a little. Some days, you hope he’s still hurting. You hope he’s felt even a fraction of the pain you have.
But those thoughts have no place in your line of work, not while you’re trying to help him stay alive. So your brain shuts off, autopilot kicks on, and you work as a cog in a well-oiled machine until the job is done.
Shadows always party after a win, no matter how small it may be. Despite having to release Hassan and it being well after midnight, the drinks came quickly at Fuerza Especiales headquarters.
You, however, couldn’t quite get into the partying mood. The inevitability of seeing him again filled your stomach with rocks, weighing you down. You mask the weight well, though. It’s not unusual for you to stick to the edge of the group; polite smiles, meaningless small talk, and high fives leaving your teammates none the wiser.
The moment you see Graves scanning the crowd of Shadows and Vaqueros, both parties equally rowdy, your heart drops. If he’s here, you know they won’t be far behind. It’s too much; you’re not ready for this. You’re not ready to be in the same city as him, much less the same room. Anxiety grips you at the thought of him even seeing you. You don’t know how he’ll react. What he’ll say, what he’ll do… You used to think his unpredictability was one of the best things about him. Now, you’re not so sure.
Graves beelines for you the second he spots you. You can see the bundles parting to accommodate his passing through. As much as your brain wills you to move, finish your drink and take off to grab another, you seem to be rooted in place. Your feet won’t move, and you silently curse them, not exactly up for a chat.
“Hey, you,” your commander hums, sidling up in front of you. “Glad to see you stuck around.”
“Was just about to leave, actually,” you answer plainly, staring down at the honeyed whiskey in your glass. He nudges you with the toe of his boot until you look up.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t.” It’s an attempt to sound earnest, but it comes off as more condescending than anything. “I was hoping we’d have some time to get to know each other a little better. You’re still pretty new, and I like to know my soldiers pretty intimately.”
You open your mouth to respond, off-put but polite, but words seem to elude you as you catch sight of a familiar mohawk. Even from this distance, you can still see just how blue his eyes are. You can still make out the Scottish brogue as he laughs with the man in the skull mask - Ghost, Simon, right?
It hurts. Every bone, muscle, vessel, nerve screams. Seeing him again, knowing he’s just out of reach and you have to stand your ground. No matter how much your being craves him - mind, body, and soul - you can’t. You just can’t. Your throat goes dry, heart racing, eyes welling up. And when he looks your way, looks you right in the eye, you crack. 
“Mind tellin’ me what’s got you so distracted, Shadow?” Graves asks softly, hand finding your shoulder again, like before. You shake your head, teary eyed, unwilling to look away from MacTavish as he makes his way towards you. “C’mon, darlin’, somethin’s gotta give.”
“I’m sorry, sir - “
“Phil. Just call me Phil, okay?”
You sigh, wiping the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Okay, I… I’m sorry, Phil. I can’t really talk about it.”
“Business or personal?”
“Personal, sir. It’s complicated.”
He takes hold of your chin between his thumb and forefinger, a gentle warning to look at him. You struggle with it, but you relent, hoping that maybe you’re just hallucinating.
“Relationship troubles?”
You hesitate.
“No… I mean, yes, but no. Like I said, it’s complicated.”
“So, you’re not seein’ anyone?”
He pauses for a moment, the look in his eye shifting from something sincere and worried to something unnervingly predatory. A faint glimmer of that sincerity remains, and that’s all it takes to tell you it’s all been a charade. It’s not about welcoming you to his team or bonding. He’s trying to fuck you.
“No, I’m not, but - ”
“Then how about we take some time when we get home, clear those thoughts outta your pretty little brain, and we’ll make some memories to replace him.”
You recoil, taking a step back in the implication. It’s disgusting, to say the least. But you don’t get the chance to answer for yourself.
“Like fuckin’ hell ye will,” MacTavish barks, fighting tooth and nail to get through a stone wall in the form of Ghost and Alejandro. “Ye better stay the fuck away from her, Graves. Only gonna warn ye once.”
“Soap, I was wonderin’ when you were gonna try to swoop in and snatch her up. You can smell a pretty girl from a mile away, can’t ya? Too bad I beat you to it. Don’t pay him no mind, sweetheart; thinks he’s irresistible.”
“I swear tae God, Graves, ye better get yer bloody fuckin’ hands offa her. I’ll - Ghost, fuckin’ move!” He’s still struggling, Ghost’s brick shithouse body being the only thing in his way.
Graves raises an eyebrow, never looking away from you.
“Wait, you know him, don’t you?” You don’t answer straight away. “Is good ol’ Johnny what makes things complicated?”
Again, MacTavish butts in.
“Nothin’ complicated about it, ye fuckin’ bawbag. S’my fuckin’ wife!”
Everything stops. Graves goes quiet, Ghost’s stock-still, and you can’t hear the chatter around you anymore. You look at Johnny, wide-eyed and wired. He’s staring right at you with those bright blue eyes, a pleading expression on his beautiful face. You swallow hard.
“John,” you breathe, blinking back more tears.
“Don’t,” he warns, side-stepping the shellshocked Simon. “Dinnae say it. I love ye, and I ken ye still love me. No point in wastin’ yer time on a lavvy heid like Graves. I won’t keep secrets anymore, bonnie. Lemme show ye I’ll be better for ye.”
Graves looks between the two of you briefly before leaning over to whisper in your ear.
“When you two are done with whatever this is, come find me. I’ll make ya feel better.”
He chucks you under the chin with a click of his tongue before losing himself in the throngs. You didn’t even get the opportunity to tell him to go fuck himself.
Johnny is on you in a split second, inches away with your face cradled in his palms. He wholly consumes all of your senses, blocking out the rest of the world with the breadth of his shoulders, the smell of his aftershave. You’re frozen in place, trails of tears dripping off your cheeks.
“Can we please talk privately?” he asks softly. “Away from all this. Just us. I need ye tae hear me out, and ‘m not above beggin’, bon. Meant what I said; I love ye. Just wanna talk, okay? Please?”
You sigh. The options hold equal weight. But a soft swipe of his thumb across your cheek decides for you.
“Okay,” you whisper, nearly inaudible above the echoing din. He raises an eyebrow. You nod. “Yeah, okay. Can we just… step outside?”
“Ye got a bunk on base for the night? Let’s go grab yer things and talk there, yeah?”
“John, I can’t just leave. I still have a job to do.”
“Nah, yer done with this shite.” He shakes his head resolutely, moving to wrap both of his hands around one of yours. “I’ll call Shepherd myself if I have tae, tell ‘im yer takin’ immediate leave for an emergency. Not lettin’ ye get away again, bonnie. I ken I fucked it up, and I’ll spend the rest of my life makin’ it up tae ye.”
pick your prompt here! 💌
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yujo-nishimura · 1 year
Red Hair or Red Nose? - Part 2
Thank you all for asking for part 2 and the ongoing support. This is so much fun to write, so I hope you have the same fun while reading. <3
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The two of them, occupied by their fight, had not realized you were behind them and you just kept watching this scene unfolding in front of you.
“Next time you play a prank like this on me I will kill you, Shanks. Damn you!" In a fit of anger, Buggy had torn his body into disconnected parts, an act of frustration that momentarily disrupted the scene. However, with a collected demeanor, he swiftly reconnected his disassembled body and resumed his composure. "You can consider yourself lucky tonight. I am in a good mood and just decided to enter this pub to get some drinks. And since I arrived first on this island and in this town I have priority in buying their stock of whiskey and rum…!” 
“What about we enter this place at the same time and have a drink together just like the good old times?”
“A drink with you?” Buggy exclaimed, “I'd rather never drink again than with someone like you, you damned monkey!”
As Shanks took a step forward towards the pub, his gaze fell upon you. A subtle shift in his expression betrayed a momentary surprise, but whether he recognized you or was simply taken aback by your presence remained unclear. He chuckled lightly, his voice tinged with amusement. "Seems you were so noisy, Buggy, you attracted an audience from inside the pub."
Buggy, prompted by Shanks' comment, turned to look at you as well, his face and eyes unaffected, indicating that he likely had no recollection of who you were. He immediately changed to his usual flashy, entertaining self.
“Oh hello there!” Buggy said with a sly grin, “I see you've brought a lovely companion tonight, Shanks. But she's far too exquisite for a pirate like you!”
You gasped - what were they talking about? 
Shanks, however, swiftly corrected the assumption. His gaze fixed directly upon you, he smiled and addressed you, "Unfortunately, I did not bring this lovely lady with me."
"I came here because you two disturbed my calm and peaceful evening!" you finally found your voice, the words escaping your lips with a mix of frustration and determination. In that instant, you noticed a flicker of recognition in Shanks' eyes. Perhaps it was your voice, your manner of speaking, or a combination of both, but it seemed that he had finally realized who you truly were.
"Apologies for the disturbance my dear friend Buggy has caused!" Shanks interjects, causing Buggy to shake his head in surprise at the unexpected term of "friendship". "I assume you're familiar with the pub's menu, so perhaps you could recommend a drink for us? And as a gesture of peace, allow us to buy you one as well."
Shanks takes a step closer to you, his towering figure now more imposing than ever. His broad shoulders and the three scars adorning his left eye serve as a testament to the challenges he must have  faced. Despite his daunting presence, you don't feel small or intimidated, but rather protected and safe. The calm aura that surrounds him soothes your senses, and his captivating smile leaves you feeling somewhat weak in the knees.
"I wouldn't mind another drink..." you murmur, unable to maintain eye contact with Shanks, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness within you.
Shanks extends a welcoming gesture, calling out to Buggy. "Come on, Buggy. Just like the good old times, as friends!" His words hold a subtle excitement, and a knowing smile graces his face. In that moment, you realize that Shanks has indeed recognized you and is glad to see you. However, it dawns on you that Buggy remains oblivious to your true identity, adding an extra layer of amusement for Shanks. You both suddenly smile at each other.
With a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, you join Shanks and Buggy, ready to embrace the reunion...
To be continued.
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teagballs · 8 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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Summer Drabble Request: Robert Downey Jr x fem!Reader, established relationship (married), with Prompt 6. "Can I kiss you?" from Fluff List 2 please?
Showing off our love
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PAIRING || Husband!Robert Downey Jr. x Wife!Pregnant!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 750 words
SUMMARY || Tonight, you'll grace the red carpet for the first time since you and Robert got the great news about your pregnancy, and he will make sure to make it a night everyone will remember for the rest of your life together.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || RPF. Established relationship. Pregnancy fic. Age gap. Referenced difficulty with conception.
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. Thank you for this fantastic prompt, Sage, because it has sparked something beautiful if you ask me! I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did when writing it! This is not proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. 🤍
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Photo: @ccbsrmsf1 || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Robert Downey Jr. || Summer of Drabbles
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Each time you and Robert are invited to an event that includes a red carpet, he makes sure to pull out all the stops for you, as he wants you to feel like the queen you are in his eyes. From the most beautiful of dresses to the best of make-up and hair, everything is taken care of without you having to lift a single finger.
Today, you are invited to a movie premiere, and you're looking forward to it. You'll be able to catch up with some people you haven't seen in a while like his Marvel co-stars Scarlett and Sebastian, who have also been confirmed to visit.
"How're you feeling about tonight, Gorgeous?" Robert asks, smirking as he meets your gaze in the mirror while the hairstylist takes care of your hair.
"Good, I'm really excited to show off our little guy tonight," you say as you let your hand rest on your belly. You're nearing the seventh month of your pregnancy, which you have been able to keep a secret for this long because you're not in the public eye often.
You may have married one of Hollywood's most famous men, but that doesn't mean you always want to be in the spotlight. You're looking forward to it tonight, as it'll be your first appearance since finding out about the little boy growing in your belly.
"So am I; it'll be amazing to finally share our secret," he says as he bends down to kiss you on your cheek, heat radiating through his soft lips as they touch your heated skin.
Then, he walks over to the closet, where your gown for the night is displayed; it's a simple black gown that has been fitted to perfection to accommodate your growing belly, letting the world know about the miracle growing in your belly.
The road to becoming pregnant has been challenging for you both, which has made the fact that it finally happened even more special. You're enjoying every moment of it while you can because it'll be over before you know it.
After he has admired your dress for a few moments, he is called in to get his outfit and hair done so that you and your husband will be done simultaneously and ready to leave right after. Once that time has arrived, your husband has to take a moment to pick his jaw off the floor from the sight of you, blood suddenly rushing everywhere; it shouldn't be right now.
"I- wow, fuck! I'm speechless, Gorgeous; you're even more beautiful than I thought you would be," he whispers as he pulls you close, gently caressing your belly before he takes the hand with your ring, bringing it to his lips to kiss it. The smile you're wearing now has not left your lips the entire evening, as he truly knows how to make you feel like the most beautiful, loved, and cherished woman on earth.
The ride to the movie premiere is quick, but before you get out of the car, you take a few deep breaths to prepare yourself for what's about to happen. Robert gives you a reassuring look as he grabs your hand, and then it's time.
Photographers and journalists are all over you when you leave the car. A loud cheer is heard for Robert's arrival and your pregnancy, which will be the talk of the town for the next few weeks. Your hand is firmly held by your husband's, letting you know he's not going anywhere without you.
Once you're on the carpet, your hand lying on your belly and your husband pulling you into his side, he moves to whisper something in your ear.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, and it heats your cheeks once again. You nod before moving your head to meet his gaze, a soft look on his features. Robert gently lays his hand on your belly alongside yours before leaning in and capturing your lips softly, giving everyone a moment never to forget.
"I love you so much, Gorgeous, and I love our little Nugget as well," he whispers, making you smile wide. Your secret is finally revealed to the world, and you can't wait to meet the little feet that have been kicking you for almost seven months.
"I love you too, Robert; I couldn't have done any of this without you," you tell him before pecking his lips a few times. The love between you two is visible in every single moment that passes, proving exactly why you are Hollywood's power couple.
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
A Breaking Point Like No Other| Aesop Sharp x F! Reader
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x F! Reader
Summary: In your last semester at Hogwarts, an encounter with your Potions Professor in the restricted section gets heated, prompting an invitation from the man himself for a whole lot more.
Word Count: 3187
Themes: Smut, teasing, fingering, orgasm denial, cock warming, student/teacher
A/N: Okay, so I made a headcanon where Sharp secretly took a potion that would temporarily relieve the pain in his leg, making it easier for him to have sex in this fic. Idk how else he would without feeling pain in that leg lol I kind of feel like the sex scene is too short but I honestly don’t know what else to write and didn’t want to write too much and make the fic feel cluttered. 
Potions was your favorite class, but it wasn’t because you loved making potions, though that part was both relaxing and stress-inducing. No, you loved potions class because your favorite professor taught it–Professor Sharp. His gruff attitude had scared many off but he did have quite a few admirers despite this. You were one of these many admirers and had long fantasized about him. You couldn’t do anything of course, but you were in your last semester so you did toy with the thought of confessing before you left Hogwarts and never saw him again.
You went to your last class of the day–Defence Against the Dark Arts–and spent a challenging time learning Bombarda Maxima and how to cast it properly without blowing up everything around you. It was difficult but you got the hang of it at last and nearly perfected it when class was dismissed. As you headed out, you made your way towards the library. Thankfully, Madame Scribner had allowed you access to the restricted section as you had proven to her that you liked to research the things found in hidden books for pure knowledge, not for practice or for nefarious purposes. The idea of learning something new and strange excited you, making you walk a bit more excitedly towards the section.
You walk further and further into the section, walking down some stairs and through a few gates until you find a narrow hallway filled with books and begin to walk down it when you see a silhouette becoming clearer and clearer as you approach. The silhouette takes form and materializes as a familiar face. You didn’t expect to bump into Professor Sharp in the restricted section but there he was. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hide. Making sure you didn’t look startled or off put, you continued walking and stopped near him, calling out to him, “I didn’t expect to see you here Professor.”
He turns towards you with a look of surprise, clearly not expecting you to be there either. 
“Ah, Miss Y/N.  I assume you’re not here to revise for your N.E.W.T.s?”
“Um, no sir. But I am revising alongside this! I just like to research subjects that interest me outside of the curriculum” You say, trying to recover from your blunder. 
“Hmm, good. I admire your constant pursuit of knowledge, but try not to put aside your studies in favor of your extracurriculars.”
“Y-yes sir!”
Chuckling, he changes the topic. “I noticed you have been spending more time with the Sallow boy. I do hope his disregard for the rules doesn’t influence you too much. Can’t have you ruining your reputation and failing before graduation.” 
You perk up. You hadn’t expected him to continue the conversation, let alone talk to you. Even more, he was being friendly with you–and that was saying something, as the two of you had never really talked that much in class. He had gone over to your cauldron to check on how your potion was going, but he did that to everyone else. He would also give you words of praise, words that would bring a blush to your cheeks, but again he did, occasionally, give others praise. Him being friendly now outside of class was, quite frankly, only making you more hopeful for a mutual affection for one another–though there was still some doubt in that regard.
“I won’t let that happen. Sebastian is a good friend and we haven’t done anything wrong.” A fib at best, you tried to stand up for your friend. He’d been there for you and you for him, and despite the two of you getting into trouble because of his ideas, you were fiercely loyal to him.
“While I certainly trust your judgment, I don’t quite trust his. Just make sure you don’t get into too much trouble.”
“I will, professor.” Sensing the lack of things to talk about, you ended the conversation and attempted to find a book that piqued your interest, kneeling down to look at the bottom shelf. There was a peaceful silence for a time but it was disrupted when you heard a sigh. Turning slightly, you see Professor Sharp with a curious expression on his face. He appeared to be conflicted about something but you couldn’t tell what. You turned back and continued to look for a book, pulling your hair out of the way and putting it all on one side, leaving your neck exposed. He inhales, and chuckling softly, mutters underneath his breath. 
“You really are going to be my downfall, aren’t you?”
Frowning, you turn to him and say, “Did you say something sir?”
He looks at you for a moment, questioning what he’s about to do. With eyes full of a hunger you could not see, he chooses his path. 
“Are you really here to research, Y/N, or are you here for something else?”
Not waiting for you to respond, he continues, “It appears to me you may have some…ulterior motive in coming here. I tend to come here to spend my time researching and never see you here and yet here you are now. Am I to understand that it is simply a coincidence? That you are simply choosing a book over what you’re really here for? No, I believe you came here with one goal in mind.”
Committing himself to this line of questioning, he approaches you confidently and swiftly. He slams his arm against the shelf, trapping you there against his body. You could feel the heat radiating from him, causing your skin to prickle in arousal. He tilts your chin up with one hand, speaking in a hushed but seductive tone, “I believe you have set yourself in my path, knowing full well your affect on me. Your constant teasing in class only to play the meek school girl when we are alone is enough to drive me mad. Now I find you here, alone, open and ready for me. How much longer are you going to tempt me?”
“Sir…” You softly mutter, hands on his chest, clutching his shirt in your trembling fists. Your legs were weak, craving his touch and to be dominated by him. He moves his hand from your chin to your waist, holding you to him and increasing the pressure on you, forcing you to feel how erect he was. You really had nowhere to escape now, your professor made sure of that. You could only breathe heavily, showing him how ready you truly were for him. 
The arm that was holding you to him went lower, making you gasp as his hand stopped on your ass and squeezed. You turned your eyes towards his and it seemed like time stopped. It was only a few moments but in that time, you had lifted your head to his and he had lowered his to yours, and the two of you had locked lips. He placed his hands on your face, deepening the already passionate kiss. It felt like fireworks inside you as you realized what was happening. You were finally kissing the man you had had a crush on for so long, and he had wanted to do the same for a long time.
He lifted you by the waist and you jumped, wrapping your legs and arms around him and continuing the kiss. You ran your fingers through his hair as he moved with the force of the motion. His back hit a shelf on the opposite side of the hall and he slid down, forcing you to sit on his lap. Your underwear was wet from all of what happened and Sharp could feel it through his clothes. His member poked through his pants and you could feel it pressing up against your entrance. You moaned lightly, slowly grinding against it and drawing a pained grunt from him as he tried to resist tearing off your clothes. You were so close to being ravished by him but even you knew this was not where you would want that to happen. There were too many ways for you to get caught, even in an abandoned area of the restricted section.
Blinking, you took in the situation once more. His hands gripped your waist and you were on his lap, clothing ruffled and arms around his neck. In the silence a gate was heard opening in the distance and soon after another opened, though it was much closer. At the sound of someone quickly approaching, the two of you shot up, trying to fix your appearances before they saw you in a compromising position. Your face was flushed and you were shaking a little, but besides that, you looked fine. 
The person turned a corner, entering a different section of the library and missing you entirely. Breathing a sigh of relief, you started to get ready to leave but were stopped by him. Before he left, Professor Sharp came up to you and put his mouth to your ear, speaking quietly, “Meet me in my room in the faculty tower at midnight. Don’t be late.”
And with that, he left, leaving you incredibly giddy and lustful, deep in thought for what was going to happen that night. You left quickly, not wanting to attract attention to yourself for staying down there for too long and went to your dorm to pass the time.
Later that night, you quickly made your way to Sharp’s room, making sure you were not detected by any of the prefects or lingering adults. You quietly knocked on his door and he let you in. He was still in his work uniform but he had taken off his coat, blazer, and vest, leaving him in a white button up and loosened tie. Blushing, you turn to look at the room instead, noticing how huge it was. It was so much bigger than the dormitory and it felt quite cozy and relaxed. While you were distracted, Sharp was muttering something outside the room and entered after a moment, closing the door behind him.
After observing you, he turns to you and declares, “You don’t have to worry about the sound. I have placed a silencio charm on the outside of this room–no one will be able to hear you.”
You shudder at his words, ready for the fun to begin. He steps forward until he is right in front of you and grabs a lock of your hair, twirling it around in his fingers.
“From now on, when we are alone you are to call me either sir or Aesop. Understood?”
You meekly nodded your head, becoming mute in your longing for him. After receiving the response he desired, he took off his tie and his shirt but left his pants on. You could see his muscled body entirely and greatly wanted to grab onto him and feel him all over. Turning his attention to you, he begins to undress you. He takes off your skirt, taking the underwear down with it and begins to loosen your tie. Once loosened, he pulls you to him, placing teasingly quick kisses on your lips as he both pulled and pushed you. Once you got too close to giving in he would pull away, making you beg for more. Eventually, he gets rid of the tie and unbuttons your shirt, throwing it aside and exposing your breasts. His gaze pierces your soul, letting you feel how badly he wanted to ravish you. Instead, he swiftly picks you up and walks over to his bed, promptly throwing you on it.
Sharp gets on the bed and removes your socks, spreading your legs open for him. He takes one leg and kisses it, leaving a trail starting from your ankle. He gets to your inner thigh and bites down, sucking on it and causing you to whimper. His facial hair tickled against your sensitive skin, amplifying the effect he was having on you. He did the same to the other leg and by the end of it, your body was shaking and pulsing from desire. It pulsed so loud you thought he would be able to hear it–to hear your need, but he didn’t need to hear it. He saw all too clearly what exactly you were feeling.
“You have been a very difficult girl today. It appears I have to discipline you for enticing your professor.” With that, he jams three fingers into you without warning, making you cry out. Your body is ill-prepared and clenches tightly around his fingers as he drives them in and out. From time to time he would move them around, teasing you and enjoying watching your body cling to him. Once you become used to the sensation, you grind your body against his fingers, chasing the pleasure they gave.
 He takes as much pleasure from this act as you do, but he doesn’t allow himself or you to finish that quickly. Just as your body starts to tense up and prepare for release, he pulls his fingers out, denying your orgasm. You quiver as your body tries to recover from his careless teasing. The orgasm may have left you, but in return it made your body all the more sensitive. Your primal instincts were driven to the extreme and they took over you completely.
“P-please,” you weakly got out, “Fuck me.”
Your chest heaved with the effort, making you feel like putty in his hands. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. What is it that you want?”
Glancing up at him, you see him staring straight at you, challenging you to tell him what exactly you wanted him to do to you. What he was going to do to you. Not being able to take it anymore, you cried out, “Please Aesop, fuck me!”
Sharp’s eyes darkened with hunger and a smile formed on his lips. He got off of the bed and removed his pants, revealing his long and hard member. Your eyes widened and you felt another pulse run through your body. You longed for him, longed for him to be inside you and make you his. Watching his every move, you saw him approach you and get on the bed. He moved to be on top of you, ensuring that his member was primed at your entrance. The anticipation drove you mad, making you wrap your arms around him to keep him close to you. He gave you a quick kiss before remarking, “And now, since you’ve been so good, I think it is time for your reward.”
He enters you and you groan at the impact. He is just as relentless as he was with his fingers as he pounds into you. You cling tight to him, leaning your head back and moaning loud for him. Grinding your body into his, you attempt to follow his tempo while he places wet, heavy kisses on your neck.  Stopping on a spot on your neck, he bites down and sucks, making a dark marking on it. Feeling him tongue the mark and kiss it, you softly whimper before deciding to do the same. 
You move your mouth to his chest, kissing it slowly upwards until you come to his neck and bite down. You suck lazily and mark him with the same marking he placed on you. He grunts, placing his hand on your head and pulling you back to face him. Your breasts bounce against his chest, stimulating you both as he thrusts harder into you, forcing lewd moans out of your mouth. His arousal increases as he watches you so completely taken over by lust. Your eyes are glazed and your face is flushed, your breath coming out in quick heavy spurts. You gasp, feeling your body tense up and your vagina pulse wildly, indicating the arrival of your climax.
“Aesop, I’m about to–” You barely get out when you cum, releasing the tension in your body and letting the viscous fluid pour out from you onto your legs and onto his dick. Your body deflates while your highly ravaged pussy sticks to his penis, submitting itself to him and his desires. Still not finished, Sharp continued to use you until he was satisfied with his work.
Leaning down, he kisses you roughly, relishing in the sweet moans you make against his mouth as he continues to plow into you. All you can do right now is hold onto him as you let him use you until he’s spent. Each movement triggers your already sensitive body, making you grind into him more to chase the remaining high. He leans more into you and growls, his own orgasm fastly approaching and releases into you, coating you with his cum. He gives a few more thrusts into you, forcing his cum further in you and preventing its escape. Shaking, he gets off of you, his member dripping with your fluids, and lies on his side. You turn towards him and snuggle up to him, his arm holding you to him.
With your lips now swollen and your body spent, you put your head on his chest, eyes lidded with exhaustion. Sharp grabs your waist, pulling you into his dick where it lay at your entrance. It appeared that while he was indeed tired, he still had some libido left over. Not even being able to think of another round, your body shook against his touch, displaying some of your own leftover desire despite the exhaustion.
After recovering his breath, he huskily says, “I hope you didn’t think you got away this lightly, Miss Y/N. Tomorrow you will be serving detention with me in my classroom. Or rather, you will be serving it with me for the foreseeable future.”
Feeling a slight pulse in your weakened body, you grinded into him and let him enter you once more. Your body welcomed this familiar feeling and hugged his penis, lightly encasing it in you. He groaned in approval, forcing himself more into you as he grinded with you before the two of you settled down.
“Well, if detention is going to be as fun as this, I’ll gladly serve it every day, sir.”
“I think you need a harsher punishment then. I will not be this lenient with you from now on. You will have to take whatever punishment I give you without complaint.”
“I shall look forward to it then. I wonder how many ways you will have me. On your desk, on your chair, in your–”
He cuts you off, nipping at your lips. “Say anymore and I will have you again–with or without your permission.”
Lowering one hand, he places it on your clit and runs his fingers lightly on it before removing them, giving you a reminder of what he is capable of. You shudder in delight, feeling excitement creep in as you look forward to the next day. Satisfied, he turns the lights off with a single nonverbal spell and rests his head on your head, letting the two of you fall asleep with lustful hopes for the future.
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girlietips · 3 months
Stressed to Blessed July First Week 🎧🧘🏼‍♀️🕊️
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Welcome to Stressed to Blessed July!!! I am so excited to be sharing this challenge with you guys. Also if there is any weird spelling errors or inconsistencies in this post please let me know. I am writing this post while on a 12 hour road trip with my family for the Fourth of July. I’ll go back and edit more once I get where I have consistent service. Anyway here is your weekly challenge and journal prompts.
Weekly Challenge📝🧘🏼‍♀️🥗
Do a complete reset and deep clean of your space. Organize everything and get rid of anything saying you down. Once this is done you can pinpoint the places that don’t work that well and need to be changed.
Go through your phone and make it so you have 0 notifications. Answer emails turn of notifications from the apps that spam you with useless notifications. This clears up visual clutter from your phone.
Journal Prompts Days 1-7📖🎧🕊️
Who is the person I want to be? What is standing in my way to becoming them?
What have I been procrastinating and why am I avoiding it?
What habits do I avoid doing and why?
What was the worst era of your life and what did you learn from it?
What was the best era of your life and what did you learn from it?
When do you feel most alive? What makes you feel that way?
What are you most proud of?
If you are not feeling these prompts feel free to look up more or just journal whatever you feel. These are just for inspo!
Also I just checked and there is 500 of you now and that’s so crazy to me! I’m so grateful and I hope we can build an amazing community here together!
Byeeee cuties!🥰🌸😘
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