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You know, my brother… I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him.
Animated version here.
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Hey, so I was wondering if you'd like to RP some Michifer? I've been trying to find someone to RP it with for a little while now.
Hello! I know I probably took 1000 years to answer I'm so sorry But I'd love to. I can write Michael or Lucifer it's up to you ♡
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My thoughts
Just get your dirty hands off my little morning star already please
Somehow part of me just glad that the writers writes Lucifer’s death…
They already ruin his character so deep and now finally, they can stay away from my dearest archangel.
And that means I also don’t need to tolerate this show’s shit storyline anymore.
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Now I’m going to enjoy FarCry5 and looking forward to Mark’s next show or movie :)
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I love Lucifer
But thinking about him being brought back
It's a no
What for?
For them to ruin the character?
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He already started crying here, he wants Gabriel to stop but he is already too hurt that he can’t even say a word.
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and then after that? he cried and he doesn’t even know what should he do. He just touches his hands again. 
He is used to this kind of situation that nobody even try to understand him, listen to him, everyone just blaming him about everything. 
All the humans and angels called him in every possible bad ways but then his little brother called him cancer, evil, disease. Worst possible word ever in one of the worst situation in his life. 
Painful scene in history.
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Say whatever but he was defeated and maybe a little suicidal at one point, they pushed all his buttons called him cancer and monster. His total going off his head into full evil mode and ragging frustration is sort of understandable.
Poor lucifer, nobody ever truly understood him,
Nobody ever gave him a warm hug.
Even though he was ruined unapologetically.
Nobody EVER helped him.
And then now he is dead.
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~ Romans, 13:4
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If we lose, we’ll die I decided not to cry  And that’s why I fight 
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Mornings in Heaven were always the best – waking up in Michael’s arms, their wings just brushing at the tips, sending tiny electric shocks rushing down Lucifer’s spine every time he moved. Leaning in to brush his nose against his older brother’s and watching for the warmth that filled his dark brown eyes as he slowly woke up. The small, private smile that curved the corners of his lips as he took in the sight of Lucifer laying beside him in the Garden, or wherever they had decided to stay the night.
None of that warmth is present in Michael’s eyes when he casts Lucifer out, and it’s pretty hard to hold onto a memory when you’re clearly the only one remembering it, so Lucifer lets it go, the same way he lets so much else go when he falls, and by the time he sees Michael again, wings burned and damaged beyond repair, he’s forgotten how it felt to be whole, and safe, and loved. 
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omg <3
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@ littlemissazure asked:  “ Can I get a drawing of uh… Shadow Moon with Easter (they’re one of my favorite ships from the book) or a sweet fluffy drawing of Michael (Matt Cohen) and Lucifer from SPN? Not romantically, necessarily, but just them being happy together (though if you wanna tag it as Michifer, I don’t really care.)” __ One out of two is done! I don’t know if this is what you wanted, but I couldn’t get the image of big bro Michael showing little Luci some magic out of my head :) I will do Shadow and Easter too, but in the meantime here you go! Have a nice day!!
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ive wanted to write this with someonr for so long omggg
No but: AU where Michael can't bring himself to cast Lucifer out and falls with him
why isn’t this more of a thing
also: God as a dick
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Cage!Michael: Helllllooo?
Cage!Michael: I can fix most of your problems
Cage!Michael: Hellloooo
Cage!Michael: I’m so fucking lonely
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I’ve been thinking.
Michael seemed to have no problem with casually telling Dean that he still loves Lucifer, and he even referred to Sam as “[Dean’s] darling little Sammy” before going into a lecture about true vessels (emphasising his parallels with Dean and Lucifer’s parallels with Sam, ergo emphasising his relationship with Lucifer).
But he didn’t say anything of the sort to Lucifer’s face.
The closest he got was a deep breath, then “… Yeah. Me too” after Lucifer prompted him with “I wish we didn’t have to do this”. He seemed to be argumentative whilst Luce kept begging him to not fight - he was defensive and called Lucifer a monster.
Did he have to remain stoic and angry so he didn’t break? He couldn’t show Lucifer the affection he previously explicitly stated was still there to Dean - is it because it made it easier? If he could pretend he didn’t care, he wouldn’t seem weak, and he could kill Lucifer and get it over with, right?
Also, “your darling little Sammy” is one hell of a statement, Michael. Did someone refer to your brother as “your darling little Luca/Morning Star”?
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Oh my god, why.
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Drawing some luci at work, Sadly I imgined luci’s death but the important thing is that his eyes finally glowed in blue, instead of red
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                  We almost knew what love was,                                        But almost is never enough.
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Dude someone's got to draw this or something!
Sam: *praying* I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away… maybe send me an angel. The nicest angel you have.
Lucifer, climbing out of the cage in hell: [MANIACAL LAUGHTER]
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