so AOD is closed????
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Do I owe any replies? 
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Castiel nodded and said, "I suppose it was quite a meaningless thing."
Suprise? Yea, that was the usual response to Castiel’s air around him. But Castiel wasn’t really hopeful in most situations. He would always be hopeful when fighting for the human race, but in the big scheme of things, nothing was bright. “I am not most people. I’ve seen the course of history, and how it works.”
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Castiel under the influence of this liquid was definitely... Interesing, to say the least. He was smiling now, waving at everyone who would even look at him when he walked by. That small, content smile, coming from this somber angel was an unusual idea. But, here it was, stuck on the face of Castiel, the hellish thoughts around it having no effect. 
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Suprise? Yea, that was the usual response to Castiel's air around him. But Castiel wasn't really hopeful in most situations. He would always be hopeful when fighting for the human race, but in the big scheme of things, nothing was bright. "I am not most people. I've seen the course of history, and how it works."
"You’re right." Castiel just enjoyed being "happy" or whatevr you wanted to call it. The world was bleak and dark, and when you could paint over that, sometimes you had to smile. But, in the end, the paint would peal off with the cruel fire of reality.
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Castiel was trying to gather a plan, but none came. It looked like it would be a game of survival here, until the angel could find a way out. Breaking the game was his goal, but it would have to wait for now it seemed. Castiel looked back into Hinata's face and stated, "Room? No." There would be lodgings in this place. The angel didn't sleep, but a little "home" was nice."
Seriously, I don't like this { open }
Cas had disappointed the human, and he knew it. He was one of the few Angels who cared for humanity these days, and could do nothing to help these people… He was an embarrasment to his cause. A one-man army without any weapons is what he was. Help? Hinata wanted to help Castiel? Why? He could give nothing in return to the human of use in his current state of power,but nonetheless the boy offered help. Selflessness, a quality slowly draining from the Earth. Castiel looked up at the sky and muttered, “I don’t know.”
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"You're right." Castiel just enjoyed being "happy" or whatevr you wanted to call it. The world was bleak and dark, and when you could paint over that, sometimes you had to smile. But, in the end, the paint would peal off with the cruel fire of reality.
Castiel fell silent under the hard gaze of the man, and the small coy smile that had a chance of forming on the angel’s feautures left.
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Castiel followed the instruction, desiring to be mended as soon as possible. He would bleed, but preferred not to for no cause. A raccoon simply being irked was not an acceptable cause. It made Castiel feel vurnerable and small. "Okay," was all he said before coming along with this man. Castiel was grateful for the help.
Castiel didn’t smile of course, but he did appreciate the gesture. Having someone to walk with was pleasant sometimes, and Castiel could use a bit of a cheer up. “That would be preferable.”
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Castiel didn't want to get caught off guard in this place by anything that may attempt to slay him. The school was clearly dangerous, and Castiel knew how to hold his ground in such a place. He had been in a warzone after all, and the stakes were much higher than only his own life in that battle.
Castiel did not yet know what to think of this girl. She was strange, out of the ordinary, that was for certain. The angel was never the best at acquiring friends, and usually would just be silent and solemn. However, this girl had remained in conversation with him longer than most would, so the chances could be higher. Castiel looked at this stranger's face, wondering why she was so casual about the talk of demons. Bluntly and plainly he put the words, "You aren't human, are you? You're something else."
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She knew about demons? Strange, most humans rejected the idea of the malevolent beings of Lucifer and Hell as silly superstitions or mere religious threats. But this girl did not seem entirely human, or perhaps she had artificial lenses for her eyes. “Defeating a demon is no simple task. . I am astonished that you even believe in such creatures, but I promise you that in my current state it will kill you.” Castiel spoke sternly, as he usually did, and looked into the eyes of the girl. 
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Castiel fell silent under the hard gaze of the man, and the small coy smile that had a chance of forming on the angel's feautures left.
"Some seem to be in a more pleasant mood today. I suppose this is what holidays do to man."
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"Some seem to be in a more pleasant mood today. I suppose this is what holidays do to man."
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So for Leon and Marcy, I'll get the starters done before the New Year, but after Christmas. 
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☭ me crying as i send you like the fourth ask today
[no do not cry]
Battle intro: “You can't defeat me."
Victory: "Now go." 
Alternate Victory (Lethal):  "I'm sorry..."
Defeat: "...."
Assist: "Don't touch her". 
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Castiel does not have many opinions yet about Sabitsuki but is intrigued by her belief in demons, and her somewhat inhuman looks She seems to not understand the threat of a demon, but yet again most don't believe in them at all
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Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
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Battle intro:
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☢Dare - sing a christmas song of your choice to the muse beneath this ask.
[this is gonna be great]
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☢Headcanons - Send a word and the mun will write our a response of how it relates to their character. ☢Truth or Dare - We all know how this one works, don’t just overrun it with dares! There’s a truth part to it y’know! ☢Ask My Character/Mun - Ask the character anything, they are even allowed to break the fourth wall. Even send questions to the mun, this can help to know them better! ☢Drabbles - Give the muse a prompt and they may write a short drabble on it.
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