#we have an elf
forgotmysword · 6 months
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Doomed from the beginning
Unknown / Marguerite Duras / Blanca Varela / Ramona Ausubel / Anne Carson / Heather Havrilesky / Michael Cunningham / Lisel Mueller / Richard Siken x Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
hey you know how reflective eyes are a bit spooky in the dark
do you think for races with darkvision it'd be spooky that humans' eyes are completely lightless in the dark
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bardicblast · 8 months
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detectiveneve · 3 months
"Epler says players will see early on (and as the narrative develops across Veilguard) that Solas sees much of himself in you, the player-controlled Rook, especially "the parts that maybe he doesn't like to face." As a result, there's an interesting push and pull between Solas and Rook. He says players can define the relationship between these two characters with their choices in dialogue." (here)
game-sanctioned parallels between antagonist and protagonist. oh I'm sure I'll be normal about this
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Imagine a feanorian or a nolofinwean etc traveling back in time to the years of the trees-
And finwe, of all elves, clocks onto something being wrong before anyone else, bc he grew up in a time where it was killed or be killed and he wants to know why his grandkid(s) went from an elf who has never seen a day of strife in their life, to a hardened warrior with ptsd seemingly overnight.
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bbq-potato-chip · 10 months
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still thinking about them
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championsandheroes · 9 months
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No, I'm still not ok with Certain Comments and how we weren't allowed to call people out on their bs. Like, come on, you've only got one god, Cassandra, surely there's plenty of room for you to adopt some more?
Patreon, society6, and redbubble are not responsible for the hurt feelings of any deities.
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iced-souls · 6 months
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I’ve been getting so much nostalgia from the randomly recommended videos to me about skylanders that I decided to doodle up some of the characters I remember using most often.
Which inevitably made me receive more nostalgia from the figurines we kept cause OMG I FORGOT THEY HAD CARDS—
Closer/more pics under the cut
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
hobbit crossover stuff in my wips folder
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I didn't share em bcuz 1) am dying over uni and didn't finalize anything 2) realise I wanna draw actually lotr/hobbit stuff instead of a crossover because I found a new love for the fandom
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gammija · 6 months
now im also still thinking about tma dnd au.... mostly i agree with jonny&alex' assignments. Signing a contract to work in the Archives is really signing a pact with the Eye, so everyone there multiclasses in warlock, but only Jon really gains levels in it because of all the xp he gets by reading statements. Tim is a fighter, Sasha a 'real' wizard, Martin a bard who performs poetry instead of playing an instrument, says he studied at the College of Lore, but really he's self-taught and not even level 3 in bard.
Species though. i mostly drew Jon as a tiefling cause i wanted to give him horns but really, a tiefling would be preoccupied with whether or not he's turning into a monster. Sasha can just be human, and i think Tim is a half-elf, charismatic, easily fitting in with most crowds.
On the one hand i want Martin to be tall. but on the other. he just is a halfling. easily underestimated, typically caring, not very fast, not easily immobilized by fear, and, considering how little he gets hurt or wounded compared to tma's other characters, definitely a certain kind of lucky
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cinnamonsikwate · 9 months
i'm really curious about what marcille's mother's deal is. seems like she's not too big on the rest of elven society. here's what we know about her so far:
mage at a human royal court (adventurer's bible)
courtship with marcille's father donato lasted 17 years (adventurer's bible)
specialty is roast pork, which was also donato's favorite (chapter 81)
had a cheerful personality up until the point donato got too sick to eat his favorite food. her extreme emotional reaction to this left a lasting impression on marcille (chapter 81)
remarried to a gnome and moved away from the city at some point after donato died (adventurer's bible)
several portraits of her appear in marcille's nightmare (chapter 42); this is the second time we see marcille dream of her (chapter 3)
preferred non-elven food and didn't introduce marcille to any traditional elven dishes (chapter 74)
from the canaries' reactions in chapter 74, it appears elven society looks down on elves who go to live among and work for short-lived races. they seemed especially put off that she would have a mixed-blood child. when they're talking about the lyrikmumare to get marcille to trip up, marcille envisions her mother saying that the food "here" (i.e., the northern continent) tastes so much better. so the picture we're getting here is of an elf who has removed herself from elven culture, but the question is, did she do it willingly or was she forced to?
keeping her other actions in mind, i'm leaning more towards the former. the most intriguing thing for me is that she eventually married a gnome, despite elves and gnomes having infamously waged war against each other over differences in the practice of magic and presently tending to discriminate against the other on sight. (one thing's for sure — marcille's mother is winning the idgaf war!)
marcille never talks about her gnome stepfather though, and it's unclear what she thinks of her mother's remarriage. the timing of the remarriage is also a mystery. donato married marcille's mother when he was 32 (after having courted her for 17 years) and died at 82, meaning they were married for 50 years. marcille is also currently 50 years old, but we know she wasn't born immediately after the marriage: in chapter 81, donato's doppelganger says marcille was born when he'd started "getting on in years." based on marcille's memories of him and the established fact that the average tall-man lifespan is 60 years, i'd hazard that he was in his 50s then. this gives him 30 years or less with marcille — definitely less than 35, which we know is the age at which she left for the magic academy.
we don't know if marcille's mother remarries before or after marcille leaves (if before, than that's definitely a shockingly short time), but it's interesting that she chose to marry someone from a long-lived race this time. maybe this is her way of ensuring she spares herself another heartbreak? or maybe she *is* still heartbroken and is trying to cover it up.
but. i can't help but kind of agree with chilchuck in chapter 81, that marcille's parents are not blameless for marcille becoming the dungeon lord. since it's apparently well-documented, they surely must have known — as well-educated people — that mixed-blood children face not just discrimination but also mental anguish that comes with their unstable aging (not to mention the sterility). so the way they raised marcille feels frankly irresponsible 😭
anyway. i'd love to get spin-off content where post-adventure marcille and her mother meet again. i feel like there's a lot of unresolved issues there (that can of course be hashed out over a good meal).
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acgamesda · 3 months
I just now realised Davrin and Lucanis are pulling reverse uno on Alistair and Zevran...
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fallloverfic · 3 months
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I know at one point it's shown Laios was walking behind Kabru (so he could see Mithrun's head, upper torso, and arms), but... given we only see part of their trying to figure a way out of the maze house, how long was Laios staring pointedly (and longingly) at Mithrun's ass before coming up with an excuse (the story about silk) to get Kabru to let him do this?
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coveredinsun · 2 months
i put this in a fic so i might as well make it into a post too. this is NOT original, i should say, but it’s basically canon in my head that legolas’ mom died in the war of the last alliance (presumably fighting under oropher, who also perished then) cuz it’s just more narratively weighty than “some gundabad orcs killed her.” peter jackson mega fumbled with that one if you ask me. and i think if legolas were forbidden from going into that fight it would create a scrumptious parallel to gimli being forbidden from going on the quest to reclaim erebor with thorin. which is important and true because everything is about gimleaf. every single time without fail
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kazz-brekker · 9 days
i've seen a couple people say that they don't think sauron ever actually cared for galadriel not because clearly their interactions are hugely underscored by his lies and manipulations but because he's a maiar and therefore doesn't have anything approaching mortal emotions since he's an entirely different kind of being from a human or an elf, but that's not actually true about maiar. luthien's mom, melian, was also a maia, and she fell in love with thingol of doriath and deeply mourned him when he died, so clearly maiar actually are capable of love for individual people. i do think that sauron considers himself to be above pretty much all other life forms on middle-earth and his interest in galadriel definitely had a lot to do with being drawn to her own power and possible usefulness in achieving his own goals, but that doesn't mean he didn't genuinely care about her in some way. and actually, i think his behavior is a lot more interesting if he DOES care about galadriel and was really wounded by her rejection but still puts his own goals and wants above anyone else.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Semi-related to Thistle talk but it's interesting to compare him with Yaad's generation, because they too are stuck in a perpetual adolescence while still having to carry out adult responsibilities. Given Yaad's entire arc and the apparent ease at which the citizens have worked for centuries on end, one very optimistic take might interpret this as them developing more maturity than Thistle… But then it's pointed out that they're doing all of this because routine is the only thing keeping them sane anymore, and even then they still struggle to find meaning and joy in things other people take for granted, like food. So to other people what looks like maturity is actually repression or apathy for the sake of survival.
And while their situation is definitely not the same as Thistle being taken away from his culture and raised entirely by tallmen, the Golden Country citizens are also disconnected from where they came from and what they "should" be - the previous generations that had a frame of reference for the outside world and a normal lifespan are now gone. That's how we end up with scenes like Chilchuck being unnerved by the brewer that looks like a teen but casually mentions running their own business for 600+ years. They and Thistle all have that dissonance of looking young but having taken on too many duties, much too early, for much too long.
I hadn't thought much about how young the golden kingdom people are I just assumed they were adults but they DO look younger than what we would consider adults.
I theorized on another post that they might all be 16 (but I also say I think they're older there, now I'm not so sure) because that's the age of maturity for Tallmen.
Age of maturity usually means that's when you're considered an "adult" socially (as in now you have adult responsibilities and is expected to carry your own) that's why I think Thistle hasn't reached that yet, its what would thematically fit him the most as a kid with adult responsibilities (wouldn't make sense if he was already the age that's expected to take on these responsibilities)
The golden kingdom citizens don't really feel like they have a stunted growth like thistle to me.... I don't know how to explain how I feel but... it's like they have stunted experiences instead? They don't know what really is like to be alive, they are just going about their lives in a clockwork manner trying not to think about it and missing out on how it feels to live (exemplified by how they don't eat).
What made me feel like that the most is that when Yaad is in Delgal's body it doesn't feel like a teen trapped in an old man's body, it feels like an old man with finally a body that matches? To me the golden kingdom citizens feel more like someone forever trapped in a body much younger than their minds?
That's just my interpretation tho! I like your interpretation too, it's making me think about it more, so I might end up changing my mind. Some of them really do act like kids/teens like the girls asking Marcille to do a fashion show for them, that was very cute, they probably haven't gotten to play in a while.
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