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Machine Learning analyzes user behavior and builds relevancy models that learn and improve as data, content and user activity grows and evolves.For more information visit here: https://goo.gl/R5Es3o
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Data Mining is the computing process of discovering patterns in large data sets using various techniques like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, etc.To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/tJvsPL
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Deep learning is a key to learn from unstructured data beneficially in real-world applications whose  networks can be successfully applied , knowledge application and knowledge-based prediction.  To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/ZFFGRw
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Speech Processing is the transmission of information and it convert a speech signal to group of words.For more information visit here: https://goo.gl/fqh34E
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Data Mining is the process of discovering patterns in large datasets using various techniques like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, etc.To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/WRi9zv
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How Artificial Intelligence Can help to Oil and Gas Industry. To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/d1BBaV
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Real-Time Artificial Intelligence Applications which are going to rule the world in 2018 .To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/AbZqCp
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Python is a Object Oriented  Programming Language. It is open source software language which support multiple programming such as function ,procedural ,imperative. Python is mainly used for machine learning and data science.To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/BTKvSh
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Deep Learning uses Artificial Neural Networks to perform the learning of model  through layers.It is used in image recognition , pattern identification,speech recognition and machine translation.To know more visit here: https://goo.gl/bsBnNb
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Artificial Intelligence  can learn and think same like human using Text Analysis, Speech Recognition Data Mining and Deep Learning. https://goo.gl/4jG9iL
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Web Scraping are used to extract  information from website and access from world wide web. Scraping software automatically process data by using crawler.To know more  visit here https://goo.gl/dYi1W3
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Prediction can be made by training of machine with historical data that fall into three wide categories are: technical analysis, fundamental analysis, technological methods. https://goo.gl/4EKM8o 
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Data Analytics is the most concerning step for a data scientist and data mining.It help growing the business and understand the complex data in structured way.https://goo.gl/PAEKbu
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NLP is a Neuro Linguistic  Programming. It is the process of learning that analyze human language and improving the performance of communication.It can treat with different problems .To know more vist here https://goo.gl/PaGY58
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Business Intelligence are used to make better decision for business .To know more visit here:https://goo.gl/5XPDxe
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Artificial neural networks  are used to abstract data such as images, sound and text. It is the part of  Deep Learning that  includes learning of deep structured and unstructured representation of data and allow to build a solution optimized from algorithm to solve Machine Learning problems.To know more visit here https://goo.gl/7Lf1oM
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Artificial intelligence is the science of making intelligent machine it can react like human.It can perform different task  such as planning ,learning ,reasoning and solve complex problems. For more information visit here: https://goo.gl/XjemXe
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