weronika3 · 11 years
bauti46 replied to your post: bauti46 replied to your post: Sometimes I feel...
okay, that was purpose :) I remember that, it was soo nice, I miss it… I hope you’re doing well with your school
Weronika: Yes, I miss that, too ... I hope you won't mind my message sometimes :) Now when I know that people I like are still here, I think about visiting tumblr frequently :D ... well, school's not so funny and easy I thought it will be (I still have to pass few exams in august, but I'm not complaining...) I'm happy I study there, but sometimes it's too much :) 
What about you, and your school? You can send me message if you want to so we can renew "the old good days"...
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weronika3 · 11 years
bauti46 replied to your post: Sometimes I feel like crawling into the corner and...
oh honey, I wish I knew how to talk to people, no just ‘that sucks’…
Weronika: You know, I wouldn't know how to respond to my post if I were you ... thank you very much just for your reaction ... it's nice when you just can write about how do you feel, it helps...
thank you again, I just had to smile when I read your answer, because I remembered how we talked here a few months ago :) 
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weronika3 · 11 years
Čo s rozpísanou poviedkou a celým týmto blogom?
Popravde, sama neviem, ako a či chcem naďalej strácať čas blogovaním... nie žeby ma to nebavilo, ale jednoducho na to nemám čas. Počas školy v žiadnom prípade a cez prázdniny už vôbec nie, keďže vždy som niekde inde ... nemám však silu zrušiť svoj blog a len tak zabudnúť na tie časy, keď som tu trávila prilepená aj celé hodiny a reblogovala jeden príspevok za druhým... uvidíme, do týždňa sa rozhodnem čo ďalej :) a čo sa týka mojej Klaine poviedky - v žiadnom prípade som sa na ňu nevykašľala, len som bola posledných pár mesiacov psychicky vyčerpaná a bez nápadov... mám však už rozpísanú ďalšiu kapitolu, tak aspoň kapitoly sem pridávať budem :) dúfam, že ste na mňa ešte po tak dlhom čase nezabudli ...
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weronika3 · 11 years
Sometimes I feel like crawling into the corner and die ... I don't know what's wrong with me the last couple of days, but I feel depressed. 
I miss my boyfriend so much ... I haven't seen him for almost 4 weeks and probably I'm not going to see him for 3 next weeks. It's so weird being without him for so long, especially when you used to spend every day togehter (he studies at same university as I do)... 
Now he has no time for me, we talk just for few minutes a day and all I can think about is that I want to go and hug him ... I hate that feeling ... 
I think, I'd like to know what does he think and how does he feel, but I can't because he is so busy that we can't even talk longer than 5 minutes ... :( 
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weronika3 · 11 years
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Hmm, najlepsie zavrsenie vecera #pretozePredPolnocouNamChutiNajviac #vecerVhradci
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weronika3 · 11 years
A quick run-down should you ever find yourself trapped in a horror movie and would prefer to live to tell the tale.
1. Don’t have sex.
Abstinence is key.
2. Don’t go out with people you’ve just met that day.
I don’t care how good he says his weed is
he is cuckoo bananas
and he wants you dead.
3. Don’t go to camp. Especially one where someone was murdered.
There are six words you should YouTube, should you get the chance
“Kevin Bacon in Friday the 13th”
4. Find a good hiding place and… STAY. THERE.
If the killer can’t see you or hear you WHY WOULD YOU MOVE?
Possibly the easiest rule to follow and, ironically enough, the easiest to break.
5. Always wear sensible shoes, ‘cause you never know when you’ll need to run through the woods.
Someone will always be barefoot
Or in heels
Or just plain clumsy
And will sprain their ankles
And die.
6. If the town looks deserted, it’s probably because everyone is dead.
Don’t walk around looking for people
House of Wax, anyone?
7. Don’t be a hero.
Unless you’re name is Harry Fucking Potter, you will die.
Hell, maybe even then.
I mean.
8. If you hear something creepy in the distance, like a dog’s yelp cut off mid-bark, don’t investigate.
The killer is there.
Also your dog is dead.
9. Always check the backseat before entering your vehicle.
The last thing you need is to be killed while trying to merge on the expressway.
10. If your car breaks down in front of a dilapidated gas station, don’t ask a sketchy-looking townie for help.
Some part of your body will wind up in his pick-up truck
11. Don’t go into the basement.
They are creepy enough without you dying in one.
12. If you’re trying to buy a house and the real estate agent won’t answer any direct questions about either the history of the home or the previous tenants, DO NOT MOVE IN.
At some point, someone in the house heard voices and cracked.
13. Turn off the television (and run away) if a girl crawls out of it.
It is obviously your wisest choice.
SEE ALSO:poltergeist, daughter trapped in tv because of.
14. If the walls of your house bleed, do not attempt an exorcism. 
Move very very far away
Because there’s blood on your walls.
15. Don’t act like a detective.
Some crazy Japanese kid who meows like a cat will attack you in a closet.
If you live, awesome story to tell your friend, right?
But if you die, it is like the opposite of awesome.
16. Google the location you’ll be vacationing at.
If more than five reports for “Missing Persons” pops up, you know not to go there.
Issue. Solved.
17. Don’t get drunk. Or come under the influence of any mind-altering drug.
Running away from a killer is that much harder when you’re tipsy and giggling.
18. If you see someone in a mask, don’t assume it’s one of your friends playing a trick on you to scare you.
It is the killer.
ALSO: laughing while saying, “Tommy, is that you in that stupid mask? Oh, I’m so-o-o-o-o scared!” is not conducive to your surviving.
Killers are very sensitive about their disguises.
19. Don’t take a shower.
It’s past midnight at the campground you and your sorority sisters are staying at or
The lock to the door doesn’t work and you hear creepy piano music
20. If the call is coming from inside the house, get out.
Clearly the killer is not outside, now is he
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
 #that is the face of a man who just condemned himself to an eternity in hell for his little brother
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
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One happy afternoon by ~Weronika315
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weronika3 · 11 years
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Nikol, držím zajtra palce... verím, že sa ti bude dariť lepšie ako dnes :) :) 
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 11 years
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weronika3 · 12 years
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A Very Potter Senior Year
ACT 1:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
ACT 2:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
[Youtube Playlist]
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